Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5) Page 8

by Carson Mackenzie

  “I get when she was little she didn’t have much say, but when she was a teenager, why didn’t she revolt against what her mother wanted to do?” I asked, because frankly what I’d seen of the woman, she gave as good as she got.

  “Because by then, she’d put up a shield to deal. It was easier for her than the argument it would have caused between her and her mother.”

  “So not only is she unsure of herself, she wears a shield to hide her true self?”

  “Yes, the real her is underneath, I’ve seen peeks of her. I’m just not sure she knows how to let her fully out,” Will said and leaned back in his chair.

  “Is this your way of warning me not to push her, but take it slow and easy until she finds her way?” I asked and cocked a brow at him.

  “Last month, hell, a few days ago I might have said that. But watching the two of you yesterday, I’ve never seen her go at someone like that. Before she would have shut down, accepted what you said even if it pissed her off, then she would have avoided you from then on to avoid any confrontation.”

  “Exactly what are you saying, Will?” I was caught off guard when Will smiled.

  “I’ve known you your whole life. You're confident, sure of what you want out of life. You play by your rules, but you’re fair, loyal, and not easily deterred when you’ve set your mind on something. Every one of those traits served you well in the military and is making you a great vice president for Black Hawk. So, I’m telling you to push with River. Break through the wall and help her step out into the world how she should have a long time ago. I won’t stick my nose in what goes on between the two of you, well as long as you don’t do something stupid. The only thing I do ask, Dom, is if you decide to push her, make sure you want a relationship with her. I’m not saying marriage, hell, she just got out of one. I’m saying don’t go after her because you like the challenge she brings and once it’s gone, you’re gone. Because if she lets you in and you aren’t willing to put in the time, I’m not sure she will ever bother to try again. And I want my daughter to be happy. She deserves it.”

  “Will, I can’t guarantee forever, I don’t know River. But I’m interested enough to get to know her and see what this pull between her and I is,” I said as honestly as I could since he was being more than open with me.

  “That’s all I can ask,” Will said and leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk.

  “I’ll do my best not to hurt her. And if I do, know it won’t be intentional.”

  “Fair enough. How about we go through your notes since I’ve taken up part of your morning? I only have a couple of questions, everything you suggested looks good.”

  I stood and moved to stand beside Will, so I could view the documents with him.

  “One last thing, Dom,” Will said, looking up at me. “If the two of you decide to get together, I don’t want to know any specifics. Some things fathers don’t need to know. When a man has a daughter, he sleeps better without that knowledge.”

  “Sure thing,” I said, then chuckled.

  “Appreciate it.”

  I placed my hand on Will’s shoulder and squeezed before I leaned closer to read where he pointed.

  The sooner we finished, the sooner I could head to River’s.

  Chapter Eight


  I heard a motorcycle and walked to the window in the living room and looked out to see Dom pulling into my driveway and a car passing by.

  Did the man not have any manners? Who just showed up at someone’s house at nine in the morning. Thank God, I’d showered and changed out of my pajamas. Not that yoga pants and a tank were any different than the sweats and oversized shirt I slept in.

  I watched him dismount, then remove his helmet and set it on the seat. He turned toward the road, and I followed his direction to where a car was moving down the street before turning the corner.

  When Dom turned around and started for the front door, I ducked from the window not wanting to be caught. Instead of ringing the bell, he knocked, and I moved to the door. Before I opened it, I straightened the hem of my shirt, then ran my hands nervously down my thighs. With one deep breath, I pulled the door open.

  “Dom, what are you doing here?” I asked as he looked me over.

  “You’re an intelligent woman, River.”

  Before I had a chance to reply, he placed his hands on my hips and moved me back as he stepped through the doorway. Once he was inside, he released me, kicked the door shut, then cupped my face between his hands and leaned down until his lips were aligned with mine.

  “You’ve got two seconds to tell me no before I kiss you,” he said, and I felt the warmth from his breath at his closeness.

  What I saw in his eyes had my stomach tightening, and I licked my lips at their sudden dryness. The kiss we shared in my car had been unexpected, and by the time I’d gotten past the shock of it, it was over. This kiss would be more, and though I still wasn’t sure if I wanted anything to do with the man in front of me, I went to my toes and closed the distance.

  I made the move, but in no way was I the one to control the kiss. At some point in the meeting of our lips, Dom turned us, and I found myself with my back against the door.

  His lips were warm, and when his tongue demanded entrance, I complied by opening to him. Our tongues met and dueled while we explored each other’s mouths. Dom tasted of coffee with a hint of mint, and the flavors had me wanting to experience more of him. At some point, as the kiss continued, I placed my hands at his waist and held on for support. With his body pressed against mine, I couldn’t help but feel his hardness. It was then I realized that I had a choice to make, not because of Dom’s words from the day before—no, it was because I needed to decide if I could put my past hurt aside and take a chance with this man.

  Thomas’s deceit and actions had hurt me, but, Dom, though we really didn’t know each other well, I knew if I let him in and he hurt me, it ultimately could destroy me.

  Was I willing to risk it? Willing to take a chance to see if what I felt with him was more than just lust or something to take away the loneliness that being single and on my own for the first time? Could I live with the regret for the unknown because I let my fear of failure with another man fuel my decision?

  Dom broke the kiss and looked into my eyes as we both fought to catch our breaths. The blue in his eyes had darkened with desire. Desire for me. I didn’t want to compare him to Thomas after what we shared, but it didn’t escape me that not once had Thomas ever looked at me with such need.

  “You need to go put on jeans and a sweatshirt or grab a jacket. Or my decision to get to know you before this,” Dom dropped his hands from my face and waved between us, “goes further, will be tossed and I will carry you upstairs to your bedroom and get to know you on a whole different level. And if that kiss is any indication, our sexual experience will be explosive.”

  “Why do I need to change?” I asked and shook my head to clear it.

  “Because I want to spend the day with you and we are going to be on my bike.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Go change, River. I thought we could spend the day together. I want to take you out on my bike. But if you want to stay here, in the house, where we can get to know each in private...instead of in public—”

  I wasn’t sure if Dom had anything else to say, I cut him off before he had the chance, “Fine. But you could have asked instead of being bossy,” I said, then stepped toward the stairs. “I might have other plans,” I added over my shoulder as I climbed the stairs.

  “You’ll get used to it. And I told you before, plans change,” Dom said.

  “Pfft,” was my reply as I reached the landing, then stomped to my room at Dom’s chuckle.

  “Maybe I’m the one who needs some medication or therapy. Since instead of putting down my foot about him telling me what to do, I’m doing it. No questions asked,” I said while I moved around my bedroom doing what the man said to do. After I change into jeans, pulled my boots
on, then yanked the sweatshirt over my head, I headed back downstairs.

  “Sounded like you were having a nice conversation with yourself,” Dom said with a smirk on his face.

  “Oh, kiss my ass, Dom,” I said in defense to the fact he overheard me ranting.

  “Maybe later. Let’s go,” he commented and grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair before he opened the door and waited for me to go out first.

  While upstairs I stuck cash in one jean pocket, cell phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt, and after I locked my front door, I shoved my keys in another pocket. Then Dom led me to his bike.

  “Umm...would now be a good time to tell you that I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle,” I said and bit my lip looking at the two-wheeled machine.

  “No problem.” Dom reached in the bag on the side of his bike and pulled out a helmet and handed to me, then placed my jacket inside. After he grabbed his helmet off the seat, he helped with mine, snapping the strap on the side after placing it under my chin. Once he was on the bike, he patted the seat behind him. “Get on.”

  I awkwardly did as he had done and placed my feet on the bars Dom kicked out on each side.

  “Now, wrap your arms around me and hold on. Only thing you gotta do is go with the bike. Other than that, enjoy. Ready?”

  “Yes,” I answered, took a deep breath, and wrapped my arms around Dom’s waist. He waited for me to get settled, then cranked the bike. The sound of the pipes was loud, which I’d heard motorcycles before just never rode on one. But when he backed the bike out of the driveway to the street, then kicked it in gear, I held on a little tighter because, good grief, the vibration was something I hadn’t anticipated.

  We rode on main street before heading out of town, and I couldn’t stop looking around. It was definitely a different view than being inside a car. As we came upon the building where I took yoga classes and where the Black Hawk MC gym was, I saw Sami and Luna with their men along with others on the sidewalk. Dom slowed enough to throw up his hand as we passed by. The group waved, but all I could do was smile. No way was I letting go of Dom.

  When we reached the outskirts of town, Dom patted my leg, then sped up. The road began to have more and more curves the farther we got away from town.

  “Relax, River,” Dom yelled over the sound of the bike. With the helmet on, his voice was muffled and caused me to press against his back.

  “I’m not sure I can,” I said close to his ear. The position made it easier, and I heard Dom chuckle.

  “By the time this ride is over, you’ll wonder how you’ve gone without ever riding on a bike.”

  “If you say so.”

  “You’re doing great, baby. You’re leaning with me, and the bike like you’ve always ridden behind me,” Dom said as he removed one hand off the handlebar and squeezed my calf.

  “Should you be doing that?” I asked and felt his body shaking. “Are you laughing at me? It isn’t funny. You should keep your hands on the bars.”

  “Whatever you want. You ready for a pit stop?”

  “Sure,” I said and noticed as I looked around that we seemed to be heading into civilization again as we started to pass by a few spaced out houses and an occasional building.

  We rode a few more miles when Dom slowed and pulled off the road into the lot of a gas station. Next door to it sat an aged building that was evidently a restaurant if the sign hanging on the front of it was correct. He pulled up to the pump and shut the bike off.

  “You can let go now, River,” Dom said and patted my arms that were still wrapped around his waist.

  “Sorry,” I said and released him.

  “Hold onto my shoulders and slide off until your one foot is on the ground, then swing your other leg over. Make sure you keep hold of me until you get your legs under you. You’re going to be a bit stiff at first.”

  I did as he said, and when both my feet were on the ground, I groaned.

  “Oh my God, I can’t feel my legs or my butt,” I said while I pulled off the helmet.

  Dom smiled, pulled his own helmet off, and hook it on one handle. He then proceeded to get off the bike with an ease that had to come from years of riding.

  “Normal for first-timers. Once you walk around it will work itself out. I’m just going to top off my tank, then we’ll go to the restaurant and have lunch. It doesn’t look like much, but the food is excellent. Brothers and I found this place when we were out riding one time,” Dom said as he started filling his gas tank, and I stood off to the side.

  “It’s already lunchtime?” I asked and looked at my watch.

  “We’ve been riding for a couple hours.”

  “Wow, it didn’t feel like we’d been gone that long. I guess with all the scenery to look at you don’t think about how much time you’ve been riding.”

  “No, you don’t. Well...unless you get stuck in rain, then you either tough it out or look for a place to get out of it and hope it blows over.”

  It didn’t take long for the tank to fill and Dom was ready to move the bike. I looked at the bike, then over to the other building. It wasn’t that far away.

  “I’ll meet you over there. Maybe walking will bring the feeling in my butt cheeks back. Besides, it will be quicker than me getting back on and off again.”

  I hadn’t expected it and was caught off guard when Dom leaned in and kissed my forehead.

  “Meet you there,” he said and mounted the bike.

  I stood there a second before I turned and started toward the restaurant. For an out of the way place, there were quite a few vehicles in the parking lot. So, either other people passing by were taking a chance on the place, or the logical answer was the foliage probably hid homes from view with its thickness, and this was one of the local dives.

  By the time I reached the entrance, Dom was backed into a spot in the front and was getting off his bike.

  Once inside we were seated and given menus to look at while the older lady went to retrieve our drinks. The outside wasn’t in the best of shape, and though the inside was old, it was clean. Plus, if the aroma in the air were any indication, the food would be good.

  The waitress was back and after she set the drinks down, she pulled a pad out of her apron. “What can I get you?”

  I told her what I wanted and handed her the menu, then Dom followed suit. When she left to place our orders, I looked at Dom.

  “Tell me about your club?” I asked before he had the time to speak. I wasn’t ready to answer questions about myself. Not because I had anything to hide, I hadn’t lived a very exciting life. But from the small amount my dad had shared with me on Black Hawk MC, Dom and the others had.

  Chapter Nine


  Stopping had been more for me than for River. I needed a break from having her essentially wrapped around me. The woman was oblivious to the effect she had on me. With her thighs snuggly encasing my hips, her chest pressed into my back, and her arms wrapped tightly at my waist, I felt every ounce of her heat through my clothing. A couple of hours of that and my concentration was gone.

  I might have mentioned that I wanted to go slow with her, but it wasn’t going to happen. Not after speaking with her dad, and definitely not after tasting her. Any doubt I had of what I wanted went away with a vision of River naked and wrapped around me, and not on a bike. Well...at least not right now.

  “Tell me about your club?”

  River’s question shook me out of my head, and I realized I was staring at her while I dealt with my thoughts. I wanted to get her to open up to me, but she beat me to the punch.

  “Do you know anything about MCs?” I asked.

  “Other than what my dad told me after I’d seen some of the men around town with their vests on.”

  “Which was...?” I questioned and raised my brow.

  “Mainly how the club came to be in Shades Valley. At first, there may or may not have been some illegal activity going on with the club, but with no tangible proof, means there are no court re
cords to prove otherwise. He told me you and the others who make up the leadership...and I have to say, I’m not sure I understand that part...were raised by your single dads. No details on why. The club does a lot for the community, which has helped with the town’s overall acceptance with the club. Really, his information was basic.

  “So, this might make me sound naïve, even stupid to ask, but I assume your club isn’t anything like what was depicted in SOA? I binged watched the series on Netflix since I’ve had free time. I’ll admit it hooked me and I can’t wait to catch the spinoff MC show. There are tons of books out with the same theme. I’ve even purchased a few and they bring romance books to a new level. And what I noticed seeing the men in your club, watching SOA, and the books, the common denominator is hot gu—” River abruptly stopped talking, and her face pinkened. I grinned.

  “You think the men in my club are hot?” I teased. The waitress brought our food, which gave River a break in answering, but no way would I let that statement drop.

  Once the waitress walked away, River immediately started in on her food. I’d play along for a bit, so I picked up my burger and started eating, too. Since I missed breakfast, I plowed through my food before River was halfway through hers.

  “While you finish, I’ll tell you what I can about my club or most clubs in general. Don’t believe everything you read or watch on MCs. Are there some that deal in illegal things, sure, but they aren’t the norm. However, they still follow common club rules. No MC deals well with betrayal of any type. It’s a brotherhood where loyalty is primary. Everyone inside the club is family until they do something to not be considered that anymore. Black Hawk was formed by Stroker, Flyboy, Preacher, Cutter, Cruz, and Romeo. They served in the military together and were the original leadership of Black Hawk up until me, Crusher, Flirt, Coast, Devil, and Speed came home. We’ve been back a few months shy of two years. Speed was the last to make it back. Once he got here, our dads stepped down and turned the club over to us. Now we are the leadership. Crusher is our President, I’m the Vice President, Devil is the Secretary, Coast and Speed are Enforcers, and Flirt is the Treasurer.


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