Happily Ever Laughter: older man, quirky younger woman romance (HEA Book 3)

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Happily Ever Laughter: older man, quirky younger woman romance (HEA Book 3) Page 9

by Haley Travis

  Suddenly he kneels up, pulling me with him so that we’re vertical, with his hands firmly gripping my ass. “Wrap your arms around my neck and grind on me. I need to feel you come again.”

  I love the way he takes control. Feeling that he really does need me throws my ego for a loop.

  Wiping my slightly sweaty hair from my face, I latch my hands around him, spreading my legs wide as I grip his waist with my thighs. I’m able to find the angle where he rubs me just right with each thrust. The precarious stretching has eased, as that incredible orgasm seems to have opened me up to him even more.

  “You feel so good,” I moan, my strange gasping voice unfamiliar.

  “Squirm on me,” he growls as I grind shamelessly against him.

  My pleasure has taken over my entire being, as I clutch and gasp while another climax prowls around me, ready to pounce.

  “Who do you belong to?” he rasps, staring into my eyes.


  “And I belong to you. Only you, my gorgeous, sweet Tanis. Now be a good girl and explode on my cock so I can fill you up with my come.”

  His beautiful and filthy words pass through me like an electrical storm. With a scream and a shudder, he bounces me even harder, his thickness throbbing and wild inside me. My orgasm clenches my pussy around him, as I boldly ride him, feeling him everywhere.

  “Tanis…sweetheart…” he chokes, his dark eyes flashing. Then he kisses me so deeply I can’t breathe as thick, hot spurts flood me, and we moan and breathe as one.

  When we finally part for air, I clutch his head to my shoulder.

  “Mine,” I hear myself barely whisper, tears sliding down my cheek.

  Felix is already stroking me, kissing me, laying me down gently as he runs his thumb under my eye to collect the moisture.

  “Yes. Yours.”


  ~ Felix ~

  In the hours spent with Tanis curled against me, it seems like we are becoming even closer. The feeling of her wrapped in my arms is beyond perfection.

  I don’t normally allow myself this much sleep, but I don’t want to be the one to break the spell and get up first. Besides, in a one room apartment, I’m bound to make too much noise as I’m putting the coffee on.

  Looking down at her pretty little face, I watch as her eyes eventually flutter open. Her first expression is a soft, contented smile. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” I kiss the tip of her nose, adoring her little half giggle. “Shall I attempt to make us some coffee?”

  “Sure,” she drawls, stretching out her limbs and then settling back on my chest. “Just so you know, here in the middle of civilization, the tap water is just fine.”

  My hand slips down to give the curve of her butt a tiny tap. “Sassy girl. Just because I live out on the fringes of society doesn’t mean that I am prepared for your mockery.”

  “Mmm hmm,” she hums, snuggling back into my shoulder as if she never wants to leave.

  She’s clearly not fully awake. All I can think about is living with her and waking up beside her every single day.

  “Hey, Tanis,” I whisper gently, “what kind of a house would you like to live in someday?”

  “Somewhere quiet,” she sighs dreamily. “Like at the edge of the city.”

  “And what kind of house would you like?”

  Her fingers rub against my shoulder in little circles. “Big enough to have lots of space, but nothing fancy or fussy. Just…comfortable.”

  “So a normal brick and wood house?”

  “Yeah. With a nice garden. There has to be a garden. I do love plants.”

  “Of course.” I stroke her hair gently. “How big is big enough for this dream house?”

  “You know. A bunch of rooms. Big space to do video shoots inside the house.” She giggles to herself as she considers it. “Like that would ever happen. But it would be amazing.”

  Funnily enough, that’s exactly the kind of house I would’ve guessed that she wanted, but it can’t hurt to get important details out of her early. Especially when she thinks I’m just joking around.

  Tanis falls asleep again for a bit while I trail my hand along her back and hip, admiring every curve on her precious body.

  Around ten minutes later, she inhales with a start, and her eyes snap completely open. “Didn’t you say something about coffee?”

  “I did, but then I couldn’t leave this gorgeous snuggly girl all alone.”

  “It’s a terrible conundrum, I agree.” She kisses my chest, then starts to get up but I flip her onto her back for a long, sultry kiss.

  “You rest. I’ll figure it out.”

  Reluctantly dragging myself from her embrace, I pull on my shorts, then take a good look around her kitchen. I make a pot of morning black gold, and whip up cheese omelets and home fries.

  As I place the mugs and plates on her dining room table, Tanis sits up all the way. “Food too?”

  “But of course, your highness. Get over here.”

  She pulls on underwear and a huge oversized t-shirt, then joins me at the table. “Wow. I don’t normally eat a big breakfast first thing, but this looks amazing.”

  “Well, unfortunately I do have to go to the gym today. So I need to fuel up.”

  She takes a sip of coffee, then grins. “So is Dan your personal trainer?”

  “Yes. He’s got me on this sixty day program he’s experimenting with. I’m his volunteer tester.”

  “That’s nice of him.”

  “Yeah, so nice that he tries to kick my ass and make me cry.” I stick my bottom lip out until she laughs.

  “Poor baby. But it’s a nice ass, so the two of you must be doing something right.”

  I laugh awkwardly with my mouth full of eggs. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said so.”

  After we finish breakfast, we wash the dishes and pan together, once again working as a team, perfectly together.

  “Why are you smiling to yourself?” she asks.

  “I just realized that we are totally in sync at the sink.” I shake my head. “I know, my brain goes to strange places.”

  “I like it,” she smiles up at me.

  Once we finish, I dry my hands and put on the rest of my clothes, then pull her into my arms.

  With the bed right there, I can’t help but crave more of her, but that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. She was so tight last night that I wouldn’t want to overdo it and make her sore.

  “Have a good time at the gym,” Tanis says brightly.

  “Thanks. You have a good time…shooting video clips, I assume?”

  “Yes. And catching up on my reading. And laundry.”

  “I’ll call you soon.” With one last kiss, I leave before I talk myself out of it.

  By the time I get home, changed, and down to the gym, I’m late enough that I know Dan is going to give me hell.

  As soon as I walk in, he places his hands on his hips like a stern school teacher. “And where were we last night? Getting plenty of sleep to be fresh for our training program today, I hope?”

  I try to glare, but he’s just too ridiculous.

  “I want to hear every detail of your cute romantic night later. Right now, treadmill, medium, ten minutes.”

  “Yes, boss,” I grumble, even though I’m laughing.

  As I trudge dramatically toward the row of machines, I’m surprised to see Oliver at the end. Taking the one next to him, I set it, then begin my quick walk. He’s moving slowly, staring into space with a notepad and pen propped awkwardly on top.

  “Story problems?”

  He startles slightly at the sound of my voice, then nods. “Yes. I need a reason for the knight to avoid the beautiful queen for at least five days.”

  I’m shocked that he’s sharing even a single detail about his work. Maybe Oliver is opening up.

  “Hmm...how beautiful are we talking here?” I tease.

  The strangely embarrassed half smile is not an expression I’ve
ever seen on his face before. “She’s blonde, with the face of an angel.”

  I would never in a million years have guessed that Oliver goes for blondes. Who knew?

  “Why does the knight have to avoid her for a few days?”

  “It takes that long for the forces of Jaqueira to gather.”

  “Are these two going to hook up?”

  “Royalty does not ‘hook up’,” he says with an eye roll. Then he shrugs. “But yes, eventually.”

  “He’s afraid of her,” I say without thinking. “She’s too beautiful, too wonderful, and he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to handle the humiliation if she rejects him.”

  “But he’s a knight,” Oliver explains patiently. “He’s slain the Warriors of the Samsarri. The beast of the Markentia. Why would he be afraid of a woman?”

  Sometimes I forget how oddly sheltered he is, living more with books than people.

  “Hey – do you see that blonde on the rowing machine?”

  He casually glances so as not to draw attention. “Yeah.”

  “Go over and ask her out.”

  I see the reaction immediately. Everything inside him cringes, his breath becoming halting as he shakes his head violently. “No. No way.”

  “That. Right there. That reaction of pure terror. That’s what most men feel when they go to ask a woman out. The knight is afraid he’s going to be anything less than perfect for her.”

  Oliver blinks hard, then grabs his paper and pen, rushing out of the gym as he mutters something that may have been, “Oh-my-god-you’re-right-thanks.”

  I lean over to turn off his treadmill that was set at approximately half a mile per hour.

  Even though I was simply trying to illustrate a point, I suddenly have a creeping feeling. What if I’m not good enough for Tanis? What if I’m not the perfect man she deserves?

  I’m going to have to focus on every single detail, and make absolutely certain she gets everything she needs from me.


  ~ Tanis ~

  I’m not used to nearly crying with joy first thing on Monday morning. But when a delivery of a flowering plant arrives for me just past nine-thirty, my eyes fill with tears. The note says, “Just in case your desk needs a pet. xox Felix.”

  The workday passes as it usually does, but now I hold this happy thought in the back of my mind at all times. Felix is falling in love with me. I’m not quite sure how I’m so certain, but it’s something I feel straight through to my bones. I’ve noticed his lips quivering occasionally as he gives me a very intense stare, and know that he is holding something back.

  It’s indeed a bit odd how we both feel so much so fast, and I don’t blame him for waiting a bit longer to speak the words. Any other woman would probably be completely freaked out, or might even think that was grounds to run away.

  Not me.

  I’ve been holding back those words as well.

  I’ve never been in love before. I’m extremely fond of my friends, and of course I care for my leafy green buddies, but love?

  It seems to be a giant, mysterious, mystical concept that I’m not sure I’m meant to understand. Some people say it’s like being struck by lightning.

  I definitely feel the heat, but it’s softer than lightning. Not a blinding flash of yellow orange. It’s fluffy and peachy pink and glows from within. It feels like it wraps around me, holding me tight without ever holding me back.

  Answering emails and filling out paperwork isn’t as boring as usual. It’s somehow outside of the real world. An abstract task. It’s just a thing that has to be done before I get to see Felix again.

  It’s a bit of a pity that I don’t know when that will be. Sure, I’ll see him at Wednesday’s event, but it sounds like he’s incredibly busy until then.

  At least I can picture him working in his studio now. Strangely, that’s a great comfort. Now that I understand precisely how he seems to fall out of time and space, I won’t be offended if I don’t hear from him now and then.

  After clearing my in-box, I go to the break room for another cup of coffee. Marla is standing there, waiting for a fresh pot to brew. “You beat me to it today,” I say with a smile. “Thanks.”

  Marla rolls her eyes. “We certainly can’t expect any of the men around here to do something so basic.” We laugh together, the joke never getting old even though one of us makes it at least once a week.

  Marla is probably in her late forties, and has been with the company since it began, I think. She always seems a bit grouchy, but now I know her well enough to see that it comes from boredom.

  It took me a while to figure out that most of her complaints were actually attempts at humor. She wasn’t trying to be bitchy, she was trying to crack people up just to get some sort of reaction.

  Her long black hair is streaked with slivers of white, pulled back in her constant low ponytail. Combined with her black, navy, and gray sweaters, instead of looking clean and modern, her attire always looks sort of utilitarian.

  “Did you have a good weekend?” she asks.

  “Pretty good, yeah,” I reply, unable to begin articulating how incredible it had actually been, so deciding to leave the subject aside entirely. “And you?”

  Marla shrugged. “Same old, same old.” She pours herself a coffee, then fills my mug. “Hang in there, kiddo,” she adds before shuffling away down the hall.

  As I walk back to my desk, a strange shiver goes through me. Is that what happens to people when they give up? I don’t want to think that it’s for lack of a love interest in her life. More likely a lack of friends and hobbies to give her routine some variety.

  Making a mental note to myself, I swear never to rely completely on Felix for the spark in my life. Just in case.

  After a few sips of coffee and a few more emails, I take my phone and go outside to walk around the block. It’s such a small office that people are encouraged to take a “smoke break” outside for personal calls. Nobody seems to mind as long as it’s only once a day.

  On my way out to the lobby, I sent a text.

  Me: Hey – do you have a minute to talk?

  Claire: Perfect timing, I need a break.

  I call her and she picks up immediately. “Hey, what’s up? Did you see Felix this weekend?” It’s adorable how infatuated with love Claire is, now that she’s swimming in it.

  “Yes. We spent quite a lot of time together, actually.”

  “And?” She practically squeals, forcing me to hold the phone a few inches away from my ear.

  I try to think of how to explain it without going into complete detail. I’m not sure how tell-all these conversations are supposed to be, and it doesn’t feel right to share absolutely everything.

  “Well, Friday we finished that project I was telling you about at the music studio in his loft. Then I stayed over.”

  “Amazing!” she gasps, and I can just picture her practically jumping up and down excitedly. “How was it? I mean, the date part not the…everything. But I hope that was great too.”

  I laugh so hard I have to stop walking. “Well, even though I stayed overnight at his place, we didn’t…everything. But then the next night he stayed at my place...”

  I pause, letting the empty air speak for itself.

  “Do you guys really click?” Claire asks. “Does he really listen, and treat you like the most important person in the world?”

  “Absolutely. It’s intense, and I didn’t think I would enjoy this much attention.” I can feel my cheeks heating up. “But I do. I really do.”

  “It’s incredible, isn’t it?” she gushes. “Here I always thought I wanted to be a super independent woman, but I am much happier being half of a whole.”

  “I understand what you mean now. It’s not cutting your life in half, it’s doubling it. Does that make sense?”


  “Anyway, the real reason I called is that I wonder what you would think about canceling the book club meeting this week and
going to a launch party for a new TV show instead?”

  I quickly explain the concept of the show, and how it’s coming together, with bits of my video mixed with Felix’s music.

  “Oh my goodness – I’m so proud of you, Tanis!” Claire says breathlessly. “I’m so excited. Yes, of course, we’ll all come.”


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