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Tash Page 6

by ML Guida

  He jumped out of his chair and clasped her arms. “Scarlett?”

  Her eyes returned and she stopped trembling. “Tash,” she glanced at the large screen. “Don’t do it. There’s danger on the starship Zion. You’ll never make it to Zalara alive.”

  “What is she talking about?” Judge Marley snapped. “You have your orders, Captain. United Planet Confederation out.”

  Tash felt the blood drain from his face. Fear and wariness flashed into his crew’s eyes. Some of them sucked in their breaths. Others turned four shades of green. One made a strangled groan.

  Once again, he was forced to make a life or death decision.

  And whether or not to trust his mate.


  Scarlett stared into Tash’s dubious eyes, wanting him to believe her. The tingles slowly left her, but her legs wobbled and she had a hard time catching her breath.

  The ominous man on the screen scared the living daylights out of her.

  All eyes were on her again. Some were skeptical, others wary, and others fearful. She should have stayed back with Willow. Why did her damn visions keep doing this to her? They always appeared at the worst times.

  “I need…I need to sit down.”

  Tash lifted her into his arms and carried her to his chair.

  The gasps and murmurs made her want to crawl into a corner and curl into a ball.

  Tash put his hands on her knees. “Tell me what you saw?” His harsh voice chilled her blood and reminded her of her sister.

  His brother, Vaughn, hurried over to their side. He was a little smaller than Tash and his hair was up in a man’s bun. He’d a shadow of beard, but his concerned eyes chased away a little of her fear. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” A lie. Terror pumped through her, setting off warning signals.

  “Scarlett, tell me what you saw.” Tash’s voice was more persistent.

  She touched her sweating forehead. “I saw an explosion, fire rushing through the Intrepid.”

  Tash narrowed his eyes. “Where?”


  Tash and Vaughn both glanced at each other.

  “How did this happen?” Tash’s low voice was more of an angry growl.

  “A bomb was placed in what looked like an engine. One of the ambassadors doesn’t want us to return for the trial.”

  “Who was it?” Vaughn asked.

  She lowered her head. “I don’t know. I couldn’t see his face. Sometimes I only see bits and pieces. I think it was an ambassador. Or someone was controlling them. I’m sorry I tried, but it’s not clear.” Tears pushed on the back of her eyelids. “But I couldn’t see his face.”

  “So, it was a he?” Vaughn pressed.

  “That much I got,” she said.

  Tash bared his teeth. “Why did they want to blow up the Intrepid?”

  Don’t shift into a bear. Don’t shift into a bear.

  Her lower lip trembled. “Because of me.”

  “Tash.” Vaughn glanced over his shoulder as if he were afraid the walls had ears. “Whoever the ambassador is or whoever is manipulating him believes that Scarlett can uncover the truth.”

  Scarlett clasped Tash’s arm. “You have to get me off this ship. Otherwise, people will die. Including your brother Rye.”

  Tash narrowed his eyes. “They want to kill you?”

  “Yes. If you take me back to Earth…”

  “That’s not happening,” Tash growled. “Someone on that ship knows the truth. Vaughn, how likely is it that someone on board is in alliance with the Kamtrinians?”

  “Very likely. I’m beginning to suspect that something else happened on Sutois that the Kamtrinians don’t want us to know about.”

  “I want you to do a background on each Ambassador. Don’t leave any stone go unturned.”

  “The problem is I won’t know who the ambassadors are until they are on board the Intrepid.”

  “Perhaps.” Tash clasped Scarlett’s hand. “This is where I need you. Can you tell us the names of the Ambassadors? It would give us a head start.”

  A dull ache pulsed in the back of Scarlett’s throat, and she couldn’t swallow. She pressed her fingers to her pounding temples. “I told you. I can’t control my visions.”

  “You need to try.”

  She dropped her hands. “I have, but––”

  “I believe you can do this. My ships depends on you giving us the names of the ambassadors.”

  She bit her lip. “But what if I can’t? If I’m on the Intrepid…”

  “We won’t be on the Intrepid.”

  Vaughn drew his eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”

  “I will take a group of security bears on board Zion, and I will personally take command of the ship. The Intrepid will escort the ship to Zalara. Krup, I need you to contact King Greum on planet Zalara. I want a private communication with him.”

  Vaughn grimaced and shook his head. “That’s against regulation, Tash. You’re risking your command of the Intrepid by disobeying a direct command from the United Planet Confederation.”

  “I will not endanger my crew or this ship.” He stared at Scarlett. “In your vision, we were both on the Intrepid?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Vaughn raised his eyebrow. “What do you plan to do, Captain?”

  “Both Scarlett and I will go on board the Zion. Vaughn, you will be in command of the Intrepid and will escort the ship to Zalara.” He clasped Scarlett’s hand. “Vaughn, you have the com. We will be in my quarters.”

  “Wait, Tash.” Vaughn clasped his arm. “I have a suspicion on what might make her learn how to be in control of her emotions.”


  Vaughn leaned closer to Tash. “Physical intimacy.” His voice was hushed, but Scarlett could hear those words loud and clear.

  Heat flared over her cheeks and blood rushed over her skin, shooting her temperature to scalding. Her clothes stuck to her flesh and she gasped. Sex was the last thing she wanted, even with a hunky bear.

  She glared. “I don’t have say in this.”

  Tash jerked his arm free of his brother’s grasp. “Actually, you do.” He helped her out of the chair. “We have work to do.”

  She hoped he didn’t mean sex.

  “Krup, after the King Greum answers our communication signal, I’d like to have a private word with him. Transfer him to my personal telicator.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Tash led her into the elevator. “Deck three.”

  She wiggled her hand free from his strong one. “Can’t you contact King Greum with your communication device?”

  He shook his head. “No, I need the Intrepid to pick up the signal, which then can be transferred to my telicator.”

  “Oh.” She frowned. “What is your plan?”

  “I do think Vaughn is on the right path.”

  The elevator walls closed in on her and her heart beat louder and stronger, making her wish she’d melt away. She edged way, knowing she was powerless if he tried to rape her, but she clenched her fists, determined to fight him if he made a move against her.

  He glanced at her. “Physical intimacy doesn’t necessary mean sex, Scarlett. It could be just holding hands. I hope that isn’t too disagreeable to you.”

  The doors slid opened. “Promise?”

  He shook his head and headed out of the elevator, not looking over his shoulder. Obviously, she hurt him, but she didn’t want to be forced to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  He entered his quarters. Willow was asleep purring.

  Scarlett motioned. “She must have liked the merops.”

  “It’s a heavier meat.”

  His communication device beeped again.

  Tash answered. “Tash, here.”

  “Captain, it’s Krup. I have King Greum and I’m patching him directly to your telicator.”

  “Thank you.”

  “This is King Greum.” His strong voice reminded Scarlett of a sexy male l
ead in the movies.

  “Greetings, King Greum. Thank you for taking this call.” Tash said as he walked around his quarters like a caged bear. “I need your help.”

  “What can I do for you, Captain?”

  Tash quickly explained to him what was happening on board the Ambassadors’ ship and Scarlett’s psychic abilities. She waited for the king to scoff like everyone else had on Earth.

  “Your mate sounds like she’s very powerful. Impressive.”

  The tension in Scarlett’s shoulders lessened. His response was the last thing she thought she would hear.

  Tash glanced at Scarlett. “Would you be willing to use the Orion to track the Intrepid?”

  “I assume you mean to have the Orion use the cloaking device to track any communications or locate any other ships?”

  “Yes. Do you know the names of the Ambassadors coming to Zalara?”

  “No, the Confederation has kept their identities secret to keep anyone from influencing their decision.”

  “But someone has reached one of them, enough to convince the ambassador to blow up my ship and keep my mate from discovering what really happened on Sutois.”

  “You suspect the Kamtrinians?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “What are your coordinates now?”

  Tash quickly gave the king his coordinates. “Your highness, I need you to do one more thing for me?” He gave Scarlett a hard stare, a stare that turned her insides to jelly.

  “What is that, Captain?”

  “If the Orion detects something happening on the Zion that could be threatening to the Intrepid, I want them to blow up the Ambassador ship.”

  Scarlett’s muscles went numb and her lungs seized up. Only her thundering heart disturbed the silence deafening the cabin. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Excuse me?” King Greum’s voice sounded as surprised as the tremors shaking Scarlett’s body.

  “King Greum. I have information that someone wants to kill my crew and blow up my ship. I won’t repeat…” He tightened his lips and lowered the telicator. He raised the communication device with his shaking hand. “I won’t let my people suffer like they did on Sutois.”

  Scarlett frowned. She closed her eyes and tried to read Tash’s thoughts, but a steel wall slammed into her mind like a hard punch. Panting feverishly, she stumbled backward and braced her hand against the wall.

  So much anger. So much rage. So much sorrow.

  “That wasn’t your fault, Captain. Ysam reported what happened.” The king’s empathetic voice did nothing to erase the tension itched in Tash’s eyes and stiff jaw.

  Whatever happened, Tash bared the guilt. He wore it like a hair shirt.

  “Will you do what I ask?” Tash rested the telicator against his forehead.

  She could detect both reluctance and determination in his voice. This man didn’t want to die, but he’d risk his and hers to save his crew.

  The King released a heavy sigh. “I will inform Captain Topaz of the Orion. King Greum, signing out.”

  Tash slowly closed his telicator. “I don’t mean to put your life in danger–”

  Ignoring the throbbing in her throat, Scarlett drew herself up to her full height and narrowed her eyes. “That’s not true, is it?” Her voice dared him to defy her.

  “No, it’s not. You don’t understand. I won’t let my crew down again. I’ll do anything to keep them safe.”

  She planted her feet shoulder width across and clenched her fists as she determined whether or not to plow one into his stiff jaw. “If you plan on murdering me to save your crew, I think I deserve to know why.”

  He winced. “You still can’t read my mind?”

  She shook her head. “I told you I can’t read your mind. There’s too much anger and sorrow to penetrate.”

  “Then, this will be our first experiment.” He approached her.

  Adrenaline whipped through her, and she unwound her shaking hands. “Don’t touch me.” She backed into a wall.

  “I’m not going to rape you. We don’t rape our mates.”

  She swung her fist, nearly missing him. She gritted her teeth. “Then stay back.”

  He put his hands up. “Scarlett, all I want to do is hold your hand. Please. We don’t have much time.” His voice was frantic which pushed her panic button.

  She wet her lips, not sure at all whether this was a trick. She thought about screaming for help, but then he was the captain. Who would come?

  “Please.” His pleading eyes and pathetic voice broke down her better judgement.

  “Just hold hands?”

  Cursing herself for her stupidity, she reluctantly reached for his hand. He clasped her hand strongly, but gently.

  “Now close your eyes,” he said.

  She pulled on her hand. “No. Let go.”

  “Try to read my mind.”

  She clenched her teeth as she tried prying his fingers off her hand. “I told you I can’t.”

  “Humor me. If it doesn’t work, I promise I’ll let go.” His sincere voice irritated her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Now, concentrate. See if you can see what happened on Sutois.”

  She sighed and thought about scratching him for good measure, but tingles slowly crept up her arm where Tash held her hand. It was as if he were delicately caressing her forearm with his fingernails.

  She peeked and his other arm was at his side. She frowned and stopped fighting the tingles. She inhaled and exhaled deeply. His warm breath swept into her nose, and it reminded her of some sort of pine in the Colorado Rockies. She loved the mountains.

  Her heart beat matched his heartbeat. How did she know that? It was as if they were pressed against each other. She opened one eye and Tash was exactly where he’d been earlier.

  Something was happening. The anger slowly drifted away and overwhelming sorrow and guilt welled up inside her. Her throat closed up and she coughed. She’d never experienced anything so bitterly sad. It was as if everything she knew or loved had just died. Tears pushed against the back of her eyelids and a tear escaped one of her eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, her eyes still closed. “Yes. You’re so sad. I swear you’re Hercules and bear the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

  “Is there anything else?”

  His voice seemed far away. She squeezed his hand tightly.

  She thought he said something, but she couldn’t hear him.

  The hair on the back of her neck itched and her heartbeat slowed. Her arms and legs felt weightless.

  The vision came…

  She was running, running fast through thick foliage. Sweltering heat beat down on her and suffocating the air. But something was off. The plants were all vibrant colors––purple, pink, yellow, orange. She had never seen such strange shaped leaves and weird flowers. Where was she?

  “Run! They’re coming.”

  She recognized that voice. It was Tash and for once, he sounded frantic and terrified.

  He sped ahead, moving his arm. “To the cave! Get to the cave!”

  Heavy footsteps stomped behind her. She turned around and her mouth dropped to her tight chest. She hyperventilated. Air refused to fill her desperate lungs. Her heart thumped between ears, blocking out Tash’s voice.

  A hairy, one-eyed creature that was taller and more muscular than any ape on Earth stood before her. It’s orange eye stared at her as if figuring out whether she was something good to eat. The creature opened its mouth to reveal red-stained, razor-sharp teeth.

  Suddenly, the creature spun around her faster and faster. Orange, purple, pink, and green colors flooded her vision. Black dots blocked out the colors.

  She shook her head.

  “Scarlett, Scarlett, can you hear me?” Tash’s voice anchored her. His hands were on her shoulders.

  She opened her eyes and stared into his blood-drained face.

tt?” His voice was hesitant.

  A word popped in her head. She frowned. “Gog.”

  Instead of his grim face, the tightness in his eyes and mouth lifted. He smiled. “Yes. I knew you could do it.”

  He kissed her on the lips briefly. A spark of desire flared through her like magic. A wave of warmth spread, moving from her lips down to her tummy. She’d never felt anything like it.

  He immediately stepped back.

  She raised her eyebrow. “You broke your promise.”

  “I’m sorry.” He rubbed the back of his neck and then pulled on his collar. He avoided her gaze. “I shouldn’t have kissed you.”

  She leaned against his chest with a sigh of serenity. “I don’t know. I actually liked it.” She flashed him a teasing smile. “Didn’t you?”


  Scarlett was his every hope and every desire. Her smile sent his blood on fire and the teasing in her eyes chased away his frown.

  Her powers were even greater than he had expected. She just might be able to save his father.

  But Tash was stunned that he’d lost control, broke his promise and kissed her. Her blurting out “gog” had filled him with such desire––knowing how powerful she was.

  She frowned and played with a strand of his hair that made it difficult for him to concentrate.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was husky and harsh.

  “I don’t know.” She put her small hands on his chest then stepped away. She put her slender fingers on her forehead. “I’ve never felt that way before.”

  He grinned. “You’re feeling this way, because we’re designated mates.”

  She dropped her hand and gave him a steely gaze. “You make it sound like I don’t have a choice.”

  He winced. He didn’t want to argue and changed the subject. “Before we get off track, can you tell me what you saw?”

  She opened her mouth then shut it. Willow twirled around Scarlett’s toned legs and Scarlett picked the cat up. “When I have visions, I’m in the thick of them.”

  He stilled. “And where were you?”

  “In a strange, sweltering jungle.” She stroked the cat’s fur.

  “And then?”


  Tash glanced at the cat that she held in her arms. “Wait a minute. What is Willow doing?”


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