Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 13

by L M Lacee

  ‘Mama.’ Rayvan screamed. ‘Mama!’

  He was instantly in her arms. ‘Hush my baby, my sweet boy.’ She bent over and kissed first Helen’s then Esther’s cheek. ‘Greetings to you both.’

  She lifted her head and said to them all. ‘Greetings to you all. I am well, we are all well. Draykin your Mama comes sweet boy.’

  He whimpered as Hawk cuddled him close. Esther stood and Peyton wrapped her arm around her trembling body. ‘I am pleased you are alright, we missed you. No more trips off world without us agreed?’ Esther whispered to Peyton who laid her head on her shoulder as she sighed and said. ‘Agreed.’

  Esther whispered something to her, and they disappeared. Hawk rose. ‘Shall we go see how the others are?’

  He felt a hand stroke his cheek as Peyton’s voice sounded softly in his mind. Thank you my brother, I cannot express how much I love you right now.

  He sent her a smile, and she sent back. We will talk later.

  At eve-meal?


  Helen and Rose said at the same time when they heard running feet. ‘Darby.’

  She rushed in, and Draykin screamed when he saw her. ‘Hush, now baby boy hush.’ She took him form Hawk and looked up into his familiar face feeling her heart settle a little more. ‘It was not nice.’

  ‘I know Darby you are home and safe now.’

  ‘Okay, brother I wish you were with us. I missed you.’

  ‘As I missed you.’

  ‘She told the others. ‘Be happy you were not with us.’

  Hawk softly caressed her cheek. ‘Go rest, we will gather for eve-meal.’

  ‘Okay.’ She reached up and kissed his cheek. ‘Good.’

  She left with Draykin held securely in her arms and Rose’s arm around her. Brenda and Marlo entered, he kissed his mate. ‘Go, Helen waits for you.’

  She hugged him. ‘Thank you for understanding my love.’

  ‘Ahh, sweet female, you are my heart.’

  Brenda fell into Helen’s waiting arms. ‘It’s alright luv, I have you.’ She asked Marlo. ‘Can you tell Larson when he returns please, which should be very soon? He has Braace and Pepper with him.’

  ‘I will, Helen all is well, she needs you... go.’

  Helen smiled carefully worried he was upset. ‘She will be alright, we just need to talk.’

  He smiled one of his smiles. ‘I know dearle sister, I know.’

  Quietly Brenda said. ‘Hawk dearle, I think we learned how much you mean to us. We should never have gone without you.’

  ‘I am sorry you did.’

  She looked him in the eye and told him. ‘She goes about it wrong sometimes, but her heart is always in the right place. She feared for you, she knows how much this hurt you.’

  He bowed his head. ‘Brenda my friend, believe me. I never doubted that for a moment.’

  ‘Just so you know, I am not going off world again. I do not like it. I am sorry if that disappoints you.’

  Hawk and Marlo both shook their heads as Hawk told her. ‘Brenda as always, it is your decision. Just know you can never disappoint us.’

  Marlo drawled. ‘Never wanted to leave anyway, like my home.’

  ‘Good.’ She gave them both a small smile and with Helen’s arm around her entered the airlift. The last they saw of them, they were hugging each other and Brenda was crying.

  Penny and Kerol made to leave, Hawk called after them. ‘Eve-meal please Kerol, Penny.’

  Kerol nodded. ‘We will be there.’

  Marlo remained staring at the lift where his heart had gone, when Hawk handed him a glass of whiskay, he looked at it. Hawk grinned. ‘Your stock.’

  ‘Alright.’ Marlo drank the contents down in one swallow, then hissed as he told Hawk. ‘Dinas is with Patty, she was upset he blocked her and is barely able to wake, they carried him from the ship. She is not amused.’

  ‘I am sure she is not. He will be well in a few hours.’

  ‘We have new people with us, plus ten children.’

  ‘Why does that not surprise me, who this time?’ He asked sardonically, making Marlo lift one side of his mouth up in a smile.

  He told him as they airlifted down to the ground floor and walked along to Marlo’s office. Larson stood inside with Braace who came to him and rubbed his head against Marlo’s hands as he told Larson.

  ‘Helen is with Brenda.’

  With a quick look Larson recognized the eyes that stared at him held more poho’s and knew his brother had suffered once more. Quietly he said. ‘That makes sense.’

  Marlo looked down at Braace. ‘She will need you my friend, her life has been upset.’

  I will go to her now. You left me behind even though I understand the reason. I do not accept it was necessary.

  ‘Mayhap you are right, but I will not regret I did so. Being bonded means I get to look after your heart as well my friend.’

  That I will accept.

  ‘Thank you. She has said we are not to go off world again.’

  Good, I like my home.

  That is what I said.

  Braace and Pepper ran from the room to go to those that needed their special comfort. Larson poured them more whiskay as Alexx and Raley with Bricc arrived. Bricc looked around the room then nodded to Hawk and said to Raley. Bonded I will guard from the door.

  He rubbed his head against Raley’s leg in comfort as Raley ran his hand down his back before he left the room. Larson said. ‘They are all on alert, apparently.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘We are on red alert until the search is completed.’

  When they were all sitting and Larson had handed out their drinks. Hawk asked Marlo. ‘Report please.’


  Jarrod returned to his home to be met by Trina, who took one look at his closed expression and kicked his family from her home. On the promise they would have eve- meal together, they left with little opposition, recognizing the signs of a haunted male.

  After they had left he walked without a word into the cleansing room, Trina walked soft footed into their bedroom and waited until he came from the shower, she had learned a lot about her mate and the one thing she knew for sure was if she did not push him he would never tell her what had happened or the effect it had on him.

  He had dressed in low-slung pants and nothing else and it took everything she had not to jump him as soon as he entered their bedroom. Jarrod eyed his mate and sighed how to tell her he needed time to find his balance to be the male she needed. Trina could see him marshalling his defenses and before he uttered an excuse to leave. She wrapped her arms around him until his body softened and his arms came around her.

  With a heartfelt sigh, he gave in and rested his head on top of hers. ‘My Trina, how did I survive before you?’

  ‘I ask myself that same thing every day. How did I survive everything I went through without your love and support?’

  ‘I know I do not show you how much I love you often enough.’

  ‘Oh, my heart, you show me all the time, look at the size of me. You and I did this, we showed each other and everyone we love each other so much, we made a baby. That is the most honest expression of love there is.’

  ‘Ahh, my one.’

  ‘Jarrod tell me… tell me what happened and then we will put it in the shoe box and forget it.’

  He laughed softly. ‘What is a shoe box?’

  ‘Oh honey, have I not told you what that is?’


  ‘Well come to bed and we will hold each other and I will tell you about boxes and you can tell me about Patamoglian. Then we can make wild love and show each other again how much we mean to each other.’

  She took his hand and led him to their bed. He lowered her to the covers and placed kisses along her neck in between telling her what had transpired on Patamoglian.


  As the suns started their descent toward night, people had showered, talked and consumed cups of whatever beverage they needed, children had be
en cuddled and reassured as had some adults.

  Fox had been reunited with his loving parents and settled into the family’s Hex. He was amused to find he now had his own apartment, which was a first for the young male. Netta had introduced Penny to Ipeara and Peneria and settled them in an apartment on the main floor of Peyton’s Hex, as she had promised their father.

  They had spent time until eve-meal unpacking and learning about Prime and the other eight worlds. Peneria was interested in the planet Huntaway; it looked exciting. When Netta, comm’d to warn them to get ready for eve-meal and advise them what to wear.

  ‘Casual clothing is all that is required.’

  Peneria asked. ‘Do you have only female hunts?’

  Netta said. ‘You know we have never had an all-female hunt. I’ll talk to Melody.’

  Peneria asked. ‘So the answer is?’

  Netta smiled as she said. ‘You two will fit right in here.’ Then, before Peneria could ask again, she disconnected.

  Ipeara said. ‘You see how she did not answer. She is very tricky.’ Then she looked at the transfixed look on her sister’s face and asked. ‘You still admire her?’

  ‘More so.’ Peneria sighed raptly.

  In Peyton’s apartment, she and Esther talked after Rayvan had been soothed and cuddled. Peyton had laughed at Esther’s amusing tales of happenings on Halcyon when she had visited Karen. She admitted Esther’s account of Karen’s continuing lethargy disturbed her, they discussed what they could do, perhaps it meant Karen needed some kind of treatment. Esther promised to talk to Heather.

  While Rayvan was amused with the new toy that Emperor Phantor had given Peyton for him, she had a quick shower. Afterward, she and Esther sat on her balcony and they sipped their respective drinks, while Rayvan played with his toy.

  Darby and Rose with Draykin arrived a short while later. Peyton handed Draykin a toy, he squealed his pleasure as he showed Rayvan. Darby scowled as she asked. ‘When did you have time to shop?’

  ‘When you were in bed. See what happens when you are lazy?’

  ‘I was poisoned!’

  ‘Attention getter?’

  Darby growled. ‘That is not even an expression. Stop making them up. We have told you it does not raise your IQ. Impossible female!’

  Esther and Rose laughed as the four sat and let the peace and harmony of their home soak in, while boys played. Esther broke the silence by telling Peyton. ‘I am moving in with you. I am lonely in my place.’

  Peyton sipped her coffee and said. ‘Sounds good.’

  Esther told them. ‘Willian took it hard.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘I thought he would. I will deal with him, but we will give him space for now.’

  Esther nodded. ‘So sweet girls, can you tell us what happened?’

  Netta and Melody walked in just as Darby said. ‘No we really can’t, not the horrible bits but we can talk about the good things and there were good things.’

  The three others looked at her with varying expressions of disbelief marring their faces.

  Netta asked. ‘Really, Darby… good things? So what was a good thing? The poisoning or the whole family put to death or maybe…’

  ‘Stop.’ Melody said sharply, making Netta’s tirade halt. ‘Enough, Darby is right, look for the good Netta or you will become as bad as the bitchre on Oraintarre. Now go find Knife, this is why you are bonded.’

  Netta stood and without a word stormed from the apartment. Melody looked at the passive face of Peyton. ‘You will have to do something?’

  ‘Nah, she’s a big girl, we all deal in our own way. Melody you know Netta, she is wobbling at the moment she will get there. It is just...’ She shrugged trying to find the right words.

  Sighing, Melody said. ‘I know, she can be so furin hard headed at times.’

  ‘Sheesh, I wonder who taught her that.’ Darby asked.

  They all looked at Melody, who laughed. ‘Yeah, yeah. So ladies, we came back with ten children and two nice females. The Emperor’s daughters, no less.’

  The subject was changed, and a light-hearted conversation took place until it was time for eve-meal.

  Unfortunately, not all conversations were as light-hearted. Brenda told Helen what had transpired as told to her by Marlo, then Helen held her as she cried releasing all the hurt and fear in her heart. Finally, after a shower and two cups of tea, Brenda settled down, and they discussed the happenings on and off the world.


  Peyton walked around the dining room as they waited for people to arrive. She smiled as Rayvan finally allowed her to put him down.

  ‘Why are you smiling?’ Helen asked as she looked her over, she seemed fine, her talk with Esther must have helped.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Because I am not in trouble.’

  ‘Why would you be in trouble?’

  ‘For leaving while Hawk was away. He was warned… I mean told we were going. So I’m in the clear. It’s so nice to be in the right.’

  ‘Huh!’ Helen murmured as she sipped her drink while eyeing the smug Peyton. ‘That is not how I heard it.’

  The smile dropped from Peyton’s face. ‘Why… what did you hear?’

  Helen kept her smile hidden as she looked around first, then leaned in a little and whispered. ‘I heard that Hawk only found out when Netta comm’d him to report what had happened.’

  ‘Nooo, that’s not right.’

  Hawk said from behind her, a glass of alcohol in his hand. ‘Oh, but it is little Peyton.’

  ‘No,’ she whirled around and told him. ‘I asked Melody to comm you.’

  ‘Really?’ He raised a doubtful brow and how she knew that, she did not know. But she knew doubt when she saw it. She frowned and yelled. ‘Melody.’

  ‘What?’ Melody demanded from behind her.

  She whirled again. ‘Armee Girl, did you or did you not comm Hawk about our mission?’

  Melody froze for a min as she let her mind run through words that would not hold a lie, as Helen said to Hawk. ‘Oh it’s a mission now?’

  ‘I heard.’

  ‘Umm!’ Melody scratched her cheek playing for time and said doubtfully. ‘It is possible, I suppose.’

  Peyton, her eyes growing round, yelled. ‘Netta!’

  Netta did not want to lie. Peyton knew lies, but she could not let Melody down and it made no difference that Peyton was also her sister, chocolate was on the line. Chocolate yum! So she did what she did best and frowned, then growled. ‘Why are you bothering me? I have issues.’

  Mama wat ssuse? is ssues make oos silly. Knife asked Netta as she picked him up, he snuggled into her, and said as seriously as only Knife could be. Grammie elln say we hav nap wen we silly.

  Netta told him. Grammie Helen is very wise.

  Isa miss oos Mama, me not like wen oos not here.

  Netta closed her eyes on her kit’s cry of loneliness and promised him. I vow, I will not leave you again. I missed you very much.

  Knife wiggled with pleasure. Kay.

  Peyton looked around hoping for help and spotted Marlo and Brenda, who stood by the table. Brenda looked just plain startled and Marlo looked like he would burst out laughing. As Peyton opened her mouth to ask them to back her up, Melody hurriedly asked Darby, hoping to take Peyton’s attention away from the couple. ‘Darby, do you recall Peyton asking me that?’

  Darby shook her head. ‘I am sorry, no.’

  Peyton spluttered and pleaded with Hawk. ‘I swear I did. I am almost positive I did?’

  ‘Almost, Star Girl?’ Melody asked, sympathy in her voice.

  ‘Shut it Armee Girl.’ Peyton narrowed her eyes at her and said through clenched teeth. ‘I know, you know you were asked. I have no idea what you have bribed them with, but I will find out and you will pay Armee Girl… You will pay.’

  Feigning indifference, Melody said. ‘Bring it on Star Girl, we will see. I have nothing to bribe anyone with.’ Technically not a lie, as it was Peyton’s chocolate. Melody watched Peyton’s ey
es, and breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed there was enough truth in her statement for Peyton to let it go. Melody asked as she walked to the table. ‘Are we eating or what?’

  Helen said. ‘Everything is ready.’

  Larson held the chair for her as Marlo did for Brenda while they took their seats. Hawk held Peyton’s then helped Esther place Rayvan and Draykin in their chairs.

  Alexx saw Melody and Netta to their chairs as Raley held Darby’s for her, she smiled up at him.

  ‘Thank you Raley.’

  ‘It is my pleasure Darby.’ He smiled and then took his own seat as bots started to bring in the food.

  Peyton sat at the head of the table staring at Melody who studiously ignored her. Alexx shepherded the two Patamoglian’s sisters to seats, as they stared at Peyton and Melody who were not looking at each other.

  Ipeara whispered to Brenda. ‘Does the Star…’

  ‘No dearle, at home she is addressed as Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Greetings Lady Brenda.’ Fox said as he slipped into a chair next to the sisters.

  ‘Greetings Fox.’

  ‘Lady Brenda.’ Ipeara asked. ‘Does Madam not know that Commander Melody is…?’

  Fox kicked her under the table and shook his head no. She closed her mouth as Brenda leaned in and whispered. ‘I will explain the dynamics of the sisters later.’

  Ipeara nodded her understanding. Esther said in a little louder voice. ‘Occasionally Madam has forgotten to tell people things.’

  ‘Because I have loads to think about.’ Peyton defended herself, as she gave a narrowed eyed stare to Esther.

  ‘She forgets to tell you about ships arriving,’ Darby added.

  ‘I was organizing an exodus.’

  Hawk added. ‘Or about meeting up with another ship and having them almost shot from space, even though they are friends.’

  ‘I was saving a species and saying goodbye to a friend.’

  ‘Sometimes she gets shot and forgets to tell anyone.’ Melody stated, and no one missed the annoyed tone in her voice.


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