The Vanishing of Olivia Beck

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The Vanishing of Olivia Beck Page 12

by Sara L Foust

  Footsteps approached from within, the curtain at the window to the left of the door pulled back, and then Annalise swung open the door. “Hey. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Resting in my room. She needs a doctor but refuses to let me call or take her anywhere.”

  “She’s been through a lot.”

  “Simpkins is dead. Carlos is in jail now, right?”

  Zach nodded.

  “I want to call Milt and check in, but she made me swear not to.”

  “Interesting. As much as Milt cares about her disappearance, I would think she’d want him here.”

  “Me too. But she claims if she lets him know, it will only put him in more danger.”

  Zach scrunched his brow.

  “I tend to believe her. This gang is ruthless. They burned my house down, killed numerous people in Memphis, and have seemingly followed Olivia across an entire state just to clean up loose ends.”

  “We’d be better served to play it safe. I agree with Olivia.”

  “Me too. But it’s hard not telling Milt. And Henry.”

  “Not a problem for me, shutting Henry out.” Zach chuckled.

  “Yeah, I suppose not.” Annalise returned his smile. “Come on, I’ll fix you lunch. I’ll bet you’re hungry.”


  “I wouldn’t have expected less.”

  He seated himself across the counter from her and watched as she deftly prepared lunch for them. He rather enjoyed seeing her in the kitchen, and for a moment he could imagine her in the role of housewife again very easily. His wife. He grinned.

  She turned and caught him staring. “What?”


  “I don’t believe you, but I’m willing to let it pass.” She set a plate in front of him. “Eat up.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Why didn’t they just kill her as soon as they found her?”

  “Good question.”

  “She knows something.”

  “Or they think she does.”

  Annalise’s fork paused midair. “She said the leader was law enforcement.”

  His stomach knotted. “That brings a new level of complication to the situation. Do you believe her?”

  “I do.”

  “Then it makes sense she is urging us to be even more cautious than ever.”

  “Who are you?”

  Zach raised his gaze to find a dark-haired woman with her arms crossed over her chest glaring at him. “Olivia, I presume.” He rose to shake her hand. “I’m Annalise’s partner, Special Agent Zach Leebow.”

  She scowled. “I told you no one else, Annalise.”

  “Zach doesn’t count. If I’m involved, he’s involved.”

  Zach’s chest swelled. “We’re a team. Always have been, always will be. Besides, I was at the house too. Already saw you.” He patted Annalise’s back as he returned to his seat. “I’m here to help.”

  Olivia uncrossed her arms. “Fine. But, seriously, we have to get away from here. I do anyway.”

  “You need rest,” Annalise said.

  He couldn’t agree more, but they didn’t need another dog in this fight. “I know a doctor we can trust. Let me call her.”

  Annalise met his gaze. “Good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “Are you two listening to me at all?” Olivia joined them at the counter.

  “You need a doctor. And you need our help.” Annalise fixed her a plate while she talked. “If you’re right, we’re in danger just having you here. But if we don’t get you patched up, there’s no way you can run from these guys.”

  “Or stand and fight.” He gestured to the foot she’d hobbled in on and now had propped against another stool. “Your foot looks bad.”

  Olivia ducked her chin. “It hurts, but I can manage. At least until this is over.”

  “The doctor is coming. Deal with it.” Zach texted his mom. “We need some medical assistance. Annalise’s house. A friend. Possible broken foot.”

  She answered almost immediately. “Go to the hospital.”

  “It’s complicated, Mom. Can you please come? Be careful, and watch your back.”

  “Okay. Be there in a half-hour.”

  “Thanks.” Zach smiled. “There. She is on her way.”

  “You two are even more stubborn than me.” Olivia grinned. “Someone should check the periphery.”

  “I got it.” Zach swallowed the last bite of his BLT and a swig of soda. “Be back in a jiffy.”

  The afternoon sun warmed him through his long sleeves, making him push them toward his elbows and unbutton the top couple. Summer would be here soon. Would it bring as many cases? He had no doubt SMIF would be busy. A year ago, he only wished for an opportunity such as this. Now it was reality and, yet, something was still missing.

  Annalise’s smile flashed to mind. Her lips...

  He stopped his daydream before it could wind any farther along its dangerous trail.

  Zach circled the house. On the first pass, checking the near proximity, checking windows and doors, and on the second pass scanning the forest edge surrounding her cabin. Nothing seemed out of place. As he rounded the front again, his mother pulled in. He gave her a quick hug. “Can I carry anything for you?”

  “You weren’t very specific, son, so I have a huge bagful of supplies in the trunk. Can you grab it?”

  He kissed her head. “Of course. Thanks, Mom.”

  Zach waited near the door while his mom examined Olivia on the couch in the living room. Something about having the two most important women in his life in one room, with the threat of the Juarez Cartel hovering in the air like a silent specter, made his skin extra-special tingly.

  “I can’t be sure without an x-ray, but you have the telltale purple line, swelling, and pain on palpation. Are you sure you won’t go to the hospital?” his mom questioned Olivia.

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Okay, then, to be on the safest side possible given the circumstances, I am putting you in a walking boot. Don’t take it off. I can’t promise you don’t need surgery to set bones, young lady.”

  Annalise took Olivia’s hand. “Are you sure about this, Joan—Oliv...Are you sure?”


  “I’m also giving you a prescription for antibiotics. Some of your lacerations are fairly deep.” His mom examined Olivia’s head. “Tender here?”

  Olivia nodded.

  “Dizziness? Fuzzy thoughts? Sleepiness?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  His mom pulled back and, with one hand on each of Olivia’s shoulders, held her at arm’s length. “What happened to you?”

  Olivia’s face flushed. “Would you believe me if I told you I was in a car accident?”

  “No, but obviously you aren’t going to tell me what happened. I presume you’re in some kind of trouble.” She glanced at Zach.

  He smiled.

  “But, you’re in good hands.” His mom looked at Annalise. “With both of these hooligans.”

  “Okay, Mom. If that’s all, we’ve got to get you out of—”

  Millie leaped to her feet. Her wild bark filled the entire inside of the cabin. She ran from her position at the fireplace to the front door and growled, a low rumble that made the hair on the back of Zach’s neck stand up.

  “No...we didn’t...we weren’t fast enough.” Olivia struggled to her feet, even more awkward with the large fracture boot on her foot.

  “Mom, get to the hall bath. Now. Do not open the door, no matter what you hear.” Zach aimed his mother toward the hallway.


  “Mom, I mean it. Stay there.” Zach hated making his mom’s eyes look that way, so wide and filled with fear, but he needed her to know how serious he was. He gently pushed her into the bathroom and met her glance. “Stay. Put.” Shutting the door, he drew his weapon and returned to the living room. He nodded at Annalise, who was already waiting by the door.

>   Annalise pulled the door open and peeked out. “I don’t see anyb—”

  A fusillade of bullets slammed into the front of the house. Zach yanked Annalise back into the house and slammed the door. The sounds of the automatic weapon spouting off so many rounds at once deafened him. “Did you see any sign of someone out there at all?” he shouted.

  “No! They must have been behind my SUV.”

  Millie’s frantic barking filled what little empty sound space was left.

  “How many rounds have you got?”

  “Two clips. You?”


  “I’ve got the .410 in the bedroom with a few shells.”

  The roar subsided.

  Millie calmed to a low growl.

  He and Annalise returned fire through the curtained front windows, now missing most of the glass. He caught movement near Annalise’s SUV and aimed low, hoping to hit the man’s feet. The bullets thudded into the gravel, spraying rocks into the undercarriage.

  Annalise had a second man ducking behind his mother’s car.

  Were there truly only two? Or did more men wait for them to make a run for it out the side door?

  He glanced at Olivia. Her pale face and tremoring told him she was in no condition to fight, though she was bravely trying to hold her position at the side door with Annalise’s extra handgun. She was certainly in no condition to run.

  They had to get out of here before they were surrounded and infiltrated. Whoever was out front had their only mode of transportation blocked off. “We need backup.”

  “But we can’t, Zach.” Annalise motioned toward Olivia.

  “I know.” He leaned in close. “Text Milt. Tell him to come on foot. Alone. And to let us know when he is close.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Zach grinned, though he didn’t feel any jubilation whatsoever. “Something stupid.”

  “Imagine that.”

  A second round of gunfire opened on Annalise’s beautiful cabin. He and Annalise both ducked behind the thick front door. What was left of the windows popped and crashed to the ground, sending Mille into another furious barking round.

  Annalise drew her beloved pet to her and tried to calm her. “Milt says he was already on his way. ETA five minutes.”

  “Good. I’ll buy us some time. You still have all those fireworks in the kitchen?”

  She hesitated. “Yeah.”

  “Good thing it rained us out on New Year’s, eh?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Watch Olivia, keep your eyes peeled, but don’t shoot me. Okay?”

  She chuckled. “I only have one clip left. Don’t do anything too stupid.”

  That’s what he was aiming for. He kissed her forehead. “Be right back.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Milt repeated the text from Annalise over and over in his head as he slowly climbed the steep incline of her driveway. “Shots fired. Don’t call anyone. Come in on foot. Two men out front. Be on the lookout for more.”

  Why was someone shooting at Annalise’s home? And, more importantly, why couldn’t he call in backup? Had Annalise learned something more about the Juarez Cartel?

  At the last bend before her cabin came into view, Milt ducked behind a tree. Paused. And attempted to catch his breath. He was too out of shape for this.

  Explosions of various intensities broke the air from the direction of Annalise’s house. He jumped, and his mind reeled into get-moving mode. More gunshots? Colors burst overhead, sizzling as the fireworks’ sparks settled over the treetops. What in the world?

  Careful to stay close to the forest-bordered edge of Annalise’s driveway, Milt tiptoed closer. The cabin came into view first and then the vehicles parked out front. As promised by text, two armed men crouched behind the SUV. Their faces turned toward the firework display overhead gave Milt just enough distraction to creep closer.

  “Hands up.”

  The first man spun and lowered his gun’s aim toward Milt’s chest.

  Milt squeezed the trigger, and the man dropped. He swung his gun toward the second. “Don’t make me shoot you too.”

  He hesitated for a moment and then aimed for Milt.

  Milt’s second bullet found its mark and this man, too, fell to the gravel. He whipped his phone out to dial 9-1-1 as he sprinted to check on the men.

  “Stop, Milt!” Annalise’s cry came from the front porch.

  He looked up and found Annalise and Zach sprinting toward him. He put the phone away. “They’re dead.”

  Annalise hugged him. “We have to get out of here.” She tossed the keys to Zach. “Start the SUV. I’ll grab them.”

  “Grab who?” Milt’s brow wrinkled.

  “It’s a long story. One we will tell on the road.”

  “I don’t understand. What is going on?”

  “No time, Milt. Get in.”

  He rounded the vehicle and opened the passenger door, but froze as his gaze found the woman hobbling down the front stairs. “Olivia!”

  He rushed to embrace her. “You’re alive.” Tears clouded his vision. “Thank you, God.”

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “Hi, Dad.”

  DAD? HAD ANNALISE HEARD Olivia correctly? As much as she longed to hear the details, they’d have to talk about it later. “Come on, guys, we’ve gotta go.”

  Annalise ushered Milt, Olivia, and Lorraine to the SUV and then tucked Millie into the back. The sight of the men lying in her driveway made her stomach knot. Leaving them like discarded trash was so very wrong. She slid into the seat behind Zach, next to Olivia and Milt.

  Zach met her gaze in the rearview. “When we’re on the road, we’ll call it in.”

  She sighed and nodded. “Thanks.” Every cell in her body trembled as she settled into the seat. Had they really just experienced a full-on shootout at her home? The place she was supposed to feel safe. She chuckled mirthlessly. None of her homes had felt safe in the end. The first one burned by the Juarez Cartel. The second one where Dave deceived her for far too long. The third one turned into Swiss cheese by the Juarez Cartel. Lovely.

  “I hate to state the obvious, but where are we going?” Milt asked.

  “I don’t really have a plan here,” Zach replied.

  “How about the safe house? The first one?” Olivia directed her thoughts toward Milt.

  “Safe house?” Annalise scrunched her brow.

  “When I disappeared from Memphis, we had a safe house outside of Nashville. Near Fall Creek Falls."

  “It’s worth a shot,” Milt said.

  “All right. Tell me how to get there.” Zach put his blinker on to head toward the interstate. “After I drop my mom off.”

  “Don’t you think they will figure out where she lives? We just left her car there with two bodies.” Annalise sighed. “And a gazillion bullet holes in my house.”

  “Good point.”

  She knew Zach worried his mother would be even more in harm’s way if they brought her along.

  “What about Paul, Milt?” Zach asked.

  “He could use some supervision since it looks like I may be away a while.”

  “Mom, what do you say? Wanna hang out with a teenager in a quaint town for a couple days?”

  “I don’t know, Zach.”

  “Please, it would make me feel so much better knowing you’re somewhere safe.”

  Annalise leaned forward and placed her arm on Lorraine’s shoulder. “Milt can have an officer stationed at his home. And you know Zach isn’t going to let this go until you give in.”

  Lorraine sighed. “Oh, all right. Let me get some essentials.”

  “You made the right decision, ma’am,” Olivia added. “These men are ruthless.” She paused. “And well connected.”

  The trip to Lorraine’s house went smoothly. Annalise helped her pack the items she needed and they zipped north on seventy-five to drop her at Milt’s house. A police cruiser parked sideways in Milt’s driveway gave Annalise some hesitatio

  Zach voiced their consensus of concerns. “Milt, you expecting anyone?”

  He shook his head.

  “Stay here, Mom.”

  Zach, Annalise, and Milt exited the SUV with their weapons drawn. As they approached the front steps, an officer emerged and instantly lifted his hands.

  “Hey, what’s up, Captain?”

  “Freddy, you about gave me a heart attack.” Milt holstered his gun. “Is something wrong?”

  “Nah, brought you a guest.”


  “Orrin Martin. He was released on parole today. Said he wanted to see his little brother.”

  Annalise tucked her weapon into her belt holster and noticed Zach did the same. It was hard to read the expression on Milt’s face. They followed him inside.

  Paul sat on the couch facing his older brother.

  “Did you know about this, son?” Milt asked.

  “No, sir.”

  “He ain’t your son,” Orrin added.

  “This is my house, young man. You want to tell me why you’re here?”

  Orrin’s face flushed. “I came to see my baby brother.” He smiled and punched his brother’s leg playfully.

  Paul didn’t move, didn’t change the stony expression on his face.

  “Captain, this is terrible timing,” Annalise said, “but we really ought to hurry. Don’t you think?”

  “You can’t stay here, Orrin. I’m sorry. Like Annalise said, the timing is terrible. We can sort this all out when I get back.”

  Zach eased out the door. “I’ll wait with the ladies.”

  “When you get back?” Paul raised his gaze to Milt’s. “You’re leaving?”

  Milt sat next to Paul on the couch. “I’ve got a family emergency to deal with.”

  The pained look on Paul’s face tugged at Annalise’s heartstrings.

  “Now, not that you’re not family now, Paul. ’Cause you are.” Milt patted Paul’s shoulder. “It’s safer if you aren’t involved. Trust me?”

  Watching the quiet moment between them made Annalise realize just how close these two had grown over the past six months. Though Paul was about to turn eighteen, Milt had mentioned adopting him. “So the boy will have a real family,” he’d said.

  “You remember Officer Leebow that was just in here?”


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