Lady Aegis: Origins of Supers: Book Two

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Lady Aegis: Origins of Supers: Book Two Page 15

by D. L. Harrison

  Anyway, point being, life went on, and the slots were filled, our city was once again at full strength. The rubble was cleared away, and a new building was built upon the foundation of the old rather quickly. My quarters in the new building were on the fifth floor, large windows, and it was a full apartment.

  Dr. Grayson was convicted of mass murder, human experimentation, and other crimes against humanity. He’d be executed in a few years, once the appeal process was completed. He’d done some horrible things, not just on that one night, and his wife had been a virtual slave and an unwilling test subject. Just one of many, one of the ones that had survived his experiments and bore his child.

  I didn’t think I’d ever get over it, the horror of it, and I shouldn’t because any sane empathetic person would have that horror follow them all of their life. It all slowly got back to normal, and my quick smiles returned. I felt older, wiser, and more cautious, but I was still me.

  That said, I had slowly but surely put it behind me. Life was hope, life was good, and there was still the great promise of the future.

  The military, police, fire dept, and current court system was being dismantled, as we took their place. It would take time, perhaps years, but it would get done.

  No one else besides Solar Wind and Jonathan seemed to figure out who my mother really was, and I slowly relaxed as those two kept their own council on the issue.

  Janna remained and remains to this day my best friend, and I got closer to Stacey as well. Her harsh treatment of me in high school was left in the past, where it belonged.

  Lastly, I still loved my job. Loved getting up in the morning and patrolling my city. Keeping it and the people in it safe. The horrors hadn’t dimmed my ambitions in that direction one bit. If anything, it’d just made me more determined. Someone had to stand against the evil that lurked in some men’s and women’s hearts. I was good at my job, and I was the strongest defender on the team.

  I was proud of what I’d accomplished, and I was just getting started. Who knew how long my life would be, and what I could still accomplish? My mother still looked to be in her early twenties after all, and she was over forty. The mystery of our longevity wasn’t quite known yet, but we’d figure out.


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  About the Author: If you have any comments or suggestions you can send me an email at [email protected] If you like my work, or even if you don’t, please consider leaving a review of this book. I can also be found at

  Other books by D. L. Harrison:

  The Formerly Dark Mage, by D. L. Harrison – This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Silvia and takes place in a world unique and separate to our own.

  Silvia is a dark mage. Unfortunately, she finds herself about to be sacrificed. Someone must have told her evil master about her plans to kill him and take over. After that, things just seem to go downhill. She has no choice but to escape the kingdom of Zual, something that to her knowledge has never been done before. She will need to deal with many issues she never had to face before.

  Among those issues, the white mages, and her conscience.

  The Rise of a Dark Mage - This stand-alone fantasy book follows the life of Cassandra, it takes place in the same world as The Formerly Dark Mage, but happens three hundred years later, long after Silvia is gone and some shocking changes have taken place in the world.

  Cassandra is a dark mage in the kingdom of Zual, she’s also a mage prodigy.

  She hates both her kingdom, and her master. She wants him dead, not to take his place, but so she can leave and explore the world. Her ambition will drive her to rediscover the secrets of the strongest of magic.

  She is determined to succeed, or she’ll die trying.

  Celia Winters Novel Series

  Witch’s Moon: A Celia Winters Novel Book 1

  Celia Winters was raised by her single mother, and her earliest memories are of the store her mother owns and the nearby coven, who have always been her family’s close allies and friends.

  She grew up believing her magic was weak, but she was satisfied with her life, and happy. She was a midwife, healer, and supplier of surrounding covens.

  Then her mother died, and she’s about to discover she isn’t who, or what, she believes herself to be, not completely. She will learn that her entire life up until now was a lie. She’ll need to figure out her place, who she is when she no longer recognizes herself, and try to hold on to her closest friends as she gathers enemies for the simple crime of her existence.

  She’s stronger than she believes, but will it be enough?

  Power of Air Series:

  Just a Psychic: The Power of Air Book One starts off this series.

  Ben has grown up with missing memories of his early childhood.

  He has known he was a psychic since his earliest memories, seeing the future and gaining knowledge with his gifts.

  Is it possible he isn't just a psychic?

  Ben's world is about to be turned upside down as he turns twenty-one, all is not as it seems.

  Alicia Jones novels is a series that follows a bright young inventor and scientist named Alicia Jones. It is a space opera and light science fiction.

  The first book is titled First Contact:

  Alicia Jones is a genius, and a little odd. At just twenty-three years of age, she is close to finishing her doctoral dissertation. But when she tests her latest theory in the lab to generate a strong EM field, it has very unanticipated results. Results that lead to faster than light travel, and first contact with another race.

  Her life just gets more complicated after that, when she finds out who she really is, and that the universe may not be as nice a place as she’d been told. Her determination to help keep Earth safe takes her to places more dangerous and strange than she’d ever envisioned.

  Spirit Sorceress series, by D. L. Harrison is a new urban fantasy series. Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent the last one hundred years growing up and learning about her power in the forests near Seattle Washington. She’s about to make her debut in the big city, but not in a way she ever expected.

  The first book is titled Spirit Sorceress:

  Miku is a spirit sorceress who spent her unusually long childhood in the forest away from the city with her mother and father. After tragedy strikes, she finds herself alone and on her own. She knows that one day she’ll need to move to Seattle, and fully accept her birthright, and if necessary finish her training on her own.

  But before she’s ready, and still in grieving, a rogue vampire and his band come along and change everything. She’ll need to learn her new place in the world, and find some allies quick if she’s to survive.

  Katrina Baker Novels, by D. L. Harrison is a new series about a super named Katrina Baker. Problem is, she gets caught up in her mother’s plan, who is a mad scientist and supervillain, and gets herself transported to another world in the multi-verse. A world where mages, witches, clerics, and the gods are real. Not to mention the monsters…

  The first book is titled Banished:

  Katrina baker is a super. She has mental abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, and others. Her parents are supervillains, and she isn’t all that sure she’s cut out for that line of work. Her empathy with others through her power makes it hard to be uncaring, much less mean or evil to people. Problem is, the last thing she wants to do is disappoint mom and dad.

  Katrina gets caught up in her mother’s supervillain plot to get rid the world of the indestructible hero Omega, and that’s when it all goes really wrong, and she finds herself on another world.


  Will she be able to find her way back home, or even understand this new world of gods and magic, or will she
die trying?

  Rise of the Empyrean Empire – This series is space opera / science fiction. Space, technology, other worlds, aggressive and far more powerful aliens, artificial intelligence, evolution, and advances to the point humanity doesn’t have to work to maintain infrastructure.

  The first book is titled: Scout Ship

  Michael Williams followed in his father’s footsteps, and joined the UEDF, the United Earth Defense Force, when he turned eighteen. Due to heroism and long distinguished service he’s elevated to the rank of Lt. Commander when most of his peers have just attained senior lieutenant. His career appears to be going very well.

  The year is 2263, and the EUDF is in several star systems in a twenty-light year radius from earth, but are expanding even further. He’s assigned to a one year exploratory mission to become accustomed to his new rank, one that will finally culminate in reaching a new star system, 61-Virginis is just short of twenty-eight light years away, and he’s excited to be one of the first humans in a new solar system as they finish the race across the void between stars in the scout ship Columbus.

  There will be challenges he never imagined though, especially not on a simple survey mission. Because mankind always thought they were alone in the stars. They’re about to find out they’re wrong, very wrong…

  Book Description

  Wynn Moore Carlson, the daughter of Death’s Mistress is about to quicken. She was looking forward to following in her mother’s footsteps, though perhaps just a bit more legally. Her ambition to was to join the city’s supers, a much more laudable organization after the fall of the SAB.

  The change in humanity from homo-sapiens to homo-potens had been a relatively peaceful one so far, save the governments horrific acts in the past out of fear. Mostly because homo-sapiens couldn’t fight back, everyone on the planet born after nineteen ninety was of the new race. There was no stopping it as the old humanity was slowly supplanted over a lifetime.

  At least, not until now…

  Author’s note: This is the second book of a clean superhero series with no mature content. Each book will be a new standalone novel of different supers, and their origin story and first steps, all in the same world during turbulent times of change. Although each independent story can stand alone, the world building and timeline will involve spoilers from past books so they should be read in order.




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