Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 21

by L M Lacee

  Darby said. ‘Yes I know.’

  ‘That doesn’t seen unfair to you?’

  ‘Oh it is.’



  ‘Never mind, if I have to explain it, I will kill you.’

  ‘Such a drama queen.’

  ‘Didn’t I say you weren’t coming?’


  ‘Are you sure, I think I did?’

  ‘Well, you thought wrong.’

  ‘Alright, no need to get snippy.’ She told Draykin. ‘Your Mama needs to get laid.’

  ‘Oh my stars, give me my son!’ Darby screeched as she took him from Peyton. ‘You did not just say that to him?’

  ‘What did I say now?’

  ‘Those words.’

  ‘What words?’

  ‘That I need to get L. A. I. D?’

  ‘Darby, are you sure I didn’t say you weren’t coming?’

  ‘Seriously, you will say anything, to not admit you said those words.’

  Peyton sniffed. ‘Ridiculous female. Let’s call this meeting open, who is missing?’

  Rayvan said. ‘sasshole laid aunee Darby.’

  Peyton said. ‘Seriously Darby, do not teach him words like that?’

  ‘Impossible female.’ Darby snarled as she placed Draykin on the floor with Rayvan.


  Within seconds everyone had taken their seats. Rage and Fanharr arrived a few mins after Harm and Heather. The boys were on the floor with their toys and the kits overseen by the older Prowlers.

  Peyton stood at the head of the conference table and smiled. ‘Greetings. Kerol, would you introduce our new Captain?’

  Kerol stood and smiled. ‘Madam Peyton, please allow me to introduce my long-time friend Mayton Norr, he was under medical care until recently.’

  Peyton inclined her head and said, accompanied by the Star Child. We welcome you, Captain Mayton Norr, friend to Commander Kerol.

  Anyone looking at the male could see he had been unwell. His hair barely covered his scalp and what there was of it was a white with brown streaks.

  ‘I thank you Madam Peyton and Star Child for the welcome. I am pleased to be on world.’ He nodded to everyone else, then retook his seat.

  Peyton inclined her head, she was not sure about this Warrior, there seemed to be something not right with him as though he was hiding from the world.

  He is still unsure, his every step is fraught with worry and he believes you will find him unworthy because he was weakened. He understands he is to find his place in this unknown world but feels he is a step behind everyone else. He thinks you will regret freeing him from stasis and return him there. Daughter, his heart and needar are honest. We find him an honorable Warrior destined for greatness.

  With those words, Peyton knew she needed to look beneath the surface of what Mayton was showing, but that was for later. Right now she had a mission to get rolling. ‘I have asked you here because I had a visit with an ancient star named Nimbyya. She once watched over Porquiel when the Tuarillians first settled there. Rage, if you are interested, I will put you in touch with her.’

  Thank you, Madam. I would like that. I have questions she may be able to answer.

  ‘That is what I thought. So Nimbyya told me two things; first we are going to a place called Draygann a world inhabited by what we on Earth called Dragons.’

  ‘Peyton stop fooling around.’ Melody loudly protested.

  Heather scoffed. ‘You cannot be serious, dragons really?’

  Darby grinned. ‘So funny, Peyton.’

  Netta laughed loudly joined by the others, annoyed Peyton growled. ‘See, this is why I don’t tell you things. I should have just said the name of the planet and left it at that.’

  Hawk grunted. ‘Like that would have worked. What do they look like?’

  ‘So by that comment, I am guessing you know nothing of this species?’

  ‘No, I have never heard of them before or the world.’ He looked around at the others to see if they had, only to receive negative head shakes.

  ‘Okay well, they look something like... hayda just look.’ She transferred to them the images that Nimbyya had given her, along with the conversation. When they were all making notes and nodding their heads she said.

  ‘I will take apologies now.’ Looking expectantly at her sisters, who laughed again, which caused a few snickers from the others. ‘So rude, anyway the second thing Nimbyya told me may be harder for you to imagine.’

  Esther asked. ‘Harder than dragons?’

  ‘Yes, much harder. There is apparently a laboratory or cavern underground on a planet and it seems someone is trying to replicate the Warriors by using the Draygonissia.’

  Silence met her news, everyone was speechless and then they all looked at the equally stunned Darby who was furiously tapping away on her tablet. When she kept on scrolling, they all started talking at once. Melody called out to be heard above the voices which were growing louder. ‘Peyton, I thought you said Dragon?’

  ‘No, I called them dragon, if you had listened Armee Girl, you would have heard me say that Nimbyya told me their name in the old tongue was Draygon.’

  Melody said to Esther. ‘She gets quiet snippy when she is right, have you noticed?’

  ‘I have noticed that.’ She leaned nearer to Melody and in a serious whisper asked. ‘Have you also noticed how worried she is you will remain home?’

  Melody’s eyes widened as she said. ‘No, I had not. Thank you for telling me.’

  ‘It’s what I do dearle.’

  With a sweet smile she was known for Brenda asked Peyton. ‘Dearle can we use that term, will the Draygon people consider it rude? We all know how you deplore rudeness in others.’

  Netta smirked as she muttered to a smiling Marlo. ‘Got to love the sting in that one.’

  ‘Doncha just!’

  Peyton stated. ‘Well, Nimbyya said they were called that in the past, before they evolved to what they are now. I am using it until I am told differently, and rudeness is deplorable…’

  Darby suddenly stated in a forceful voice. ‘Impossible… They will never do it?’

  ‘But what if they do?’ Hawk asked, and there was not a person around the table who was fooled by his calm tone. The First Commander was annoyed, an emotion, some were seeing more of in him, along with frustration and a short temper.

  Darby snapped. ‘I scrubbed the information, and I know no one has hacked my brain. So they cannot do it. They may try, and for that they must be stopped, but succeed. No, never. I swear it cannot be done. Trust me on this.’

  He inclined his head, ‘I do Specialist Darby… I do. That is the only reason you are still alive.’

  There was a collective gasp at his words, until Peyton said calmly, reminding them all she was there.

  ‘And me.’

  Hawk looked at her and after a moment said. ‘And you Star Daughter.’ But again no one was fooled, he would risk her wrath, if it saved just one of his Warriors.

  Darby stood and slammed her hands down on the table facing him. It was such a different reaction to what she had been like at their first meeting, now she was no longer that shy panic stricken, introverted female. She was a Specialist and consultant in the Maikonian Armee. Sister to the Star Daughter. Mother to her son, and heart sister to the Commander who sat opposite her and a friend to all there.

  ‘I tell you now, kill me if it will make you feel safer brother but there is no data out there for them to repeat the procedure with.’

  Mayton sat amazed as he watched the First Commander an Elite, go toe to toe with Specialist Darby. He looked around at the people there, who were all watching without any of the concern he was feeling. Confused he did not understand how they could not see the peril the small female was in. To add to his confusion he saw a small device being passed from person to person, he also spotted a few smiles and wondered what they were doing. As he watched he saw Commander Melody tap on the screen of the device an
d hand it to his friend Kerol. Who followed the same procedure then pass it on.

  Good stars, they were wagering. He had learned of wagering or betting some called it from Kerol. He could not believe his eyes, had he ended up in another dimension, this was not right. He felt his confusion grow when Kerol said. ‘Do not worry, I placed a wager for you.’

  ‘I do not understand, the First Commander is enraged.’

  ‘True, but a wager is a wager. It’s not as serious as it looks, just watch my friend.’

  Hawk stood slowly, then placed his hands on the table and leaned over in an aggressive stance. A position he would never have even thought about taking luneras earlier. Now it was as natural as breathing as he asked with sarcasm dripping from every word. ‘Well sister how are they doing it?’

  She bit back. ‘If they are doing it?’

  He snarled. ‘Do you doubt it?’

  ‘Yes dayam it I do. I know there was nothing for them to find and you do to. You know I am that good. I did not miss anything, there was nothing left to miss.’

  Dinas asked Hawk mildly. ‘Why are you so angry, you have been for wekens?’

  ‘I am not.’ He replied stiffly as he straightened.

  ‘Maybe he needs to get laid too?’ Peyton offered her opinion.

  ‘Shut it, Star Girl.’ Both Darby and Hawk said at the same time and then smiled at each other.

  Peyton smirked as she asked Darby. ‘Are you sure I said you could come?’

  ‘Yes.’ They both answered her.

  Hawk ran his finger gently down Darby’s chin in apology, and she gifted him with a smile filled with love, she reserved only for family. He sat again as Darby told them. ‘There has to be something we are missing, they cannot, I repeat cannot reproduce the formula.’

  ‘Then what are they doing?’ Hawk asked once again able to think clearly, as the constant ache of anger that had been growing daily eased. Darby also retook her seat while looking off into space, shaking her head slowly from side to side.

  Kinn asked. ‘Could they have saved a scientist or their data?’

  Marlo stated. ‘There was no data remaining, and no one left alive. Not one scientist escaped that night.’

  Mayton said. ‘Only us?’

  Darby and Hawk looked at each other, then together they stared at Mayton as they said as one. ‘They have a Warrior or Warriors.’

  Darby said. ‘It is the only thing that makes sense, they are trying to reverse engineer the DNA.’

  Melody said. ‘Once more for those of us that don’t speak science speech.’


  Peyton grinned as she said. ‘Darby, in simple terms.’

  ‘Oh, it means they must have a Warrior or Warriors, and if they do, they are trying to map the DNA. And if they are taking the Draygon people, then someone has devised a way to use their DNA to fill in the gaps.’

  Dinas murmured. ‘Perhaps they are trying to add to what is already there.’

  Helen asked Darby. ‘So what you are saying is they don’t have the formula but they are going to dissect one of our boys.’

  Heather nodded. ‘Yes that is exactly what she means.’

  Brenda murmured. ‘That means they have sleepers.’

  ‘Warriors with wings.’ Melody said. ‘So cool.’ She stared at the Warriors around the table, trying to visualize them with wings. They returned her look but unlike hers, their stare did not hold wonder.

  Sheepishly she said. ‘Or not.’

  Kerol stated. ‘We need two ships one to go to Draygann and one to find the laboratory.’

  The Star Child said. No Commander.

  Everyone stopped talking as Hawk questioned their directive. ‘I do not wish to appear disrespectful Star Child, but two ships, two missions. Save our Warriors and the Draygonissia at the same time?’

  Commander Hawk is wise in many instances, but in this he would be incorrect. The scientists await two you know of Commander. Thy brothers Reeve and Wolf.

  Hawk stood abruptly and Dinas placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘They are alive, Hawk we were right, they are alive.’

  The Star Child continued. The ones who are sending the Warriors do not know who they are transporting. When they arrive at the laboratory, we assume it will not take them long to understand the significance of the two Elites in their custody. You must be there before they learn who they have. Rescue the Draygonissia for Nimbyya, then serve our judgment on those that defile our creations.

  Hawk bowed his head. ‘As you wish, Star Child.’

  Peyton hugged him. ‘I tell you to trust in the Star Child. Now we know they are coming home, we have proof they live. So how long before we can leave and who is going?’

  Hawk ordered. ‘We leave before second rising in the morn. Commanders decide who is going. Ladies you as well. Rage the Prowlers are yours to command.’

  Melody asked him. ‘That is very fast, isn’t it?’

  Hawk reigned in his temper as he said. ‘It is not. Treat it as a training exercise.’ He stared around him and asked. ‘Disagreements?’ No one offered any, he nodded then said. ‘So be it.’

  Peyton said. ‘We are taking Malchol if he wants to come.’

  ‘I do.’ He said as he stepped from the transfer circle with Rose, who also said. ‘As do I. We are sorry we are late, we were busy.’

  ‘Busy how?’ Asked Peyton suspiciously.

  Rose blushed prettily. ‘We discovered each other last night.’ She showed the markings by the Star Child on her wrists.

  ‘Oh my stars, that is wonderful. Do your parents know Malchol?’ Peyton asked as the couple received congratulations from everyone there.

  ‘Yes, they and Rose’s family were told this morn they are all pleased.’

  Darby asked Rose. ‘Are you sure you want to come on a mission, it will involve possibly going onto worlds?’

  ‘I have nothing to fear. I have Malchol and all of you with me.’

  ‘Malchol, Rose, there are two missions. Hawk will catch you up, I am needed in my office. So I will leave you to it.’ Peyton told them as she gathered Rayvan in her arms and raced for the transfer circle, leaving a bewildered group behind her.

  ‘What the hayda?’ Melody said looking after the disappearing Peyton.

  Harm said. ‘She is up to something?’

  Darby said. ‘She thinks she is so sneaky. Leave me behind.’ She muttered as she tapped on her tablet and a wall screen lit up, showing Peyton’s office.

  Heather snarled. ‘You have her bugged?’

  ‘Why do you say it like that? Bugged is a nasty word.’ Darby sulkily replied.

  Heather turned to Netta, pointing an angry finger at her. ‘Did you know about this?’

  Netta grinned, ‘I refuse to answer, due to security reasons.’

  ‘So no!’ Heather growled then turned to Darby demanding. ‘Darby, this is just wrong. Where is the privacy, if I find out you have bugged us all? I will be furious with you. Now stop this.’

  Darby had her mouth open to answer, only to stop as she tipped her head to the side, watching the screen. ‘What is happening?’

  They all watched Peyton enter her office and place Rayvan on the floor with his toys. Then sit behind her desk just as a transparent male figure appeared, his voice was deep and seemed to echo in the room.

  ‘Star Daughter, when are you arriving they are moving us.’

  Hawk and Dinas jumped to their feet, startling everyone. ‘No, I do not believe it. Dinas, do you see what I see?’

  ‘I do it is him brother, it is him.’ He grabbed Hawk’s arm as they stood watching the screen.

  ‘I know, I was just told.’ Peyton calmly told the apparition. ‘We will be with you soon, wait a little longer.’

  He started to fade when they heard him say. ‘Hawk and my brothers, I can no longer sense them in the Universe.’

  ‘All is well. Hawk and Dinas are here and safe. Sleep, my Elite until we arrive.’

  He nodded and faded completely, only his voice remai
ned as he told her. ‘You are most strange to look upon.’

  ‘Yeah well, you are not looking so hot either, poho boy.’

  His only reply was a long low growl. Peyton dropped her head on the desk as she blushed, then she said. ‘Darby, turn the frigging screen off.’

  Darby smirked at Heather. ‘See, she always knows.’

  Heather snarled back and pointed her finger in Darby’s face. ‘Big deal, make sure there are none anywhere else. Now who the hayda was that?’

  Melody shook her head and said. ‘Is it me or do you guys find it weird that only our Peyton would argue with an apparition, cause I sort of don’t?’

  Netta grinned. ‘After all this time you still think what she does can be weird. And no I do not, it is just her.’

  ‘Seriously, it so is.’ Melody agreed as she and Netta laughed.

  Heather asked again. ‘Yes it is not weird, but who was he?’

  Hawk walking swiftly with Dinas to the transfer circle said. ‘That dearle healer, was my brother Reeve.’

  Darby and the other Warriors sat down hard on their chairs, all wearing expressions of concern. Kerol said out loud. ‘Oh well that is... Oh we are seriously going to have a problem.’

  Melody agreed. ‘He is not going to be happy is he?’

  Kerol shook his head. ‘No, not at all.’

  Heather asked. ‘What... Why?’

  Patty said. ‘Some of the stories I have heard are amazing. He is Second to the Commander of the Elites, Kardan and a Battlemaster.’

  Kerol stated. ‘Reeve is, as he is by name.’

  Rose asked. ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘He is renowned for threading his way through battle lines or in simpler terms or for those of you who are not military. Cutting through the opposition’s lines. He is a one man squad and when the five brothers…’ He suddenly remembered who he was talking with and grimace saying. ‘I am sorry Patty.’

  She waved his apology away. ‘Before my time Kerol I know what and who my mate is.’

  He nodded and continued. ‘It is told, that when all the brothers went to war, there was no need for any other Warriors. They are the Elites for a reason and they all have abilities far greater and more powerful than any other Elite. None could match them.’


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