Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4

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Daughter Of Ethos: Divine Justice Book 4 Page 43

by L M Lacee

  Brenda grinned. ‘Do not forget Draykin.’

  Esther laughed as she said. ‘Who could, he is delightful. I can manage, also I will be able to monitor her food. She does not eat enough.’

  Brenda said worriedly. ‘I have noticed, the further along we go. The less she is looking after herself.’

  ‘Well, we will change that, and as for doing all this alone. I will have my sisters and the nannies, as well as help from Jax, won’t I?’

  You will Lady Esther. I am redesigning a level to accommodate the education classes and play area as you requested on all the ships.

  ‘See?’ She said to Brenda. ‘I will have plenty of help. We will make this work.’


  Not all missions go according to plan. When the Star Child alerted Peyton, the ship carrying the sleepers had found some new wormholes, and as a consequence, they were shaving hours off their travel time. This necessitated Prowler I. showing why it was Maikonia’s flagship.

  Peyton and Hawk were impressed with the Warbird and her crew’s ability to rise to the occasion. Instead of arriving at what they estimated would have been sunrise, they arrived four hours earlier. Giving the Scouts more time to search the planet before Hawk sent in his people.

  Unfortunately, Jax was still unable to observe them off the ship and his defenses were still off line. Peyton stared out her cabin’s window toward the cold gray barren rock of a planet. If it had ever been alive or inhabited, those days were long gone. Several moons and a remaining weak star, who was very old, orbited it. The star told Peyton that he was hoping to join the Star Child in the next rotation. She gathered that was soon; he told her the bipeds had erected buildings in front of caves on the planet, but other than that he knew very little. She asked him if any ships had come recently; he told her only one ship had arrived, and he was sure that was only a lunera or perhaps two ago. He was sorry, but he was not always awake now, so he could not be accurate. With that she thanked him, and he returned to sleep.

  The plan was to secure the buildings, rescue the Draygonissia, question the scientists if any and gather all information pertaining to creating Warriors. Then capture the incoming ship, and of course remove all the sleepers they had on board.

  The scouting team had landed on the other side of the medium sized planet with Jean, who had disabled all their long-range sensors. Harm reported that there were no sleepers, only scientists on the planet so far. Which meant the ship had not come and gone as they had feared.

  When Hawk and his units arrived, it was to find the Scouts had found a back entrance into the cave system. The Prowlers loved tunnels and finding entrances was like play for kits. Hawk led his Warriors and Prowlers into the short branch of tunnels that led to three huge caverns, connected by some smaller tunnels.

  There were no trip alarms or sentries found. It was as though the people had never even thought to secure the other entrances. If they were even aware, they were there. Moving stealthily through the tunnels led by the Prowlers, they arrived at the entrance to an enormous cavern. He was able to see what the scientists had erected and why they had been negligent. It appeared their whole concentration was on the rows of large incubation tubes being installed.

  It seemed to Hawk, like someone had figured out how to grow Warriors to adulthood rather than incubate them until they were around five yentas old and then remove them for education.

  Dinas caught up to Hawk with his own unit at the entrance to the cavern. Standing in the darkness, they watched people in white coveralls walk around the cave. From the shouted orders and activity Dinas surmised the cavern was being prepared for even more stasis tubes.

  Hawk had hoped to try to fool the people here into thinking Prowler I. was the ship they were waiting for and surprise them with their sudden arrival. But as he watched the frenzied activity, it seemed they had been notified already of the early arrival of their ship. So it looked like they would have to implement Peyton’s plan B, which consisted of subdue and capture.

  Hawk heard Dinas curse under his breath in rapid fire English. He looked his way as Dinas leaned in until his mouth was against Hawk’s ear and told him.

  ‘The female on the ledge?’ Hawk nodded slightly as he looked at her. ‘She is Uther’s sister Karleo. Be careful, she is intelligent and very treacherous, also she can mind-send.’

  Hawk signed for Dinas to handle her when they started, he nodded his agreement. Then Hawk leaned down and spoke in Salmah’s ear. She nodded and mind-sent to Peyton. Hawk was working on the assumption Salmah’s mind sending was so far out of the Jenersar’s range they would be safe. A few seconds later it seemed they were proved right, when Peyton sent back to Salmah. I have dampened the area.

  With a nod from Salmah, Hawk sent his signal, and the teams of Prowlers and Warriors moved silently into position. He and Dinas watched with pride as the teams slipped soundlessly through the shadows of the caves to reach the higher ledges. Once they were in position Hawk signaled the remaining Warriors to stand ready. They were waiting for the signal to say the other teams had located the Draygonissia held captive.


  Sedeen and three Falears crept along the corridor of the outbuildings, which were attached to the front of the caves. When they came across weapons, they secured them in a bag one of the Falears carried. So far they had found very few blasters or met any opposition; it appeared all hands were needed in the caverns. The Prowler with them notified Salmah of their progress, who told Hawk.

  Sedeen was still wary, so moved slowly and silently until he came to a locked door, the first they had found. With hand signals, he let the Falears know he was going to look through the glass. With a quick look he saw the two Draygonissia inside a cage, they sat slumped against the bars.

  Sedeen picked the lock and slipped inside the room, followed by the Falears. He then picked the lock on the cage and when he touched both males, found them both alive but heavily drugged.

  ‘Furin hayda, they are drugged.’ He lifted an eyelid on each male and said softly. ‘At least they are alive.’ When he came out of the cage, he said to the Falears. ‘Go and check the remaining rooms. I will wait here.’

  ‘As you say, team leader.’

  Sedeen found it was hard to tell the Falears apart, when it was as dim as it was. He thought maybe the one who spoke was Po, but he wasn’t sure. He ordered the three males. ‘Stay aware.’

  They nodded and faded from view. The door opened and he saw a shadow of a Prowler slip out ahead of them, and then the door closed quietly. Sedeen crouched on the balls of his feet, taking up guard position just outside the cage. Half in shadow, blaster set on kill. It would not be the first time he had to wait.

  He watched as a Prowler slipped from the shadows and for some reason he could not explain. He had known he was there, he could not say how he knew perhaps it was fate. What he was sure of was the Prowlers coloring. Grey with wide black stripes that went from head to tail, similar to Willian’s Boaks. When he was three feet from Sedeen, he saw his eyes were blue with a heavy black ring.

  Sedeen stilled, waiting for the Prowler to advance, retreat or speak. Finally, he sat next to him and rolled his head to the side. In a voice filled with humor, he said.

  I am Cobalt and I am for you as you are for me.

  You have got to be furin kidding me? Sedeen said and then grinned, seeing the funny side of the situation. Timing is everything Cobalt. He rubbed a hand down his back. I am for you as you are for me. You do realize we are going to be with the Star Daughter as part of her Scout unit. Your life will be in danger often.

  Cobalt snorted air through his nostrils as he said.

  We decide how we live our lives and with whom. I have chosen you or fate did. After forty yentas alone, it will be good to have someone to converse with, who sees the Universe as I do.

  And how is that?

  With humor my bonded. Is there any other way?

  Sedeen agreed. Not that I have found my friend.
/>   Cobalt’s tone was serious as he told him. Either way, our lives are intertwined now, so I will protect you.

  Just as seriously Sedeen said. As I will you. Together we will have glorious adventures and survive to go home.

  I like our home, but I will enjoy going off world. It will be quite different to be in the company of my bonded. I am sure this will make life more interesting.

  Sedeen smiled, a quick movement of his mouth.

  It will be different to have someone who I can count on to always be there. His link buzzed. That is the signal, so do we stay or go and help?

  Cobalt stretched as he said. I vote for helping.

  Just then they heard a scratching sound from inside the wall furthest from them. Sedeen quickly stood and moved back into the shadows, triggering his blaster and withdrawing his sword from the sheath on his back. Cobalt, already sleeked out, morphed into combat mode, growing to twice his normal size.

  Sedeen told him. They are not ours.

  No bonded but look there, a secret door, how convenient.

  Sedeen sounded annoyed when he said. Dayam it,

  Cobalt growled. Most annoying.

  Together they moved as one, slipping along the walls on either side of the opening door. Almost as though they had done so many times before, then fading back into the shadows as a face looked around the door. Seeing nothing, the person who owned the face slid the door all the way open.

  Five people, all in white coveralls, were plainly seen standing in what looked like a narrow room. The male who first appeared, said impatiently. ‘It is safe, no one other than the specimens are here. Get the data drives and come out. Hurry we have only mins to escape. Our lives will be for nothing if we are caught.’

  ‘We know Bontyy, shut the furin up.’ Snarled a very irritated female voice.

  ‘Are you sure it is safe?’ A male’s timid voice asked from inside the room.

  ‘Yes, I said it was.’

  Sedeen laughed as Cobalt said. Surprise it could not be any safer. We are the only ones here.

  The male Bontyy sounded annoyed at the question and underlying his annoyance was a healthy dose of fear. Sedeen and Cobalt could smell it along with the fear from the others in the room. Sedeen took a min to change the setting on his blaster to stun and mind-sent.

  Cobalt let Rave know about our scientists and to send back up. Now my fine furry friend show yourself, so I can shoot the nice scientists.

  Laughing Cobalt showed all twelve feet of himself, in combat mode with fur sleeked out and long claws tapping on the floor. His head appeared to be as wide as the doorway, or at least it looked that way to the male Bontyy. Who took one look at him, screamed and dropped to the floor in a faint, the other five scientists were made of sterner stuff. They only screamed and raised their hands in the air as two started sobbing in fear.

  Disgusted Sedeen stunned them all as well as the male on the floor. He flicked the switch on the wall and lights flared in the room. Stepping carefully over the stunned bodies, he looked at what was inside the room. It resembled a small laboratory with elaborate machines and long work tables.


  At the same time, Sedeen had been with the Falears securing the outer buildings. Hawk and his people were doing likewise in the caverns. Once he was assured, his people were in position and Sedeen and his team were searching the outer building. He signaled Jean, and she withdrew the power from the buildings and caverns.

  ‘What in furin hayda is wrong now?’ Yelled Karleo Jenerika, in a voice that would shame any Commander.

  No sooner had she yelled than Hawk and his people swarmed the cavern. Prowlers and Warriors dropped from the ledges above onto terrified workers. The Warriors quickly and efficiently stunned and restrained the scientists and workers.

  Dinas rushed to the ledge where he had last seen Karleo, but he was not quick enough. As soon as she realized why the lights had gone out she jumped to the ledge below. When she saw him running toward her position, she dropped on him from above. Just as the Prowlers had done to her people and landed on his chest, shooting into his stomach twice without thought or hesitation. Then she shot at several Warriors, wounding them. Dinas must have made a sound because without looking at him she placed the blaster against his chest and shot once more.

  A back-up lighting system came on line, enough for Lukkas who had just finished subduing a male to see a female crouching over Dinas, and then as he watched in horror, she shot him three times. Without a look at the male beneath her she started scanning for another target; all the while, Dinas bled.

  Lukkas saw her still and her eyes zero in on someone, when he followed her line of sight, he saw she had sighted Commander Hawk. He sent a mental warning to him, not knowing Peyton had placed a damper on the planet. The female raised her blaster, bared her teeth and launched into the air, using Dinas as leverage. Lukkas fired his blaster, dropping her to the ground she landed with a thump. He rushed to her and placed her in the restraints, removing the weapon from her hand, all the while yelling for a healer.

  Blood pooled under Dinas as Lukkas skidded next to him. He placed his hands over the holes in his chest and stomach, but it was to no avail; the blood bubbled out and he could hear him gasping for breath.

  He mumbled under his breath, barely moving his lips. ‘No... No... Please Star Child, do not let him die, we have lost so many.’

  Then a white light was there, sweeping over the ground, and a hand touched Lukkas’s shaking shoulder. He looked up, but there was no one there, only the light. Then he felt the blood stop pumping under his hands. Her voice filled his mind. I am coming. He is safe, Lukkas. You saved his life.

  Suddenly all the lights were back on and Patty was next to him, her voice trembled as she asked. ‘What happened?’

  He told her what he knew, Harm skidded next to him asking. ‘Is he alright?’

  Patty nodded as she tore open med packs, placing them over the holes in her mate.

  With a relieved sigh he said. ‘Thank the stars, the Star Daughter is entering the cavern now.’

  Lukkas watched as she rushed over. ‘How is he, Patty?’

  ‘You both saved his life, he will need blood and a spin in the regen but he will recover.’ She finished her field dressings and motioned two Warriors over. Together they rolled Dinas onto the air floater. Lukkas helped her up, and she hugged him. ‘Thank you my friend.’

  He smiled shyly as she moved to Peyton and hugged her. ‘And you too, thank you.’

  ‘What can I say, we love him?’ She stared at Lukkas as she said. ‘And as someone recently said, we have lost too many already.’

  Patty nodded and hurried after the air floater, they all watched as Hawk stopped the Warriors when they made to pass him, he looked at his brother with relief, then hugged Patty, saying something that made her laugh. As the floater moved on he walked to Peyton, and asked Lukkas. ‘Who did it?’

  ‘She did.’ He indicated the female as he wiped his hands with the cloth Patty had left for him. They watched the female being hoisted to her feet by Hue and Kent, then placed in a barred force field holding pen that resembled a cage.


  Sedeen and Cobalt spun around when the door to the corridor opened to reveal the three Falears. Sedeen grinned as he disengaged his blaster. ‘Furin hayda don’t do that, I could have shot you.’

  They all became completely visible and grinned back at him. ‘Sure you could, we believe you.’ Said one as they came forward with mag constraint bracelets and anklets. Disgust filled their faces when they saw the opened door.

  ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ Po raged in disgust.

  Sedeen grinned, only Po cussed like the Terrans, he said he liked the rhythm of it.

  ‘The Healer Heddro is coming to see what they did to the Draygons.’ Len told him.

  ‘Who are these?’ San the last of the Falears asked Sedeen.

  ‘Furin scientists, hiding in a secret room.’

  Every one of them grima
ced with disgust when they looked into the secret laboratory.

  Sedeen told them. ‘They had data drives with them. If you are alright here, my bonded and I will take them to Specialist Jean. Also, we need a techie to check this equipment over, it could be worth collecting?’

  Matt, the Commander of the Falears, appeared in the doorway. ‘I have summoned Jean; she will come and advise us. Sedeen take the drives to Specialist Darby she just arrived on planet. We will bring these ones, once the healer has been to check the Draygons. We have cages for the prisoners to go in.’

  The way he said that last bit of information, Sedeen knew something was wrong. ‘Will do.’

  Po told him. ‘We have the others looking for hidden rooms, now we know about them.’

  Sedeen laughed. ‘Bet they are unhappy about that?’

  Matt grinned. ‘Heard they were cussing up the caves worse than Po. Tread carefully my friends, the Star Daughter is annoyed.’

  Sedeen said. ‘Thanks for the warning.’

  Cobalt asked. Why is she annoyed?

  Matt told him. ‘Dinas was hurt.’

  Sedeen said, ‘How… Never mind we will find out.’ He saluted them with a finger to his temple as he and Cobalt ran toward the cave. Data drives securely held in his coded pocket.

  Entering the larger cavern, Sedeen met up with Melody and Netta as they stood leaning against several large metal crates, drinking from flasks. They had both been fighting, and it showed in their expressions and bloodstained uniforms.

  Melody said as she looked at Cobalt. ‘You found him then?’

  I did Tocho, thank you.

  ‘And you are all bonded and everything?’

  And everything.

  ‘Smartass, you two should work well together.’

  Sedeen inclined his head. ‘Thank you, we think so. We have data drives for Darby.’

  Melody let out a loud whistle, Lonn one of Darby’s Granite Warriors came over and drawled. ‘You called?’ He like Marlo loved the old westerns, they often watched them, usually with Melody and Netta.


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