The Case Against Fluoride

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The Case Against Fluoride Page 40

by Paul Connett

  20. Ibid.

  21. J. A. Yiamouyiannis, “Water Fluoridation and Tooth Decay: Results from the 1986–87 National Survey of U. S. Schoolchildren, ” Fluoride 23, no. 2 (1990): 55–67,

  22. J. A. Brunelle and J. P. Carlos, “Recent Trends in Dental Caries in U. S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation, ” Journal of Dental Research 69 (1990): 723–27.

  23. J. A. Yiamouyiannis, Fluoride: The Aging Factor, 3rd ed. (Delaware, Ohio: Health Action Press, 1993). Note: First edition published in 1983, and second edition in 1986.

  24. J. A. Brunelle and J. P. Carlos, “Recent Trends in Dental Caries in U. S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation” (n. 22 above).

  25. J. A. Yiamouyiannis, “Water Fluoridation and Tooth Decay” (n. 21 above).

  26. J. A. Brunelle and J. P. Carlos, “Recent Trends in Dental Caries in U. S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation” (n. 22 above).

  27. A. J. Spencer, G. D. Slade and M. Davies, “Water Fluoridation in Australia, ” Community Dental Health 13, suppl. 2 (1996): 27–37.

  28. Ibid.

  29. J. A. Brunelle and J. P. Carlos, “Recent Trends in Dental Caries in U. S. Children and the Effect of Water Fluoridation” (n. 22 above).

  30. B. de Liefde, “The Decline of Caries in New Zealand over the Past 40 Years, ” New Zealand Dental Journal 94, no. 417 (1998): 109–13.

  31. D. Locker, Benefits and Risks of Water Fluoridation: An Update of the 1996 Federal-Provincial Sub-committee Report, prepared under contract for Public Health Branch, Ontario Ministry of Health First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada (Ottawa: Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, 1999),

  32. H. Cohen and D. Locker, “The Science and Ethics of Water Fluoridation, ” Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 67, no. 10 (2001): 578–80.

  33. Ibid.

  34. J. M. Armfield and A. J. Spencer, “Consumption of Nonpublic Water: Implications for Children’s Caries Experience, ” Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 32, no. 4 (2004): 283–96.

  35. J. Spencer, “Dental Research on Fluoridation Misused, ” Fluoride 39, no. 4 (2006): 326–27,

  36. M. Diesendorf, “Response to John Spencer’s Obfuscation of the Results of His Own Paper, ” Fluoride 39, no. 4 (2006): 327–30. Letter follows Spencer’s at

  37. A. Komárek, E. Lesaffre, T. Härkänen, et al. , “A Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Doubly-Interval-Censored Dental Data, ” Biostatistics 6, no. 1 (2005): 145–55.

  38. E. Lesaffre, “On the Spatial Distribution of Caries in Primary Teeth” (undated),

  39. A. Komárek et al. , “A Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Doubly-Interval-Censored Dental Data” (n. 37 above).

  40. Ibid.

  41. Ibid.

  42. J. Vanobbergen, L. Martens, E. Lesaffre, et al. 2001, “Assessing Risk Indicators for Dental Caries in the Primary Dentition, ” Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 29, no. 6 (2001): 424–34.

  43. A. Komárek et al. , “A Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Doubly-Interval-Censored Dental Data” (n. 37 above).

  44. G. Pizzo, M. R. Piscopo, I. Pizzo, and G. Giuliana, “Community Water Fluoridation and Caries Prevention: A Critical Review, ” Clinical Oral Investigations 11, no. 3 (2007): 189–93.

  45. J. J. Warren, S. M. Levy, B. Broffitt, et al. , “Considerations on Optimal Fluoride Intake Using Dental Fluorosis and Dental Caries Outcomes—A Longitudinal Study, ” Journal of Public Health Dentistry 69, no. 2 (2009): 111–15.

  46. E. Solvig, “Special Report: Cincinnati’s Dental Crisis, ” The Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), October 6, 2002,

  47. D. Kong, “City to Launch Battle Against Dental ‘Crisis, ’” Boston Globe (Massachusetts), November 11, 1999.

  48. R. Slate, “State Must Fund Plan to Provide Oral Health Care for the Poor, ” New Haven Register (Connecticut), May 5, 2005.

  49. V. Law, “Sink Your Teeth into Health Care, ” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (Pennsylvania), February 13, 2005,

  50. S. Morse, “Bottled Water: Just Add Fluoride, ” Washington Post, March 5, 2002.

  51. S. Voss, “Kentucky’s Dental Disaster Begins Before Kindergarten, ” Lexington Herald-Leader (Kentucky), November 9, 2008,

  52. U. Gerth, “Nothing to Smile About, ” Fosters Daily Democrat (Connecticut), May 22, 2005.

  53. B. A. Burt, J. L. Kolker, A. M. Sandretto, et al. , “Dietary Patterns Related to Caries in a Low-income Adult Population, ” Caries Research 40, no. 6 (2006): 473–80.

  54. J. Kozol, Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools (New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. , 1991).

  55. E. Connett, “The Failure of the Fluoridation Experiment—Part 2. Oral Health Reports from the 50 States & District of Columbia, ” Fluoride Action Network, 2010,

  Chapter 9

  1. D. R. McNeil, The Fight for Fluoridation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1957).

  2. R. R. Harris, Dental Science in a New Age: A History of the National Institute of Dental Research (Maryland: Montrose Press, 1989).

  3. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment (New York: Devin-Adair, 1957).

  4. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2004).

  5. H. Velu, “Dystrophie Dentaire des Mammifères des Zones Phosphatées (Darmous) et Fluorose Chronique, ” Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 108 (1931): 750–52.

  6. H. V. Churchill, “The Occurrence of Fluorides in Some Waters of the United States, ” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 23, no. 9 (1931): 996–98. Reprinted in The Journal of Dental Research 12 (1932): 141–48,

  7. M. O. Smith, E. M. Lantz, and H. V. Smith, “The Cause of Mottled Enamel, a Defect of Human Teeth, ” Technical Bulletin No. 32, Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, June 10, 1931.

  8. G. J. Cox, “New Knowledge of Fluorine in Relation to Dental Caries, ” Journal of the American Waterworks Association 31 (1939): 1926–30.

  9. H. Cristiani, “Une Nouvelle Maladie. La Fluorose ou Cachexie Fluorique, ” La Presse Médicale 34, no. 30 (1926): 469–70. Reviewed in “Fluorine Poisoning, ” Canadian Medical Association Journal 16, no. 8 (1926): 970.

  10. G. V. Black and F. S. McKay, “An Investigation of Mottled Teeth: An Endemic Developmental Imperfection of the Enamel of the Teeth, Heretofore Unknown in the Literature of Dentistry, ” Dental Cosmos 58 (1916): 129–56, 477–84, 627–44, 781–92, 894–904.

  11. F. S. McKay, “The Relation of Mottled Enamel to Caries, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 15, no. 8 (1928): 1429–37.

  12. H. Cristiani, “Alteration de la Glande Thyroide dans L’intoxication Fluorée, ” Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 103 (1930): 554–56.

  13. H. Cristiani, “Le Fluor des Os dans l’Intoxication Fluorique, ” Annales d’Hygiène Publique 8 (1930): 309–16.

  14. H. Velu, “Dystrophie Dentaire des Mammifères des Zones Phosphatées (Darmous) et Fluorose Chronique” (n. 5 above).

  15. H. V. Churchill, “The Occurrence of Fluorides in Some Waters of the United States” (n. 6 above).

  16. M. O. Smith et al. , “The Cause of Mottled Enamel, a Defect of Human Teeth” (n. 7 above).

  17. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 39 (n. 4 above).

  18. H. T. Dean, “Distribution of Mottled Enamel in the United States, ” Public Health Reports 48, no. 25 (1933): 703�

  19. P. F. Moeller and S. V. Gudjonsson, “Massive Fluorosis of Bones and Ligaments, ” Acta Radiologica 13 (1932): 269–94.

  20. F. DeEds, “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication. A Review, ” Medicine (Baltimore) 12, no. 1 (1933): 1–60.

  21. F. J. McClure, “A Review of Fluorine and Its Physiological Effects, ” Physiological Reviews 13, no. 3 (1933): 277–300.

  22. K. Roholm, Fluorine Intoxication: A Clinical-Hygienic Study, with a Review of the Literature and Some Experimental Investigations (Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag; London: H. K. Lewis and Co. Ltd. , 1937),

  23. H. E. Shortt, G. R. McRobert, T. W. Barnard, and A. S. M. Nayar, “Endemic Fluorosis in the Madras Presidency, ” Indian Journal of Medical Research 25, no. 2 (1937): 553–68.

  24. H. T. Dean, “A Review of Fluorine Intoxication by Kaj Roholm (1937), ” American Journal of Public Health 28 (1938): 1008–9,

  25. D. G. Steyn, “Water Poisoning in Man and Animal, Together with a Discussion on Urinary Calculi, ” Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry 12 (1939): 167–230.

  26. G. J. Cox, “New Knowledge of Fluorine in Relation to Dental Caries” (n. 8 above).

  27. D. A. Greenwood, “Fluoride Intoxication, ” Physiological Reviews 20 (1940): 582–616.

  28. C. G. Pandit, T. N. S. Raghavachari, D. S. Rao, and V. Krishnamurti, “Endemic Fluorosis in South India, ” Indian Journal of Medical Research 28, no. 2 (1940): 533–58.

  29. H. T. Dean, F. A. Arnold Jr. , and E. Elvove, “Domestic Water and Dental Caries. II. A Study of 2, 832 White Children, Aged 12 to 14 Years, of 8 Suburban Chicago Communities, Including Lactobacillus Acidophilus Studies of 1, 761 Children, ” Public Health Reports 56 (1941): 761–92.

  30. H. T. Dean, F. A. Arnold Jr. , and E. Elvove, “Domestic Water and Dental Caries. V. Additional Studies of the Relation of Fluoride Domestic Waters to Dental Caries Experience in 4, 425 White Children, Aged 12 to 14 Years, of 13 Cities in 4 States, ” Public Health Reports 57, no. 32 (1942): 1155–79,

  31. F. J. McClure, “Fluoride Domestic Waters and Systemic Effects. I. Relation to Bone-Fracture Experience, Height, and Weight of High School Boys and Young Selectees of the Armed Forces of the United States, ” Public Health Reports 59, no. 48 (1944): 1543–58,

  32. F. J. McClure and C. A. Kinser, “Fluoride Domestic Waters and Systemic Effects. II. Fluorine Content of Urine in Relation to Fluorine in Drinking Water, ” Public Health Reports 59, no. 49 (1944): 1575–91,

  33. F. J. McClure, H. H. Mitchell, T. S. Hamilton, and C. A. Kinser, “Balances of Fluorine Ingested from Various Sources in Food and Water by Five Young Men. Excretion of Fluorine through the Skin, ” The Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 27 (1945): 159.

  34. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, chapter 9 (n. 4 above).

  35. F. B. Exner and G. L. Waldbott, The American Fluoridation Experiment, 8 (n. 3 above).

  36. G. J. Cox and H. C. Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 40 (1950): 440–51.

  37. H. T. Dean and F. A. Arnold, “Dental Research and the National Institute of Health: I. Intramural Research, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 38, no. 1 (1949): 15–19.

  38. H. Velu, “Dystrophie Dentaire des Mammifères des Zones Phosphatées (Darmous) et Fluorose Chronique” (n. 5 above).

  39. H. V. Churchill, “The Occurrence of Fluorides in Some Waters of the United States” (n. 6 above).

  40. M. O. Smith et al. , “The Cause of Mottled Enamel, a Defect of Human Teeth” (n. 7 above).

  41. H. T. Dean to Surgeon General, March 4, 1932. In the Ruth Roy Harris Papers, National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Bethesda, Maryland.

  42. H. T. Dean, “Chronic Endemic Dental Fluorosis (Mottled Enamel), ” Journal of the American Medical Association 107, no. 16 (1936): 1269–73.

  43. C. H. Boissevain and W. F. Drea, “Spectroscopic Determination of Fluorine in Bones, Teeth, and Other Organs in Relation to Fluorine in Drinking Water, ” Journal of Dental Research 13, no. 6 (1933): 495–500,

  44. H. T. Dean and E. Elvove, “Some Epidemiological Aspects of Chronic Endemic Dental Fluorosis, ” American Journal of Public Health 26 (1936): 567–75,

  45. H. Cristiani, “Le Fluor des Os dans l’Intoxication Fluorique” (n. 13 above).

  46. H. T. Dean, “Chronic Endemic Dental Fluorosis (Mottled Enamel)” (n. 42 above).

  47. Memorandum from H. T. Dean to Assistant Surgeon General L. R. Thompson, May 26, 1936. In the H. T. Dean Papers, National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Bethesda, Maryland.

  48. F. DeEds, “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication. A Review” (n. 20 above).

  49. F. DeEds, “Fluorine in Relation to Bone and Tooth Development, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 23 (1936): 568–74.

  50. F. J. McClure, “A Review of Fluorine and Its Physiological Effects” (n. 21 above).

  51. D. A. Greenwood, “Fluoride Intoxication” (n. 27 above).

  52. P. F. Moeller and S. V. Gudjonsson, “Massive Fluorosis of Bones and Ligaments” (n. 19 above).

  53. K. Roholm, Fluorine Intoxication” (n. 22 above).

  54. H. E. Shortt et al. , “Endemic Fluorosis in the Madras Presidency” (n. 23 above).

  55. D. G. Steyn, “Water Poisoning in Man and Animal, Together with a Discussion on Urinary Calculi” (n. 25 above).

  56. C. G. Pandit et al. , “Endemic Fluorosis in South India” (n. 28 above).

  57. G. Abbott, “Dangerous Water, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 27 (1939): 162. Reviewed in Hygeia 17 (1940): 899.

  58. H. Cristiani, “Alteration de la Glande Thyroide dans L’intoxication Fluorée” (n. 12 above).

  59. H. Cristiani, “Le Fluor des Os Dans l’Intoxication Fluorique” (n. 13 above).

  60. G. von Mundy, “Ein neuer Weg zur Behandlung der Thyreotoxikose mit Fluorwasserstoffsäure, ” Medizinische Klinik 21 (1932): 717–19.

  61. E. Spéder and A. Charnot, “Syndromes Osseux du Type Hyperparathyroidien et du Type Hypoparathyroidien, Provoqués par lnIntoxication par les Sivers Sels de Fluor et des Intoxications Minérales Associées, ” La Presse Médicale 90 (1936): 1754.

  62. K. Kraft, “Beiträge zur Biochemie des Fluors I. Über den Antagonismus Zwischen Fluor und Thyroxin, ” Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 245 (1937): 58–65.

  63. J. D. Hatfield, C. L. Shrewsbury, F. N. Andrews, and L. P. Doyle, “Iodine-Fluorine Relationship in Sheep Nutrition, ” Journal of Animal Science 3 (1944): 71–77.

  64. P. H. Phillips and A. R. Lamb, “Histology of Certain Organs and Teeth in Chronic Toxicosis Due to Fluorine, ” Archives of Pathology 17 (1934): 169.

  65. P. H. Phillips, H. E. English, and E. B. Hart, “The Influence of Sodium Fluoride upon the Basal Metabolism of the Rat under Several Experimental Conditions, ” The American Journal of Physiology 113 (1935): 441–49.

  66. P. H. Phillips, H. English, and E. B. Hart, “The Augmentation of Fluorosis in the Chick by Feeding Desiccated Thyroid, ” Journal of Nutrition 10 (1935): 399–407,

  67. P. H. Phillips, “Further Studies on the Effects of NaF Administration upon the Basal Metabolic Rate of Experimental Animals, ” The American Journal of Physiology 117 (1936): 155–59,

  68. L. Goldemberg, “Action Physiologique des Fluorures, ” Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 95 (1926): 1169.

  69. L. Goldemberg, “Traitement de la Maladie de Basedow et de l’Hyperthyroidisme par le Fluor, ” La Presse Médicale 102 (1930): 1751.

  70. L. Goldemberg, “Comment Agiraient-ils Therapeutiquement les Fluorures dans le Goitre Exopthalmique et dans L’hyperthyroidisme, ” La Semana Médica 39 (1932): 1659.

  71. W. May, “Antagonismus Zwischen Jod und Fluor im Organismus, ” Klinische Wochenschrift 14 (1935): 790–92.


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