Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 6

by Elle Linder

  It hadn’t taken her long to notice the wealthy tourists in town throwing money around as if they were doing the locals a favor. It made her cringe, the way they flaunted their elite status. It also made her wonder if she had been like them when she was with Trent. The ugly truth was she knew she had been.

  This was just another area in her life where she wanted to improve herself and turn over a new leaf.

  And then there was Luke. She liked Mr. Lumberjack—it was that simple. Could he possibly like someone like her?

  On the outside they were vastly different, city-girl versus lumberjack. She laughed to herself, remembering how he had scoffed when she was in her Lexus, and how she had called him a vagrant. That had been a low point for her.

  Why had he been so different that day?

  Would she ever know?

  Now after seeing him frequently for the last couple of days, she couldn’t deny her crazy feelings. Was it too early to be falling for him? No, with the strong attraction she felt, it wasn’t too early at all.


  Trying to Fit In

  Julia entered The Peak shortly after seven o’clock. Cedar planks covered the walls, and slate tiled floors balanced the dark stained furnishings. Mounted fish, antlers, and bear skins covered the walls. She was surprised the dead animals on the walls didn’t bother her.

  She spotted Bruce behind the counter, then studied the room. To the right were tables that were occupied, and to the far left was the dance floor. A few couples were dancing to a country song. Then she saw Erika waving her down from a large table at the south end of the room. She returned a small, discreet wave as she walked over to her.

  “I was afraid you changed your mind,” Erika said. “You look fabulous by the way.”

  “Thanks. I’m a little nervous,” she whispered in her ear.

  “Don’t be. Let me introduce you to everyone.”

  Everyone in the group looked to be in their early to late twenties. And they were checking her out, which added to her nervousness, but she smiled just the same.

  “Everybody, this is Julia Greene. She’s running the resort while Becky is recovering in Arizona.” The crowd of people waved to her, and she reciprocated. “Over here is my oldest sister Tami and her husband, Aaron. He’s Bruce’s younger brother.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” Julia nodded.

  Tami and Aaron smiled in return.

  “And on the end down there is my other sister Tiffani. I’m not sure who the guy is whispering in her ear, probably some dude from another town. They often come out here to score on Ladies’ Night.”

  Julia’s eyes widened. Tiffani didn’t seem interested in the least as the dude distracted her with…sweet nothings?

  “And this here is Lindsey, my best friend, and you know Calvin.”

  He waved to Julia with a big, cheesy grin on his face.

  “That’s everyone. Sit next to me.” Erika pulled out a chair, putting Julia between her and her sister Tami.

  As Julia removed her coat, she looked over the table to survey what everyone was drinking. Only beer and soda it seemed. She hung the coat on the back of her chair just as Bruce approached.

  “Hey, Julia, glad to see you made it. What can I get you?”

  “Hi, Bruce, I’d love a glass of Merlot,” she replied, taking her seat.

  “You got it.”

  “How are you adjusting to our small town?” Tami asked. “Erika tells me you’re from Los Angeles. It’s pretty different here, isn’t it?”

  “It’s beautiful here. I love the lake and the falls. But it is different—in a good way,” Julia agreed.

  “And colder.”

  “Yes, that little part is taking some getting used to.”

  “I have to tell you, Erika has said nothing but good things about you, and she’s a hard critic.”

  “Yes, I am, and Julia is awesome!” Erika stressed her words to make her point. She was always genuine. Julia appreciated that about her.

  Just then Bruce placed a glass of wine in front of her. “Thank you.” She lifted the glass to her lips, and her eyes fell on Tiffani, who was now actively flirting with the dude. But every so often she would glance her way. Tiffani didn’t seem approachable or friendly like Tami. Julia knew the look well. It was one she’d often received during college that said, I’m your competition.

  Julia stared at Tiffani’s long platinum-blonde locks and the dark eyeliner that highlighted her aqua-blue eyes. Her hair color had to be fake, with the way it blended into her porcelain skin. She was attractive but in no way competition, because Julia didn’t play games—she’d forfeit in the first round.

  “So, what do you think of the place?” Erika interrupted Julia’s thoughts. “Never been to a joint like this before, have you?”

  “No, I haven’t, but it’s lively. I like music and dancing.” Except not country music. After a second glass of wine, she would be fine with everything in The Peak.

  “I bet Murphy’s is more your kind of place.” Erika swayed in her chair to the music.

  “What’s Murphy’s?”

  “The nicest restaurant in town. It’s in a cottage, and the food is pretty fancy. They serve things like roasted duck and veal.” She screwed up her face. “You won’t find either of those on the menu here.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll have to check it out before I leave.”

  “You think you’ll go back? I’d love for you to stay,” Erika said with pleading eyes.

  Julia laughed. “You’ve only just met me. And yes, I’m going back to California. It’s where my life is…my home and business. But I’m touched you’d like me to stay.” She patted Erika’s shoulder. “Maybe you could visit me sometime?”

  “That would be cool! I do really like you, and I can’t say that about most people.” Erika stood suddenly. “I’ll be right back.”

  Julia watched her and Lindsey head to the ladies’ room. Erika’s honesty had caught Julia by surprise. Most people in California weren’t so quick to admit their feelings. She found the stark contrast refreshing, and she really liked Erika too.

  The people in The Peak ranged from young and old to married and single. Some looked to be regulars, while others looked like tourists, and some were at the bar alone. Feeling comfortable, Julia started to relax after only one glass of wine. She talked and laughed with Erika, Lindsey, and Tami as if they were old friends.

  In the middle of a bout of girlish giggles following one of Erika’s fishing stories that always ended with her helping a guy bait his hook, “Good Girl” started. Not two seconds later, Calvin had Julia by the hand. He jerked his head to the dance floor, his classic cheesy grin stretched across his face. What else could she do but dance with him? Now would be the worst time to cause a scene by protesting; after all, she was the new girl in town.

  To her relief, Erika and Lindsey joined them. Country music really wasn’t her thing, and she didn’t know Carrie Underwood or her music, but she danced just the same. It happened to be a rocking song.

  At the bar, Bruce watched Julia with interest even though Luke had seen her first. He furrowed his heavy brows, eyeing Calvin’s dirty paws on Julia’s waist. Bruce dug his cell phone out of his back pocket and called Luke.

  “Hey, man, what’s up?” Luke answered.

  “You’ll wanna get over here as soon as possible. Your girl is here, and your young buck, Calvin, has her on the dance floor.”

  “My girl?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. Your girl, Julia. Unless you’re tossing her aside, and in that case, never mind—I’ll go rescue her from Calvin.”

  “Okay, okay. Julia’s at The Peak? Dancing? With Calvin?”

  “She came alone but joined Erika’s usual table. She’s drawing a lot of attention. I just thought you’d want to know.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes. I’m just getting into town.”


  “Hey, Bruce?”


�t let anyone harass her.”

  “No worries, I won’t take my eyes off her,” Bruce assured him with a snarky tone.

  “You ass! Don’t act like you’re doing me a favor watching her. You don’t fool me.”

  “Sorry. I’m not blind. She’s pretty smokin’ hot.”

  “Don’t I know it… See you in ten.”

  As requested, Bruce made sure no one of the male persuasion bothered Julia. It seemed that as long as Calvin danced with her, men left her alone, but he could see they were enjoying the show. After Julia went back to the table, Bruce quickly brought her another glass of wine before some other guy could approach her.

  “Thanks.” She fanned herself. “It’s been a while.” She pointed to Calvin and the others.

  Bruce smiled. “You were holding your own. Can I get you something to eat?”

  “No thanks, I’m fine.”

  Bruce nodded but couldn’t think of anything else to say, so he returned to his post behind the bar. With a perfect view, he watched over the California beauty. In all his years of owning The Peak, it was rare that he had served an attractive and classy woman like Julia.

  Then there were Tami and Tiffani. The differences between them and Julia were night and day. Not that they were unattractive, just not the same caliber as Julia. Especially Tiffani, who always dressed in seductive garb and played up to every man who noticed her. Of the two sisters, it was Tiffani who Bruce thought was the prettiest. But the tainted woman got around, and her jar of honey had been sampled by most of the available—and some of the unavailable—men in town.


  So far, Julia’s evening had turned out to be more fun than she had expected. In the last few years, she had only danced at elite social events or weddings, and always with her ex, Trent. She had never danced with someone like Calvin. The guy had rhythm and flashy dance moves—in a spastic kind of way. No question he had tried his best to impress her, and he had succeeded.

  In line with the dancing being different, so were the people at her table. Their alcohol consumption was three drinks to her one glass. They had a rotation going of beer and then whiskey. Either they had a strong tolerance for alcohol—as if it were water in their veins—or she was the weakest of drinkers. There was no doubt in her mind it was the latter.

  Tami and Aaron were a nice couple, close to her age. They had a young son, Austin, and Julia had learned Tami cut hair in her garage. But then there was Tiffani, who kept to herself at the opposite end of the table. Even after the dude who had been kissing on her left, Tiffani hadn’t engaged Julia or anyone else. However, she had shot Julia a hateful glance here and there. Why the ugly sneers? It wasn’t like they were high school rivals—or even in high school for that matter.

  A thought had occurred to her; she was the new girl in town. Did Tiffani feel threatened? Was Tiffani the most desired woman around? She had the looks, but her attitude was less than desirable, or so Julia thought. She made a mental note to stay out of Tiffani’s way. It wouldn’t be long before she’d return to her own turf in sunny California anyway.

  Halfway through her second glass of wine, the alcohol had begun to take effect. Everything was a little funnier, and she was a little more willing for just about anything. So when a song called “Chicken Fried” started, it didn’t take any coaxing at all from Calvin to get her out on the dance floor again. This time around, she didn’t hold back, shaking her rear and shimmying her shoulders.

  Julia giggled all the way through the song.



  Luke strolled into The Peak and stopped in the entry to scan the room. He spotted several familiar faces and threw up a few waves to some guys he knew, but he didn’t stop to talk. No, he made his way to Bruce, who stood guard at the bar.

  “Hey, you’re just in time.” Bruce jerked his chin to the dance floor. “They just got out there to take another spin around the floor. And she’s on her second glass of wine. She’s a lightweight.” He winked.

  Luke leaned against the bar and smiled a devilish grin as he watched Julia.

  “She hasn’t eaten anything since she arrived an hour ago. Up close, she has that yummy pink in her cheeks women get after a couple of drinks.”

  Luke shot him an intimidating glare.

  “Hey, I’m just calling it like I see it. I can’t believe you were a dick to her…to her. Just look at her.” At the same time, they turned toward Julia. She stood out like a beacon of light on the dance floor as she danced without a care in the world.

  “I’m making up for how I treated her,” Luke said, keeping his eyes on Julia. “I’m being nice, like you suggested.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Has anybody bothered her?”

  “You in the mood to kick some ass, Marine?”

  “No, but if a dude put his paws on her without her permission…then, yes.”

  “Nah, nobody bothered her, but as you can see, plenty would like to put their paws on her.”

  Luke looked around the bar, and sure enough, Julia had the attention of most of the men in the house. Why wouldn’t she? Wearing her designer jeans and white V-neck shirt, her body alone would make any man stop in his tracks. But it was her brains and sassy, sweet attitude that would seal the deal, like it had with him.

  He took his usual stool at the bar to watch her for a bit, and Bruce served him up the house IPA.

  Luke hadn’t taken Julia for a country music girl, but she held her own kicking it up with Calvin. He noticed Erika and her friend Lindsey beside her, and then Tami and Aaron behind the foursome. He rounded back his sights, and they landed on Tiffani. Her eyes were locked on him.

  That woman had an eagle eye when it came to him. He darted his eyes off her so she wouldn’t get any ideas. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her throw back her shot in a pissed-off manner. That was good, because he wasn’t, nor would he ever be, interested in her.

  The lights on the dance floor dimmed when “Make You Miss Me” started. Luke knew the song and the singer, Sam Hunt, because of Erika, who apparently loved him. Luke jumped off the stool with his eye on Julia. Neither Calvin nor any other guy would have this dance with her. In three seconds flat, he had her gripped by the waist, stopping her as she was returning to her table with Erika and Lindsey.

  Julia spun around. The shock on her face vanished as relief and then desire washed over her. Luke walked back to the dance floor with a sexy gaze designed to beckon her to follow, and she did as commanded. They didn’t speak as he pulled her into his arms.

  The feel of Julia’s silky hair tickling his neck while her warm body pressed against his turned him on like never before.

  But Julia wasn’t just any woman—she was the woman who made his heart turn inside out with emotion.


  Where had Luke come from?

  It didn’t really matter so long as she had his protective arms around her in a firm but gentle hold. She inhaled his scent, closing her eyes as they swayed to the music. Except, it wasn’t his cologne she smelled, it was his natural scent that weakened her inhibitions. She clasped the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

  In response to her, Luke pressed his face into the crook of her neck; his warm breath tickled her skin. Tingle after delicious tingle, the question of all questions swayed in her head to the beat of the song: Would he kiss her? Or better yet, give her the biggest hickey in front of the whole town? If her eyes hadn’t been closed tightly, relishing the dance, she would have rolled them incredulously. Luke would never be so tacky. Nor was he a caveman—although, she could tell he had possessive and sometimes dominating tendencies. But with her, he had only shown a sweet tenderness she hadn’t expected. He held her securely in his arms until the song end.


  When a man like Luke took to the floor with a woman in a town like Faithful Falls, every person witnessing the significant event had their eyes on him—and the lucky woman. Like Calvin, Erika, and Lindsey, they all watched with interest.
The awws flowed out of the young women, each appearing to be swept away by the romantic scene.

  Luke had publicly claimed Julia. That was the thing about small towns. You didn’t cross the line and make a move on another man’s woman. Especially not in a tight-knit community or with a large Marine like Luke. Every guy knew the score, and from here on out, it would be hands off or lose ’em.

  There was one person in the room who looked ready to claw out Julia’s eyes—Tiffani. Luke saw her natural resting bitch face spread across her face. Anyone could see the jealousy rushing out of her pores like a busted fire hydrant, shrieking in the middle of a gaggle of children on a blistering hot August day. It wasn’t a secret she had wanted Luke since the first day her pretty eyes fell on him three years ago. Despite her beauty and curvaceous body, she had never once tempted him.

  He had the highest of standards, especially because of Renee’s betrayal. Luke had heard all the colorful gossip about Tiffani in town. No way would he take a dip with her, even for a night. No matter how many times he shut her down, she persisted. And now that he was acting very into Julia, it was like he had slapped Tiffani in the face with a trout, given the sour look of rejection on her face.

  Luke pulled back as the song ended. Julia’s wistful expression brought a smile to his face. Her hands trailed down the front of his chest, brushing over his firm pectorals. There it was in her eyes…her need for him.

  “Hi.” He looked down at her.

  “Hi.” A dreamy glint shined in her eyes.

  “Wanna go back to the table?”


  Luke took Julia’s hand and lifted it to his lips—a final show of his claim for all the men watching. There should be no confusion who Julia belonged to, and the word would spread overnight. The town’s most prolific gossip, Louise from the flower shop, was seeing the whole show. He couldn’t have planned it any better, and he never left anything up for speculation. That was just how he rolled—crossing his t’s and dotting his i’s.


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