
Home > Romance > Strength > Page 19
Strength Page 19

by Daws, Amy

  Slowly, he slips one finger around the fabric and brushes against my bare slit. My teeth crush down on my lower lip so hard I can feel the bumpy muscle beneath the skin. I should feel embarrassed by how soaked I am already, but fuck. Everything he does to me feels so good. All I can feel in this moment is excitement. Excitement from the naughtiness. Excitement from the location. Excitement from fucking Hayden.

  Fucking Hayden.

  “Christ, Vi,” he groans with a stiff, husky voice.

  He plunges his finger as far as he can from this angle and, oh my God, does it feel incredible. I pump my hips like a wanton sex siren, calling him inside of me, aching for him to continue his quest. He honours my call. He pushes a second finger in me and I turn to bite down on his shoulder, overcome by the deliciousness of his touch. He pumps in and out in steady, purposeful swells. My breathing turns laboured and frenzied as he works me closer and closer to climax.

  Desperate for something to do with my hands, I touch his huge, firm bulge concealed beneath the tight denim.

  He grabs my wrist with his other hand. “There’s time for that later,” he croaks.

  “I want you, Hayden,” I say, my eyes opening and landing on his, which were watching me with a sexy, thinly-veiled intensity that I feel everywhere. Oddly, tears prick my eyes from the powerful force being transferred between us right now.

  Suddenly, my body distracts me from my emotions as his finger twists to a location that has me toppling over the edge. I throw my arm over my face and silently scream with wild, orgasmic conviction as I feel the climax reach every single inch of my body.

  “We need to leave,” Hayden says, yanking his hand from between my legs. He snatches my jacket off my lap and covers himself while hauling me up from my seat. My legs feel like gelatin as I tug my dress down and he guides me through the darkened theatre toward the green exit sign.

  My mind is in a complete fog, so I’m surprised when we step out of the theatre to see that it’s completely dark out. I lose track of time so easily with Hayden.

  “Fuck,” he curses quietly, taking note of the pouring rain and glancing up and down the street for a cab.

  “My flat is only two blocks, Hayden.”

  “It’s raining,” he says to me, obviously agitated by the situation.

  “So?” I say putting my hands on my hips, feeling a bit more of my strength return in the fresh and wet night air.

  “You’re not fucking walking in the rain, Vi,” he growls in frustration, looking up and down the empty street again.

  “Hayden,” I say in a warning tone, but he ignores me and pulls his phone from his pocket. “Hayden!” I exclaim, stamping my foot on the wet pavement in annoyance.

  His eyes flash to my bare legs and a hardened look shutters over his face. “Bunny.”

  I shake my head and begin walking backwards away from him. “We don’t have to walk…We can run!” I screech and turn, taking off in a dead sprint through the downpour.

  “Vi!” Hayden shouts.

  Excitement flies through me as I feel his approaching footsteps behind me. The rain clings to my dress as I grip my clutch firmly and continue running while squinting against the heavy pelts of water.

  He catches up to me in seconds, glaring angrily at me in the rain. “You stubborn woman.” An odd smile spreads across his face as he tries to look mad but fails. There are those sexy crinkles again.

  “It’s raining cats and dogs!” I bellow, throwing my hands out wide and smiling as if it’s just another Thursday.

  He shakes his head in admonishment. “I thought you’d be faster, Bunny. You’re a Harris footballer’s daughter for Christ’s sake.”

  My eyes narrow with a renewed sense of determination. I do my best to pick up the pace, but it seems useless. Hayden doesn’t even look like he’s trying. A giggle erupts from my mouth when I hear him chuckling at me.

  We make it to my neighbourhood, passing the bustling Hookah Lounge, and round the corner down the alley to my flat. I fall backwards onto the brick wall beside my lift, completely drenched, and push the wet strands off my face. My chest heaves while my laughter dies down and I attempt to catch my breath. Hayden comes to a stop in front of me, propping his hands on his knees as I dig in my clutch for my keys. He watches me out of the corner of his eye. My hand freezes on my keys as our gazes lock through the sheet of rain separating us. A loud crack of thunder causes me to flinch and a huge burst of lightning illuminates the darkened alley, shedding a clear blue light on the true, unbelievable, and intensely gripping face of Hayden.

  My breath is gone. Sucked straight from my lungs and slammed into my chest. Into my heart, like a lightning bolt. He slowly stands upright. Something simmering deep and hungry in the grey pools of his eyes makes me gasp.

  He swallows hard and nods as he steps closer to me. “I want this,” his voice cracks as he trails the backs of his fingers from my cheek, to my breasts, to my belly, then to my hip. He yanks me into him so our bodies are flush against each other. With his forehead resting against mine, he whispers as if in pain, “I want you.”

  I shake my head, confused by his sudden comments. It’s as if he was having an entire conversation with himself during our run here. Now he’s finally made up his mind and is putting it out into the universe for acknowledgement.

  “I want you, too—” I start, but I am immediately silenced by his mouth on mine in a painful, biting, and frenzied kiss.

  He shoves me up against the wall and grabs my legs so they wrap firmly around him. His hardened erection presses against me, and I cry out into his mouth as a desperate ache explodes inside of me. Fisting my hair in his hands, he holds my face just where he wants it to kiss me…and kiss me…and kiss me. God, he kisses me like a starved man who’s found the only item in the world that could ever satisfy him.

  “Let me in, Vi,” he commands while dipping his head to nip along the edge of my jaw. “Let me up and let me in. Please.”

  His request stings my eyes. I swear I could cry real, wet tears from his words. Everything south of my waist is screaming at me to let him in. But the one organ I’m most terrified of—the one I’m not sure he’s asking for—is the one cracking at his raw and guttural words.

  He releases me and I shakily open the lift doors. The moment we step inside, we collide. He licks and sucks my neck and collar bone as I punch the button for the eleventh floor. As we begin our climb, he pulls my soaked dress up over my body, revealing my white, lacy bra and thong, both also soaked from the rain…and other things.

  “Bunny,” he murmurs. He hunches over and grabs hold of my nipple with his mouth through the sheer fabric while aggressively caressing my other in his palm. Then he glides his hands down my hips and hisses as he slides his fingers beneath the edges of my thong.

  The doors open suddenly and Bruce barrels in, pouncing on the back of Hayden. Hayden widens his stance to protect my nearly naked body from Bruce’s assault. Bugger!

  Hayden chuckles and turns, telling me to hop up on his back.

  Well, this is a first.

  He carries my nearly naked butt, still wearing my soaked Converse, through my flat and into the kitchen. I tell him which cupboard the bones are in, and he grabs one and tosses it into the living room where Bruce tears after it.

  Hayden continues to my room and closes the French doors on a besotted-looking Bruce with a bone hanging from his mouth. Sorry, buddy. I’ll make it up to you! Promise!

  He releases me, slowly sliding me down his back and turning to face me. He smiles sweetly and kisses my lips, brushing my nose as he pulls away. The crinkles around his eyes return just before a look of nervousness takes hold. “We don’t have to, Vi. If you’re not ready, or if you think we shouldn’t.”

  “What was it you said you’d do if I stamped my foot again?” I whisper into his ear and lightly trail my tongue along his lobe. It’s cold and wet from the rain, as is the thin shirt concealing his body. I’m normally not so sexually bold, but everything with Hayden
is different.

  Everything with Hayden is different.

  He draws back and grins naughtily at me, revealing so much about his happiness in this moment. “There’s a lot I’d like to do about that little habit of yours.”

  With a sense of needy determination, I grab the bottom of his soaked shirt and peel it up over his head. I feast my eyes on his firm build and place a row of soft kisses across his chest.

  “Bunny, you don’t even know what you’re in for.”

  “Bunn—” I start with a snarky reply in mind, but he promptly leans down and tosses me over his shoulder with a thrilling crack right on my bum. An excited yelp bursts from my mouth as I brace myself on his firm back.

  “Don’t talk back, Bunny. I promise you’re going to enjoy this,” he groans as his hand grazes all the way up the back of my leg to my arse. He tugs at the strip of fabric between my legs. “Perhaps not as much as me.”

  He flops me down on the bed, and the crushed velvet feels wildly sensual beneath my bare skin. I watch him as he reaches to his back pocket and pulls a condom from his wallet and tosses it on the bed. A fission of excitement pulses between my legs as he begins unbuckling his jeans. I’m pleased to see a pair of black boxer briefs this time. Still Calvin Klein. I must remember to write Mr. Klein a letter of appreciation.

  Hayden crawls up on the bed and hooks his fingers on the edge of my knickers, pulling them down my legs. His eyes hood with arousal from seeing me bare for the first time. He continues inching his way up my body and finally reaches my face. Leaning down, he steals my lips for his own. They’re yours, Hayden. All fucking yours.

  His fingers trail slowly down my side as goosebumps erupt on every surface of my skin. After removing my bra, he finds my pulsing, wet centre. I writhe beneath him as he continues to tickle me softly everywhere except the one damn place I want him the most.

  I pull my mouth from his and moan, “Hayden, please!” I thrust my hips up greedily toward his hand and, without thinking, reach down and attempt to touch myself for some semblance of relief.

  “No, no,” he chastises and then bites his lip. Whispering against my mouth, he says, “When I’m here, this is mine.” With that, he plunges his fingers deep inside of me.

  My eyes slam shut as I cry out, relieved that the torture is over. “God,” I moan with wonton abandon. The foreplay from the cinema and then here is the most intense I’ve ever had. Every passionate encounter I’ve had with Hayden flashes before my eyes. The fighting, the spanking, the kitchen kisses, the striptease, the pussy tease. It’s all so…heady.

  Hayden pulls his fingers out and flicks my swollen and drenched clit. I yelp in delirious agony as he quickly pushes up on his knees all the while tossing me over onto my belly in the same fluid motion. He leans over top of me, wraps my wet locks around his fist, and then uses his other hand to drop a swift slap to my bottom that I was already shamelessly pushing into the air toward him, ready and waiting.

  Fuck, this is too much. I need him inside me right the bloody hell now.

  “So fucking sexy,” he moans, affectionately stroking the area he swatted. He releases my hair and grips my hips, positioning me so I’m up on my knees, but my chest is still resting on the bed.

  I hear him rustling with the condom wrapper, so I look over my shoulder to watch just as he pushes his briefs down. His penis is exactly as I pictured. It’s thick and pulsing, clearly showcasing every bit of hard desire he’s got for me.

  He rolls the condom on and looks down at me with lust deep in his eyes. “You ready?” A half-grin teases the corner of his mouth.

  I nod and bite my lip, and he surges himself inside me with one swift push. I’m already soaked, so there is very little resistance, aside from the tightness, as he fills me completely.

  “Hayden,” I nearly scream, looking out the window and thanking fuck this is my life right now. God, it’s been too long since I’ve been properly shagged.

  “Vi,” he groans, pushing and pulling himself in and out of my channel in slow, long strokes. “Vi, I want to try so many things with you and your hot fucking arse. But tonight…Christ, tonight I’m just going to give it to you fast and hard and hope to fuck you’re okay with that because I’m not sure I can manage it any other way.”

  “Sounds like the best thing you’ve said all night,” I shamelessly admit, my mouth muffled against the duvet as I feel my impending climb to release approaching already.

  And that’s exactly what he does. He slams into me for who knows how long because time ceases to exist when Hayden Clarke is inside of me. I am suspended in the time and space continuum, floating and completely oblivious to the number of seconds that tick from present to future.

  Completely oblivious to the number of seconds it takes my body to slam into a roaring climax.

  Completely oblivious to the number of seconds I scream out his name in utterly blissful pleasure.

  Completely oblivious to the number of seconds that it takes me to fall for the brooding, broken, complicated, demanding, and sexy as fuck Hayden Clarke.

  I LIE AWAKE, NERVOUSLY CHECKING my watch and waiting for 11:11 to approach. Vi is asleep, draped completely across my chest. Her bare breasts soft and supple against me. I watch her back rise and fall with each breath, relishing in the feeling of her faint heartbeat pattering against me. I play mindlessly with her drying blonde hair that’s fanned out on the grey sheets.

  Exhausted from our exertions on her bed, in her shower, and then on her bed again, she’s been out for nearly an hour. But her last noises weren’t those of sexual ecstasy. They were the sexiest fucking noise I’ve heard come from her lips yet. Her giggles over some daft joke I made about rude rabbits.

  She fell asleep so easily, so trustingly. Nothing troubles Vi, I think as I’ve been lying here, watching her and trying to figure out how I can slip out of bed. I hate that I have to leave her. I hate that my body forces me to feel the tick of 11:11 like the timer on a really hot oven. Like if I don’t get up and deal with whatever is cooking inside, everything will go up in flames.

  Aside from our first night together after the gala, I’ve managed to avoid being around her at 11:11. But there is no way I could connect with her the way I did tonight and manage to leave her flat. I ache for her closeness. For her comforting warm breath against my body. A possessiveness seizes over me at leaving her alone in this big bed. She shouldn’t be alone. Ever. She is mine to care for.

  But with the time creeping closer and closer, I feel myself growing tenser and tenser. I attempt to slide out from beneath her, but she stirs. I freeze, hoping she’ll fall back asleep, but my prayers aren’t answered.

  “Why aren’t you sleeping?” she croaks with a raspy, sleepy voice and looks up at me, rubbing her eyes.

  “I just need to pop outside for a second,” I reply honestly. I can’t tell her I’m going to the loo because I have it in my head that what has to be done needs to be done outside.

  “Pop out where?”

  “Just to your patio. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” I jostle her a bit more roughly than I mean to but manage to break free. I grab the towel I used earlier and wrap it around my waist, padding quietly out of her room and hoping to fuck she doesn’t follow.

  Bruce is up and trots out to greet me. “Go back to bed. Lie down,” I command. He doesn’t listen. He follows me to the door that goes out to the deck. “Go on, old boy.” I shoo him back from the door and close it behind me as I step outside into the cool night air.

  London city lights twinkle all around and it’s chilly from the rain, but I hardly notice as I’m too focused on the task at hand. I cinch my towel and glance down at my watch just as it ticks over to 11:11 like a gunshot. I grip the edge of the railing and hang my head low while closing my eyes tightly.

  Please take away my past. Change my past. Alter my past. Go back and make the accident never happen. Go back and make it so Marisa didn’t die. Go back and make it so I never tried to kill myself. Go back and take me inste
ad of her.

  “What are you doing?” Vi’s voice asks from behind me as I stand up straight, finishing what I came out here to do.

  I shake my head, avoiding her eyes, but I know it’s useless. “It’s nothing, Vi. Please, let’s go back to bed.”

  “It’s not nothing.” She strolls out dressed in a baggy nightshirt. Her blonde hair is loose and wild around her face, but she still has never looked more beautiful. “Tell me.”

  I look at her and instantly fear everything exploding all around us if I don’t explain this properly. “It’s just a stupid superstition I’ve had for ages.”

  “For how long?” Her brow furrows.

  I swallow hard. “About four years.”

  Her eyes blink knowingly. “Since Marisa died.”

  I shrug sheepishly. “Told you it’s stupid.”

  “What do you do?”

  I sigh heavily. “I’d rather not talk about it, Vi. You’re going to think I’m crazier than I’ve already proven.”

  “I want to know.” She leans against the railing beside me. Bruce follows on her heels, shooting me a wounded puppy-dog look over blowing him off a bit ago.

  With a deep breath in, I place my forearms on the railing, choosing to watch London’s reaction to my story over Vi’s. “I just have a little ritual I do every time 11:11 hits. It’s developed into a bit of OCD I guess. 11:11 has always been important to me. I’ve always seen it in my life, represented in one way or another. License plates, mileage on a speedometer, final amount on grocery receipts. It always randomly appears to me.” I cut my eyes to hers. “The floors of people’s flats.”


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