Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 4

by Elle Linder

  How could anyone mistreat such a sweet and beautiful woman? He needed to make up for his despicable behavior. This was his second chance.

  “Did you get everything you wanted?” Erika inquired as she glanced in Luke’s direction.

  “I did...sort of. All I could find in the wine section was this...” She frowned holding the box of Moscato.

  “Not your fave?”

  “Not even close, but it’ll do in a pinch. At least these brownies look sinfully delicious.” She smiled, bouncing on her toes like a giddy schoolgirl. “I haven’t had brownies in weeks. I’m way overdue.”

  “They’re the best, but too many will leave their mark on your rear.” Erika giggled, and her long hair fell forward.

  “Honey, so far I haven’t had a problem with my weight, but still, one day that saying ‘a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’ will apply to me. Knock on wood, it hasn’t happened yet.” She knocked on the wooden base of the counter.

  The girls giggled together like old friends; it was a sight Luke enjoyed very much.

  Erika glanced in his direction again as he walked toward the counter. Julia followed her line of vision this time, and a small smile appeared on her face.

  It was like she was looking at Luke with a new pair of eyes. His black hair was shaved close on the sides, the top long enough to comb back with the help of little hair gel. His beard was full but neat and tidy, not at all untamed the way hipsters wore their facial hair.

  All Julia had recalled after their horrible first meeting was the copious amounts of black hair across his face resembling a dingy shag rug. But now, as he strode toward her with his hands in his pockets, flutters sprung to life in her stomach. This man was ruggedly handsome, tall and muscular, with his gaze fixed on her.

  “Hi, stranger,” she greeted, turning sideways against the counter to face him.

  “Hi,” he returned. “I got you all loaded up.” He jerked his chin toward the fireplace. She looked past him and noticed the club chair where he had been sitting.

  “Thanks.” Julia looked up into his dark-as-night eyes. They were non-threatening, and his eyebrows were thick and masculine, with a slight downward curve on the outer edges. One might think he was sad, but the twinkle in his eyes said differently. It made her heart race in a wondrous way.

  “Do you have time for a walk?”

  “A walk?” she asked, curious to his meaning.

  “To see some sites on the property for weddings,” he explained, holding her gaze.

  “Oh…sure. I’ve got time. Let me put my stuff in the office.” She scurried around the counter with her bags.

  Moments later she returned, and they walked out the large carved doors, leaving Erika with a silly grin on her face.

  Julia inhaled the clean, brisk mountain air, noting a piney, smoky scent that teased her nose the way seaweed and salty air did back home. It was her first time out on the property, and even in the cold with the snow crunching beneath her feet, she was warm walking beside Luke. This time his stride wasn’t wide or fast as he kept in step with her. She appreciated his efforts. There was something different about him, a softer, more caring aspect about him that hadn’t been there before.

  What had changed?

  The silent walk gave her a chance to process her thoughts, something she needed to do when met with a challenge, whether it be professional or personal. Julia planned every conversation she had with people. If she didn’t, she could get flustered or taken advantage of because she was a softy—a pushover.

  Just the other day, she had declared Luke as her new challenge but hadn’t made a plan. Could she deal with him off the cuff? She did all right when he was scary. In comparison, this unexpected visit should be a piece of cake. Was it an unexpected visit? Hadn’t she told him to come up to the lodge whenever he had time? Now she would have to wing it as best she could.

  Off in the distance she spotted a cabin, and she remembered not seeing Luke last week.

  “So, how have you been? I haven’t seen you since I arrived. Maybe you’ve just been busy down in your cabin?” she asked, carefully fishing for information.

  He looked down at the tip of her nose. It might be pink, given that her eyes felt glossy from the cold. She wore her fuzzy white scarf wrapped all the way up to her chin. With the way Luke looked at her, a nervousness washed over her. He appeared to enjoy the sight of her.

  “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before.” He went straight for the apology and surprised her. “I was a jerk.”

  She looked down at her boots, not knowing what to say. His candor was charming and genuine. Luke didn’t appear to be into games and owned his wrongs. He had been a jerk, but so had she, letting his rude behavior dictate her response—her snobby, arrogant response. “Thank you, but I wasn’t the nicest person either. Normally, I’m more professional and controlled. I’m embarrassed by my behavior.”

  “You and me both, but your reaction was spurred by mine; I’m sure of it.”

  “Okay, I won’t argue with you,” she teased.

  Luke laughed deeply from the belly. The robust sound caught her off guard, as did the way her body reacted to the sexy laugh of this serious man, igniting a furnace inside her that also heated her cheeks.

  Suddenly, he stopped walking and faced her. His tense eyes were on hers for a few beats, and then he extended his hand. “Let’s try this again. Hi, Julia. I’m Luke Hamill, the grounds manager and resident lumberjack.”

  She smiled up at him as she placed her dainty hand into his large mitt. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Luke. Or do you prefer Mr. Lumberjack?” Her banter, followed by the batting of her eyelashes, made him flash a devilish grin.

  “Luke will be just fine.” He nodded with a twinkle in his eyes. They started walking again, and she followed his lead. “So how do you like Faithful Falls?”

  “I like it more than the last time I was here. Are you from the area?”

  “No, I’m from Juneau, Alaska. I moved to the area a few years back. What part of California are you from?”

  “Santa Monica, but I live in L.A. now, to be closer to my inn. Ever been? We’ve got the sun and heavenly beaches.” She heard the longing in her voice as she talked about her home.

  “I have—San Francisco and Oceanside a few years back. I liked it there, except there wasn’t enough snow for me.”

  “You mean there wasn’t any at all! Not on the coast anyway, only sand.” She sighed then at the thought of the Pacific Ocean and her beloved beach. She missed them so much after only one week.

  Luke eyed her but didn’t say anything.

  The longer they walked, the more they relaxed. After the apologies were said, it was as if their walls had been brought down. With only the lake privy to the stolen glances and flirtatious gazes that passed between them, the day was unlikely to be forgotten by either.

  Luke turned toward Julia again. “I always thought this spot would be perfect for the bride and groom to say their vows.” The sincerity in his voice stunned her; he truly believed it was a perfect spot. It was like he had given it some solid thought.

  “The view is spectacular.” They were in a clearing surrounded by the tallest of pines. In awe, she stared at the falls across the lake, drinking in the magical winter wonderland scene.

  Julia surveyed the area, and her imagination ran wild. Rows of white folding chairs flanked a white runner decorated with petals, setting the stage. There were floral arrangements with hydrangeas of every color and ferns as the base. Hundreds of twinkling lights hung from the pines, illuminating an evening ceremony. She sighed dreamily. It would be enchanting. She looked down at her hands, envisioning a loose, natural bouquet made up of roses, dahlias, lavender, and sprigs of seeded eucalyptus and fern tied together with a silk ribbon to match her wedding gown.

  Wait, mine?

  Just then reality hit, jerking her out of a woodland fantasy. Standing quietly beside her was Luke. His eyes were on her, filled with intrigue.

>   “Was it everything you dreamed of?”

  She blinked several times. “Huh?”

  “The wedding you just imagined in this spot.”

  “It would be everything and so much more.” She turned away, embarrassed.

  Luke left it alone, thankfully. She felt silly enough without any teasing from him. They continued to walk, rounding back to the lodge. There were several prime locations for events and weddings, but there was only one perfect spot for the ultimate wedding ceremony in Julia’s mind—the spot Luke had showed her with a view of the falls. A hidden, romantic gem…like it shouldn’t be used for just anyone.

  Back at the lodge, Erika was on the phone with Becky, who claimed to be “checking in,” but it turned out she was seeking information on Julia and Luke. Toward the end of the call, after business had been discussed, Becky asked, “How are Julia and Luke getting along?”

  “Getting along? Fine I guess,” Erika answered, puzzled by the question. “Luke avoided the lodge last week, but today he reappeared. They’re out taking a walk around the property right now.”

  “Are they? Sounds like they’re getting along very well then.”

  “Um…I guess. He’s showing her different sites for events. You know, work related stuff.”

  “Mm-hmm. I’ll be straight with you, but keep your lip buttoned, kiddo.”


  “My gut is telling me those two are meant for each other. I’ve worked with Luke for three years. He’s a solid man and sexy to boot. My niece needs a man like him. So tell me, do they have chemistry?”



  “Oh, um, maybe.”

  “Good enough for me! I’ll call you next week for an update. Remember, keep your lip buttoned up.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  Just then Julia and Luke entered the lobby. They were smiling and casually talking and walking close to each other. “Looks like attraction to me,” Erika muttered.


  Clues of Attraction

  The brisk morning air invigorated Julia during her walk along the same trail she and Luke had taken yesterday. She had enjoyed the outdoors more than she’d thought possible, but maybe it had been the company. Either way, she ventured out alone today to embrace the glorious mountain views. At the same time, she called her mom and asked about Becky’s recovery.

  Julia’s mom, Donna, was the middle child of three girls. Becky was the oldest, and Diane was the youngest. After Julia’s dad, Tony, had died two years ago in a car accident, her mom had moved to Arizona to live with Diane. At first, Julia had taken the double loss hard. However, running an inn and spa had kept her days jammed packed, and she wouldn’t have been available to help her mom as Diane could. The guilt of neglecting her mother, even unintentionally, would have been severe. So Julia had supported her mom’s decision to move to Arizona. It had been a lesson in selflessness for Julia to put the wants and needs of someone she loved before her own.

  The pep in Donna’s voice had returned in the last year. She had thrived in the arid mountains of Prescott under the love and care of her closest sister, and that pleased Julia greatly.

  “So, how’s it going at the resort?” Donna asked. “Becky isn’t worried at all. She believes you’re more than capable. You should hear her brag about you to Zoey.”

  “Oh great, just one more reason for Zoey to hate me.”

  “She doesn’t hate you. It’s a younger cousin thing. She’s just envious of your beauty and success.”

  “That’s nice, but I don’t believe you. She hates me. And everything is just fine here. It’s more beautiful than I remembered. I’m actually enjoying myself…surprisingly.”

  “Really? I’m shocked. I guess Becky called it.”

  “What do you mean, she ‘called it’?”

  “Oh, you know how she thinks she knows everything. It’s irritating.” Donna let out a heavy sigh. “Anyway, she said you were going to love it there and never want to leave. It’s totally ridiculous.”

  “It’s insane! Crazy talk. What kind of drugs is she on?”

  “Good question. I should check to make sure she isn’t doubling up. She even said there was a sexy mountain man there who would sweep you off your feet. It’s got to be the drugs.” Donna laughed through her teeth. The hissing sound always made Julia roll her eyes.

  “Mountain man? She said that?”

  “Yes. Does she not know you at all? Like you’d ever so much as look at a man not in an Armani suit, let alone a flannel shirt!”

  Julia froze as, just then, a man in a flannel shirt walked toward her.

  “Morning, where you headed?” Luke said in greeting.

  “Julia, who’s there?”

  “A mountain man. I’ll call you later.” Julia promptly ended the call, her eyes locked on Luke’s.

  “You didn’t have to hang up.” He furrowed his brow curiously. “Mountain man? I thought I was the lumberjack.” He winked, a small curve on his mouth.

  Julia’s insides jolted. Apparently she didn’t need caffeine to get her going this morning. “You’re Mr. Lumberjack,” she said, flirting a little. “It was just my mom. I took a morning walk and thought I’d give her a call to see how Becky was doing.”

  “What a coincidence; I just talked to Becky an hour ago. She sounds good and in no apparent rush to get back here.”

  “You talked to her? Really?”

  The wheels in her head started turning. Was Lauren right? Had Becky injured herself on purpose? No, that would be extreme. And a ridiculous notion. Or was it?

  “Why are you surprised? I do work for her. What’s more surprising is you out taking a walk in the forest.”

  “Maybe it’s time I turn over a new leaf and try new things?” She shrugged. “I mean, look at this place; it’s absolutely gorgeous.” She felt Luke watching her as her eyes danced around, soaking in the landscape. “And I’m even starting to like the smoky, piney smell in the air.”

  “Try new things? That’s always a good thing,” he said as they walked toward the lodge.

  “Know what I love?” she asked, staring at the lake.


  “The contrast of the blue water against the snowy slopes and evergreens. It makes my heart skip a beat. Sort of like waves crashing against rocks at sunset. It’s breathtaking.” She hummed.

  “Sounds amazing.” His gaze on her lingered.

  Julia felt peaceful and happy, but the look in Luke’s dark eyes made her nervous. What was going on behind them? Could they be thinking the same thing? Like what it would be like to be in each other’s arms?

  “It’s more than amazing. It’s majestic the way it draws you in,” she whispered as he opened the lodge door.


  When Julia and Luke entered the lodge, Erika was on alert, looking for clues of attraction. Did they look happy, angry, or irritated? “How was your walk?” she asked.

  “Wonderful,” Julia said, walking back to her office. “I’ll see you later, Luke.” She waved.

  “Morning, Luke. Did you also go for a walk?” It wasn’t like her to meddle in his business, but she had Becky talking in her ear and a looming update expected next week. From here on out, she would be paying close attention to Luke and Julia.

  “Nope, I ran into Julia on my way up, so we walked in together.”

  Erika smiled without saying a word. What was there to say? She saw him staring at Julia like he could kiss her straight through till sunset, never once breaking for a breather.


  The day was over seemingly within minutes, just how Julia liked it. She preferred to be actively fielding calls, responding to emails, and engaging in back-to-back appointments. It was no wonder the days turned into weeks in the blink of an eye. By the end of the day, she had accomplished more than most other people would have in her position and felt more at home running the resort. Even busy, there was a calm in her that had been absent in her hurried California life

  While taking a minute to breathe and evaluate her to-do list, Julia thought of Luke. Running into him earlier hadn’t been entirely by chance. She had gone out into the great outdoors with a smidge—or maybe a mountain man’s worth—of hope that she would see him. And, as luck would have it, she had run into him. It was just like her analytical self, wanting to test him to see if he would be the same as yesterday. To her delight, Luke was better than the same. Perhaps they had overcome their horrible first meeting? One could hope. She undoubtedly hoped.

  “Another hot date with Scandal tonight?” Erika asked, pulling Julia out of her thoughts.

  “Yes! I love it so much, and then I hate it. It’s addictive.”

  “Like those brownies you also love?”


  The entrance bell sounded, steering Julia’s attention to the door. Her breath caught at the sight of Luke. Each time she saw him, he was more handsome. And every time she looked at him, his eyes were on her.

  “Hi.” He nodded to her and then to Erika.

  “Hi. I guess it’s the end of the day for you.” It took everything in her not to grin ear to ear like a silly schoolgirl, but she couldn’t hide her happiness around him. Her face forever gave away her emotions.

  “It is,” he answered, then paused a few beats. “Do you have plans tonight?”

  “Just her Scandal,” Erika interjected. She stared at them awkwardly and blessedly removed herself from the conversation when the phone rang.

  “A date with Scandal?” he asked.

  “It’s the only excitement I have in my life out here in the woods.” She shrugged. “Why do you ask?”

  He leaned forward on the counter toward her. “Do you like pizza?”

  “I do. Is there a pizza place in town?”


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