Hoodwives & Rich Thugs of Chicago 1

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Hoodwives & Rich Thugs of Chicago 1 Page 9

by Tina Marie

  “I can’t move anymore. See, because of you and your fucking antics at my job, I can no longer make sales. That means I can no longer make commissions and I cannot afford another place.”

  “Shorty, I will help you. Let me just cover you for a couple of months until you graduate? This shit not that hard to solve, so you can chill with the fucking attitude.” I walked in her direction, but the look on her face let me know this shit wasn’t over.

  “Look, this right here, whatever the fuck we doing,” she was motioning back and forth with her hands all aggressive and shit. I wasn’t up to arguing with a fucking female. I didn’t do that. I had a few steady girls I fucked back home and I never paid attention to their antics. If they got mad, I left until they were ready to say sorry. I wasn’t built like these bitch ass niggas, begging girls and shit. I didn’t even have enough patience to listen. The fact shorty was getting louder and louder was my cue to leave.

  Grabbing my fitted from the end of the couch, I was almost out the door when she said some shit that had me stuck.

  “Why the hell would I take money from you? Yo’ ass don’t even fucking like me!” I could hear the same hurt in her voice as I did when she was begging for her check for her son. It made me feel fucked up inside; it made me care but not enough to turn back.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After I dropped Cay off at work, I headed to my first meeting of the day. I called my cousin, but he didn’t answer, so I just figured he was still a little pissed about me acting like I was his father, so I’d let him cool off. Ca’Shon and me could never stay mad at each other for long, so I figured by the afternoon we’d be cool. I knew I was a bit out of line, but I knew my cousin and Cay needed a man that was going to eventually wife her, and that nigga Chaos never committed himself to a woman. But, as they both said, it’s none of my fucking business, so I’d stay out of it.

  I had enough to deal with anyway. Ashlee was driving me bananas over getting pregnant, and I didn’t blame her. I wanted a kid too, but I didn’t want to start going to doctors and specialists and all that jazz to have one. I just wanted to enjoy loving, fucking, and having my wife without the pressure of fertility doctors and shit but, for Ashlee, I was going to do it. I’d give her whatever she dreamed of if I could, even if that meant I’d have to jack off to a porn and fill a fucking cup with my nut.

  I pulled into the lot of the restaurant that I was looking to buy. Ashlee would be finishing up culinary school at Kendall College in another year and that would give us plenty of time to do renovations and turn it into whatever she wanted it to be. Cooking was my baby’s passion and buying her a restaurant would certainly put a smile on her face. I parked and hurried inside to meet the current owner. After another walk-through, we went into his office to discuss numbers.

  After an hour or so, I walked out with a folder of papers that I’d have my attorney look over. I moved around and checked on a few things with my street business and, as soon as I got behind the wheel of my truck to head home, my phone vibrated. It was Chaos, so I answered.

  “Whaaaaaaddddd up?”

  “Nigga, let me fill you in on today’s events,” Chaos said.

  “Please tell me yo’ ass ain’t sent another nigga to hell. I mean, damn Chaos, you are reckless as fuck. All these niggas walking around on pins and needles since yo’ ass got off the muthafuckin’ plane,” I laughed.

  “Nah, at least not yet. The only thing that save that old ass nigga was the fact that I had lil man wit’ me.”

  “Who?” I questioned.

  “Muthafuckin’ Juice.”

  “Juice, how in the fuck did you run into that nigga?”

  “At Giordano’s. Me and Kah was there eating and this nigga had the fuckin’ nerves to put his hands on Kah.”

  “What!” I blasted. I went from zero to one hundred at that second.

  “Yes and I straight punched that bitch in his throat. If it wasn’t for Kah, I’d be in handcuffs for real this time because I’d blow his head the fuck off right there in front of errrrrrbody up in that bitch.”

  “Well, I wish you would have laid that nigga to rest, because I told him if he ever came around Cay or Kah, ever again, I’d take his life with no hesitation and I guess that nigga forgot when he decided to put his hands on Kah.”

  “Well, he gon’ remember me the next time I see his ass and, I don’t give a fuck what Cay say, I’m sending his ass to the grave.”

  “I feel you, Ca’Shon, but you have to put a lid on that and pull it back. You always guns blazin’ and you are reckless, and I don’t need you in no handcuffs,” I advised. “Regardless of what, that is Kahlan’s father and I made a promise to Cay that I’d let him breath. When Kah gets older, let him make that call on how he wants to handle Juice.”

  “Man, fuck what you talkin’ ‘bout. I ain’t you and I ain’t promise Cay shit!”

  “You know what, you right. Just remember you’ll have to explain that shit to Kah when he is older and that shit won’t be easy man,” I said and, then, my other line interrupted our conversation. It was my sister.

  “Let me worry about Cay and Kah from now on,” he said. I wanted to click over to see what Nikki was calling me for, but those words caused me to pause.

  “Look cuz, and I’m being real wit’ yo’ ass. Cay is a good girl. Juice put a hurtin’ on her so bad and you’re the first nigga that she has even considered spending a moment with since him. If your intentions are fucked up, please, for her and Kah sake, shut it down. I know you can do whatever the fuck you want Chaos, but Cay ain’t no regular bitch, nor is she a ho’ hungry for money. She is a good mother and she works hard.”

  “Don’t you think I know this Nicco? Not that I have to explain shit to you, but I’m telling you right now that I know she ain’t like these other thirsty ass ratchet hoes, and shorty growing on me. Relax mah’fucka, she and her son are safe with me, trust me.”

  That was new, but I believed him. Chaos ain’t never spent five minutes with a bitch kid, so I guess it was a first time for everything. “Aw’ight cuz. I’m about to head home. Everything is everything, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I’ma get up with Dizzy later on tonight thought. Something about him is off.”

  “They just mad because you here. Him and Narvelle thought one of them would get promoted after Reece was killed. All the bitch ass side eyes and shit is because you here now and it ain’t like you a pleasant muthafucka to be around,” I joked and laughed.

  “Good! I want them to hate me. I don’t give two fucks about their bruised ego. This is our shit, so the both of them niggas need to fall in line or else,” he said, and I knew what he meant.

  “Sustained,” I said, agreeing. We ended our call and then I buzzed my sister back, but she hit me back with a text.






  Me – ON MY WAY



  Nikki – K.

  I headed towards my father’s church and, twenty short minutes later, I was there. He had been a pastor at the church since I was two and, after the remodels and expansions, the building could house up to six thousand members. It wasn’t as huge as some the mega churches on television but, within a few years, I was sure there would be a newer building, another expansion, or a second location. My mother and my sister always kept me up to date on what was going on with 1st Baptist, and I wished that my father would not act as if I no longer exist.

  I pulled into the parking lot and sent Nikki a quick text, letting her know I was outside. She texted me back saying my mother said to come in. “Fuck!” I said. I knew I hadn’t seen my mom i
n a whole minute, so I shut off my engine and headed inside. I headed towards the offices in the back and stopped at my mom’s office. The name plate that said Beatrice Morgan was on the door, and I smiled. I remembered back in the day when my mother and father had shared a tight office and, now, those days were long gone.

  I tapped on the door.

  “Come in,” I heard her alto voice sang. Turning the knob, I entered. She stood to greet me with a warm hug. “Oh son, it’s so good to see you,” she said.

  “It’s good to see you too, Ma.”

  “Hey bro!” Nikki called out from behind me.

  “Hey big head,” I said and then gave my little sis a hug.

  “Whatever,” she laughed.

  “You ready?” I quickly asked. I didn’t want to take any chances with running into my father.

  “What’s the rush son? I mean, I haven’t seen you in what, a month?”

  “It’s been about that ma, and you know why.”

  “Boy, I ain’t thinking about your crazy father. You are still our son and I’m not God, so I don’t judge.”

  “Well, your husband does.”

  “No, he just wants the best for you and your sister, Nic. Please don’t be so hard on him. He loves you,” she said.

  “Yeah, he showed me just how much when he disowned me.”

  She shook her head. “I wish you and your father would stop this foolishness. You and him are exactly alike you know.”

  “I’m nothing like him.”

  “Ha,” she said. “You’re exactly like him and the both of you are wasting too much precious time. I want things to go back to how they were son.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry ma, but I doubt that that will ever happen. He doesn’t accept me for who I am.”

  “Nikki, go to your brother’s truck please and wait for him there,” my mother instructed. I instantly handed her the keys. As soon as Nikki was on the other side of the door, my mother spoke her truth. “Listen son, the thing is you father knows that you are doing things that not only are against God, but against the law. Now, I know you are a grown man, Nicco, but the choices you’ve made put this strain on your relationship with your father.”

  Her words pissed me off. “How you going to keep defending him, mother? Chaos is into the same exact shit, I mean dealings, as I am, but he welcomes him with opened arms.”

  “Because Ca’Shon is not his son, Dominic,” she shot back. “Son, it’s different when it’s your own child.”

  “I don’t agree.” The grim look on her face broke my heart. “Look ma, I gotta head out. We got a lot to do to get Tam packed up for her move Friday, and I promised her that I’d take her to pick out some furniture today.”

  “Fine, go ahead and do what you have to do. And please talk to your sister. I think she calls herself liking some boy.”

  “What boy?” I spat.

  “Calm down Nic, it’s a boy from the church.”

  “Church boys are sinners too ma,” I said.

  “Don’t I know,” she said sarcastically.

  I laughed and then went in to hug her. I kissed her cheek and then made my exit and, before I can make it to the church doors, I saw my dad. “Fuck!” I said under my breath, but I proceeded in his direction. My intent was to walk by him and not say a muthafuckin’ word, but I decided to at least speak. As he got closer, he averted his eyes as if he hadn’t seen me, but I spoke anyway. “What’s up dad?” I said loud, but he kept walking. I chuckled. “And you’re supposed to be a man of God, whatever!” I said and walked out of the church doors without looking back.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Finally, Friday arrived and I was too excited to get settled into my place. No more rules and bullshit from Ashlee, and Cay better know she ain’t welcomed in my house. I was too happy to finally be on my own. All I had to do was finish hair school and get ready to be in business for myself at the tender age of twenty-two. Yes, in another year, I’d be twenty-two and running my own shit, and I had my sexy ass brother-in-law to thank for it. I so badly wanted to show him how much I appreciated him by sucking his dick, but I had to figure that shit out later because all he and Ash talked about was making a baby. Shiddddd, I’d give him a baby, fuck the bullshit. I laughed to myself and fixed a drink.

  My new furniture had already been delivered and set up, and the few boxes I had to unpack lined the hallway. Since the renovations had been almost complete by Wednesday that week, Nikki and I made a few trips in Nicco’s truck to bring over my clothes, shoes, and personals. I had tons of kitchen stuff to put away, and I planned on staying home until I had everything in its proper place. I turned on the music and got to work.

  After four hours of going at it, a lot of my boxes were now outside and I was happy with my progress. Deciding to take a break, I ordered some Chinese food from a local restaurant. I took a swallow of my wine and went back to my kitchen to get back to organizing while I waited for my food to be delivered. I was so happy with the renovations and thanked God that Ashlee and Nicco laced my place with high end everything. I was in a one-bedroom unit, but I had beautiful hardwoods, stainless steel, glass tile back splash, and granite counters. I had two bathrooms, one in my bedroom and another in the hall, and both had slate tiles on the floors and the showers. My master bathroom looked like a spa bathroom with a separated tub and shower, and I was so in love with my place and independence.

  About thirty minutes later, my food arrived, so I grabbed the wooden chopsticks and went to town on my shrimp fried rice and shrimp egg fu yong. Full and not in the mood to unpack anymore boxes, I headed to take a shower. I turned on the water as I undressed and, when I was ready to step in, the water was ice cold. I couldn’t figure out why when I had the hot water up to the max. “Damn,” I said. I went for my phone and called Nicco.

  “What’s up, home sick already?” he teased.

  “Ha, ha, ha, you funny.”

  “What’s up Tam? I thought it would be days before we heard a peep out of you, since you have your new place and all.”

  “Well, it would have been, but I have an issue with this water. It’s not getting hot. It’s cold as ice.”

  “That’s odd. Is it cold in the sink too?”

  “I don’t know Nicco. I just turned on the water to shower. I didn’t check the sink.”

  “Damn, okay. I just sat down and definitely cannot drive. Let me send somebody to check on that Tam.”

  “Noooooooo, Nicco, please come over here. I don’t want no strange man up in here. Where is Ash?”

  “She at some book club meeting Tam and I just hit my blunt and on drink number two, love. Why can’t I just make a couple of calls and send somebody?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. I wanted him to come, so I could see him, but he sounded like he was already buzzing. “Well, can I come there to shower? I don’t feel comfortable with some man up in here while I’m alone,” I said.

  “Tam, you don’t have to ask me for something like that. This is still your home,” he said, and I smiled. My brother-in-law was the best and I was so in love with him.

  “Thanks so much. I’ll be there soon,” I said and hung up. I went for a small bag and threw some comfy clothes into it, along with my shower gel and other toiletries. I headed towards the door and rode the short distance to my sister’s place. I pulled up and hurried inside. The house was quiet and clean as always, so I headed up to my old room and went to my shower. After I was clean, oiled down, and smelling good, I headed down to the basement to holla at my brother-in-law.

  Before I could hit the bottom step, I could smell the cush in the air. I knew he was good and lit and I just wished he’d let me smoke, but never did he allow me to get high with him. They just viewed me as a kid, but I was going to slowly show him that I was all woman and not a fucking kid. My head game was fire and I could ride twelve inches if I had to effortlessly.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Tam, hey babe, when you get here?” he asked. He was
reclined on the sofa with a tank and basketball shorts. His cut body always looked amazing. He had me, Nikki, and Kah’s name tatted on his arm, but Ashlee’s name decorated his chest. Damn, I wished it was my name instead.

  “About thirty minutes ago. I went up and showered first. This movie again?” I sat by him on the couch, but I was only interested in jumping in his lap. I wanted to taste and feel Nicco so fucking bad that I was tempted to move even closer to him on the couch.

  “Beverly Hills Cop baby,” he said with a sexy grin. “You know this is my shit. It’s a classic.”

  “You got that right. I think this movie is older than me,” I teased.

  “You probably right,” he said, and we both laughed. “So, how you like yo’ new place?”

  I beamed. “Oh Nicco, I love my place. Everything is perfect, thank you for everything.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Tam. You are like my baby girl and I will always be here and take care of you,” he said.

  I wanted to leap into his arms and show him my gratitude, but his words stung. It wasn’t the tender words of a lover; it was the tender words of a father, and I knew all he could see me as was a daughter or baby sister and I wished it was something I could do to show him that I was feeling him, but I was stumped. If I made a move right now, I know he’d scold me and probably tell Ash, so I just chilled and relaxed on the couch with him and watched Beverly Hills Cop with him like I had never seen it with him before a million times.

  Before the movie ended, Ashlee was home and I knew then it was time to go. She and I weren’t on a great note, and the last thing I wanted to hear was her fucking mouth. By the time I made it home, I got a text from Juice and, when he asked me for my address, I keyed it in as fast as my thumbs could type. An hour later, he was there devouring my pussy again, while I laid there imagining he was Nicco. Fuck, I really wanted Nicco.

  We did every freaky thing I could think of until the sun came up and finally Juice knocked out. He was stretched across my bed butt naked, snoring and shit. All I could really admire about him was the big ass dick that rested on his leg. As a person I knew he wasn’t shit, but I wasn’t fucking him because I liked his personality. This was purely for my sexual satisfaction, oh yea and to hurt Cayane.


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