Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)

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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5) Page 12

by Carson Mackenzie

  “Oh yeah, ‘cause we knew everything about riding. What were we, ten?” Coast asked, then chuckled.

  “Glad you guys can find humor in that day. I’m the one who had to spend five hours in the ER getting stitched,” Devil replied as we headed back to the garage.

  “Umm...because all we did was pick up speed taking the cones until the dads were surrounded by a big dust cloud. You were the one who pulled the front of the bike up for a wheelie and flipped it trying to walk it on the back tire,” Crusher said, and everyone laughed except for Devil.

  “Uncle Devil, will yous teach me how to do that?” Ally asked, causing all of us to jerk our heads in her direction.

  “No, he will not!” Speed snapped, then soften his voice, “You can be hurt badly doing that, Ally. Devil had to have his arm stitched and his forehead because the handlebars clipped him as the bike flipped over him. It could have easily landed on him.”

  Ally nodded to her dad, then with her hands on her hips, and a serious look on her face, she scanned her eyes over each of us. I could clearly picture her as a grown woman.

  “How come boys do dumb stuff?” she asked. We looked at each other, then focused on Speed, and silently asked for help. After the day Ally hanged out with us at the garage and we let her help—we learned moms don’t find their little girls caked in oil funny.

  “Women around the world ask that daily. I’m not sure there is an answer,” Speed said to her, and she nodded as if that statement alone made all the sense.

  “Okay. Am I going to stay with Shakes while yous go to Church?” she asked.

  “Yes. Shakes is at the clubhouse with Neely, and you’ll go home with them, then I’ll pick you up when we’re done. You and Neely behave for Shakes, okay?” Speed said.

  “‘K,” Ally said.

  I closed one bay door, and Coast closed the other. After Crusher locked the garage, we headed to the clubhouse.

  We didn’t talk club business in front of Ally, so the walk to the clubhouse was relatively quiet. And with Ally around that was rare and also didn’t last long. She left her dad’s side and moved to mine. I pulled on her ponytail, and she giggled.

  “Uncle Jag, do yous love me?” she asked, and I smiled when I looked down at her.

  “You know I love you, Ally. Why are you asking?” I looked at Speed, and he shrugged. And when I glanced at the others, they were frowning with looks of confusion. I couldn’t imagine why she would have any doubt about my feelings for her or any of the others’.

  “Then how come River gets to have a sleepover and not me?”

  Out of the mouth of babes came to mind, and when I heard snickers, I knew my brothers weren’t going to offer any help. I looked over to Speed.

  “Welcome to my world, brother,” he said and smirked.

  Wasn’t the first time I thought I needed new friends.

  I bent, grabbed Ally under the arms, and swung her until she sat on my shoulders.

  “I’ve never had you over for a sleepover because I didn’t want your other uncles to think you liked me more or for your dad to think you didn’t like that awesome motorcycle bed you have,” I said and squeezed her knees where I held her in place. When I glanced at the others, I smiled, and they sneered. I would no doubt hear their responses once Ally was out of earshot.

  “Oh yeah. Maybe it would be better if all yous came for a sleepover at my house. Can we do that, Daddy?” she asked, and I looked over at Speed and mouthed sorry for throwing him under the bus. I shouldn’t have worried about my brother, he was used to dealing with his daughter.

  “Sure, but you have to clear that with your momma,” Speed replied as we reached the back door to the clubhouse. From the sound of the bikes that could be heard, looked like most of the members were going to make the meeting.

  I set Ally on her feet, and she ran inside to find Neely as soon as I opened the door.

  “Nice save with Ally, but Sami is going to kill you when Ally bugs the shit out of her for a sleepover,” Speed said as he walked past. As we all made our way in the door, he stopped in the kitchen to speak with Shakes. The rest of us continued through the clubhouse to the large room that was located off the main one in the front of the clubhouse.

  When we started the construction on the building that held Soft Tails, we made the decision to turn the main bar area into a bar that served food. We also opened it up to the locals. The new Soft Tails strip club would be in the new addition added to the back. It would have its own public entrance there, and a private one for club members only from the bar side.

  So with the changes, we would now be holding Church at the clubhouse. For privacy, we converted the game room into a meeting room. The club was growing. Black Hawk hadn’t had a lot of members with ol’ ladies when it first started. But as the years passed, that changed, too.

  “Dad said before they bought the building and opened Soft Tails, they held Church here. They moved it to the bar when the club started to grow, and a lot of the members lived in town. Plus, it was easier for the ones working the other businesses to attend,” Crusher said as we reached the main room and brothers were coming in the door.

  “Yeah, my dad said the same thing,” I said as I walked through the doorway into the larger room. “Damn, the Prospects did a good job cleaning and setting this place up.”

  The two pool tables sat to the one side in their own area, sticks hung on the wall rack between the tables. The card tables would serve as seating tables when Church was held. I walked to the bar on the back wall and ran my hand over the top.

  “Ghost and Dare got it finished. Looks good, doesn’t it?” Flirt stated.

  “Talk about a business that is going to flourish once the word gets out,” Devil said as he stepped behind the bar.

  Crusher and I walked to the table in the front of the room and Devil and Flirt followed. When Speed walked in the rest of the members who had just arrived walked in behind him. Everyone sat and waited for Crusher to sit and start the meeting.

  When the four of us sat, Speed and Coast pulled the doors closed and stood on each side of them. Crusher banged the gavel and Church began.

  As I listened, my mind wandered to River. I couldn’t wait to see her again. I knew once the meeting was over, I wouldn’t hang around to bullshit, I had somewhere much better to be.

  Crusher informed everyone that Church would now be set for Friday evenings. Partying could start after for the ones who stayed around. He also reminded everyone that there were now small kids that came through, so they needed to be mindful.

  “VP is going to fill you in on what’s going on with the club businesses,” Crusher finished.

  “First, I want to acknowledge Ghost and Dare for the fine bar they built. We all know it holds what most of you come to Church for.” I waited for everyone to yell out their thanks and cheer over the bar, then continued. “The gym is ready to open as soon as the final inspection is done next week. The massage side is finished and ready to open. The only thing it needs is a few masseuses. We’ve received a lot of resumes and narrowed it down to ten for interviews.”

  “VP, I volunteer to be the interviewer,” Roscoe said, and the whole room chuckled.

  “As entertaining as that would be, Roscoe, Ghost’s and Speed’s ol’ ladies will be conducting those. They will be more apt in hiring the most qualified, instead of who has the best assets to look at.” I laughed at all the groans in the room. “The bar is doing good on its own, but it will do better when the strip club side is done, which is slated in four weeks. Boss and Turk are closing on the building for the cannabis store. If all goes well, it will be up and running in three months. There’s only one more thing to mention, but I’m going to let our Treasurer inform you because he hasn’t released the check in his hand since it was given to him.”

  Everyone laughed when Flirt held his hand up showing the check he still clutched.

  “With this check I hold, Sons of Black Hawk Custom Rides is officially in the black. The first bikes r
ode off the compound this morning. There are already new orders to take their place. Now I give the floor back to our Prez.”

  “Well, I say we christen the bar,” Crusher said and banged the gavel, ending Church.

  “I’ll be at River’s if you guys need me,” I said.

  “Coast, guess it is you and me now. Another is on his way down,” Flirt said, and I flipped him off.

  “We wanted to tell you, boys, how proud we are of you,” Stroker said as he and the other dads walked up.

  After one arm hugs and chatting, I made my break, anxious to see River.

  “You heading to town to see River?” my dad said as I took my first step toward the door.

  “How do you know about River?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say the girl is determined to run over an Amara.”

  “What?” I asked, and my dad filled me in on his close call. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You should be okay if you stay out of her way while she’s driving,” he said and chuckled.

  “Yeah. You call if you need me,” I said, and my dad nodded.

  “Same goes. And stay out of trouble.”

  “Depends on what kind you’re talking about,” I said and smacked his shoulder.

  Before anyone else got a chance to stop me, I went through the front door, then skirted the side of the clubhouse to head to my house. Ten minutes later, I was on my way to River’s.

  Riding down River’s street, I frowned when I saw Sami and River standing by the large, black Cadillac Escalade that was in her driveway beside Sami’s car. They had the doors open looking inside it. Both women turned and smiled as I reached the driveway and pulled up behind the SUV.

  River was talking before I even got the bike shut off. Once I dismounted, I pulled my helmet off and sat it on the seat.

  “Do you like it?” River asked as she waved her hand out like a game show host, making Sami laugh.

  “Great, did you get that monster so the next time you try to take out my dad or me, you won’t miss?” I grinned when she glared at me.

  “That didn’t take long to get back to you. Did he tell you it was his and the others’ fault because they were crossing in the wrong spot?” I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep from laughing at her putout look.

  “Well, at least I won’t have to worry about you get hurting in an accident,” I said, then as I got closer to her, I placed my hand on her neck and bent down and kissed her.

  “Are you insinuating that I can’t drive,” she said when I released her.

  “I plead the fifth,” I said as I moved to look over the vehicle.

  “Spoken like a true lawyer,” River said and followed me around the SUV.

  “No, it was spoken like a man with the hope of having more sex soon.”

  “Dom!” River yelled at me, then turned toward Sami when she laughed.

  “I think that is my cue to leave,” Sami said.

  I opened the driver’s side door and sat in the seat, which I had to slide back to fit. “Very nice. I didn’t know you wanted to trade vehicles. If you’d told me, I would have gone with you,” I said as I looked at the dash. The sucker had every bell and whistle.

  “Sami did. I’m going to let it slide that now you seem to be implying I’m incapable of buying a vehicle without a man.”

  “Again, I plead the fifth.” River made a huffing sound, and my lips twitched.

  “Uh...Jag, she got a fantastic deal. I am in awe at her skill.” I looked over at Sami who stood at the opened passenger door.

  “Hershel Stevens gives no one a good deal.”

  “Hershel probably went home and cried after River left,” Sami said and laughed.

  “No shit.” I looked between the women.

  “I got him to come down on the price of the Escalade, and then I got them to give me top dollar for the Mercedes. It was a straight swap,” River said and smiled wide. “No way Mr. Stevens made it home to cry, he had tears in his eyes when he handed me the keys.”

  “Well, then let’s take this baby for a spin,” I said just as my cell rang. “After I take this call.” I slid out of the vehicle.

  As I looked down at the screen, I frowned when no name showed. I swiped the screen and moved down the driveway to get some privacy.

  “Amara,” I answered.

  “Dominic Amara?” the man asked with a shakiness to his voice.


  “This is Norman Blankenship.”

  “Mr. Blankenship, I’m not sure why you’re calling?” I asked and looked over my shoulder to see Sami and River opening the back end of the vehicle. I wasn’t sure why Simone’s dad was calling me. I hadn’t talked with him since I turned down his job offer. And Simone and I hadn’t spoken since she walked out of my townhouse when we ended our relationship.

  “Dom, I...I’m not sure what to say. Simone is dead.” His voice broke, and I wasn’t sure what the man wanted me to say. I felt bad by the news, but...

  “Sorry to hear that, Mr. Blankenship, but you have to know Simone, and I haven’t spoken since I left. So, I’m a little confused on why you felt you needed to tell me.”

  “No...no. I’m sorry, I’m not explaining this well at all.”

  “Explaining what?”

  “I told Simone that she needed to tell you, but she refused. Dom, Poppy is in the hospital. They have her in an induced coma, she—”

  “Who the fuck is Poppy!?” I asked, cutting him off.

  “My granddaughter, Dom. Your daughter.”

  “What? Daughter?” I said as my entire world shifted.

  “Yes, your daughter.”

  I ran a hand over my face. How was that possible? She had my daughter and didn’t bother to tell me. Everything went through my head at once. I took a deep breath.

  “Tell me everything,” I said calmer than what I felt.

  “Simone was crossing the street with Poppy in her stroller. The crossing light lit up, and they moved off the sidewalk. A taxi was already turning right, and the driver stopped. But a car ran the red light, and they think the taxi blocked Simone from seeing it. The driver of the car slammed on his brakes, but it was too late. Simone took most of the impact. Poppy’s stroller was knocked over. She was strapped in, and they said that and the fact the driver got the car stopped is what saved her from being hurt more. She hit her head on the pavement when the stroller fell over. If the car hadn’t stopped, the stroller would have been dragged under it.

  “Like I said before, she is in an induced coma because of swelling, and they don’t want her to move around while they work to get it to go down.”

  “What hospital?” I asked, and he said the name. “I’ll be there as soon as I can get a flight out. I’ll expect to have my questions answered when I get there.” I didn’t wait for him to reply before I disconnected the call.

  I squatted down and put my hands on my thighs. Bowing my head, I took deep breaths. A daughter.

  “Dom, are you okay?” River asked as she touched my shoulder.

  I stood, and River’s hand dropped from my shoulder to my arm. Sami was off to the side talking on her phone.

  “You heard?”

  “Yes, enough to get the gist of what happened.”

  “Shit!” I yelled and threw my phone. It hit the street and shattered. “I’ve got a daughter, and I only find out because she is in the fucking hospital.” I rub my face with both hands. “Who the fuck doesn’t tell someone they have a kid? I didn’t even ask how old she is. I need to go to her, but I’m not sure what to do first.”

  River wrapped her arms around me, and I latched on to her. She rubbed my back with one hand and ran her other hand over my head that I laid on her shoulder.

  “Take a minute and just breathe. That’s all you’ve got to do right this second. When you’re ready, I’ll help in any way you need.”

  Did she even know how her words affected me? There was no way I could find the words right then to tell her. What would I have done if she hadn’t bee
n here? I was supposed to be helping her.

  “I’ve got to go to her. I’m going to take the first flight I can get on,” I said as I raised my head and looked at River.

  “I can search for flights online while you go home and pack a bag. You broke your cell. You can take mine, and if you tell me your plan info, I’ll get it replaced while you’re gone. Do you want me to drive you to the airport?”

  “Jag? Speed, Coast, and your dad are here,” Sami said. And by the time what she said registered, my dad’s truck pulled up. At least that answered who she’d been talking with on the phone.

  Speed and Coast both gave me the typical man hugged when they reached me. Not my dad. He grabbed and pulled me into his arms.

  “You got this, son. I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he said against my ear.

  When we broke apart, I told them everything I knew.

  “Damn, Jag. Whatever you need. You shouldn’t be riding. I’ll ride your bike back,” Coast said. I wanted to argue I was fine to ride my own damn bike, but I wasn’t. I was functioning on autopilot. Reaching in my pocket, I handed over my key.

  “Jag, take however much time you need to take care of your daughter. Don’t worry about the club or anything else right now. We got your back, brother,” Speed said, and I nodded.

  “You ready to go, son? We need to pack a bag and get to the airport,” my dad said. I knew he was right. I turned and saw River standing off to the side with Sami. I hadn’t realized she’d move away when the others got there.

  I walked over to her, leaned down, and kissed her. “Thank you. Not sure I’d be able to think if you hadn’t been here.”

  “Yes, you would have.”

  “I gotta go.”

  “I know you do,” she said and gave me a half smile.

  “Come with me,” was out of my mouth as soon as I thought it. For some reason, River affected me like no other woman had. And the thought of going anywhere without her put knots in my stomach. While I waited for her to answer, the one part of me that hoped she’d refuse to go fought with the other part that wanted her there.


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