Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 9

by Elle Linder

  Julia giggled. “He’s great, and I like him.”

  “I knew it! It was fate that I broke my leg when I did.” Becky cackled incessantly.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying this, but don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re just getting started, and I will return to L.A. when you get back.”

  “Why? How can you leave that man if you’re falling in love with him?”

  “Love? I didn’t say love; I said like. That comes before love.”

  “Oh, come on, you’re in love with him. Just admit it to yourself and surrender. You’re staying in Idaho, sweetie,” Becky excitedly declared. “Maybe you could take the resort off my hands. You’re already running it like it’s your own!”

  “Are we back to this? What kind of meds are you taking down there? I own an inn and spa. Why on earth would I want two businesses?” Julia frustratedly spun around in her chair. Her breath caught at the sight of Luke in her doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Don’t answer me yet. Just think about it. If you and Luke get married, you’d be the perfect team running the resort.” A giddy Becky was a determined Becky, and that wasn’t good.


  “Aunt Becky, I need to go now. I’ll let you know how the Sweethearts Retreat goes, and I’ve got some other promo ideas we can discuss another time. You take care and give my love to Mom and Aunt Diane.”

  “Sure thing, sweetie. Just surrender already and buy the resort!”

  Julia ended the call with her eyes locked on Luke. She couldn’t read his expression. He had mastered the stone face. “Hi, handsome.”

  “Hi, I didn’t mean to interrupt your call.” He closed the door before sitting down. “How’s Becky doing?”

  “Good, she’s on the mend. Everything all right?” She knew the answer to her question. The second she saw him standing in the doorway, she knew he wasn’t pleased about her leaving. The tension in the room confirmed it.

  “I heard you say you’d be returning to L.A. as planned. Guess I thought there might be a chance you wouldn’t.” He rubbed his beard. “And she wants you to buy the resort?”

  Julia stood from her chair and sat in his lap like she often did. She stared into his steely eyes, then cupped his face and kissed him. He responded aggressively, with his hands feeling every curve of her body, drawing out her soft moans as he tormented her desire for more.

  “I’m so ready for you,” she whispered against his mouth. “When?”

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  “Valentine’s? That’s twelve days away! I can’t wait that long! You said two weeks! Our two weeks is up today!”

  “Okay, the weekend before Valentine’s?” he countered.

  Her jaw dropped.

  “Sweetheart, I want to make it special.”

  She crossed her arms defiantly.

  Luke kissed her as he reached his hand under her sweater. His rough hand soothed her angst.

  She broke the kiss. “I only told Becky I was moving back so she wouldn’t bug me about you.”


  “I don’t want people talking in my ear the next couple of months. A lot would have to happen for me to stay. It’s not as simple as everyone seems to think it is. And then, buying the resort? She’s gotta be off her rocker.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  Her eyes shot to his. “Do you mean it?”

  “Yes. I know how hard it was for me to move here from Alaska, and I didn’t have a gorgeous woman like you to make it easier. At least you have me.” He winked.

  “You’re definitely making it easier.” She nibbled on his lips. “The weekend before Valentine’s Day?”


  “That’s like eight days away. I don’t know if I can wait that long,” she whimpered.

  “I’ll be strong for both of us… No rushing. I plan to blow your mind,” he tempted, which only made her kiss him again.

  The Sweethearts Retreat was not only a good business decision for the resort, it also increased business for Murphy’s Café, which offered a dinner for two in the package. Julia had been working with Mike and Kandace the last couple of weeks, and a casual friendship had developed.

  Julia believed that to be successful you had to network. Not only did she develop a working relationship with the Murphy’s, she also grew her relationship with Louise and Nyle Seaton, the owners of Seaton’s Flower Shop & Gifts. The connections she made proved even more beneficial during February. Everyone appreciated Julia’s savvy business tactics and sang her praises around town.

  One night at The Peak, Luke found out just how much the locals appreciated his girl. He walked in and headed straight for his stool at the bar. “Hey, man, how’s it going?” He jerked his chin to Bruce.

  “Good. Where’s your better half?”

  Luke laughed. “She’s working her sexy little ass off making the big bucks at the resort. Her promo is bringing in tons of guests. She’s so damn smart.” He grinned proudly while Bruce served him up his usual. “Thanks.”

  “She’s bringing in a lot of business for the whole town,” Bruce said with a look of gratitude. “So, things are going good then?”

  “Yeah, they’re going great.”

  “Is she going to stay in Idaho?”

  Tiffani walked up just then and hopped on the stool next to Luke. “I’d be interested in knowing the answer to that too. I’ll have a beer, Bruce.” She waited expectantly for Luke’s answer, drumming her nails on the bar.

  “I’m not talking to you about my personal life,” he said, facing forward. He gave a side-glance to Bruce, who placed a beer in front of Tiffani.

  “Why not? We’re like one big family here in Faithful Falls. It’s not like I don’t know what’s going on. The whole damn town’s talking her up like she’s a fucking savior.”

  “When are you going to get it? I’ll never be interested in you. You have nothing I want.”

  “You’re an asshole, and I hate you!” She slammed her hand on the bar. “She’s just going to break your heart, and when she does, you’ll wish you treated me a little nicer.”

  Luke didn’t so much as flinch. A well-trained, controlled Marine never reacted. “No I won’t. If she breaks my heart, I still won’t want you.”

  “Fuck off, Luke!” She took her beer to a table where her friends were seated.

  “That girl has got a temper, but if you asked, all would be forgiven and she’d give it to you.” Bruce laughed, shaking his head.

  “And that’s why I’ll never be interested in her. She’s been with everyone, even the ones she hates.”

  “So, what about your girl? Is she staying?”

  “I hope.”

  “I hear you look mighty in love, from the rumor mill.”

  “Yeah, Louise has caught us kissing several times. It’s like she has a radar or something.”

  “You’ve given her fresh gossip to spread. Up against a pine tree, I hear. Ya know the ladies are eating that shit up.”

  “Hey, anywhere I can steal a kiss.” Luke finished his beer and placed a ten on the bar. “I’m out. Gonna see if I can pull her away from work now.”

  “Good seeing ya.” Bruce nodded as Luke left.

  Luke noticed Tiffani glaring at him as he walked out. Women like her were all about the conquest and he wanted nothing to do with her.

  As Julia wrapped up a call with a photographer in Spokane, she heard Luke laugh. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him standing in the doorway as she faced the office window. At dusk, she savored the warm amber glow behind the tall pines and mountains.

  Just to mess with him, she stalled on the call. The sexual tension between them had hit an all-time high, but he held firm with the restraint of a hundred men. Try as she might, he could not be tempted.

  “Jen, I appreciate your time and help.” She had nothing else to say. Or maybe she did. “Oh, one more thing. Can you recommend a salon or a hair stylist in Spokane?” She heard him sigh. Good. “Yes, email me
everything. Maybe we could do lunch next week?” He sighed again. “Perfect. You have a good evening too. Bye, Jen.” The call ended, and she closed her eyes and gently rocked back and forth in the chair.

  He walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. “Are you just going to ignore me?”

  She turned to face him. “Well, hey there. Back already from The Peak?” She tidied up the desk.

  “Yes, and Bruce says hi.”

  “Aww, that was nice of him.”

  Luke sat in the chair in front of the desk. “Why were you ignoring me? I know you heard me come in.”

  “Why was I ignoring you?” She rolled her eyes.


  “Oh, I don’t know, because you’re driving me batty with all this ‘waiting,’ which is all kinds of crazy. I just wanted to screw with you…one way or another.” She shrugged.

  “It’s just eight more days, baby. And not even a full eight days. Today is mostly over.”

  She tilted her head. “It’s another weekend of our bodies not being joined together, sweating together under the sheets, and smashing into each other.” She fanned herself. “Do you see that? Just thinking about us having sex gets me worked up.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I just want to make it special. Let me take you to dinner?” He flashed his charming grin.

  “Nope, I’m going to have to pass.”

  “Why? You need to eat.” He leaned forward in the chair, brows pinched together.

  “I think I’m going to spend the night with Netflix.” She grabbed her handbag and walked over to him. “I’ll see you tomorrow, handsome.” She gave him a peck on the lips.

  “Wait. Are you angry with me?”

  “Not at all. But I need some me time to decompress from all my sexual frustrations.” She winked as he stared at her, confused.

  “Time to yourself to decompress?”

  “Mm-hmm, just me, myself, and I. A little wine, a little Scandal, and a little jacuzzi tub time. Now kiss me so I can take it with me to bed,” she demanded. And he did, long and hard, leaving her breathless. “Thank you. I’m off to the flower shop. Bye, handsome.” She left Luke looking confused and frustrated.

  Mission accomplished.

  Louise and Nyle Seaton were the sweetest elderly couple. Their little shop had all the features you might expect in a small-town flower shop: flowers everywhere, wooden signs with cute little sayings, picture frames, stuffed animals, and balloons hanging from the ceiling. And standing right in front of Julia was a tall sideboard filled with huckleberry jam…just what she wanted.

  The other day, Erika had brought in homemade biscuits and huckleberry jam to the inn. Julia had been instantly smitten, so much so that she wanted a jar of her own to use as a topping for vanilla ice cream. Her sugar cravings were on overload with the resort promo and with her sexual frustrations. She needed a fix, though it would not cure her Luke craving. She approached the cabinet. Right next to the jam was huckleberry syrup.

  “Louise? Does this huckleberry syrup taste like the jam?” she asked, hopeful the answer would be yes.

  “It sure does, honey! It’s wonderful on pancakes. And if you really love huckleberry, you should smell that candle over there by the picture frames. It’s yummy. Just don’t eat it!” Louise snorted.

  “Huckleberry is my new favorite guilty pleasure. I’ll take two of each.”

  “You got it!” Louise gave her a thumbs up. “So, where’s Luke? He’s such a handsome devil.” She raised her brows up and down and clicked her tongue.

  “I heard that!” Nyle growled from the back room. “He’s too young for you.”

  “Nah, the younger men like older women. I’m a cougar. I like to get his goat every now and then,” she hissed, laughing.

  “Whatever!” Nyle yelled.

  Julia laughed. They were cute and feisty. “Oh, he’s at his place doing his thing.”

  “Interesting. I thought you two were inseparable…like your lips.” She eyed Julia suspiciously. “Your total is fifty-eight dollars and twenty-four cents, dearie.” Louise put her items in a cute hunter-green gingham bag.

  Julia swiped her debit card through the machine. “We all need a night to ourselves sometimes.”

  “Well, you two make a gorgeous couple. Here’s your goodies, honey.” Louise smiled, passing the bag to Julia.

  “Thanks for everything! Have a good evening.” Julia waved, leaving the shop.

  Julia had just finished one episode of Scandal—and a pint of vanilla ice cream with huckleberry syrup—when her phone rang. She smiled, seeing Lauren’s name on the screen.

  “Two words, vanilla and huckleberry.” Julia sighed dreamily into the phone.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My new guilty pleasure: vanilla ice cream with huckleberry syrup. It’s to die for. I’m seriously going to get fat eating this stuff, but I can’t resist.”

  “You make me sick.” Lauren laughed. “You know you’ll never get fat.”

  “You’re joking, right? One day it’s all going to catch up with me, and I don’t care. Not with this syrup in my life.”

  “In your dreams. So, what are you up to tonight?”

  “Ice cream and Scandal.” Guilt lurched in her chest. She hadn’t talked to Lauren about Luke yet. “Lauren…” Her voice trailed.

  “Uh-oh, what’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been seeing the angry mountain man for two weeks.”

  “You what? Nuh-uh, you’re not just telling me this now! Two weeks?!”

  “I’m sorry! Time’s flown by, and now seemed like the best time to tell you because I’m sexually frustrated.”

  “I don’t understand. Why are you sexually frustrated? Wait! He is gay.”

  Julia giggled. “No, he’s not. I have to wait seven more days to have sex with him, and then in nine weeks I’ll be back home.”

  “Why are you waiting?”

  “Because he wants us to get to know each other better. I love that, but I’m dying here. Lauren, he’s so damn sexy…I can hardly stand it.”

  “Well, I think it’s sweet he wants to make it special. Usually this is the sort of thing you find romantic.”

  “And I do. Truly. But I feel like our time together is running out. I’ve never wanted to be with a guy this bad. And huckleberry syrup won’t satisfy my Luke craving.”

  “Is this you needing your pipes flushed out, or are you falling in love with him?”

  “Um, kind of the latter.”

  “Kind of? What does that mean? I can’t believe I’m just hearing about all this!”

  “I know, I know, and I’m so sorry. But just roll with it, okay? What if he sucks in bed and he’s trying to get me to fall in love with Luke, the man, before I find out he’s impotent or has a micropenis? That would be horrific! I’d be devastated.”

  “Now you’ve gone and lost your mind. A micropenis?” Lauren roared laughing. “That’s hilarious! So how did all this start?”

  “With a walk around the property. He apologized for being a jerk, and ever since then he’s been wonderful, and we had an amazing first dance. And the making out, oh my God—magnificent. But now I’m afraid of being disappointed. I like him, a lot.”

  “I can tell, and that just tells me he’s the real deal. Yay for you, but it sucks for me. We’ll have to figure out the business and everything,” Lauren grumbled.

  “No, it’s too early to talk about the business. And there’s more.”


  “Yeah, an ex-wife and two kids.” She braced herself for Lauren’s unpredictable response.

  “Can you repeat that, please?”

  Julia inhaled and then slowly exhaled. “You heard me. Luke’s divorced, and he has two kids.”

  “Dammit! That’s the real reason you didn’t tell me, isn’t it?”



  “Maybe. I’m taking it slow. I haven’t made any lifelong promises to him. He knows this is a lot for me.
But I needed time to process and to see if we’ll work. That’s why I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “Shit. What you’re really saying is you’ve fallen for him. The angry, divorced father-of-two mountain man. This is just great! You know what I’m going to say, don’t you?”

  “Yes, walk away.”

  “Exactly. Before the L-word is spoken.”

  “Listen, I’ll be careful. I gotta go. Olivia Pope is calling.”

  “Fine, enjoy your Scandal. But I know you’re burying your head in the sand. Just remember what happened with Trent when you did that, my little ostrich.”

  “That’s how much you know. They don’t bury their heads in sand. They play dead when in danger.”

  “And that’s so much better. I’ll talk to you later, when you’re ready to face the truth.”

  Following the call, Julia busted out a few Pilates moves, as if that would keep her body fit after eating a pint of ice cream. If nothing more, it would help release the tension from her body after her call with Lauren. As she watched her show, she stretched, lunged, inhaled, and exhaled, trying not to think about Luke’s family.

  She collapsed on the chair for a second episode.

  A triple knock startled her, but then a sassy smile broke out on her face as she ran to the door. She knew exactly who it was.

  “Hi, what are you doing here?” She blocked the entrance, arms crossed over her chest.

  Luke surveyed her body, mouth agape.

  “Oops…I wasn’t expecting company.” She smirked, standing a little taller in her cheekies and sports bra.

  “Dressed like that I would hope you weren’t expecting company. I brought you dinner.”

  “I already ate dinner.” She cocked her head to the side.

  “Will you invite me in, please?”

  “Sure…come in.” She stepped back, opening the door wider. “I’ll put some clothes on.”

  “Why? I promise to keep my distance.”

  Her mouth popped open. “Really? Seeing me like this makes it easy to keep your distance?”


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