Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 24

by L M Lacee

  They all grinned at her observation, even Netta cracked a smile. Willian came around and thankfully Peneria seemed calmer at seeing his eyes flicker. As they all watched a Prowler with lavender eyes and brown fur with grey stripes running from his head to his tail walked in. He had wounds that were in the first stages of healing and he looked malnourished. Slowly on shaky legs he carefully make his way to Willian and Peneria.

  ‘Oh my stars.’ Breathed Darby, too scared to speak loudly in case she spooked him and he fell over.

  Hawk said. ‘He was one of the survivors from my last mission. He was very badly injured. Believe it or not, he looks better.’

  ‘Dear Stars, what did he look like before?’ Ipeara murmured.

  Hawk opened his mouth to answer when Darby held her hand up. ‘Do not answer that, my heart will break.’ He nodded in understanding, by now the whole room was watching the thin Prowler as he sat very carefully by Peneria and Willian.

  As if Willian had been waiting for him, his eyes snapped open and he looked apprehensively into the eyes of his heart. Slowly he sat up, almost as though he was scared she would bolt. Before he realized it words poured from his hearts. ‘I am yours from now until I pass through the gates into the afterlife.’

  ‘Not without me.’ She told him fiercely.

  He smiled. ‘As you wish my heart.’

  Ipeara whispered to Peyton. ‘Told you, possessive.’

  Peneria leaned her forehead on Willian’s shoulder. ‘I thought you would deny me because of who I am. I was so scared.’ She looked at him, and her voice was hoarse with suppressed emotions. ‘I have never been scared like that before. I dislike it.’

  Willian placed his hand on her cheek and involuntarily her eyes closed at his touch. ‘Noted. My friend Dinas told his mate Patty, one heart beats for her and one for him, and now I find he was not just saying the words. It is a fact my heart was still and now it beats for you and I feel whole for the first time in my life.’

  ‘Aww, so beautiful, I think I will cry.’ Penny said with a little catch in her voice.

  Avana wiped her eyes. ‘Who knew he had it in him?’

  Willian ignored the two females as he said. ‘I must warn you my heart, I have issues.’

  She looked at him in confusion as he lowered his head. ‘It is what the Terrans say when we have problems.’

  She lifted his head with a hand under his chin. ‘I know, and we will deal with them as Madam Peyton said. You are not the only one with issues. I have them too.’

  He smiled again. ‘You are wise.’

  ‘I know.’ At his look, she said. ‘No, I really am.’ Together they turned to the Prowler as he said in an exhausted voice. My Willian, I am for you as you are for me.

  Willian replied. ‘I am for you as you are for me.’ The Prowler lay down and Peneria said as she petted him. ‘His name is Boaks. It means intelligent.’

  Heather said. ‘Well that is wonderful but you two need time together and this one.’ She rubbed Boaks head gently. ‘Needs to be in medical, he needs more attention.’

  Just then Melody arrived back and kneeled next to the Prowler. ‘So this is where you went off to, Kate is worried.’ She stroked Boaks head and said. ‘If you had said what you needed, Artar Kate or I would have brought you to him.’

  Boaks sighed as he said. I am sorry, Tocho. I was unaware. I have never been bonded before.

  Melody laughed. ‘I am aware Boaks.’

  Willian stood. ‘Well bonded, let us take you back to medical and we will get you well.’

  Tiredly he replied. As you wish my Willian.

  Peneria asked Melody. ‘You are a Tocho?’

  Darby asked Peyton. ‘Toko?’

  ‘No Tocho, pronounced toe cho. It means Matchmaker.’

  ‘Oh yeah, I remember. That makes sense.’

  Peyton looked at her and asked. ‘What did you think it meant?’

  ‘Not saying.’

  Melody answered Peneria. ‘Yes and before you ask. Willian and you are definitely a strong match. Boaks you and Willian will do well together.’

  ‘Alright, we all have things to do?’ Heather said as she stood with Melody’s help.

  Peneria asked. ‘Oh wait, where do we live now?’ Willian with Boaks in his arms looked at her. ‘I do not know, we will pick a place I guess.’


  They both turned to Peyton and Peneria asked with a small smile. ‘Madam, you have an idea?’

  Darby snorted as Netta said. ‘She always has an idea. It’s her middle name.’

  With a narrowed eyed stare at the two females, Peyton said. ‘I do have an idea, and of course you can refuse. Esther is moving into my apartment, so her place will be empty.’

  Willian asked. ‘My heart, what do you wish to do?’

  Peneria looked at the hopeful face of Willian and saw the same look in his bonded eyes and asked. ‘You two would like this, to live under the same roof as your family?’

  Willian leaned near her and softly said. ‘They are my family, my first one ever, but they do not come before you and Boaks. They will in time become yours, because it cannot be helped.’

  Peneria giggled, the first time she had ever done such a thing, her eyes rounded in horror at the sound.

  He sighed. ‘You see, already they have infected you.’

  ‘Hey infected, that is harsh brother, I can disown you.’

  ‘Hush, Star Girl you know he speaks truth.’ Heather told her with a laugh.

  ‘Yeah, but infected, so rude.’

  Willian said to Peneria. ‘But know this; you are my only mate, so we will concede to what you wish.’

  Peneria confessed. ‘I do not know how to cook or do those mate things?’

  Brenda came forward. ‘Now sweet girl, there is no need to bother with all that, her over there.’ She pointed to Peyton. ‘Cannot boil water, mind you that does not stop her from trying and if I find out she is trying again, we will have words or the kitchen removed.’

  ‘Oh now that is harsh.’ Stated Melody.

  ‘But true, she almost burned the Hex down.’ Darby told her.

  ‘What was she cooking?’

  Netta answered with a grin. ‘Does it matter, flames are flames?’

  ‘Hey, it’s not like you can cook either?’ Groused Peyton to the three of them.

  Darby nodded and said. ‘Yes but unlike you, we all know it.’

  ‘Point. No more cooking.’

  Ignoring them, Brenda said. ‘This is what we three ladies are here for, are we not ladies?’

  Helen and Esther also came forward. Helen said. ‘Very much so. Willian take Boaks to medical, then we will settle your apartment. Also, you will need to collect your gear from your quarters as will Peneria.’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’ He said as he walked to Peyton, watched by his mate. He stopped so she could kiss his cheek as did Darby, then they both kissed Boaks.

  Willian smiled. ‘Thank you my sisters.’

  ‘Oh he called me sister.’ Darby said, and Peyton was sure she saw a tear.

  ‘I just assumed…’ Willian stumbled to a halt.

  ‘Hush, you are spoiling it. Tell him to be quiet.’ Darby told Peyton.

  She dutifully said. ‘Shut it, Willian, you are spoiling Darby’s thing. I do not know why? It should have been obvious if I guardiod him, then you all did.’

  ‘You be quiet too, you are spoiling it, Esther.’ She whined. ‘Tell Peyton to stop spoiling my moment.’

  ‘Peyton stop spoiling Darby’s moment.’ Esther said with a laugh in her voice, as she watched the two sisters watch the interaction of the sisters.

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’ Peyton replied.

  The eyes of the sisters swung to Esther, and they held far more respect and a little more fear than she had seen before.

  Willian whispered to Peneria. ‘Esther is not to be trifled with.’

  Peneria whispered back. ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘She and Lady Brenda and Chef Helen run this place

  ‘You mean the Hex?’


  The sisters looked at each other, then at the ladies. ‘Ohh!’

  Willian shook his head and smiled. ‘Thank you for bringing my mate to me.’

  ‘Aww, so sweet.’ Peyton waved him away, tears in her eyes.

  Rayvan said. ‘Boks, kiss… kiss.’

  Willian walked nearer so Rayvan could kiss Boaks, but when he placed his lips on the Prowlers head, millions of dancing sparkles transferred from Rayvan to Boaks. Suddenly Willian was holding a strong, healthy male Prowler around thirty-five yentas old. Even his voice was healthy and strong as he begged. My bonded, please release me.

  Willian set him down as stunned as everyone else at the transformation. Then they all looked from him to Rayvan who giggled then yawned sleepily. ‘Me fix boks Mama.’

  ‘Umm yeah, Warrior boy you did.’

  Peyton did something she had never done before she fainted. Hawk snatched Rayvan from the air as Peyton’s body collapsed onto the floor.

  ‘What the hayda?’ Bellowed Darby.

  Heather, Jarrod and Netta raced to the prone Peyton. Heather knelt at her side and said. ‘This cannot be good.’ No one knew if she meant Peyton fainting or Rayvan’s display of power.

  Jarrod looked at Rayvan and stood saying. ‘Rayvan, warrior boy.’ He edged closer to the boy in Hawk’s arms, speaking softly. ‘Uncle Jarr, needs to touch your head, alright?’

  ‘Kay Unca Jarr.’ Two tears appeared on Rayvan’s cheeks as he laid his head on Hawk’s chest. He looked down at his mother. ‘Mama.’

  Jarrod placed his large hand on Rayvan’s forehead and closed his eyes and then snapped them open. He said in a voice no one had ever heard him use before.

  ‘Well that answers that.’

  Hawk asked softly. ‘Not good, I am thinking.’

  Jarrod looked at him and in his eyes Hawk saw wonder with a trace of fear. Something he would not have expected to see in the Mystics eyes.

  Jarrod told him. ‘I think we are in territory, I am ill equipped for.’

  Esther took Draykin from Darby, who now stood next to Hawk and moved back to Marlo and Brenda. For the first time since Darby had returned Draykin did not protest being away from her.

  It showed the level of trust they all had in Jarrod, when he asked. ‘Should I?’

  They all nodded in agreement. Darby told him. ‘Yes, you are the only one who can.’

  Jarrod’s voice held cold curiosity as he turned his attention back to the boy and asked. ‘Rayvan what species are you?’

  Rayvan cried and said nothing, the power Jarrod used in his voice was felt by everyone in the room as he demanded of the child. ‘Tell me now!’

  Rayvan’s eyes flicked from side to side and then turned white. Peyton rose above Heather and Netta, who quickly scrambled back to stand by Harm.

  Peyton’s body hovered inches above the floor and glowed a soft white, her voice was the song of the Stars as she stared at Jarrod. Mystic Jarrod, brother of our Daughter’s heart do not fear. There is nothing here that can hurt the ones you love.

  Jarrod returned. ‘I bow to your knowledge Star Child.’

  You are an admirable choice for what is to come. Our Daughter and all the people of Maikonia are stronger because of you and your family. Believe this in your needar Mystic Jarrod.

  ‘I will try.’

  Peyton’s body turned toward Rayvan, and the Star Child asked. Sweet innocent being, tell us what world gave life to you?

  ‘I am from the Universe Harrasson. I am for the Star Daughter.


  ‘She is the future.’

  What are you?

  ‘I am hers.’

  For what purpose are you here?

  ‘To observe, to learn.’

  She is ours.

  ‘For now.’

  For always.

  ‘Stars grow and evolve.’


  ‘She is the possibility.’

  Of what?


  ‘Are you still a boy?’ Darby blurted out, unable to withhold her question, knowing this could hurt Peyton if he was not.

  ‘Am I not a child, this body at this time is of a child?’

  Netta asked. ‘Will you grow and evolve?’


  Melody asked. ‘Why take this form?’

  It was what was needed to accomplish my task.’

  Heather asked. ‘What is your task?’

  ‘The Star Daughter.’

  Why? The Star Child finally managed to ask. The Stars were amused with how their Daughters sisters did not think it was wrong to interrupt their questioning.

  ‘We are still emerging.’

  Hawk unable to halt the question on his tongue asked. ‘Whose future’

  ‘Every future.’

  Jarrod exploded. ‘That is impossible!’

  The Star Child laughed, a sound that was like the music one felt when they looked up at a star filled sky. Then they gently reproved Jarrod as they said. Everything is impossible. The Star Daughter is impossible. The Warriors are impossible, the Prowlers are impossible. The presence of the Earth females in this Universe is impossible. Your babes are impossible. We are impossible. Yet we are here, that fact is impossible. To be every future may be improbable but not impossible.

  Rayvan started to cry, the Star Child stroked his cheek until he quietened. She loves so strongly, even emerging Universes wish to understand her. Is it any wonder that they wish to see who and what she will become? The future is impossible and yet we enter it each day. We will look into this improbability.

  They once again looked at all the people in the room, then issued a warning. Be ready protectors for what is to come. We are pleased with you all.

  Peyton shook her head as her feet once more touched the floor. ‘I wish they would not do that? So what did the big guys have to say?’

  Melody asked. ‘You don’t know. I thought you always knew?’

  ‘Well yeah, normally I do, but they said something at the last there and I was not able to hear. So what was it?’

  Heather said. ‘Oh they told us you were going to have fifty children, and they didn’t want to shock you?’

  ‘Oh my stars, say that you lie?’

  Heather shook her head and grinned. It did not go unnoticed by Peyton that everyone there still did not tell her what was said. She held her arms out for her son.

  ‘Rayvan honey, come to Mama.’ As she took the now sobbing little boy from Hawk, he gave her a look of surprise. ‘Yes, I know, but he is still the same little boy he was a few mins ago. He is Rayvan, what more he will become, we will find out later for now he is mine, just as all of you whack jobs are. Now tell me what they said?’

  Darby shrugged and said. ‘No.’


  ‘Because you fainted and you should not do that. Why did you do that?’

  She whined. ‘It was not my fault, tell me?’

  ‘No, was that whining?’

  Esther said. ‘Okay, shows over. I need help to move.’

  Willian looked down at Boaks. ‘Do we need help to move too?’ He asked Peneria who was clasping hands with her sister, who was pale and shaking. Peneria asked fearfully. ‘Ipeara what is it?’

  ‘What. You ask me what?’ Ipeara screeched. ‘The Star Child... The. Star. Child. Talked. Rayvan is a young being from some unknown Universe or something.’ She pointed to Peyton. ‘She is more than the Star Daughter and you all seem so calm. What is wrong with you people?’

  ‘You missed the fact that she.’ Peneria calmly pointed at Trina. ‘Is having more than one baby.’

  ‘See and that!’ She looked at the shocked Trina

  ‘No offense intended.’

  ‘None taken… Jarrod!’ Trina screeched causing groans and shoulders to hitch up. ‘I have two in here.’ She pointed to her stomach. ‘Two… you knocked me up twice.’ Then she promptly burst into tears.

rrod stood stunned, he could hardly breathe, and kept mouthing, two… two babies, over and over.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Never saw that coming, did you great Sene?’

  Avana stood clutching her baby girl, she just shook her head. ‘No, never.’

  Trina rounded on Heather. ‘Two, Heather, you never saw another one in here?’

  Heather spread her hands, ‘I don’t know. We only ever saw one. I swear, maybe the other was hiding, they do that.’

  ‘Oh. My. Stars.’ Trina’s eyes narrowed as she looked once more at her mate, and said in a voice devoid of warmth. ‘There better be only two inside me mate.’

  Jarrod swallowed. ‘I do not know what to say, we as a species have never had more than one babe at a time. Mama, Papa is this not so?’

  With dawning pleasure in their eyes they both said as one. ‘This is so.’

  Netta asked with a soft smile. ‘There has never been a baby with a Terran and a Mystic before has there?’

  Dinas said. ‘No there never has, we are in new territory.’

  They all looked at the stunned Trina as she said. ‘I have two babies.’ She looked at Jarrod love shining from every part of her body and softly said. ‘My Jarrod we made twins. What do you think Midnight will say?’

  She giggled as Jarrod took her in his arms and whispered to her. ‘You are amazing my love, let us go and scan our young.’

  Then Trina and Jarrod were surrounded and smothered in hugs from Jarrod’s family. Malchol kissed Trina’s forehead and walked to Willian he looked at the young Warrior who returned his regard. With a nod to Peneria he told Willian. ‘I expect you in my office in one hour.’


  ‘You were not ready, you are now. They are ready for you.’

  ‘They?’ Willian asked bewildered by the term.

  ‘Yes, time to make your Pohos go away. It is time for you to own and deal as Commander Marlo says, come deal Willian, be you again.’

  ‘It is time.’ Peneria squeezed his hand and Boaks leaned against his leg. It is time bonded.

  Willian sighed, then said. ‘Yes it is time.’

  Malchol looked at Peneria. ‘You have nothing to see me for that you have not already dealt with. I am sorry for your loss, but it was not recent, she was gone from you many yentas ago. You and Ipeara, if you grieve, do so for the mother you remember. Not the female of recent yentas, she was not yours.’


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