Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5) Page 4

by Carson Mackenzie

  “That has to be someone special you’re thinking of.” I jumped at the voice and looked up and saw the elderly lady had finished with her business and the woman behind the counter grinned at me.

  “Excuse me?” I blinked and stepped forward.

  “Oh, hun, a woman with a dreamy look and flushed face, who doesn’t answer when called, no doubt a man is involved.” The woman winked, and I felt mortified as though she knew exactly what had been going on in my head. Manners was the only thing that kept me from turning around and walking out.

  “No man I’m afraid.” I forced a chuckle. “Just running through everything I need to get done today.”

  The woman smiled, and I knew she hadn’t bought the lame excuse, but I was grateful she hadn’t called me out on it. I bought my stamps, mailed my bills, and was on my way to my next stop. And when the man tried to push forward in my head again, I shut him out. He had his time taking up space there, and I wasn’t interested in the least for his continued appearance.

  When I got back in my car, and the voice in my head chanted, lair, lair, pants on fire, I told her to shut up, pulled out of the parking lot and totally ignored the mocking laughter as it echoed in my mind.

  By the time I made it to my next stop, I walked into the building and headed straight for the office without speaking to anyone. I threw the door open and asked, “Are people who live in this town more apt to suffer bouts with their sanity?”

  “Not to my knowledge. But why don’t you close the door and have a seat, sweetheart, then you can tell me what’s got you so flustered.” The sheriff leaned back in his chair, and I sat and began my rant. And if I hadn’t been acting neurotic at that moment, I might have noticed his eyes change from sparkling with humor to frowning with concern.

  Chapter Three


  “This building is in great shape. Not a lot of work to do to bring it up to code. Price is reasonable. The biggest expense is the security system you want to put in,” I said as I walked out the back door of the building Boss and Turk were buying.

  “Might want to replace this outer door, though. Replace the hollow steel with a solid one and add a door bar. Not that someone would be stupid enough to hit a club business, but no sense enticing them with easy access,” Coast said as he looked over the door and its framework.

  “Yeah, that was what we thought, too. Turk and I also discussed changing out the plate glass windows in the front or at the very least adding steel bars.” I followed Boss around the side to the front with the others.

  “I’d go with the ballistic glass. Security with a clear view instead of the bars,” Flirt said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

  As we stood on the sidewalk and discussed a few other changes and upgrades, the door to the bakery next door opened and Romeo, Flirt’s dad, walked out with Claire.

  “Sheriff’s going to ticket you boys for loitering,” Romeo said as they walked up to join us. I hadn’t missed the proprietary gesture of Romeo’s hand at the small of Claire’s back and neither had Flirt.

  “Maybe Boss and Turk should look at a different area for the store. Seems this part of town has a few unsavory characters lurking around,” Flirt said, and his dad laughed.

  “Now is that any way to talk about Claire? She’s been in business around here for a long time.” Romeo leaned down and kissed the top of Claire’s head, and a faint blush rose on her cheeks. I lifted a brow at the suggestion the move made. Seemed a lot of changes were happening in the club these days.

  “So, not just interested in the sweets sold in the bakery, huh?” I groaned at Flirt’s attempt at subtlety while Coast, Boss, and Turk coughed to cover up their laughter.

  “Good grief, I’ve never known one of you boys to beat around the bush about anything. Ask the question that shows on your face, Flirt. Better yet, let me answer it and get everything out in the open. I’m seeing Michael and guess what? We are attracted to each other and don’t you,” Claire pointed at me, “act all damn surprised because I know you’ve seen me leaving a few mornings from Black Hawk. That’s what is wrong with young people, you think too dang much instead of trusting your feelings. Life is short, don’t ever put off things or you might run out of time. That’s one thing I learned the hard way. When I got sick, I promised myself then if I came through the ordeal, I wouldn’t put off doing or even saying whatever I want.”

  Claire turned and walked back to the bakery while I and the others stood there and stared after her. No one said anything until the door closed behind her.

  “Well, so much for not wanting to embarrass her by bringing up that I’ve seen her on more than one occasion leaving the compound early in the morning,” I said and grinned at Romeo.

  “Yeah, she mentioned it to me several times. The first time you saw her, she expected to have Bailey stopping in the bakery that day. She has stopped by her mother’s house while I’ve been there, but she doesn’t say or ask anything.”

  “Maybe she thinks if something serious is going on that you and her mother will have the decency to tell her.” Romeo glanced at Flirt and his brows lowered. Coast and I moved closer in case we needed to act fast to keep father and son from each other.

  “I don’t get in your personal business, and I expect the same respect. No, I demand the fucking respect. So, you better say now if you and I are going to have a problem, son.” Romeo stepped closer, and this time, Boss and Turk moved to a better position to help Coast and me if the situation turned for the worst.

  “Hell no, I’ll always have respect for you and will stand behind you, right or wrong, but...” Flirt cut off and chuckled, which relaxed everyone, “if you hurt that woman, it will be because of that respect I won’t let Bailey kill you; however, I will let her take some hide off your ass, then I’ll take you to the hospital.” We laughed with Flirt, and so did Romeo.

  “Well, then it’s a damn good thing I don’t plan to hurt her, but...” Romeo said as he mimicked Flirt before he went on. “I do plan to make her my ol’ lady, and that includes marrying her. So, if Bailey feels the need to tear off some hide, I’ll let her. Won’t change nothing. I’m going to marry her mama whether she or anyone else thinks I’m not good enough for her.” A few minutes of quiet went by before anyone of us responded to Romeo’s declaration.

  “Sonofabitch, I’m not eating or drinking another damn thing at the clubhouse. Motherfuckers are dropping like flies.” I looked over at Turk, and he shook his head.

  “I’m with you, Turk,” Boss said, and the brothers bumped knuckles.

  “Since I told you my plan before I’ve even asked Claire, let me tell you that if it gets back to her before I get the chance, I’ll tear some goddamned hide off some asses myself.” Romeo looked at each of us and lifted a brow.

  After we agreed to keep our mouths shut, he mentioned the reason for coming out to talk with us in the first place.

  “I wanted to see if Boss and Turk would add in a couple surveillance cameras that point toward Claire’s shop. Figured the added security on her place couldn’t hurt with the cannabis store next to it.”

  “Don’t see a problem. I can add it on to our order, then mention it at the next club meeting.” Boss looked at me after he answered Romeo.

  “Yeah, do that, Boss. Romeo, you know we’re at least going to have to inform Crusher, Devil, and Speed why right?”

  “I know, Jag, and appreciate it, but we know what’s going to happen if the women get wind of the reason. That’s why I was hoping the cameras could be added and I would personally pay the extra cost.”

  “Are you suggesting that our brothers’ ol’ ladies can’t keep their mouths closed?” I asked and was unable to keep my lips from twitching.

  “Not saying they would blab all over town. Now, amongst themselves, hell yes, which is exactly what I want to avoid. I don’t want everyone in the club knowing before Claire,” Romeo said and glanced over his shoulder as if to make sure Claire hadn’t snuck up on him from the bakery.

��Afraid she might not want to lock herself to your old ass and say no?” Flirt asked, and his dad glared.

  “Always gotta be a smartass. And just ‘cause I might be getting a little gray around the edges, don’t mean I can’t hold my own in taking you down a notch.”

  “Yeah, keep thinking that, old man. Your delusion will keep you young,” Flirt said and slapped Romeo’s back.

  “You know, we could pass off the extra cameras as looking out for Bailey’s mom,” Coast suggested, then looked at me and cocked a brow.

  “I don’t see a problem with it. The women won’t know the real reason until Romeo has his woman locked down. Ya know, club business and all,” I said, and Boss and Turk shook their heads.

  “What?” I asked.

  “First off, no disrespect intended, VP. But the women in the club don’t miss much. Hell, they probably know more about what goes on than any of us do.”

  “You could be right, Boss.” I couldn’t argue with Boss’s assessment and neither could the others.

  We went back to the discussion of security equipment and where we thought the best placement for the outside surveillance would be.

  “Ya know, with the store going here, Claire’s bakery could see more traffic than it already does,” Flirt said, and the rest of us stared at him until what he referred to registered.

  “Get their medicinal products here, then stop at Claire’s and pick up sweets for the munchies later,” I said and chuckled.

  “Well, shit. Maybe we should attach one of those awnings on the front and add a few tables with chairs, then they don’t have to wait until they’re home to have a toke and enjoy,” Turk said seriously, then turned to look over the front of the building.

  The thought really had merit, and I found myself trying to picture if it would work out.

  “As entertaining as this is, I think I’ll leave you to it and go take my woman to lunch,” Romeo announced.

  “You and Claire heading to Soft Tails to eat?” I asked as I stopped looking at the building and turned toward Romeo.

  “Nah, not today. We’re meeting Cruz at Thelma’s diner.” I didn’t miss Romeo’s eyes when they shifted to Coast and back. Interesting. Seemed lately the dads had been up to more than fishing and riding their bikes. Also made me wonder if I’d missed anything with my old man.

  “Alright, tell Thelma we said hey and try to stay out of trouble,” I said, and Romeo grinned.

  As he turned toward the bakery and started to walk away, he spoke over his shoulder, “Not a chance in hell. It’s you boys’ responsibility to keep us in line. Good luck with that, too.” Romeo’s laughter was cut off as the bakery door closed behind him.

  “Damn, I’m having a beer with lunch while I go over the paperwork for this building. Let’s lock this place up and head to Soft Tails. Since we pass the sheriff’s station on our way, I need to stop there.”

  “Why? Got a ticket that needs to be paid?” Coast asked.

  “No. Sheriff asked me to look over some documents for him.” I shrugged.

  “Damn, you are in demand, Jag. You might want a building of your own to hang a shingle out,” Flirt said, and I flipped him off.

  “As if I’ve got the time between the bike shop and club shit. Besides, the sheriff has always treated the club fair, it’s the least I can do for him.”

  Everyone agreed with me, and after the building was locked up tight, we mounted our bikes and headed down the main road through town.

  As we grew closer to the station house, a man and woman embraced on the sidewalk and I grinned when I recognized the man was Sheriff Lance. The woman he had his arms wrapped around had her back toward the road, which wasn’t a bad thing in my eyes, the jeans she wore hugged her ass, and that alone was drool-worthy on the woman. The sheriff being a lucky man went through my head as we reached where the couple stood and pulled into the parking lot that was on the side of the station. The noise from our pipes had the couple breaking apart, but the sheriff left an arm around the woman’s waist as they turned and watched us pull in.

  After we parked, I swung my leg over my bike and dismounted while the others stayed on their bikes to wait. When I turned toward the pair and got my first good look at the woman, my appetite left, my blood pressure surely was on the rise since a red haze moved over my eyes as I focused on the woman’s face. My teeth ground with every step I took, and there was no need for a mirror to show me the veins in my neck pulsed, I felt them, and the ones in my temples because they throbbed in a synchronized beat.

  “How’s it going, Dom?” Sheriff Lance asked as I approached, but I hadn’t taken my eyes off the woman beside him with her chin stuck out as she glared at me.

  “Good. Was in town so I thought I’d stop by and grab the papers you wanted me to look over. You seem busy, though, so if you need me to grab them later that’s cool,” the tone as I spoke was harsh to my own ears.

  “Nah, I’m not busy, Dom. I didn’t expect you to come by and pick up the paperwork. You’re doing me a favor, I would have brought them out to the club. But I do want to know why you are staring at River. You got a problem with my—”

  “You don’t need to take up for me. I can handle the man’s rudeness. We’ve had a couple incidents. Nothing to worry about.” River glared back at me, and I sneered. Incidents was a nice way of putting it.

  “Incidents my ass. That day if I’d been one second sooner to that parking spot, I wouldn’t be standing here. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the next time I see you, you try to take me out on the sidewalk,” I gritted out through my teeth.

  My morning pep talk about the woman in front of me went to the wayside. And Luna was way off base in her take on River and me. No one was going to get second-degree burns from the heat between us, they were more likely to get blown up.

  “Exaggerate much,” River said and rolled her eyes.

  “No, but I do wonder how you walk with the stick up your as—”

  “Okay, I think that’s enough,” the sheriff cut me off while he moved the arm around River’s waist to grab her forearm when she took a step toward me.

  The sheriff shook his head and grinned when River looked up at him.

  “I think it’s time for you to be on your way. Drive safe, okay, baby?” The sheriff chuckled when River glared at him, then he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “Fine. Whatever. Don’t forget dinner tonight. You’re still coming, right?” River asked as she stepped away when the sheriff let her arm loose.

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Sheriff Lance answered and waved his arm toward the front entrance to the station. “If you’ll follow me to my office, Dom, I’ll grab those papers for you.”

  “No problem.” I gave a last sneer at River, then turned away.

  “I’ll have everything you like ready and waiting,” River yelled. When I glanced over my shoulder, she stepped toward the parking lot and headed to her car. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed the little silver Mercedes when we pulled in.

  “Make sure you don’t run over my brothers when you pull out,” I yelled and continued to follow the sheriff.

  “Thanks! And why don’t you try not to be an insolent asshole!” River was in her car before I had the chance to respond to her parting shot. My disposition went further into the toilet when I noticed my brothers sat on their bikes grinning.

  “Fuck everybody,” I mumbled, then flipped my brothers off as I walked into the station. The sheriff was already in his office, and I nodded to Shirley as I passed her desk and walked through the doorway.

  “Appreciate you taking time to look at this for me. I haven’t changed anything in years, and I’m sure there’s stuff that needs adjusted, increased, or added. My will is in there, a few stocks, my personal insurance policy and 401K. Also, my pension information and the insurance policy that is included with my job that I’ll have an option of keeping whenever I leave my position. If you find anything I’m missing or should have in place, please give me the suggestions. I want
to make sure River is taken care of if anything happens to me.”

  “Why would you want to do this for a woman who’s been with you, what? A couple months?”

  Will Lance was a smart man and a friend to the club, no way would I let some young woman take everything the man had worked for.

  “Because she’s mine, Dom, and I love her. That’s why most men do these things. River moved here to be close to me after her divorce, and I won’t let anything, or anyone, hurt her again. I know about the run-ins the two of you have had. She told me about them. I think you’ve misunderstood what is between she and I. And what you witnessed in front of the station probably didn’t help. I don’t know why she stopped me from telling you then,” the sheriff said and shook his head. For what, I had no clue. There was no need for an explanation in my book. Anyone driving by that saw them together wouldn’t need one.

  “No need for you to explain, I think I fully understand. But you asked me to look at these papers for you, so it technically makes me your counsel, and being that, I’m required to give the best advice I have to offer. Hold off on any changes for now. I understand you think you have feelings for her, but do you know if she has the same for you?”

  “Dom, I’d really like to explain what is between River and me. You’ve got the wrong impres—”

  “Nope, we’re good, Will. Your personal life is just that. You’re a good friend to everyone at Black Hawk, and I wouldn’t feel like I was doing my job if I didn’t at least try to get you to change your mind. Let me give these a once over, then you and I can sit down and talk after. If you still feel the same, well, I’ll do what my client asks of me within the legal system. However, I can set it up where you won’t lose anything that you’ve worked for if the relationship goes south.” I took the manila envelope he pulled out of his desk and had held out to me.

  “Alright, we’ll talk after you read through the papers, son. I think once you go through them, you’ll get a clearer picture,” Sheriff Lance said, then chuckled when I frowned.


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