No Place for Marriage

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No Place for Marriage Page 2

by Jaden Skye

  Olivia was excited to be sitting at the airport with Wayne, about to board the flight to Naples. Fortunately, the flights ran frequently and they were easily booked on the next one out. As they sat in the boarding area, she looked out at the evening sky. It seemed as if changes in her life came suddenly these days. Everything turned around in a moment, like tonight. She and Wayne were headed to have dinner and the next thing Olivia knew she was booked on a flight to Naples, to work on a new case.

  “Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Wayne commented as they gazed out of the windows at the vast sky spread before them. If you looked closely, you could even see the crescent of a new moon.

  “Yes, it’s a really beautiful night,” said Olivia, wondering what it would be like when they landed. What was waiting for them up ahead?

  “It’ll be an easy flight,” Wayne commented.

  Olivia smiled. “It’s not the flight I’m concerned about,” she answered, “it’s what happens after we arrive.”


  As Wayne had said, the flight was quick and easy and they landed and got to the Naples police station in what seemed like no time at all. The station was located in a long, sprawling, low building at the east side of town. As the taxi drove along the main avenue, lights were on in the upscale restaurants and shops. Well-dressed people everywhere were milling around, out and about, enjoying an evening of elegance and pleasure.

  “Quite a high-end town,” Olivia commented, as Wayne smiled.

  “Naples is known for its expensive shops, restaurants, golf courses, and white sand beaches,” he replied. “It’s also full of parks, nature preserves, museums, shows, the works. Not exactly what you would expect for a town on the Gulf of Mexico.”

  “A place for the wealthy,” Olivia noted.

  “And for the unnecessarily pampered, perhaps.” Wayne smiled.

  Olivia wondered what he meant. Wayne had many sides to him and his offhand comments often took her aback. She realized that she would get to know him better as they worked together. She really looked forward to that.

  The taxi arrived at the station and they got out quickly and made their way inside. Wayne had called ahead and let the police know that he and Olivia were on the way. There hadn’t been any blowback about that. Fortunately, Wayne had a fine reputation and was well known in South Florida from his years on the police force in Key West.

  The moment Olivia and Wayne walked through the front door, a young police officer approached them.

  “Wells and Darrington Investigations,” Wayne said as the officer held out his hand.

  “Marcus Brandt here,” the cop offered. “We’re expecting you. Megan’s with Chief of Police James Gallant in the back room now. She keeps telling us you two are coming and we haven’t had much luck in talking to her. She’s also lawyered up quickly, so there’s not much more we can do.”

  “Who’s her lawyer?” asked Wayne as they walked down the hallway with Marcus toward the room Megan was waiting in.

  “Cameron Fern, heard of her?” Marcus threw Wayne a quick glance.

  “Not really,” said Wayne.

  “She’s as tough as they get,” Marcus responded. “Cameron’s well known in these parts for getting huge settlements for divorce clients. I didn’t know she took on criminal cases as well.”

  “Has this been declared a criminal case already?” Olivia was surprised.

  Marcus smiled at Olivia. “No, of course not yet,” he conceded. “Not until the medical examiner’s report comes in. But the handwriting’s on the wall. There’s a reason Megan chose someone like Cameron to represent her, got her own private investigators, to boot.”

  Olivia was surprised they’d jumped to that conclusion so quickly.

  Wayne said nothing, just looked down at the floor as they continued to the interrogation room.

  When they got there and walked in a woman was standing with her back to the door. The moment they entered, however, she spun around.

  “Olivia and Wayne?” Megan looked enormously relieved. “Megan Barr here.”

  Olivia was fascinated to see her face to face. Megan was a startlingly beautiful, willowy, young woman, with long, dark chestnut hair and huge green eyes.

  “Thank God you got here tonight,” Megan spoke directly to Olivia.

  It was disconcerting for Olivia to realize that Megan was about the same age as her and had been married for a while already. During the flight, Olivia and Wayne had gone over information available on Megan and Tyron. Olivia had learned that Tyron was now seventy years old. Megan had married him when she was twenty-three. They’d actually been together for almost seven years by now. Why in the world would Megan do that? She was beautiful, could have had anyone she wanted.

  Now Megan stood here looking at Olivia with a desperate look in her eyes. “I’d like to talk to my Investigators privately,” she said authoritatively to another officer in the room.

  “Certainly,” a tall, hefty officer responded. First he turned to Olivia and Wayne. “I’m James Gallant,” he introduced himself. “Chief of Police in Naples.”

  Wayne took his hand and shook it. “Pleased to meet you,” he said.

  Chief Gallant nodded as he reached out to shake Olivia’s hand next.

  “Olivia Wells,” she introduced herself as well.

  “We’ve heard about your work,” Gallant said to Olivia, “and of course, also the fine work of your partner, Wayne.”

  Olivia smiled, impressed by Gallant’s courteous behavior.

  “Megan couldn’t have chosen a finer team,” he went on. “We’ll be delighted to have you working along with us.”

  “They’re my investigators,” Megan burst in. “I didn’t hire them to assist you.”

  Chief Gallant turned toward Megan slowly. “All of law enforcement work together,” he replied. “We’re all after the same thing, aren’t we? The truth.”

  Megan grimaced. “I need privacy,” she repeated. “I’d like to talk to my investigators alone now.”

  Chief Gallant nodded once again at Olivia and Wayne before motioning to the other officers there. Then they all left the room.

  Once Gallant was out of the room, Megan practically fell down onto a chair, running her hands through her hair feverishly.

  “It’s exhausting, he’s exhausting,” she muttered. “This day has been a total nightmare and they’ve made it much worse.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Olivia took a few steps toward her.

  Megan looked up at Olivia. “I can see in everyone’s eyes that they’re blaming me. Except maybe you?”

  “Nobody can blame you yet, they don’t know what happened,” Wayne chimed in. “They’re just concerned.”

  “Well, I’m concerned too,” Megan shot back. “But I don’t trust a single cop here. Not a single one of them. They’re all the same. They rush to judgment. Want to close things up fast.”

  “That’s why you called us in on the case,” Olivia responded.

  “Absolutely.” Megan’s eyes flashed.

  “And why you’ve already hired a lawyer,” Wayne added.

  “How do you know that?” Megan didn’t like it. “One of the cops told you? You’re in cahoots with them?”

  “I’m not in cahoots with anyone,” Wayne calmly answered. “And yes, one of the police officers did mention it when we arrived. It’s public knowledge anyway.”

  “Everything’s public knowledge when you’re famous.” Megan seemed to be at the end of her rope. “I need all the protection I can get. And of course I don’t know what happened yet either. But one thing I do know is that they’re going to dream all kinds of things up. How is it possible that Tyron just fell down the stairs by himself? He didn’t, he couldn’t get out of his wheelchair alone. Could not.”

  “Could he have tried this time?” asked Olivia.

  “No, impossible, he could not have done it.” Megan was positive. “One thing about Tyron, he was not stupid. He was many other things for sure, but stupid, no!”
/>   “Was he sick? Could he have gotten dizzy, leaned over and fell?” asked Wayne.

  “No, ridiculous,” said Megan. “He wasn’t sick. He sat out in the sun all the time. If he needed anything he rang the bell for Bella and she came immediately and looked after it. He wouldn’t have risked his life in any way at all. Tyron intended to live forever.” Megan’s words had a rough edge about them as she rambled on.

  “This must be terribly hard for you.” Olivia tried to slow her down. “It must be a huge shock.”

  “It is terribly hard,” Megan spit back, “but no, it’s not a huge shock. In fact, I’m not surprised at all. In fact, I expected him to die.”

  Wayne looked amazed. “Not surprised? You expected your husband to die? Was it because of his illness?” On the plane Wayne and Olivia had quickly researched Tyron’s condition on their computers. It was a neurological condition of unknown origins that often attacked the elderly. Tyron had had it now for about three years.

  Megan shrugged. “I didn’t expect Tyron to die because of his illness,” she replied. “Tyron became sick about four years into our marriage. It’s a condition that often comes with age. It gets worse in phases. The first year Tyron could walk easily. Now he’s totally wheelchair bound.”

  “That must have made life so much more difficult for you,” said Olivia, wondering how Megan coped with it.

  Megan said nothing, just stared straight ahead.

  “You’ve had Tyron thoroughly checked, of course?” Olivia pushed her.

  “Checked? That’s putting it mildly,” Megan shot back. “Tyron has been to all the top neurologists. There was nothing we could do.”

  “It’s a waiting game, isn’t it?” said Wayne, quietly. “Is that why you expected him to die?”

  “Not to die, but to be killed,” Megan whispered, suddenly beside herself. “And I expected I’d be the one that everyone would point to.”

  “Why?” Olivia felt alarmed.

  “Because I’m the young, rich widow and it doesn’t look good.” Megan sneered. “But I was good to him all these years. I gave him what he wanted. And I married him when I was just a child.”

  Olivia suddenly felt a huge wave of sadness for Megan. “Why?” she asked.

  “Why not?” asked Megan bitterly. “It happens all the time. Young people fall in love with older people. They each give the other something they need.”

  Wayne looked incredulous. “Are you saying you fell in love with Tyron?”

  Megan seemed put off. “Yes, I did,” she declared. “Tyron dazzled me from the first second we met. Then after that night, he pursued me relentlessly. He knew what he wanted and always got it. That’s Tyron in a nutshell for you.”

  “He didn’t want to die, though?” Olivia had to be sure.

  “Of course he didn’t, I just told you that,” said Megan. “Are you suggesting he threw himself down on the sand? Ridiculous! Impossible!”

  Olivia found Megan’s heated reaction fascinating. She knew her husband well, for sure. And she seemed to still care deeply about him.

  Wayne took another tack though. He returned to Megan’s earlier comment. “Just tell me, please, how long two people can stay dazzled by each other when there’s such a big age difference? How long can something like this last?”

  “A long time,” Megan responded fitfully. “Or as long as is necessary. Why measure relationships in days and years?”

  Olivia found Megan’s comment fascinating. Megan had been in her early twenties and Tyron in his sixties when they’d gotten together. It was definitely possible that Megan was yearning for a father, and Tyron was longing to be young again. They did give each other something they needed then. It made sense.

  “Of course it’s natural that everyone will turn against me now,” Megan repeated. “I’m no fool. I see what people are thinking. But there are lots of other people around who could have wanted to harm Tyron.”

  “Who?” Wayne was all over it. “And why?”

  Megan backed up a minute and stared right in Wayne’s eyes. “Well, for starters, how about his aide, Bella? She was there when he died, wasn’t she? She was the one who found him!”

  “Yes, she was,” said Olivia. “The police have talked to her too, haven’t they?”

  “They have,” Megan replied. “But I doubt that they know how much Bella hated Tyron, really. I saw the rage flash across her face more and more as time went by. Deep down it seemed to me as if she were trapped and couldn’t wait to get away from us all.”

  “What kept her there?” Wayne asked crisply.

  “Bella hung on because she needed the money. She has a sick aunt she helps out. There were always big perks attached to working for Tyron and I’m sure he made it worth her time. But Bella was the one in charge when he died. She was the one in the house with him.”

  “So were you!” Wayne reminded her.

  “But I wasn’t nearby. I was upstairs working in my home office,” Megan snapped.

  “What do you do, Megan?” Olivia asked.

  “I arrange networking parties,” Megan replied. “It’s my own personal business and I love what I do. I’m good at it.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Olivia replied.

  Bolstered by Olivia’s comment, Megan plunged on. “There are other people who could have benefitted from Tyron’s death, too. Tyron has two daughters, Kayle and Lana. They’re about my age and have always hated me. My relationship with their father is a nightmare for them. They’re totally jealous in every way. And, of course, when their father married me, a big portion of their inheritance went to me. If I’m found guilty of getting rid of Tyron, the girls will get their inheritance back, won’t they?”

  Megan would make a great detective, thought Olivia. She had every angle covered.

  “Are you accusing Tyron’s daughters of being complicit in their father’s death?” Wayne seemed disturbed by the idea.

  “I’m not accusing them, I’m suggesting it,” Megan spit out. “I often wondered if something like this could happen. Now it’s your job to find out. Did the daughters team up with Bella to do it? Or did they possibly hire someone else? During the afternoon while I was working I actually thought I heard voices in the house. I even wondered if someone was visiting.”

  “Did you go down to check?” Olivia asked.

  “No, why should I? I had my life and Tyron had his. Sometimes he had visitors. It was no business of mine.”

  “Did you ask Bella if someone had been visiting?” Olivia pressed on.

  “I did and she said no one was there,” Megan replied. “Of course, when we were taken in by the police, we were both whisked into separate rooms. We didn’t get much of a chance to talk to each other. I heard the police have let her go by now.”

  “And how about you?” asked Olivia. “When are they going to let you go?”

  “I’m sure they’re waiting for me to talk to you first,” Megan replied. “They’ll let me go after we talk, won’t they?”

  “Of course they will,” said Olivia quickly. “There’s no grounds to hold you here.”

  “Not for now, anyway,” Wayne responded.

  Megan turned to Wayne. “What do you mean not for now? What are you implying?”

  “These things take time,” Wayne responded quietly.

  “Of course they take time, but what do you mean?” Megan faced Wayne staunchly.

  “It all depends on what turns up,” Wayne replied. “What I actually mean is that we’ve a long road ahead of us.”

  “And I intend to be part of it,” Megan declared. “Stay in close touch and report to me regularly. I’ll send you names of people to talk to. But please, start with Bella first.”

  Exhausted, Megan suddenly had little else to say. As things died down, Wayne put a call in to Chief Gallant, who promptly came back inside. He assured everyone present that after he spoke with Olivia and Wayne privately, he would spend a little more time with Megan. After that she could go.

  “Is there som
eone to go back home with you?” asked Olivia, concerned.

  “I’ll call my best friend, Nellie.” Megan suddenly whimpered. “She’s the only one I want with me now.”


  Olivia and Wayne then joined Chief Gallant in his small, wooden office down the hall. As soon as they were all seated, Chief Gallant smiled at Wayne.

  “How can we be of help to you on the case?” he asked. “I’m happy to share what we have, and of course I know you will do the same.”

  Wayne looked at him carefully. “You can be certain we’ll share as much as we can,” he assured him.

  “Good,” said Gallant. “That works.”

  “To start, fill us in on whatever you have this far.” Wayne seemed grateful for the cooperation.

  “Of course, as you well know by now, we took both Megan and Bella in for preliminary questioning,” Gallant said, “because they were both present at the scene of the crime. Routine.”

  “I realize,” Wayne murmured.

  “We’ve let Bella go and naturally will release Megan shortly as well. It’s definitely too soon to hold her,” Gallant continued.

  “Too soon?” Olivia was put off by his comment.

  “Of course,” Gallant replied. “So far what we have points to her, of course, though the hard evidence is not yet in.”

  “What exactly points to Megan?” Olivia was piqued. It seemed extremely early to come to that conclusion.

  Both Wayne and Gallant looked at Olivia oddly. “May-December relationships!” Gallant sighed. “We see them over and over down here. They rarely end well.”

  Olivia was offended. “You only see the ones that end badly, not the ones that do well.”

  “I can’t dispute that.” Gallant smiled slowly. “But when they do end badly, there’s a pattern to them.”

  Olivia realized that was true, but there still seemed so much more at work here. “For all we know, at this point Tyron’s death could have simply been an accident,” she remarked. “He could have become stir crazy, pushed himself out of the chair, and stumbled.”

  “Anything is possible,” Gallant agreed. “Someone even suggested he could have had a mini-stroke and not realized what he was doing. But it’s for the medical examiner to decide. He’s going to look carefully at the exact position of Tyron’s body when he was found. And also anything that might be found in his body.”


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