Stay With Me, Julia

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Stay With Me, Julia Page 24

by Elle Linder

  “I will…and hey, you owe me a dance.” He winked as he ran off with her keys.

  She laughed, shaking her head, then leaned into Luke and immediately pulled back. Being with him around his kids and Renee was hard. They were a touchy-feely couple. Neither was shy about showing affection, but now she needed to be mindful in front of his family.

  “Do you like to dance?” Heather asked.

  “I dance a little, but not usually to country music. What about you? Do you like to dance?”

  “Yes! I love to dance. I can hardly wait to go to high school so that I can go to prom and other dances. I bet you went to all of them, didn’t you?” Heather asked.

  “I did. Mostly with friends,” Julia answered. She sipped her wine, peering over the rim at Renee, who looked bored out of her mind. Why had she come out to Idaho? It’s not like she had friends or family in town. Or was it to be with Luke? And if it was, did that mean she would try to come between them?

  Just then Luke gripped her knee, and it pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “Doing okay?” His dark eyes enveloped her; it was all she needed to calm her nerves. “We’ll leave in a bit.” He squeezed her knee again. She laid her hand on his. Touching his skin soothed her to the core.

  Calvin and his crew entered, along with Tiffani. The sour scowl on her face was present every time Julia saw her. Could they live in the same town peacefully?

  As Tiffani sauntered in, heads turned, chins lifted, and a few whistles directed at her came from different directions. A forced tee-hee followed a sassy whip of her platinum-blonde hair. She reminded Julia of a caricature with big breasts, a small waist, a big mouth, gleaming white teeth, and hollow eyes. Except she didn’t have a big mouth. She had a pretty smile. There was so much going on with Tiffani, yet no life in her eyes. Just one dimension of flesh and bones. No woman was born that way.

  The group managed to grab a table not far from Julia and Luke’s. She waved to Erika, Lindsey, and Tami, then glanced Tiffani’s way. It was no surprise that her gaze was on Luke—always a viper on the hunt for the pray that escaped her trap and lustful poison. Her overt interest in him annoyed Julia for sure, but she wouldn’t let it bother her anymore. Luke was hers.

  After the food arrived, the table quieted. The kids inhaled their plates as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks. Julia remembered being like them many moons ago. They were sweet kids, and they hadn’t mentioned her compromising position under their dad. Thankfully. She giggled at their antics. Seeing Luke enjoying his kids melted her heart.

  To Luke’s relief, the conversation was light between Julia and Renee. But two sets of unwelcomed eyes were on him constantly—Renee’s and Tiffani’s—and it unnerved him. Why did some women try to steal a man from another woman? He guessed it was a power struggle, and he hated it. But Julia wasn’t like them; she respected people. She had a big, caring heart. Whereas, Renee and Tiffani were very much alike—both in it for themselves, and they didn’t give a shit about anyone else.

  “How was everything?” Bruce asked, removing plates and empty glasses.

  “Great as always,” Luke answered.

  “Good. Can I get you anything else?”

  “Nah, we’re good.”

  “Okay, I’ll grab the check.” Bruce left with a stack of empty plates and glasses, and a stupid smirk that said, Better you than me.

  The atmosphere in The Peak changed after Calvin and the others arrived. The energy radiated throughout the bar side. Even the music shifted from easy listening to dance-party. So when Calvin headed toward their table, it could be for only one reason: to dance with Julia. He extended his hand out to her without saying a word. She shook her head, but Luke nudged her along.

  Heather bounced in her chair watching Julia dance. “Dad, can I go out with Julia?” He glanced at Renee, who had a scowl on her face.

  “Sure, go have fun.”

  “Me too!” Brice hopped off his chair and ran after Heather.

  Luke liked watching the three people he loved most in the world. Julia had her arm around Heather. She turned back to look at him; he winked at her. He wasn’t at all surprised Heather wanted to dance, but Brice had surprised him. Seeing his kids with Julia, laughing together, made his heart soar. And when she shimmied her shoulders, it turned him on in a big way; he couldn’t wait to be alone with her at the resort.

  “I’ll be back.” Renee left to go to the bathroom. He wasn’t blind and knew Renee hated every second being in Julia’s presence. Served her right for dropping in unannounced.

  Seconds later, Julia returned to the table.

  “Hey, baby. I like watching you dance.”

  “Yeah, you should be dancing with me,” she sassed him, then gave him a quick peck on the lips. He leaned in for more, but she held him off. “Nuh-uh, not in front of your kids.”

  “If this is how you’re going to be, this week is going to suck royally.”

  “Then I suggest you accept the fact that this week is going to suck.”

  “Tonight, I’m finishing what we started this morning.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, Mr. Lumberjack.”

  Just as Luke leaned in for another kiss, Brice ran up and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Hey, buddy, how’s it going?”

  “Great! I don’t think we’ll ever get Heather off the dance floor.”

  “We will when it’s time to leave. Which I’m thinking is about now.” He placed his hand on Julia’s knee. “Or maybe not.” Luke frowned in the direction of the bar.

  Renee returned to the table with another rum and coke in hand. She plopped down onto her chair and gulped her drink.

  Luke sighed, looking at Julia.

  “She gets like this a lot,” Brice whispered.

  “Good to know. Now go get your sister so I can take you home.”

  “Is Julia coming with us?” Brice asked with a look of hope.

  “No, she’s going back to her place, but you’ll see her again soon. Now go get your sister.” Luke watched Brice run over the Heather, then he looked at Julia. “I’ll walk you out to your car, and then I’ll take them home. I won’t be but thirty minutes.” Luke glanced at Renee, who was nursing her drink. He leaned toward Julia and whispered, “To save us time, have your clothes off for when I get there.” Her eyes smoldered with hope as Luke helped her with her coat.

  “It was nice to meet you, Renee. I’m sure I’ll see you again before you leave.” Julia smiled.

  “Great,” Renee blurted.


  “Are you leaving?” Heather asked. The disappointment on her face showed her genuine feelings for Julia. If his kids loved her as he did, it would make things a whole lot easier.

  “Yes, but I’ll see you again soon.” Julia patted Heather’s elbow.

  Luke walked Julia out after she waved to Calvin and the others. Naturally, Tiffani glowered, but it didn’t faze anyone.

  “How long are you going to be?” Julia asked.

  Luke didn’t answer. Instead, he pinned her against the car and ravaged her mouth. He lifted her leg, anchored it around his thigh, dry humping her right there in the parking lot.

  “Oh, Luke.” She panted through his hungry kisses.

  “I’m so hard. I could take you right here.”

  “Not with the kids around.”

  He lifted her thigh higher, pressing his firm erection into her, and her mouth popped open. “You’d turn me down?” he taunted her with every grind.

  “I’m stronger than you think. So yes, I would.” His mouth crashed against hers, and he felt her up, doing his damnedest to make her beg for him. “You know I want you, but if you’re not careful, you’re going to mess your shorts.”

  He pulled back and released her leg abruptly, gasping for air. “You are strong, aren’t you?”

  “Only in public with your kids present. Get me alone and I will beg for you all night long.” He lowered his mouth to hers again, and she stopped him. “Go take your kids home. I’ll be the nude.”

  Luke looked at his watch. “It’s eight thirty. Gimme a half an hour.”

  “You got it.”

  Julia drove off, and Luke waited until she turned onto Lake Drive to return inside. He needed to calm the hell down anyway. His girl had his pants on fire.

  He could put the kids to bed and be in Julia’s suite by nine. This was the first time in weeks they had spent fewer than a couple of hours together, and he felt the distance from her.

  He didn’t like it one bit.

  They needed to connect, kiss, make love.

  He needed her.


  Cheesy Grins = Hope

  Julia entered her suite high on Luke. She might have teased him about messing his shorts, but she was speaking from experience. He had her wet and aroused. She would have hopped into the backseat of her Lexus for a quickie if he had tried harder.

  The phone rang as she was about to undress. It had been weeks since she’d last spoken to Becky. She was happy to hear from her but hoped this call wouldn’t be too long. She needed to prepare for Luke.

  “Hello, Aunt Becky.”

  “Hey, girlie! How’s my favorite niece?”

  “I thought Zoey was your favorite niece?”

  “Never! Now stop teasing me and let’s get to the good stuff…you and Luke.”

  “What do you want to know?” No doubt the question was the gateway into Pandora’s Box.

  “Are you in love? Getting married? Pregnant?”

  “Holy crap, you’re going for broke, aren’t you? How about it’s none of your business, no, and definitely no.” Julia laughed.

  “Well, shit! You’re no fun, dear niece. If you won’t talk about your love life, will you at least tell me that you’ll buy the resort from me?”

  “Are we back to this again? I have a business. Why do you keep forgetting that?”

  “Selective memory.” Becky snorted. “I want you to buy my resort, marry Luke, have his babies, and live happily ever after. Is that too much to ask? You are my favorite niece after all.”

  “Wow, tall order.”

  An order she would love to follow…but buying the resort? She already owned an inn and spa. Why would she want a resort in another state?

  “Okay, now you’re bringing me down. I’m not ready to leave Arizona, and if you don’t take over the resort for me, I’ll have to return in two weeks. How can you leave that studly man?”

  She had asked herself that question dozens of times; how could she leave Luke? Especially in just two weeks? “Maybe you could have Luke run your resort so that you can stay in Arizona?”

  “Do you honestly believe he would want to run the resort? Especially if that meant you were leaving him?”

  “Probably not.” Her voice softened. “I know he doesn’t want me to leave, but I do have a life and a business.” Julia looked at the clock on the nightstand. In ten minutes Luke would arrive. She put the phone on speaker and undressed while talking to Becky.

  Luke rushed home to get everyone squared away and the kids put to bed. This visit wasn’t how he had imagined it would go with the kids and Julia. In his head, it all went so differently. He and Julia would have planned activities and grocery shopped, and she would have stayed at his place.

  Renee would not be part of the equation.

  This surprise visit was meant to throw a wrench into his life, he was sure of it. He didn’t know what to do with Renee for three more days. One thing he was sure of: he would not be staying at his lake house while Julia slept alone. They were a couple, and he loved her more than he had ever loved anyone. He would not be apart from her anymore.

  The kids went up to the loft to get ready for bed as he’d directed them while he packed his overnight bag. Once they were settled in for the night, he would kiss them good night and head over to the resort, to his beauty.

  “Hey, what are you doing? Wanna watch a movie?” Renee asked as she entered his room, but Luke ignored her. It was the first time she had been in his room since they’d arrived. With the way Renee lingered around his bed, he imagined his morning activities with Julia were coming back to her. She walked further in, and the vase of flowers on his nightstand caught her eye. She studied his room, taking in all the candles from his and Julia’s hot Valentine’s night. Every night they’d been together, they had lit each candle again.

  Luke didn’t like Renee snooping around his room, but he didn’t want to cause a scene. In five minutes, he would be out of there and on his way to Julia. But as his heart fluttered with longing, he saw Renee eyeing the box of condoms on his bed next to his overnight bag.

  She picked it up, and he snatched them away from her, tossing them into his duffle along with a pair of jeans and two T-shirts.

  “I’d like you to get out of my bedroom.”

  “You’re going to her?”


  “You’re an asshole! I bring your kids to see you, and you can’t stay here with them? We’re only here for three days!”

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I do know your surprise visit was to disrupt my life—and don’t deny it! Let me be clear: I won’t allow you to screw things up for Julia and me.”

  “How can you put her before your kids?”

  “I’m not. I’ll be back for them in the morning.”

  “And then what?”

  “And then I’ll take them to breakfast with Julia, and we’ll hang out at the resort. I want them to spend time with her.” He grabbed his bag and walked to the door. “Come on, I want you out of my room.”

  Renee glowered at him as she walked toward him, but she stopped. “What about me?”

  “What do you mean, what about you?”

  “What am I supposed to do when you’re gone?”

  He furrowed his brow. “You’re not my responsibility. Do whatever you want.”

  She picked up the vase of flowers from his nightstand and threw it at the fireplace.

  Luke shielded his face with his arms as glass flew everywhere. The loud crash and the stomping of feet running down the stairs matched the forceful pounding in his heart.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you?” At that moment she turned on him and punched him in the chest with all her might. Her eyes were wild with fury. “Dammit, Renee, stop!” He pushed her back.

  “I hate you! I fucking hate you, you son of a bitch!” she yelled, swinging at him again.

  “Stop, Mom!” Brice cried. “Stop hurting my dad!”

  Heather lagged behind Brice with tears rolling down her face. She tugged at his shirt to pull him back, but he lunged away from her.

  “Go back upstairs,” Luke ordered, holding Renee back. It killed him that the kids were witnessing their mother’s raging fit.

  “But, Dad!” Brice cried.

  “I said get back upstairs!” He couldn’t control Renee’s violent display with the kids present. They stared at him. “GO!”

  They both jumped at his booming voice and ran off crying.

  As Renee kicked and clawed at him, he knew she was on drugs again. “What are you on?” She didn’t respond. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “Where’s the coke?”

  “I’ll show you if you let me have some of this.” She grabbed at his crotch. This time she hadn’t caught him off guard. He didn’t freeze but shoved her back. She stumbled into the bed.

  Luke gasped for air, watching as her eyes fell on his nightstand. She pulled open his drawer and grabbed the box of condoms inside, then removed the packets and threw them at him.

  “I hate you!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  His plans to see Julia had been shattered right along with the antique vase. Twenty minutes after Renee’s drug-induced meltdown, she finally calmed, but his kids hadn’t. They were still crying and didn’t want to sleep upstairs with her. Luke agreed to make a bed on the living room floor for them. There was no way he could leave now, and that pissed him off. He called Julia.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Where are you? It’s pushing ten. I was worried.”

  He paced in his room, gathering his thoughts—something he should have done before calling her.

  “Oh, let me guess, you’re not coming after all? Well, you should’ve called me sooner. I’m freezing my ass off in the nude waiting for you as requested. But hey, that’s okay. I’ll learn to deal.”

  “Julia, listen to me.” His voice was low but firm. “I have a situation here. I feel like shit doing this to you.” Now she was silent. “Renee went crazy after we got home. I know she’s on drugs again, probably coke. The kids are crying, and I don’t feel right leaving them. I want more than anything to be—”

  “Don’t say it,” she interrupted him. “Do what needs to be done. I’m a big girl. I’ll deal.”

  “No, I don’t want you to have to deal.”

  “Luke, we don’t have a choice. Or I should say, I don’t have a choice. Either I deal or I don’t. The bottom line is, you want me to deal or else. Well…or else.” There was a long pause.

  The “or else” hung in the air. He knew her meaning, and it pissed him off that it was even an issue.

  “Listen, go take care of your family. And whatever you do, don’t screw around with Renee, because I won’t stick around if you do.”

  The line went dead. Julia’s words hit him like a punch in the gut, and yet, he couldn’t be angry at her. Again, he had let her down and let Renee interfere in their lives, in their relationship. Luke sat on his bed looking at the mess of broken glass. Its symbolism mocked him.

  His phone pinged.

  Julia: I’m sorry for being so ugly to you.

  Luke: As soon as everyone’s asleep, I’m coming over.

  Julia: No. Please don’t. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Luke: I feel like shit, please let me come to you.

  Julia: No. I need to be alone. Goodnight.

  Luke: Ok. Goodnight.

  Luke stared out his bedroom window. Across the large lake, the lights of the resort shined bright, and the distance to Julia swallowed him up.


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