The Wrong Prom Date

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The Wrong Prom Date Page 23

by Moody, Alexandra

  “I was thinking the same thing.” I chuckled. “I’m almost surprised there isn’t a snow machine in here.”

  “Does a fog machine count?” Hayley pointed to the other side of the room as smoke billowed across the dance floor.

  “Yep, I guess it does.”

  Hayley laughed, and the sound was so joyous my heart warmed in response. She hadn’t stopped smiling since we’d left the school gym, and I’d do just about anything to keep that smile on her face.

  “Do you think we should dance?” I asked.

  “Is that even a question?” She didn’t hesitate to take hold of my hand and pull me toward the dance floor. It was already crammed with people jumping around like they were the next stars of TikTok, but Hayley led us between the bodies with practiced ease. We’d arrived late, so the party had already well and truly begun.

  When we reached a small gap in the crowd, she stopped and turned to me. My heart started racing, and I took a deep breath in before I pulled her into my arms. Hayley and I were finally together for real, but I knew I’d always get a flurry of nerves whenever she was near.

  The song that was playing thankfully had a steady beat, and the two of us slowly moved together. I really wasn’t a great dancer, but Hayley didn’t seem to mind. She leaned her head against my chest, and the cluttered room seemed to disappear into the background as we danced. She was the only person in the world to me, and though people surrounded us, it felt like we were in our own perfect little bubble. I never wanted to leave.

  Unfortunately, our bubble wasn’t completely impenetrable, and Hayley stopped swaying in my arms as we noticed the volume of the music beginning to lower. The two of us turned as Angus got up on stage and marched over to the microphone that stood tall in the center. I laughed when I caught sight of his outfit. It was bright blue with pictures of snowflakes all over it.

  “He’s not actually wearing that, is he?” Hayley asked.

  “My eyes say he is, but my brain refuses to believe it’s true,” I replied. The suit seemed hideous at first glance, but the more I looked at it, the more it grew on me. “Call me crazy, but I think it actually looks good on him.”

  Hayley glanced at Angus again, her gaze more discerning this time as if she was checking whether she’d missed something. After several seconds, she let out a breathy laugh. “You know, I think you might be right.”

  “Ugh, I can’t believe they’ve stopped the music to announce the prom king and queen,” Isla said, coming to stand at my side. “Nobody cares!” she shouted across the room, drawing several laughs from the people closest to us. She frowned as she caught sight of Angus. “Did he come dressed as one of the decorations?”

  “Apparently,” I replied.

  Isla shook her head, but I suspected she was actually impressed. If there was one thing Isla appreciated, it was bold fashion choices. She let out a sigh before she turned back to us. “So, who do think is going to be crowned tonight?”

  “I just hope it’s not Laurie or Owen,” Hayley said, scrunching up her nose at the thought. “I don’t want to spend the rest of the year hearing Laurie brag about it at cheer practice. And, no offence to your brother, Ethan, but his ego really doesn’t require a crown.”

  I probably should have felt bad that Hayley’s opinion of Owen had fallen so far, but I couldn’t help but be happy that she finally saw the two of us for who we really were. It didn’t hurt that I was the one she wanted to be with either.

  “He’d probably wear it to breakfast every morning,” I replied, making Isla laugh.

  “He’s got such a big head, I doubt it would fit,” she said.

  I searched for my brother among the crowd and found him standing near the stage next to Laurie. She was wearing the red corsage I’d seen on our kitchen bench earlier in the day, so I assumed they’d come to prom together. Neither of them looked very happy about it though. Their heads were leaning in close together as they spoke, and, from the look of Laurie’s angry expression, it was clear they were fighting. Given how Laurie’s hands were sitting on her hips, and the way my brother’s eyes kept darting away as if he was looking for an escape route, I was guessing he’d messed up in some way.

  Angus cleared his throat into the microphone. “Good evening, Lincoln High!” His voice was pumped full of enthusiasm, and his singsong tone made him sound like a cheesy game show host. “I hope you’ve all been enjoying the night so far. I’ve certainly seen you turning it up on the dance floor.” He emphasized the point by spinning around on his heel. He received a few chuckles and Angus beamed in response, pleased his little dance move had gotten a reaction.

  “So, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” he continued, pulling an envelope out from the inside pocket of his jacket. He held it carefully in his hands like he was cradling something special. “It’s time to announce the names of this year’s prom king and queen.”

  He looked down at the envelope and gently pried it open. The whole room was watching him, and all murmurs of conversation completely died down as we waited for the big announcement. Angus’s eyes lit up as he theatrically pulled a thick piece of card out of the envelope.

  “Your votes have been counted, and I’m pleased to announce your prom king and queen are…”

  He looked around the room with a knowing smile as he let the pause linger. He was really milking the moment for all it was worth.

  “Owen Beck and Laurie Wilson!” Angus finally shouted into the microphone.

  My shoulders slumped, Isla groaned, and Hayley let out a sigh of disappointment. A round of polite claps followed as my brother and Laurie paraded toward the stage. Any evidence of their argument from moments ago had disappeared from their faces as the two of them beamed at their audience.

  My brother’s chest puffed out as he listened to the applause and his stride seemed to widen as he walked across the stage. He gave Angus a firm handshake when he greeted him by the microphone, and his eyes flashed with arrogance as the student body president placed a sash over his shoulders and passed him his crown. I could see the title of “prom king” was already going to go straight to his head.

  Laurie wasn’t acting much better. Her hands reached greedily toward the crown as Angus offered it to her. She wrenched it from his grasp and had positioned it perfectly on her head before he was even able to congratulate her. Her eyes were feverish as she turned toward the crowd, and her smile was so intense she looked like a kid who’d overdosed on too many sweets. She waved at everyone, mimicking the subtle motion you’d expect to see from a queen addressing her adoring public—not that our peers really seemed to adore her. No one was showing much excitement about the result of the vote.

  “I don’t think I can watch this,” Isla muttered. “Who the heck voted for jerk and jerkette?”

  “I’ve got no idea,” I replied.

  “Why couldn’t someone nice have won?” she continued.

  “Probably because Laurie’s been campaigning for weeks,” Hayley said with a shake of her head. “Plus, the nice people weren’t threatening students for votes. I heard Laurie telling girls on the squad she would destroy them if they didn’t vote for her and Owen. I bet she wasn’t only threating the cheerleaders.”

  “Are you serious?” Isla asked.

  “Yep.” She nodded. “I guess fear trumps being nice when it comes to getting votes.”

  I glanced back at Laurie and my brother. A photographer was taking a picture of the two of them on stage. They looked like a perfect couple as they posed together, but the image they portrayed was clearly just an act. They’d been arguing only moments before, and Owen looked uncomfortable as Laurie draped herself all over him, testing different stances for the camera. The smiles they wore seemed just as fake as the gaudy golden crowns their heads were swelling under. Despite their win, I wasn’t sure that either of them was genuinely happy.

  “And now our king and queen will have their first dance,” Angus announced.

  Owen linked his arm through La
urie’s and started to guide her off the stage. He stepped on the edge of her dress as they walked, making her stumble, and her eyes flared with annoyance as she elbowed him. He didn’t seem to notice though. He was too busy winking at a girl he was passing. Laurie and Owen really deserved one another, and I’d seen more than enough of their little performance for one night.

  “Maybe we should go get a drink so we don’t have to stand around and watch them dance?” I suggested.

  “Yes!” Isla exclaimed.

  “That’s a really good idea,” Hayley added.

  I took her by the hand, and we made our way over to the drinks table, which was at the back of the room. The music started playing as we walked away from the dance floor. I didn’t need to turn around to know how much my brother would be enjoying all the attention he was getting as everyone watched him and Laurie dance together.

  Colin and Dex were already standing by the drinks table when we got there, chatting excitedly about our next gig.

  “You guys missed the crowning,” Isla said, as she wiggled her way under Dex’s arm so it rested across her shoulders.

  “You say that like it was an accident,” Colin replied. “And we could see more than enough of the stage from back here. I didn’t need a close up of Laurie and Owen being crowned.”

  “Yeah, it was the worst,” Isla agreed with a shudder, before she glanced over her shoulder in their direction. Everyone around the dance floor was standing motionless as they watched Owen spinning Laurie around the room. The music was dull and the whole spectacle was unbelievably cringeworthy. I couldn’t believe the school made us put up with this crap.

  “So, you guys have a gig coming up?” Hayley asked.

  “Yeah, next weekend. We’re playing at a college party,” Dex replied. “You coming?”

  Hayley glanced in my direction and tilted her head as she looked at me.

  “I’m not sure. Am I coming?”

  “Do you want to?”

  She slowly started to smile. “Well, I’m pretty sure there’s a rule that says girlfriends must come to all the gigs.”

  I laughed and pulled her in close, wrapping my arms around her. “I didn’t know that real relationships required a set of rules…”

  “Oh, yeah,” she replied. “There are lots of rules, and that’s the most important one.”

  “Well, I guess you’re coming to the gig then.”

  “I guess I am.” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she looked so happy at the thought. I loved how enthusiastic she was about our band, which made me even more excited about the surprise I had planned for her tonight.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Angus waving frantically at our group. He was standing to the side of the stage, and his motions grew more frenzied as I slowly started to turn to him. Was he trying to get our attention? I frowned and pointed at my chest, a questioning look in my eyes.

  “Yes, you,” he mouthed when he saw I’d finally noticed him. He then gestured at Dex and Colin and started directing us all to come toward him.

  I had been expecting Angus to signal us over at some point tonight, but I didn’t think he’d want us so soon. I gave him a brief nod before turning to Hayley. “Can you excuse us a minute?”

  “Oh, sure.” She gave me a puzzled look, but I quickly kissed her on the cheek and turned to the boys before she could ask why.

  “Colin, Dex, can you guys come with me?”

  The two of them didn’t question the request and happily followed me toward the stage. Isla and Hayley both seemed confused by our sudden departure, but I had no intention of explaining it to them. They didn’t know that Angus had insisted the band play tonight, and I wanted to keep it that way to surprise the girls.

  I still found it hard to believe that our band was playing at prom. A few weeks ago, no one at school had any idea we were even in a band. Now, after Hayley posted that video of our performance and it went viral throughout the school, it felt like everyone knew about Velocity. Angus never would have asked us to play if she hadn’t shared the clip.

  Initially, I’d been reluctant to accept the offer. It was a big deal to play at prom, and I didn’t feel like drawing more attention to myself at school. But, while I was planning the surprise at the gym, I realized a show at prom would be the perfect way to cap off the night. I couldn’t wait to see Hayley’s face once she realized what was happening.

  “Are you guys ready?” Angus asked, as we approached the steps that led to the stage. His snowflake suit was even more flamboyant up close, and he’d gone a little overboard on the cologne. I could smell the spicy fragrance from some distance.

  “I thought you didn’t want us on until ten,” I replied.

  “Yeah, well, Laurie and Owen’s first dance is really killing the mood. No one has joined them and the dance floor is dead.”

  I glanced in their direction. A large circle had formed around the dancing couple, but everyone seemed to have lost interest as they watched on. It was painful to witness two people who were so self-absorbed trying to dance together. Laurie kept stopping to readjust her crown and was looking down her nose at everyone surrounding her. Meanwhile, Owen’s chest had blown out so far he looked close to throwing out his back.

  Dex snorted. “I wonder why.”

  Angus shot him a hard look. “So, I need you guys on stage now. You ready?”

  I glanced at Colin and Dex, and they both nodded. “Yeah, we’re ready,” I replied.

  “Good. I just hope you are as good as you were in that video.” With that, Angus turned and darted back up the steps to the stage. As he took hold of the microphone once again, the music suddenly paused midway through the song. Owen and Laurie stopped dancing and shared a confused look as they stepped back from each other.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” Angus called. “A round of applause for our prom king and queen.”

  The sound of a few half-hearted claps came in response. Those who were applauding seemed to be doing so simply because they were pleased the first dance was over. Laurie looked furious as she scowled up at Angus, and she stormed toward the stage, dragging Owen with her. She was not at all happy her special moment had been cut short, and she looked ready to rip the microphone right out of Angus’s hands.

  Angus must have noticed because he quickly continued before she got a chance to interrupt him. “Now, we have one more treat for you this evening,” he said. “I was inundated with requests, so I worked some magic for you all to make this happen…” He looked in our direction and reached out an arm toward us. “Led by our very own Ethan Beck, give it up for… Velocity!”

  The students on the dance floor started cheering and a few began moving toward the stage. It wasn’t exactly the most raucous welcome we’d ever received, but I didn’t let that throw me off. I was sure we’d win them over once we started playing. Plus, everyone was still on a major low from Owen and Laurie’s dance. As far as warm up acts went, they were terrible.

  I picked up my guitar and started up the steps to the stage. My heart was racing, and I could hear its pounding beat in my ears far more clearly than the applause from the audience. I took a deep, calming breath as I approached the microphone, and as I blew it out, the nerves pulsing through my blood seemed to leave with it.

  My gaze drifted across the room until I found Hayley standing by the drinks table. Her eyes were wide, and a surprised smile graced her features. She grabbed Isla by the hand and dragged her through the crowd toward me. It wasn’t until she was standing right in front of the stage that I felt like I could begin.

  “Hello, Lincoln High!” I called into the microphone. “Now that we’ve got the formalities out of the way, we can really start this party!”

  Everyone cheered, and as Colin started strumming the chords to our opening song, the sound of the crowd grew even louder. People immediately started dancing, but there were two figures in the crowd who were unusually still. Laurie and Owen were both frozen in place, glaring up at me. They looked surprised by the re
action the band was getting, and though Laurie’s annoyance quickly turned to focus on the other students, my brother’s scowl was fixed solely on me.

  Laurie suddenly grabbed Owen by the arm and tugged on it to get his attention. He barely moved, so she clicked her fingers in front of his face.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “Do something,” she demanded.

  All Owen could do was shrug, and Laurie’s eyes narrowed with anger in response. She stomped one of her high heels hard onto the wooden floor before shoving past Owen and marching out of the room. That seemed to get his attention and he watched her leave, hesitating for several long moments. He finally turned and gave me one last filthy look before trudging after her.

  My brother and Laurie clearly weren’t happy I’d stolen their spotlight, and it had never been my intention to do so. I really hoped this helped them realize there were more important things than plastic crowns and popularity.

  My eyes sought out Hayley and my heart lifted as she smiled up at me. She was worth a million crowns. I was glad my brother never truly realized that or I might have never had a chance with her.

  I moved my lips closer to the microphone as I started to sing, earning another round of cheers from the crowd. Their voices joined with mine as they sang along and their dancing became more energetic as they threw themselves into the music. But, it wasn’t the crowd I was interested in. I couldn’t seem to drag my gaze away from Hayley. She looked so cute as she and Isla danced together. Their arms were wrapped around each other’s shoulders, and they kept jumping up and down as they sang.

  When the song came to an end, everyone erupted in applause and shouts for more. I didn’t need their encouragement to keep playing though. I was having the time of my life and felt on top of the world as we played. I didn’t think my night could get any better, but I knew I still had one more surprise in store for Hayley.

  When it came to our final song, I lowered my guitar and walked to the side of the stage where she was standing. I crouched down and offered her my hand. “I think I’m going to need you up here for this one.”


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