No Place for Marriage

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No Place for Marriage Page 9

by Jaden Skye

  A strange silence fell over the room.

  “I personally want to wait until there’s further investigation of the crime,” Kayle continued.

  “The autopsy is complete.” Cameron stood up then and joined the discussion. “The body has no relevance now in the investigation.”

  Kayle flushed and stepped forward. “It has relevance for me! It’s my father!” she declared as Lana ran up to the front of the room to stand beside her.

  “It’s my father as well,” Lana joined in. “And I totally agree with Kayle.”

  Kayle looked relieved and pleased by the unexpected support. “Who knows what we’ll find if the body is investigated further?” Lana added.

  At that Wayne stood up as well. “The autopsy has been done by a top medical examiner,” he said. “There is nothing else to find.”

  “You don’t know that! Something else could be hidden,” Kayle insisted in a shrill tone. “Why is Megan in such a hurry to reduce my father to ashes?”

  Megan put her head in her hands as Cameron then spoke up again.

  “You are publicly making negative assumptions and implications about my client!” she announced. “Cremation is a normal procedure after the autopsy has been completed.”

  Despite the tension between them, Olivia couldn’t help but be impressed with Cameron. She was a staunch advocate for Megan, refused to allow her to be maligned.

  “Where is Mom? Where is she?” Kayle turned to Lana then. “Let’s hear what she has to say about the burial.”

  “Mom’s been rummaging through papers upstairs,” Lana replied. “She’ll be here any minute. She told me she’s already found something and is looking for more.”

  Olivia wondered what Alice had found and how it would impact the discussion.

  “We are asking everyone in the room to support us in our decision,” Kayle spoke to the crowd that had gathered. Olivia wondered then who all these people were. Were they family, friends, Tyron’s business acquaintances? Had Kayle purposely gathered them together as a wall of resistance against Megan’s wishes?

  Megan stood up suddenly as if a strong wind had hit her. “This is all ridiculous,” she shouted. “I am the wife here and what happens to my husband’s body is up to me! And me only!”

  “Not when there’s a criminal investigation going on,” Lana shot back quickly.

  “There’s not a criminal investigation going on.” Megan’s voice got louder. “The results of the autopsy said Tyron’s death was an accident!”

  The room fell totally silent once again. Olivia realized, of course, that medically there was no evidence of Tyron’s being pushed, so they had to call his death an accident. But given the fact Tyron could not move on his own, the presumption that he’d been pushed was clear to all concerned. The case had to continue being investigated so they could determine who did it.

  Megan walked up front to Kayle and Lana.

  “There’s no way my father’s death could have been an accident and you know it!” Lana hissed at her.

  “This is not a criminal investigation!” Megan repeated in a harsher tone. “And if it ever became one, there would be plenty of suspects around!”

  Kayle took Megan’s comment badly. “Oh really? Just what are you implying?”

  “I’m not implying, I’m saying that I am the wife here and the decision about cremation is up to me!”

  “Why are you in such a hurry to destroy my father?” Lana chimed in then. “Tell us why.”

  “The funeral is tomorrow!” Megan began yelling. “Decisions about burial have to be made now.”

  At that Alice suddenly burst into the room and frantically ran up to her daughters and Megan.

  “Where were you, Mom?” Lana grabbed her mother’s shoulders. “We’ve started already.”

  “I’m sorry I’m late,” Alice breathed, “I didn’t realize the meeting had started already.”

  “Megan’s insisting that Dad be cremated,” Kayle spoke in a shrill tone. “We’re refusing her request.”

  “Not only are you simply refusing.” Alice grabbed a paper out of her bag. “I have a statement right here that Dad wrote a long time ago. It clearly states that he did not want to be cremated, ever!”

  A palpable gasp was heard in the room then.

  “I always remembered hearing Tyron say that to me,” Alice continued. “As soon as I heard that Megan wanted him cremated, I started frantically searching for proof. I found it! Here it is!” Alice waved the piece of paper in her hand. “I was looking for more statements like this. But at least I have this one.”

  Cameron rushed up to the front of the room then and grabbed the paper out of Alice’s hand.

  “This statement has to be fully corroborated and substantiated, of course,” Cameron declared. “We have to be sure you didn’t just forge it.”

  “How dare you accuse me of forgery?” Alice’s face grew red.

  “Not accusing, just suggesting it’s a possibility, isn’t it?” Cameron was on a roll. “But at the very least, you’ve succeeded in delaying the cremation now!”

  The room fell silent once again.

  “I’ve succeeded in assisting the investigation!” Alice spit back. Then she spun toward Megan. “Tyron didn’t fall on his own and we all know it! Someone had to have pushed him. Someone who was there, in the house! It wasn’t Bella either, why would it be? She took care of him for years!”

  Megan grew pale and taut. “Who are you? My judge and jury?” she flung back.

  “I’m Tyron’s first wife! I’m his real wife,” Alice shouted as the room began murmuring. A few were standing up from their chairs, when suddenly a strong, handsome young man burst into the room.

  “Cut it out! Stop this!” he called.

  “Who’s that?” Olivia asked Wayne.

  “I refuse to let this go on,” the young man continued, rushing up to the front. “Stop it, Alice. This is not right.”

  “Back off, Clay,” Alice demanded.

  “That’s her new husband,” Wayne murmured, stunned.

  Clay jumped between Megan and Alice. “This is enough,” he repeated. “Things have gotten out of control.”

  To Olivia’s amazement, Megan dropped her head and began sobbing.

  “What are you doing defending a killer?” Alice stared at him. “Why are you taking her side against me?”

  “Nobody knows what happened yet!” Clay insisted. “You can’t accuse Megan. She’s suffering too.”

  “Megan’s a killer!” Alice hissed at him.

  But Clay would have none of it. “You’re all in shock. No one has the right to say that anyone is a killer now.”

  “This is one good man,” Wayne murmured.

  “How dare you defend Megan?” Alice turned to him heatedly. “You’re my husband! Mine!”

  “I’m defending fairness and truth,” Clay continued.

  “Oh really?” Alice sneered. “So who else could have pushed Tyron, then? You tell me!”

  “That’s for the police to find out, and the detectives.” Clay tried to calm Alice down. Olivia was stunned that Clay was Alice’s new husband. He was so young and vital and they seemed so ill suited in every way.

  “This is Alice’s husband?” Olivia said to Wayne.

  Clay turned to everyone. “Okay, let’s all pause a moment.”

  “For now it seems we’ll hold off on arrangements for the burial,” Alice cut him off. “We can go on tomorrow with the funeral until a final decision has been made.” Alice seemed victorious as Megan turned away, flushed.

  Megan ran over to Olivia then and pulled her aside. “See, I told you, it’s a dragnet forming,” she whispered.

  “Clay’s not a part of it though,” Olivia couldn’t help but comment.

  “No, he’s not. He’s a decent guy,” Megan quickly agreed. “He’s the only one here who cares about the truth. In fact, he helped me find a video no one has seen yet. It was on a video surveillance camera, taken a few weeks ago. Bella’s on it, scr
eaming at Tyron. I told you, she secretly hated his guts.”

  Olivia was shocked. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “I was waiting for us to be alone,” said Megan. “I didn’t want to tell you in front of Cameron. I have to be careful what I tell her and when. Cameron has a short trigger. I didn’t want the information becoming public too soon.”

  “That’s wise,” Olivia agreed.

  “Can you and Wayne come and look at the video after the meeting?” Megan asked desperately. “It could be the piece of evidence that turns everything around.”

  “Yes, of course we can,” said Olivia.

  “Good,” Megan whispered. “I’ll find a place for the viewing and let you know.”

  “Absolutely,” Olivia answered. “We definitely need to see what you found on the tape.”


  After the meeting ended, people slowly dribbled out of the room onto the front lawn. Olivia and Wayne stayed back, waiting to hear from Megan about where she would show them the surveillance video she’d found. In a few moments, Megan texted directions to a house not far away from where they were.

  “Megan doesn’t dare show us the tape here at her home,” Olivia remarked as they quickly caught a cab to meet her at the designated location. “The walls at her place could have eyes, she doesn’t know who’s watching her.”

  “It’s a smart move,” Wayne couldn’t help but agree. “This tape could be a big boon for her! Just what she’s been waiting for. She’s being careful about it.”

  “Interesting that Clay found it, isn’t it?” remarked Olivia.

  “I was just thinking that,” said Wayne, as the cab drove to the location Megan had indicated. “Clay certainly seems to be a strong supporter of Megan’s.”


  Olivia and Wayne arrived at an unpretentious home on a small street in Naples and rang the bell.

  “No one’s here,” Megan announced immediately after she opened the door and they entered. “We’re completely safe.”

  It was clear to see the level of apprehension Megan lived under constantly. She didn’t feel safe anywhere these days. Could that be a sign of her guilt? Olivia wondered. What was it she feared was going to be found out about her? Waves of distrust of Megan washed over Olivia from time to time. Was Olivia on the wrong track? Could it be that Megan was indeed guilty? Olivia wasn’t eliminating that possibility, just keeping it on the back burner so she could be open to whatever else might come along.

  Olivia and Wayne followed Megan to a closed porch at the side of the house.

  “A friend of mine lives here,” Megan offered as they looked around. “She’s an old, good friend and offered me the chance to show you the video in her home.”

  “That’s good of her,” said Olivia. “I’d like to meet your friend soon.”

  “When the time is right,” Megan replied once again as she pulled the blinds closed tight and began to run the surveillance video.

  In a few moments the film opened with a picture of Tyron sitting on the patio, looking out at the sky. It was startling to see him alive. He looked much more frail than Olivia had imagined. Behind Tyron stood Bella. As the sound on the video got louder, you could hear her screaming at him for all she was worth.

  “Listen to me, you idiot!” Bella thundered, giving Olivia chills.

  Tyron made no response. Olivia wondered why. It disturbed her.

  “I said you have to eat your dinner now.” Bella’s voice was filled with growing rage. “You can’t wait for later. Eat now, you old fool.”

  Tyron grimaced, but still did not respond.

  “If you don’t listen to me, you’re in trouble.” Bella seemed beside herself. “You eat when I tell you. You wash when it’s time!”

  Olivia felt sick to her stomach watching. “This is horrible,” she murmured.

  “Does Bella get physical with him?” Wayne interrupted, becoming more distressed.

  “She comes just this close of whacking Tyron on the side of the face,” Megan replied as Bella continued to hurl one insult after another at the figure who simply sat immobile, tapping his fingers on the edge of his wheelchair, an air of hopelessness surrounding him.

  “Why didn’t Tyron fire Bella instantly?” Olivia asked, breathless.

  “That’s a great question!” Megan fired back as the video suddenly ended and she pulled up the blinds. “I asked him that myself, over and over. He wouldn’t answer, though. Tyron clammed up whenever it suited him. I asked if he enjoyed being yelled at. Was he a masochist of some kind? Of course he said nothing.”

  “He was shamed, totally shamed,” Wayne uttered.

  Olivia suddenly became angry with Megan. “You knew this was going on all the time?” It was hard to believe Megan allowed this.

  “In a way.” Megan backtracked a bit. “I could hear Bella’s voice getting louder and louder down there on the patio, but I didn’t always hear exactly what she said.”

  “Why didn’t you go down and stop it?” Olivia was suspicious. If Megan knew about this and did nothing, she was definitely complicit in what went on.

  “I couldn’t stop it!” Megan’s voice rose. “There was no way.”

  “Why not?” Why didn’t you fire Bella?” Wayne jumped in.

  “I wanted to. Believe me, I tried to get him to dump her,” Megan spoke swiftly. “I kept telling Tyron we had to get rid of Bella and find him someone new. He yelled back at me that he didn’t want to. He wouldn’t hear of it. He said I should shut up, that I was causing him pain.”

  “You were causing him pain? How about Bella?” Olivia couldn’t follow any of this.

  “Tyron was attached to Bella, he was used to her!” Megan’s voice rose.

  “How about you? You were his wife! Wasn’t he attached to you?” Olivia stood up to Megan.

  “It was too scary for him to be without Bella!” Megan yelled at Olivia now. “She was the one he depended on for everything, not me!”

  “Wait a minute,” Wayne interjected. “Did Bella have something on your husband? Do you happen to know what it was?”

  “Bella might have had something on Tyron,” Megan murmured, pleased by the idea. “But if she did, I have no idea what it was.”

  “How could you not know?” Wayne confronted Megan fully.

  “Maybe it’s better to say I didn’t care!” Megan snapped. “Tyron could be rough at times, he’d totally shut you out. In the last few months I meant nothing to him, became just a sideshow. There was no way I could get through to him even if I wanted to. And to tell the truth, seeing him sit out there day after day staring at the sky became unnerving. I was exhausted by him, totally exhausted.”

  Olivia realized they were only touching the tip of the iceberg about the truth of Megan’s marriage. It seemed they all were hiding something, that it was dangerous to reveal the truth.

  “Tell me more about your marriage to Tyron,” Olivia insisted, looking into Megan’s eyes.

  “What do you want to hear?”

  “The truth,” Olivia demanded.

  “I told you it was good in the beginning,” Megan started and then grew silent.

  “And then?” Olivia wasn’t letting go.

  “We had our differences,” Megan said finally.

  “A huge age difference for starters,” Wayne commented.

  “That was the least of it.” Megan suddenly grew teary, surprising Olivia. “It’s not what everyone thinks, not at all. As the years went by Tyron grew tired of me.”

  “The way he grew tired of Alice?” Olivia murmured.

  “Maybe?” Megan liked that idea. “Tyron needed something fresh, new, and glittery all the time. He got bored, he got restless. He constantly demanded that the people around him make him feel good.”

  “I can see how that could be exhausting,” Olivia murmured.

  Grateful for the acknowledgment, Megan continued. “I always had to dress up for him, surprise him. It became my job to make him laugh and feel young again. B
ut when things didn’t go well and he became gloomy, no matter what I tried, there was nothing I could do. He’d tell me things weren’t working. He’d say it over and over again.”

  “That had to be unnerving,” said Olivia, grimly. “You must have grown to hate him?”

  Megan looked at Olivia strangely. “Hate him? No. But you’re right, it was incredibly unnerving at times!”

  Olivia felt a strange chill go through her as Megan spoke. She had the sense of Megan as almost being helpless at Tyron’s side. “I’m sorry,” said Olivia.

  “Thank you,” Megan uttered. “I needed to hear somebody say that to me.”

  Olivia felt a strange bond with Megan then, feeling once again how lost Megan had been and probably still was.

  “Naturally I pulled away a bit,” Megan continued, “and it really didn’t matter because Tyron had grown totally dependent on Bella by then.”

  “Which is why there was no way he’d ever fire her,” Olivia added.

  “Of course not.” Megan’s eyes lit up. “Tyron was obviously scared to death to lose her and start with someone new. Who knew what would happen then? The horror you know is better than the horror that’s coming, isn’t it?”

  Megan’s analysis of the situation made sense to Olivia. “People who are vulnerable and dependent often experience abuse at the hands of their caretakers,” Olivia remarked.

  “Yes, they do.” Megan seemed quite aware of that. “And they dish it out too, don’t forget about that. They get back at others in weird ways.”

  Wayne wasn’t buying this. He suddenly intervened. “Bella’s yelling at Tyron didn’t disturb you, though? You didn’t want to protect your husband?” Wayne couldn’t seem to get beyond that point.

  “I never said it didn’t disturb me, did I?” Megan grew rattled. “But as Tyron got sicker, there was only so much power I had with him. I told you. He needed help all the time.”

  “And you couldn’t be the one to give it to him,” Olivia echoed.

  “Of course I couldn’t. Could you?” Megan’s eyes flashed. “It all became too much to handle.”

  “You must have wanted to get out of the marriage badly then, didn’t you?” Wayne started probing deeper.


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