Catching Fire (The Fire Duet Book 2)

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Catching Fire (The Fire Duet Book 2) Page 8

by Billie Lustig

  But we are attracted to these people because they are like us. When we started freshman year, we did our best to stay out of trouble, to avoid the ‘bad kids’. Turns out we are the bad kids.

  And honestly, I don’t even care. I learned at an early age that the world isn’t all black or white. There is a shit ton of gray, and gray seems to be my favorite color.

  My thoughts make the corner of my mouth raise in a pleased grin until I feel Imogen’s eyes staring at my profile.


  She gives me a sympathetic look while she grabs my hand, placing it on her black jeans.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Oh, fuck no, Gen.” I pull my hand away. “Don’t you give me that look.”

  “What look?!”

  “Pathetic, pitiful, like I’m some damaged girl.”

  Her brows raise up.

  “Uh, you did get raped and all. I mean …”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I hiss, moving my face close to hers. “I’m not damaged. Yes, I got raped, shit fucking happens, you move on. Don’t need to blurt it out to the entire world.”

  “Hey, you’re my girl, okay? You don’t have to pretend with me. It’s okay if that fucked you up. In fact, that’s normal.”

  I suck in an annoyed breath before I give her a glare.

  “That’s the thing. I’m not.”

  “Callie?” She gives me a look filled with disbelief, her light blue eyes trying to reach my soul.

  But that’s just it, I don’t feel damaged. I don’t feel fucked up. If anything, I feel stronger than two months ago, and it’s all because of Reign.

  Glancing around the room, my eyes land on him, and I exhale loudly, his gaze comforting me from a distance.

  “I’m not, Gen,” I repeat. “I’m really okay.”

  She leans back against the couch as she pulls her light blonde hair to one shoulder.

  “I’m guessing he’s a pretty big part of that.” She nudges her chin in Reign’s direction.

  He shoots me a wink, and I send him a coy smile before I turn my attention back to my cousin.

  “The biggest, actually,” I admit without hesitation.

  “I wanted to kill him, you know.” She casually takes a sip of her gin.

  I frown at her, not sure who she’s talking about.

  “Reign,” she explains. “When Ronnie called me that night, telling me that shit went down but that you were safe with his friend, I went fucking nuts. I stormed over there, calling him all kinds of shit and telling him I would take you to my house.”

  “You did?”

  “Fuck yeah. Ronnie just told me that, well, that thing happened,” she whispers, bringing her head closer to mine. “I sure as fuck wasn’t going to leave you with some guy we don’t know.”

  Fair enough.

  “But when I got there, Reign wouldn’t even give me an inch,” she continues. “He wouldn’t let me in the bedroom for ten minutes, telling me you had to ‘rest’. Apparently, he texted Ronnie or Kenzo because all of a sudden they both came walking through the door, clearly on a calm-Gen-down-mission. I told them I wasn’t fucking leaving, that I wanted to see you because I wasn’t going to trust you in the hands of some dumb-fuck, even if he looked like fucking Prince Charming.”

  I let out a full laugh.

  “You said that?”

  “Of course I did. Kenzo agreed, and he brought me to you. I sat next to the bed you were in for a minute, and then I curled up on the windowsill, determined to take you home as soon as you woke up. The little stalker gave me maybe three minutes before he came bursting through the door. I told him to get out, that I would keep an eye on you.”

  Her eyes look at Reign, who’s leaning against the wall on the other side of the room with a wide smirk on his face. He’s talking to Ronnie, but just looking at his face tells me he isn’t listening to a word he’s saying.

  “Then what happened?” I ask, my eyes never leaving his.

  “He asked me if I liked Disney movies.” She rolls her eyes when I give her a confused look. “Yeah, I know, random. Anyway, I said ‘yeah’, and you know what the bastard answered?”

  I shake my head in amusement while I finish my drink. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will win him another piece of my heart.

  “He dropped his fucking ass onto the chair next to the bed, closed his eyes, and said, ‘Like fucking Prince Charming, I will slay any dragon to protect Sleeping Beauty. You’re welcome to stay, but I ain’t fucking going anywhere,’ and then the fucker went to sleep, refusing to leave your side.”

  “He won you over, didn’t he?” I give her a pleased smile, my eyes beaming with joy.

  She lets out a stifled breath.

  “No. Yes. Maybe. Oh, who am I kidding, he won me over. He’s an asshole, but a fucking charming one.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Is it true? Did you move in with him?” She turns her body to face me more, placing her legs on the couch.

  “I did not move in with him. It’s just until Mom gets back home.”

  “Do you love him?”

  It seems like a simple question with an easy yes or no answer.

  Do I?

  I honestly don’t know.

  All I know is that he treats me like a princess, he makes me feel strong like a Valkyrie, and he makes me happy. Is that what love is? Fuck if I know.

  I come from a family where my criminal father used to beat up my mom. My brother is a psychopath who sold me to the highest bidder.

  What the fuck do I know about love?

  “I don’t know. That night,” I pause, searching for the right words, “it did something to us, you know? We have this connection that’s undeniable. Like we became best friends overnight. I feel safe with him.”

  “That’s good.” She nods while her eyes move back to Reign. When he meets her gaze, he narrows his eyes at her, pursing his lips in suspicion. She gives him a wink, only feeding his distrust, and I laughingly roll my eyes at their little power play.

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  I run a hand through my strawberry blonde hair before my face falls, and I let out a disappointed sigh.

  “If you mean ‘sleep’ as in closing your eyes and laying down in the same bed? Then yes, every night for the last two months. If we are talking sex, then no.”

  She gives me a reassuring look, like she knows why.

  “You’re not ready?”

  “I’ve been ready for weeks,” I huff. “He keeps shutting me down.”

  She nods in agreement, bringing her glass to her lips before taking a sip.

  “Wait, what?” Her brows move up in surprise, and she almost chokes on her gin. “Really?”

  I nod, moving my head to meet her eyes.


  “Because he really is Prince fucking Charming.”

  “Does he have a brother?” Imogen blurts out with a spark in her eyes, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I don’t think so. I’ll ask.” I laugh before I reach out and grab the glass out of her hand.

  “You know he wants to kill my brother?” I announce before I pour the rest of her drink down my throat.

  “He what?” Her head snaps my way, and I avoid her gaze, knowing she is about to school me, the same way I did to Reign this morning.

  “He wants to chase my demons away.”

  “I thought he was teaching you to chase your own demons away?” She raises up her fingers, making air quotes beside her head.

  “That’s what I told him.”

  “Callie, he can’t fuck with Junior. It will kill him. Junior has no mercy.” Her typically bubbly face is replaced by a serious look with a hint of fear in her eyes.

  I get it.

  I feel it, too.

  I mean, for fuck’s sake, my sibling whored me out.

  I know how fucking dangerous he is.

  Gen and I, we explore the boundaries.

  Junior has none.

  “I know. I made him pro
mise me he would leave it alone.”

  “Right … Did you tell your dad?”

  “Come on, he barely cared when I was taken, yet he freaked when Junior bumped into that tree, drunk as fuck.” I glare off into the distance. “He has my brother on a pedestal. Whatever way Junior will spin it, my dad will believe it.”

  She keeps quiet, knowing I’m right. I can tell my dad, he could believe me. But I’m sure as fuck it wouldn’t change a thing. Junior is the golden boy, the Prince of Granada, destined to rule the gitanos once my father retires.

  I’m nothing.

  “Callie,” she says quietly as her eyes move back to Reign. I follow her gaze, the flurry in my stomach increasing just by looking at him.


  “You have to make sure he stays the fuck away from Junior.”

  I inhale deeply before I let it out in one long breath.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” I agree before I get up to head to the bar. “I’m getting a drink. You want anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”



  Present Day

  Kane yanks me forward, and says, “Let’s go.”

  My mind tells me to put up a fight and run, but my heart is corrupting my head with a high I have been craving since I left him on that damn yacht. I prayed my feelings would fade, that I would come to my senses and be ready for him when he found me.

  Ready to shoot a bullet through his head, like he planned to do to me.

  But instead, I feel like a crack junkie, desperate for more.

  My head feels foggy from feeling his lips on mine, and everything is a blur as I let him lead me towards a black SUV. When I notice Jeremy opening the door to the backseat, I stop in my tracks, pulling my arm free from Kane’s grasp.

  He abruptly turns around to face me, looking furious as fuck, his eyes shooting daggers. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, making sure I don’t push any more buttons even though it’s probably useless.

  Who fucking cares? I’m dead anyway.

  “Callie,” he growls like an angry beast.

  I can hear Liam and Imogen stop behind us, waiting for Kane’s next move.

  “I don’t care about me.” I shrug as I shake my head. “I’m not going to beg for myself, but I need an answer for her.” I do my best to push back the tears while I give him a pleading look. They are not sad tears, they are tears of frustration.

  I am frustrated that he fucked me over and my heart still hasn’t received the message.

  Frustrated about the power he has over me.

  Frustrated that even though I have bucket loads of fire in my body, I still want to kiss him until the day I die.

  Even if that day is today.

  I feel disgusted with myself, walking to the slaughter like a silly little lamb, not willing to fight anymore. I loathe myself for loving a man who has no problem putting a price on my head, and I hate myself for being too weak to resist him even though I know what he was willing to do to me. He can break me as much as he wants to. I don’t think he can break me anymore, anyway. But I will never give up on Imogen.

  He reaches his hand up, and for a second I wince before I shoot him a defying look, thinking he was going to slap me like I’m a whore.

  Fuck knows I deserve it.

  His eyes widen in surprise before he roughly grabs my neck and pulls me closer.

  “You really think I would hit you?” he angrily breathes against my face, his energy making it hard for me to keep a straight face. “You think that low of me?”

  “Does it matter what I think?”

  “Guess not,” he snarls before he lets me go with a slight push. “Get in the damn car, Callie.” He points at the door with a scowl, just the look on his face threatening every fiber in my body. I notice Jeremy shooting me a look of sympathy before I look back at Kane. A strand of his dark blond hair falls in front of his forehead, and it’s pissing me off how this man can look terrifying and sexy at the same time.

  I raise my chin, matching his scowl. I can feel fear running through my veins, but it’s outnumbered by the amount of defiance and adrenaline that is running along with it. I don’t feel the need to be a smartass to him anymore, but I will get a damn answer.

  “Give me your word, Kane.”

  He stays quiet, giving me a classic Carrillo stare down as he balls his hands into fists. I keep my gaze on his, not backing down until he either shuts me up or gives me an answer.

  “You have my word,” he finally hisses.

  I do my best to keep my face stoic instead of giving him a satisfied grin, then I walk towards the car. His eyes never leave my face, but I ignore him while I climb into the car. I can feel his hand enclosing my arm, making me halt before his lips move close to the shell of my ear. I shut my eyes to ignore the goosebumps that appear on my skin the second his breath fans the most sensitive part of my neck.

  “Don’t fuck me over, Callie.”

  I slowly move my head to face him, my eyes boring into him with fury.

  “You’re the one fucking people over, Kane,” I spit out his name with fire before I pull myself loose, getting into the car.

  He lowers his body to look in at me as he rests his arms on top of the car.

  “You’re the one who stole my shit, so I don’t know what twisted story you’ve got in your head, but you better spit it out, baby girl.”

  “I’m done talking,” I grunt while I keep my eyes focused on the seat in front of me.

  “No, you’re not.” He slams the door closed, causing my body to jump at the sudden move.

  I look through the tinted window, watching Liam and Imogen get in the car in front of us before Jeremy jumps behind the wheel followed by Kane who takes a seat next to me.

  Jeremy hits the throttle, and I feel my body begin to relax as I watch the city pass by.

  After a few minutes, we hear a murmur coming out of Jeremy’s earpiece, and I look into the rearview mirror to find Jeremy’s eyes on me.

  “Kane, we found him. Where to first?” Jeremy asks Kane, even though his gaze remains on me.

  “Bring me to him.” I glance at Kane in confusion, wondering who the fuck he’s talking about. He meets my eyes, disappointment dripping off his face.

  I roll my eyes at him before I turn my focus back on the street.

  Like the motherfucker has something to be disappointed about.

  He’s the one who wants to play with his dinner, yet he’s fucking surprised I’m not acting like a happy turkey? That man has got some nerve. I may be done fighting, but I’m not going to make it easy on him. I won’t physically fight him, I won’t try to escape, but I will never shut up. Not just because I don’t want to, but also because my mouth simply doesn’t have a filter.

  Trust me, I’ve checked.

  My eyes roam the colorful buildings of Havana as the car drives through the city, doing my best to ignore the anger vibrating from Kane’s body, filling up the car like an unbearable fog.

  Choking me more as the minutes pass by.

  I want to tell him to stop being a fucking whiny baby, to tell him to stop acting like he’s fucking God, but pissing him off even more won’t do any good for Imogen’s safety.

  So I keep my mouth shut.

  My chest moves slowly up and down as I try to keep breathing through the thick tension that is suffocating me more every minute. When my annoyance reaches a peak and I start to think I can’t take it anymore, Jeremy stops in front of a yellow building with arches in front of it. Kane jumps out before the car fully stops, shutting the door on his way out.

  I give Jeremy a confused look before I turn to follow Kane’s tracks.

  “What the fuck are we doing here?” I murmur to no one in particular when I hear the sound of Jeremy shutting the door and following Kane.

  I watch Kane walk underneath the arches to enter the building before he abruptly turns around and walks back to the car. Like a mad dog, he roughly opens the door.

nbsp; I’m expecting him to drag me out like a piece of trash, but instead, he opens the door, pops his head inside, and barks, “Stay in the fucking car, don’t look and don’t run,” before he slams the door shut again, disappearing into the building.

  What the fuck?

  I move my head up to see if I can find any movement behind the windows, not having a clue about what is going on. A few seconds later, I hear guns being fired, and flashes of light dance through the glass. The shouting of men enters my ears, and I suck in a shocked breath while my heart starts pounding in my chest. The annoying feeling in my gut is instantly replaced by fear as I reach for the handle to push the door open.

  “Fuck!” I curse when I realize the son of a bitch locked me in.

  I slam the window in frustration, seeing one of the guards in front of the building glance my way, apparently hearing me through the thick glass. They turn their heads the other way, clearly obeying orders to ignore me.

  Panic surges through my body, making my hands feel clammy as I desperately stare out the window. The seconds that pass by feel like minutes while I keep my eyes focused on the arches, wanting to see the person who holds my heart walk through unharmed.

  Finally, Jeremy walks back outside followed by the rest of the men and a guy in zip ties. Last in line, Kane walks out, and I let out a relieved sigh. He scowls my way like he can see me through the tinted windows, reinstating the anger I felt before.

  I cross my arms in front of my body, wondering what the fuck he is going to do, when Jeremy pushes the captive to his knees.

  Kane takes his gun out of his back pocket before he cocks the hammer.

  Holy crap on a cracker.

  ‘Don’t look,’ he said.

  I should listen to him and not look.

  But let’s be honest?

  When do I ever fucking listen to anyone?

  A stone forms in my stomach, knowing exactly what is going to happen in the next five seconds, but I can’t convince myself to look away.

  It’s like a train wreck waiting to happen. You know how you should close your eyes because whatever you are about to see next will probably haunt you for the rest of your life?

  But that’s the thing about humans—we are curious as fuck. I am curious as fuck. We secretly need to see all the bad shit in life with our own eyes or we won’t believe it.


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