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Station Page 6

by Jarrett Brandon Early

  "How do I know which to take?"

  "I think there's a list behind the bar somewhere," answered Reena. "But no one ever uses it. Not sure it's even accurate. The best way is to ask someone, especially someone who's been around."

  "Which is literally everyone except you at this point," added Jonny. "Which is why maybe it's best if I order for you, if you don't mind."

  Hadder motioned in the affirmative, and Jonny looked to begin going through concoctions in his mind. "What do you think, Reena? The old Number 7?"

  Reena smiled and rubbed Hadder’s shoulder. "I think that one would be perfect, Jonny."

  "And how about you, my love."

  "Let me get a Number 9."

  Jonny seemed surprised. "Number 9? This early in the Haela?"

  Reena's Light Crown began to rotate faster. "Marlin has inspired me. It's gonna be a special night."

  "By God, you're right! It will be a special night. Glume! Two 9's and a 7 for my new friend!"

  The manikin quickly dipped behind the bar, coming up with three glasses, two cylindrical and one round. It turned quickly and walked to a long rectangular table that was centered inside the ovular bar. From the table rose various taps, each with a distinct number. With practiced hands and efficient movement, the manikin filled all three glasses in short order and returned them to the patrons. Jonny and Reena had before them thin-looking orange elixirs while Hadder stared at a thick golden substance that sloshed slowly in his round crystalline glass.

  Jonny lifted his glass, and Reena did the same. "Hadder, my friend. This is how we toast here in Station. The Before is no more, we've all closed that door. To Station, our home, where new dreams are born. Cheers!"

  Hadder put the Number 7 to his lips and drank deeply. He was happy to discover that the beverage was mildly sweet and much lighter than it appeared. It went down quick and smooth, and Hadder felt it warm his belly and massage his brain almost instantly. A relaxing chemical drifted through his bloodstream, loosening muscles and lessening inhibitions. For the first time in memory, a small smile crept onto Hadder's face.

  Reena noticed it almost immediately. "Ahh, there it is, Jonny. That's what we've been looking for."

  "Yes, love, the Number 7 always does the trick. Orientation periods always require potent relaxants."

  As they made small talk, people continued to enter Morning's Echo, joining others at the round side tables and filling chairs around the large bar. Jonny seemed to be taking a lay of the land when he spoke. "When do you think I should make the introduction, Miss Song?"

  Reena looked Hadder up and down, failing to hide her rating of his current attire. "Jonny, you absolutely have to let me clean him up before you do. And get some proper Celebration Cluster garments on him. We don't want everyone judging the poor thing before they've even met him."

  "Right you are, yet again, love. I'll meet you both upstairs in what feels like an hour."

  Reena pulled Hadder from his stool. "Come with me, Marlin. Please."

  Reena led Hadder down and past the central bar towards the back of the Echo, where he noticed two large double doors. They gave way quickly under Reena's soft push. To the left, stairs rose to the upper mezzanine, while the right found stairs going down to another floor under the main Bar. Reena spoke as they descended, holding tightly to Hadder's arm. "Careful going down, Marlin. That Number 7 can do a number on your equilibrium."

  "Where are we going?"

  "To the living quarters. Morning's Echo is one of the few Bars in the Celebration Cluster that maintains living quarters, which is great if you don't feel like getting ready until you get here. Or if you make a new friend and can't wait to tear their clothes off." Reena released another giggle that Hadder found intoxicating, building on his foundation of Number 7.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Hadder found that he had entered a spacious lounge area. There, he found plush white leather armchairs, expensive-looking rugs, full-length mirrors, and ornate side tables. Spread throughout were colorful drinks, smoking ashtrays, and unfamiliar board games. Several patrons were in the lounge, some merely relaxing with drink and smoke while others worked furiously at the mirrors, straightening here and curling there in an attempt to look their best. Those that noticed the new pair enter the room gave Reena a friendly nod and Hadder a curious glance before returning to their thoughts and endeavors.

  Also in the room were two manikins, this time in the shapes of females, waiting patiently for instruction. Reena marched up to the nearest one. "Lemma, I need some clothes for this beautiful man." The manikin's white eyes showed no recognition nor betrayed any emotion, if it had any, merely turning on its heal and moving towards one of the many small hallways that spidered off from the lounge. It passed several closed doors before coming to one with a white hand insignia on its face. Standing silently before the door, the lemma manikin placed its own white hand on the door's matching mark. An electric blue line outlined the door momentarily before it slid to the side, allowing entrance.

  Reena explained, "Throughout Station, doors that you can enter have white hand buttons on them. If the hand buttons are red, it means the room is currently occupied or off limits to residents."

  Shuffling into the room, Hadder looked around to find that it looked like an impossibly fancy fast food restaurant. Maybe twenty feet into the room, a lucent counter ran from right to left, effectively cutting the space in half. The lemma manikin walked behind the impressive counter through a short break on the right side and waited patiently. After a few seconds, it pointed up.

  Hadder looked above the manikin and watched as a screen running the wall's length came to life, showing images of men and women wearing a variety of clothing, much of which he had never seen or even imagined.

  "Show me men's. More formal," said Reena, looking up as the filters took effect and narrowed down selections. "What's your style, Marlin? And don't tell me it's this t-shirt and jeans look. I mean, sure it has its place, but not here. And certainly not tonight. You're going to be the belle of the ball this Haela."

  Hadder thought back to what the people in Station referred to as the Before, back to a life too-briefly full of joy and love, hugs and kisses, big smiles, and tiny laughs. In that life, Hadder wore suits to work, taking real pride in his appearance as a reflection of his contentment. He wanted to feel that way again, if only for a night.

  "I'd like a suit, Reena."

  She slapped her hands together. "Oh, I was hoping you'd say that. I was terrified you were gonna say khakis or a hoodie. Do you mind? I have a vision of something breathtaking but casual, perfect for this Haela. Also, there's a lot of materials and options here you've never seen before."

  Hadder looked again at Reena's exotic outfit, "I believe you. Please have at it."

  Reena marched up to the lemma manikin and began speaking too low for Hadder to overhear, motioning with her hands in an expression of her excitement. The manikin, as usual, stood unmoving. After several minutes passed, with Reena conferring with the digital board and making various selections, she returned to Hadder's side. "Ok, stand up straight, Marlin. Now turn to the side. Good, now turn around. Perfect. It should have all your measurements now. Let's head out while it works."

  Reena began leading Hadder back into the hallway. Hadder turned briefly and saw the manikin start to move in a blur of motion, grabbing fabrics from behind the counter and taking them to the left-hand wall, against which he noticed a sewing station. There, it sat and began cutting cloth in a fast, measured pace. As the door slid shut behind him, he already began to hear the whirr of a sewing machine.

  Once outside, Reena walked Hadder further down the hallway, stopping at a pair of large double doors, which slid open upon Reena's light touch. Inside was a large shower room, with nozzles of bright brass on the ceiling and back wall. Vented flooring gave off warm and inviting steam, and Hadder, for the first time, took note of the dirt and grime that stuck to his skin with dried sweat. Around three-quarters of the shower area, save
the back wall, was an area set back from the sprayers that housed marble benches and open lockers of polished metal. No one else was in the community shower, for which Hadder was grateful. Although not a prude, he wasn't quite ready for a group cleansing.

  Reena motioned him to the left. "You can get undressed over at the locker. I'll take those clothes."

  "Where are you going to put them?"

  "In the nearest fire, silly. These rags reek of the Before."

  Hadder walked over and began to undress, feeling awkward about handing a beautiful girl his soiled, smelly garments. He stopped when down to his underwear and gave Reena a nervous look. She smiled knowingly. "I'll leave the rest to you," she said, turning back to the main doors. Just walk into the shower area and say water. When you're finished, say water stop. Say air, and you'll discover why no towels are provided. I'm going to dispose of these and check on your suit."

  "But it's only been like a minute."

  "Desires are met fast here in Station," Reena responded as the double doors slid closed again.

  Hadder took a deep breath to calm himself. Although he had always done well with women, it had been a long time since he had allowed himself to be so close to one, especially in such intimate circumstances. After the accident, being around another woman had seemed tantamount to cheating, bringing with it guilt that tightened like a noose the closer they got. Therefore, he just stopped and resigned himself to a life alone.

  But this wasn't then. This wasn't the Before. As far as he could tell, this wasn't even the Earth he knew. Maybe his vows didn't apply here; he certainly didn't feel them pressing on his chest the way he used to. Perhaps he was finally rid of their hold on his life.

  Sliding his underwear off, Hadder stepped onto the community shower floor and was greeted by the warm mist. Moving closer to the center, he saw specks of color dancing in the steam, rainbows that not only touched his skin, but awoke something inside. Standing in the middle, Hadder said water, and gentle cascading waterfalls fell upon him. As the only bather, not only did the water from directly above him strike him, but liquid from other far away nozzles began to bend impossibly in the air, some at 90-degree angles, to touch his feet, legs, hips, and back. Hadder felt the glittered water open his pours, soften his skin, smooth age lines, tighten fat deposits, and thicken his hair.

  Head down, letting the magical water wash away the past years, Hadder began to gently weep, not only in gratitude for this new life but in mourning for the life he was leaving behind, placing it firmly in the Before. Although in recent years the Before had given him nothing but pain and loss, he had grown to depend on that pain, to define himself by it. Without it, who was he?

  Who was Marlin Hadder now?

  "You're one of us now," Hadder heard softly behind him, a simple answer to his difficult question. Reena had entered the community shower and now stood before him, naked save her Light Crown, which continued its rotations and appeared even more enchanting as it cut through the water. She, too, had the prismatic water moving at strange angles to wash her. With half the water on Hadder and the other half on Reena, it looked like two crystalline arms pushing them together, needing them to connect under a glassy gaze. Reena reached up slowly to softly touch Hadder's cheek before cupping her hand behind his head and pulling it in for a sensual kiss. Her tongue darted into his mouth, and he tasted tropical chemistry as it flicked his own, sending shockwaves through his body as it shrank pupils and enlarged something else. Hadder nearly fell over from the sensation but was kept upright by Reena, who seemed to anticipate this reaction.

  "What about Jonny VV," Hadder managed weakly, barely pulling the words from a foggy mind.

  "This is Station, Marlin. We all belong to each other, but none to one. Relax."

  And Hadder did relax as their lips met again, sending waves of ecstasy through his body, a mere precursor of the pleasures to come. Hadder fell out of time as his and Reena's bodies intertwined. At one point, he laid on the warm shower floor, Reena astride him as two jets of water met her back, a true angel nursing him back to health. In that warm embrace, Hadder drifted away from the Before forever, floating softly to land in Station's permanence.

  "Welcome home," Reena whispered in his ear, and all went white.

  Hadder came to completely dry on one of the side benches. He rose his head and saw Reena, already dressed, waiting near the front shower doors.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked.

  "Alive" was the only response he could formulate, and she laughed.

  "I hope you don't mind; I took the liberty of having the system dry you while you slept."

  "How long was I out?"

  "Not long at all."

  Hadder became suddenly embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have passed out like that. I…"

  Reena stopped him. "Happens to everyone the first time they take Awakening." She saw his confusion. "The chemical that was on my tongue. Better you experience it first with a friend, the stuff is going to be all around you tonight." Reena pointed to the nearest locker. "I already picked up your suit from the lemma. It's hanging up. There's a full-length mirror by the door here. I'll wait for you in the hall."

  When she exited, Hadder tried to get up, but immediately fell back onto the bench laughing. His legs were jelly, and his heart was beating like a lab rat's, but he felt truly fantastic. Composing himself, he rose again, this time remaining upright, and moved over to the locker that held his new clothes.

  Hanging in the locker was an eloquent single-breasted suit made of a strange sterling material that swam like quicksilver. Below the hanging suit, folded nicely, was a pair soft, form-fitting underwear and socks. As he dressed, Hadder marveled at the material used for everything. Light and airy, it felt as if he wore nothing at all. The pants and white button-up shirt stretched to accommodate his large form without being tight. The jacket was a perfect fit, hugging his shoulders but giving way easily as he moved. Soft, elegant cognac dress shoes and belt completed the look.

  Moving towards the full-length mirror, Hadder was shocked by the man who stared back. The suit was as Reena said, fashionable but loose, skillfully tailored for a man who wanted to give the impression that he really didn't care to try hard. It was perfect.

  But it wasn't just the clothes that had changed. The man who stood in the community shower had a light in his eyes, one Hadder thought to be extinguished long ago, never to be reignited. After straightening clothes that probably never needed smoothing, Hadder ran a hand through his wavy brown hair and left through the double doors, a smile plastered on his face that would take a putty knife to remove.

  Reena, true to her word, waited in the hallway. She inhaled deeply as Hadder came into the light. "Well, well, I must say. I have really outdone myself with this one. You look amazing. The women are gonna hurt themselves falling over you."

  Hadder tried to find the words to thank this magnificent creature. "Reena, I…"

  Understanding flashed in her eyes, and she quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back down the hall. "Not necessary and no time anyway. We're late, and they're waiting to meet you."

  "Who is?"

  "Everyone, silly."

  Down the hall, they rushed through the lounge area, which was now empty save a single manikin, and up the stairs. They passed the landing to the ground floor and kept climbing, exiting at the top onto the second-floor mezzanine. People milled about along the entirety of the balcony, many looking towards Hadder when he stepped out. Jonny moved up quickly to greet them.

  "Took your time, didn't you, love," stated Jonny without any undertones of anger.

  "A Baptism was needed."

  "Ahh, lucky you," said Jonny through a bright smile, and again, Hadder detected no jealousy in his new friend.

  "And anyway," said Reena, "look what I've brought back."

  "But by god, old chap, you do look incredible. Who could have known what was hidden under all that dirt and cotton?"

  "I did," answered Reena, proud of
her handiwork.

  "Well, of course. But I knew all along you were in good hands, didn't I, Hadder? Come old boy, it's time to introduce you to the city. Don't worry, I can already see the concern on your face, no need to make a speech or open up the book of your life. This will merely save you a lot of time and confused looks later this Haela. Just trust me."

  Jonny moved Hadder past the throngs that had gathered on the mezzanine and towards the pearl-like railing that protected revelers from nasty falls. As Hadder made his way to the front, his breath caught as he glimpsed the crowd that had gathered below. Arm across his shoulders, Jonny joined Hadder and touched a small indentation on the railing. His voice boomed across Morning's Echo, amplified by unseen speakers.

  "Dear, dear residents, and friends. Silence for a moment, please." Jonny waited for a moment as the crowd quickly quieted. "You all know me by now."

  In unison, the entire bar shot back, "Jonny VV!"

  "That's right! Your recognition honors me. But you do not know this handsome gentleman to my left, for he is new to Station." Loud conversation rose up across the Bar, some excited, some worried. Jonny paused again, then continued. "Now, before you all start asking what this means, please note that Station did not sink into the desert. The drinks are still cool and effective." Jonny shot a smirk towards Hadder. "The showers are still hot and inviting. Nothing has changed. Except we have a new member of the family, a striking one at that! So, please, one and all, join me in welcoming our newest resident and family member - Marlin Hadder!" Applause started slowly but picked up steam. Within seconds, the entire Bar was a theater after a Shakespearean play, pushing Hadder back with the volume and enthusiasm of its welcome. Jonny held his hand up, calming the crowd. "Now that you know Hadder here, please be nice to him. We all know how wonderful but strange our fair city can be. Help him adjust. Help him forget the Before. Help him live again!"


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