The Case Against Fluoride

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The Case Against Fluoride Page 42

by Paul Connett

  40. E. R. Schlesinger, D. E. Overton, H. C. Chase, and B. A. Cantwell, “Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study. XIII. Pediatric Findings After Ten Years, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 52, no. 3 (1956): 296–306.

  41. Ibid. , 304.

  42. N. C. Leone et al. , “Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply” (n. 16 above).

  43. E. R. Schlesinger, “The Medical Aspects of Water Fluoridation, ” Pediatrics 19, no. 1 (1957): 156–61.

  44. Ibid. , 158 and 160.

  45. Ibid. , 158.

  46. Ibid. , 157.

  47. C. G. Pandit et al. , “Endemic Fluorosis in South India” (n. 30 above).

  48. E. R. Schlesinger, “The Medical Aspects of Water Fluoridation, ” 160 (n. 43 above).

  49. Ibid. , 157.

  50. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 83–87 (n. 33 above).

  51. Committee to Protect Our Children’s Teeth, Inc. , Our Children’s Teeth. A digest of expert opinion based on studies of the use of fluorides in public water supplies, submitted to the Mayor and the Board of Estimate of the City of New York, March 6, 1957.

  52. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 162 (n. 33 above).

  53. Committee to Protect Our Children’s Teeth, Inc. , Our Children’s Teeth, 2 (n. 51 above).

  54. Ibid.

  55. American Dental Association, Dental Caries, Findings and Conclusions on Its Causes and Control, Advisory Committee on Research in Dental Caries (New York: Lancaster Press Inc. , 1939). Cited by P. C. Baehni and B. Guggenheim, “Potential of Diagnostic Microbiology for Treatment and Prognosis of Dental Caries and Periodontal Disease, ” Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine 7, no. 3 (1996): 259–77.

  56. Committee to Protect Our Children’s Teeth, Inc. , Our Children’s Teeth, 5 (n. 51 above).

  57. A P. Black, “Facts in Refutation of Claims by Opponents of Fluoridation, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 50, no. 6 (1955): 655–64.

  58. G. L. Waldbott, A. W. Burgstahler, and H. L. McKinney, Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma (Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado Press, 1978), 311.

  59. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 163–65 (n. 33 above).

  60. Ibid. , 161.

  61. Ibid.

  62. G. J. Cox and H. C. Hodge, “The Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 40 (1950): 440–51.

  63. “Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation, ” a DVD produced by Michael Connett for Fluoride Action Network, 2009,

  64. E. Welsome, The Plutonium Files: America’s Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War (New York: Delta, 1999).

  65. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, “Some Public Health Aspects of Water Fluoridation, ” Fluoridation as a Public Health Measure, ed. J. H. Shaw (Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1954).

  66. F. A. Smith, D. E. Gardner, and H. C. Hodge, “Investigations on the Metabolism of Fluoride. III. Effect of Acute Renal Tubular Injury in Urinary Excretion of Fluoride by the Rabbit, ” A. M. A. Archives of Industrial Health 11, no. 1 (1955): 2–10.

  67. H. C. Hodge, “Fluoride Metabolism: Its Significance in Water Fluoridation, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 52, no. 3 (1956): 307–14.

  68. H. C. Hodge, “Notes on the Effects of Fluoride Deposition on Body Tissues, ” A. M. A. Archives of Industrial Health 21 (1960): 350–52.

  69. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 22 (1963): 111–17,

  70. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, “Biological Effects of Inorganic Fluorides, ” in: Fluorine Chemistry, ed. J. H. Simons (New York: Academic Press, 1963).

  71. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, Fluorine Chemistry, vol. 4 (New York and London: Academic Press, 1965).

  72. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, “Air Quality Criteria for the Effects of Fluorides on Man, ” Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 20 (1970): 226–32.

  73. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, “Occupational Fluoride Exposure, ” Journal of Occupational Medicine 19, no. 1 (1977): 12–39.

  74. H. C. Hodge, “The Safety of Fluoride Tablets or Drops, ” 253–74, in: Continuing Evaluation of the Use of Fluorides, ed. E. Johansen, D. R. Taves, and T. O. Olsen, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Selected Symposium (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1979).

  75. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 113 (n. 69 above).

  76. National Research Council, Fluoride in Drinking Water, 9, 30, 292 (n. 31 above).

  77. H. C. Hodge, “Fluoride Metabolism: Its Significance in Water Fluoridation” (n. 67 above).

  78. “Examples of Acute Poisoning from Water Fluoridation. ” A list of fluoridation accidents, Fluoride Action Network,

  79. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 112–13 (n. 69 above).

  80. C. M. McCay, W. F. Ramseyer, and C. A. Smith, “Effect of Sodium Fluoride Administration on Body Changes in Old Rats, ” Journal of Gerontology 12, no. 1 (1957): 14–19.

  81. A. H. Siddiqui, “Fluorosis in Nalgonda District, Hyderabad-Deccan, ” British Medical Journal 2, no. 4953 (1955): 1408–13.

  82. J. A. Varner, K. F. Jensen, W. Horvath, and R. L. Isaacson, “Chronic Administration of Aluminum-Fluoride and Sodium-Fluoride to Rats in Drinking Water: Alterations in Neuronal and Cerebrovascular Integrity, ” Brain Research 784, no. 1–2 (1998): 284–98. Extended excerpts at

  83. J. L. Borke and G. M. Whitford, “Chronic Fluoride Ingestion Decreases 45Ca Uptake by Rat Kidney Membranes, ” Journal of Nutrition 129 (1999): 1209–13,

  84. J. A. Varner et al. , “Chronic Administration of Aluminum-Fluoride and Sodium-Fluoride to Rats in Drinking Water” (n. 82 above).

  85. J. L. Borke and G. M. Whitford, “Chronic Fluoride Ingestion Decreases 45Ca Uptake by Rat Kidney Membranes” (n. 83 above).

  86. Ibid.

  87. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 113 (n. 69 above).

  88. P. Galletti and G. Joyet, “Effect of Fluorine on Thyroidal Iodine Metabolism in Hyperthyroidism, ” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology 18, no. 10 (1958): 1102–10.

  89. P. P. Bachinskii, O. A. Gutsalenko, N. D. Naryzhniuk et al. , “Action of Fluoride on the Function of the Pituitary-thyroid System of Healthy Persons and Patients with Thyroid Disorders, ” Problemy Endokrinologii (Mosk) 31, no. 6 (1985): 25–9. Article in Russian; English translation at

  90. F. F. Lin, Aihaiti, H. X. Zhao, et al. , “The Relationship of a Low-Iodine and High-Fluoride Environment to Subclinical Cretinism in Xinjiang, ” Xinjiang Institute for Endemic Disease Control and Research; Office of Leading Group for Endemic Disease Control of Hetian Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China; and County Health and Epidemic Prevention Station, Yutian, Xinjiang, Iodine Deficiency Disorder Newsletter 7 (1991): 3,; also see

  91. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 114 (n. 69 above).

  92. H. C. Hodge and F. A. Smith, “Some Public Health Aspects of Water Fluoridation, ” (n. 65 above).

  93. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, 125 (n. 33 above).

  94. A. H. Siddiqui, “Fluorosis in Nalgonda District, Hyderabad-Deccan” (n. 81 above).

  95. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 115 (n. 69 above).

  96. H. C. Hodge, “Notes on the Effect
s of Fluoride Deposition on Body Tissues, ” A. M. A. Archives of Industrial Health 21 (1960): 350–52.

  97. National Research Council, Fluorides (Washington, DC: Committee on Biologic Effects of Atmospheric Pollutants, National Academy of Science, 1971).

  98. H. C. Hodge, “The Safety of Fluoride Tablets or Drops” (n. 74 above).

  99. National Research Council, Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride, 89 (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1993),

  100. Institute of Medicine, Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride (Washington, DC: Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board, 1997),

  101. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, “National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Fluoride. Final Rule, ” Federal Register, 40 CM Part 104 [WH-FRL-2913-8(b)], November 14, 1985. Note: The MCL established on April 2, 1986 [51 FR 11396), finalizes regulations proposed in the Federal Register of May 14, 1985 (50 FR 20164)];

  102. National Research Council, Fluoride in Drinking Water (n. 31 above).

  103. E. R. Schlesinger et al. , “Newburgh-Kingston Caries-Fluorine Study XIII. Pediatric Findings after Ten Years” (n. 40 above).

  104. E. R. Schlesinger, “The Medical Aspects of Water Fluoridation” (n. 43 above).

  105. H. C. Hodge, “Safety Factors in Water Fluoridation Based on the Toxicology of Fluorides, ” 105 (n. 69 above).

  106. Ibid. , 116.

  107. G. L. Waldbott, A Struggle with Titans: Forces Behind Fluoridation, chapter 12 (New York: Carlton Press, 1965).

  108. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, chapter 2 (n. 33 above).

  Chapter 11

  1. M. O. Smith, E. M. Lantz, and H. V. Smith, “The Cause of Mottled Enamel, a Defect of Human Teeth, ” Technical Bulletin No. 32, Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona, June 10, 1931.

  2. H. V. Churchill, “The Occurrence of Fluorides in Some Waters of the United States, ” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 23 no. 9: 996–8. Reprinted in The Journal of Dental Research 12 (1932): 141–48,

  3. H. Velu, “Dystrophie Dentaire des Mammifères des Zones Phosphatées (Darmous) et Fluorose Chronique, ” Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société de Biologie et de ses Filiales 108 (1931): 750–52.

  4. C. Bryson, The Fluoride Deception (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2004), 39.

  5. H. T. Dean, “Classification of Mottled Enamel Diagnosis, ” Journal of the American Dental Association 49, no. 1 (1934): 1421–26.

  6. H. T. Dean, F. S. McKay, and E. Elvove, “Mottled Enamel Survey of Bauxite, Ark. , 10 Years After a Change in the Common Water Supply, ” Public Health Reports 53 (1938): 1736–48; article begins on page 1736 at

  7. H. T. Dean and E. Elvove, “Some Epidemiological Aspects of Chronic Endemic Dental Fluorosis, ” American Journal of Public 26 (1936): 567–75,

  8. H. T. Dean, “Endemic Fluorosis and Its Relation to Dental Caries, ” Public Health Reports 53, no. 33 (1938): 1443–52,

  9. H T. Dean, P. Jay, F. A. Arnold Jr. , and E. Elvove, “Domestic Water and Dental Caries. II. A Study of 2, 832 White Children, Ages 12-14 years, of 8 Suburban Chicago Communities, Including Lactobacillus Acidophilus Studies of 1, 761 Children, ” Public Health Reports 56 (1941): 761–92.

  10. H. T. Dean, F. A. Arnold Jr. , and E. Elvove, “Domestic Water and Dental Caries, V. Additional Studies of the Relation of Fluoride Domestic Waters to Dental Caries Experience in 4425 White Children, Age 12–14 Years, of 13 Cities in 4 States, ” Public Health Reports 57 (1942): 1155–79,–0001.pdf.

  11. H. T. Dean in: Testimony of Isadore Zipkin, Ph. D. , National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. , in Chemicals in Foods and Cosmetics: Hearings Before the House Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Foods and Cosmetics, House of Representatives, 82nd Congress (Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1952), 1652.

  12. Ibid.

  13. K. E. Heller, S. A. Eklund, and B. A. Burt, “Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis at Varying Water Fluoride Concentrations, ” Journal of Public Health Dentistry 57, no. 3 (1997): 136–43.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Ibid.

  16. M. S. McDonagh, P. F. Whiting, P. M. Wilson, et al. , “Systematic Review of Water Fluoridation, ” British Medical Journal 321, no. 7265 (2000): 855–59, Note: The full report that this paper summarizes is commonly known as the York Review and is accessible at

  17. E. Helleret al. , “Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis at Varying Water Fluoride Concentrations” (n. 13 above. )

  18. Ibid.

  19. E. D. Beltrán-Aguilar, B. F. Gooch, A. Kingman, et al. , “Surveillance for Dental Caries, Dental Sealants, Tooth Retention, Edentulism, and Enamel Fluorosis—United States, 1988–1994 and 1999–2002, ” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 54, no. 3 (August 26, 2005): 1–44,

  20. Ibid.

  21. E. Dincer, “Why Do I Have White Spots on My Front Teeth, ” New York State Dental Journal 74, no. 1 (2008): 58–60,

  22. T. Aoba and O. Fejerskov, “Dental Fluorosis: Chemistry and Biology, ” Critical Reviews in Oral Biology 13, no. 2 (2002): 155–70.

  23. P. K. DenBesten, “Effects of Fluoride on Protein Secretion and Removal During Enamel Development in the Rat, ” Journal of Dental Research 65, no. 10 (1986): 1272–7,

  24. P. K. DenBesten and H. Thariani, “Biological Mechanisms of Fluorosis and Level and Timing of Systemic Exposure to Fluoride with Respect to Fluorosis, ” Journal of Dental Research 71, no. 5 (1992): 1238–43,

  25. P. K. DenBesten, “Biological Mechanism of Dental Fluorosis Relevant to the Use of Fluoride Supplements, ” Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 27, no. 1 (1999): 41–47.

  26. S. Matsuo, K. Kiyomiya, and M. Kurebe, “Mechanism of Toxic Action of Fluoride in Dental Fluorosis: Whether Trimeric G Proteins Participate in the Disturbance of Intracellular Transport of Secretory Ameloblast Exposed to Fluoride, ” Archives of Toxicology 72, no. 12 (1998): 798–806.

  27. A. Schuld, “Is Dental Fluorosis Caused by Thyroid Hormonal Disturbances?”Fluoride 38, no. 2 (2005): 91–94,

  28. U. S. Public Health Service, “Proceeding. Fourth Annual Conference of State Dental Directors with the Public Health Service and the Children’s Bureau, ” page 15, Washington, DC, June 6–8, 1951,

  29. Video of the presentation by Dr. Peter Cooney, Chief Dental Officer of Canada, on the case for fluoridation of drinking water in Dryden, Ontario, Canada, April 1, 2008,

  Chapter 12

  1. The quote from Nobel laureate Dr. James Sumner, who was the director of enzyme chemistry in the department of biochemistry and nutrition at Cornell University, was circulated in the booklet “When Doctors Disagree, ” ninth printing, March 1965. No citation is given for Sumner’s quote. As Sumner’s reservations about water fluoridation were well known at the time, we do not doubt its authenticity. Publishers of the booklet: Greater New York Committee Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. , New Jersey Council Opposing Fluoridation, Massachusetts Citizens Rights Association, Inc. , and Fluoridation Evaluation Committe
e (Connecticut).

  2. J. Emsley, D. J. Jones, J. M. Miller, et al. , “An Unexpectedly Strong Hydrogen Bond: AB Initio Calculations and Spectroscopic Studies of Amide-Fluoride Systems, ” Journal of the American Chemical Society 103, no. 1 (1981): 24–28.

  3. K. R. Mahaffey and C. L. Stone, “Effect of High Fluorine (F) Intake on Tissue Lead (Pb) Concentrations, ” Federation Proceedings 35 (1976): 256.

  4. P. Allain, F. Gauchard, and N. Krari, “Enhancement of Aluminum Digestive Absorption by Fluoride in Rats, ” Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 91, no. 2 (1996): 225–31.


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