Brute's Strength

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Brute's Strength Page 13

by Karen Renee

  He blew out a deep breath as he stood. “Glad you could meet her, Senior.”

  His dad turned his head while giving him an evil look. “Don’t start that ‘senior’ shit now, boy. Did you know about her daughter?”

  Brute tipped his head to the side a fraction. “Hard not to since I called her while her girl was at Cub Scouts.”

  “You mean Girl Scouts.”

  He gave a short chuckle. “Nope. Girls can do Cub Scouts now. You should have heard Kenzie put me in my place about it.”

  Dad chuckled. “Wish I had, Sam.”

  “You want a couple slices to take back to Gina?”

  Dad shook his head. When he spoke, his voice was much lower. “You two seem tight for something so new. You good with her having a child?”

  He bit back a laugh. “Knew you were concerned about something, old man.”

  “I’m serious, Sam.”

  His smile faltered. “I know, Dad. It’s too soon to say if I’m cool. This is the fourth time I’ve been with her, and I’ve yet to meet her girl. No hurry to do that, and not because I’m scared of kids. She said most men wouldn’t know she had a kid until after her third date. I found out only because her ex switched their weeks and I called her, not knowing shit.”

  He nodded as though he could relate. “You gotta be careful, son.”

  Brute’s chin dipped low. “Believe me, Dad, I know that. Things go further, three hearts are on the line.”

  His dad’s head reared back but the look in his eyes was proud. “You learned more than I realized when you were a teenager.”

  He gave a conciliatory nod. “Seems so, Dad. But you were a great teacher.”

  “Son... don’t do that to your old man.”

  He grinned. “Didn’t do a damn thing, but are you really leaving without saying good-bye to my girl?”

  Dad’s lips tipped up. “Not a chance, Sammy.”

  Kenzie trudged out of the half-bathroom with a bewildered look. “What’s going on? Are you leaving?”

  “Afraid so, darlin’.”

  “Well, thanks for my wine. I appreciate it.”

  Dad laughed. “No need to thank me, Kenzie. Well worth it, since I saw my boy found a woman who can appreciate football.”

  She grinned. “Isn’t that hard to do around here, is it? Most women I’ve met appreciate football in the worst way.”

  Dad shot a finger at Kenzie. “That’s exactly it. ‘In the worst way,’ says they appreciate the football program from Alabama. Occasionally they like Louisiana, but they damn sure don’t wear M.S.U. t-shirts. Which means you know quality when you see it.”

  It took a great amount of self-control, but he bit back his groan at his Dad’s obvious double meaning regarding quality. “You good on your own, Dad, or should I walk you to your truck?”

  “I’m fine, Sammy. You got company. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Later, Dad.”

  He closed and locked the door after his father. Turning around, he stalked to Kenzie. “Couch? Or Bedroom?”

  Her blue eyes rounded. “This seems to be a recurring question from you.”

  He arched a brow and his lips tipped up. “You’re right. Since I liked your answer the first time, we’ll go with the bedroom. Start stripping because it’s time to get sticky.”

  She backed away from him. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Very serious. I like my sweets, baby. And you’re sweet, but it’s time to pair you with more sweet.”

  She continued to walk backward. He didn’t like that, but since she was headed toward the bedroom, he kept quiet about it.

  “What about your neighbor?”

  “Don’t give a damn. If you get too loud, I got something you’re good at sucking.”

  She licked her lips and then bit the bottom one.

  He lunged for her, caught her by the waist, and carried her to the bedroom.

  “YOU ARE WEARING ME out, woman,” he said as he left the bathroom heading to his bed.

  She grinned. “‘Wearing?’ You already wore me out, Brute.”

  He laid down on his back with his arms folded behind his head. She rolled toward him, her finger tracing the edge of the phoenix tat on his chest.

  “You playing with fire?”

  She chuckled. “No. When you’ve got your arms back like that, you’re on full display. I can’t help myself.”

  He moved one arm to wrap it around her shoulders.

  “Your dad wasn’t pleased that I have a daughter,” she murmured.

  He wondered if she eavesdropped on him and his dad before he left. “Why do you say that?”

  She propped her head on her hand on his chest. “When I mentioned her, your dad’s whole face went still.”

  He shook his head. “Just caught him off guard, honey. Hell, the day I met you, he was giving me grief about not settling down since he wants grandchildren.”

  Her head tilted. “I can see that. The world needs more men like you in it.”

  “Not so sure about that, Zee. But I’m glad you think so.”

  “Why would you say that? After all, you said kids make life better, so why wouldn’t you want to start a family?”

  He chuckled. “I did say that, but I was talking about for other people. Not me.”

  She arched a brow at him. “Every parent has said ‘I’m not having kids.’ But, there they are with kiddos. When you’re ready, you’ll make a great dad.”

  Rather than respond, he turned off the television, twisted in the bed, which forced her off him, and turned off his lamp.

  He heard and felt her situating herself on her side of the bed. Guilt crept through his body like a slow-building storm. She had no idea about him and she damn well deserved better.

  When he settled himself, he asked, “You got plans for tomorrow?”

  “No,” she said.

  He sighed. “I’ll get you back to your car so you can go home.”

  “I’m sorry if I touched a nerve, Sam.”

  His hand scrubbed down his face and he groaned. Then he turned to her, wrapped his arms around her from behind and buried his nose in her silky hair. “I’m sorry, Zee. You didn’t hit a nerve. I’m just not the man for you.”

  She erupted with a sharp laugh. He felt her trying to twist in his arms, but he held firm. She growled while swatting his arm. “You aren’t the person to tell me if you’re the man for me or not. That’s as silly as me saying I’m not the woman for you.”

  He gave her a squeeze. “You deserve better than me, darlin’.”

  With a mighty shove at his forearm, she twisted to face him, her tits pressed tight to his chest. “Now you listen up, mister! We haven’t been together long, but don’t tell me I can do better than you. That’s bullshit.”

  He wanted to find her funny, but couldn’t. “Any other man leave your place and a detective shows up on your doorstep that morning?”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “Right. That’s my point.”

  “Not a point. There’s some crazy person following you, and this detective knew that. He didn’t say as much, but his face said it all. So, I don’t care that —”

  “I’m a one-percenter, babe. My club breaks the law. We were selling drugs, but only marijuana. Got out of it, but I’ve been arrested.”

  “You’ve been to jail?” she whispered.

  He stroked her smooth back. “No, not like you mean. Charges were dropped, so I haven’t been convicted. But I don’t turn to the cops when I have problems, and the detective who showed up doesn’t like me or what my club represents. Most cops don’t.”

  Moonlight filtered in through his windows, and he saw her brow furrow.

  “If your club doesn’t deal drugs anymore, what does your club represent?”

  His lips twisted as he considered her question. “My club represents a freedom my brothers and I can’t get anywhere else, baby. We’re happy to let people be who they are, as long as they aren’t forcing us to be just like them. Lot o
f my brothers have been failed by society and the Riot doesn’t fail one another.”

  “Okay,” she said, yawning. “None of that sounds bad, especially since you don’t deal drugs anymore.”

  He shook his head. “Weren’t dealing, we were growing and distributing to dealers. But, we’re both tired, we should get some sleep.”

  “Right,” she whispered.

  Against his will, he asked, “You really have no plans tomorrow?”

  She chuckled. “Just laundry, but that hardly counts as plans.”


  I WOKE UP WITH THE sun. Brute’s room was dim, but I had a sixth sense of when the sun rose. Or maybe Aubrey had programmed me to wake up at the crack of dawn because she always woke up that early.

  For once, I hadn’t wrapped myself around Brute in my sleep. No, his heavy arm rested on my ribcage, making me feel protected and wanted. Even though I needed the bathroom, I didn’t want to move his arm off me.

  I lay there replaying our conversation from the night before.

  When I first saw him, I’d reveled in how he was Caleb’s opposite. Little did I know how incredibly true that was. I supposed that should turn me off from Brute, but for some reason it didn’t. Maybe it was because he was so forthright. He’d been arrested; his club had been doing illegal stuff; but he wasn’t doing it now.

  You have a daughter, the mom-side of my brain piped up. Right, if his club were still running drugs or whatever, that would be a deal-breaker. Then I wondered if he did drugs... I should have asked that last night, but my sleep-deprived brain wasn’t functioning on all cylinders. Yet, I had a feeling he didn’t do drugs. In setting up his business account at the bank, I’d seen his basic financials. I knew it was hard to be that successful while stoned. Though, I supposed, he could be laundering money... but I didn’t believe that, either.

  His hand flattened on my belly. “You awake?” he whispered.

  My lips tipped up. “Yeah.”

  “Why?” he asked, his voice sounding croaky.

  My body shook with my silent laughter. “Because I have a daughter who wakes up with the sun and I can’t break the habit.”

  He cleared his throat. His hand put pressure on my belly as he rolled to his back. I took the hint and rolled to my other side.

  His right eye cracked open at me. “Go back to sleep, Zee.”

  I exhaled. “I’ll try.”

  His eyes were closed, but his lips curled up. “You come closer, you’ll do better than ‘try.’”

  I shook my head but scooted a little closer. He hiked my leg over his. I smiled, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.

  “SO, I’LL GET DRESSED and you can take me to my car.”

  We were still in bed, having awakened for the second time ten minutes ago.

  He pushed up on an elbow. “Why? You don’t have plans.”

  My lips shifted. “Well, last night, you weren’t really thrilled with—”

  His weight settled gently, but heavily, on me. “Forget the shit I said last night.”

  My eyes rounded at him. It wasn’t just what he said last night that got me, it was the way he said it. The abrupt shift in his attitude.

  “You’re the only person who’s ever said the world needed more of me in it. I say you’re wrong, but I reacted to that, and I should have kept myself in check.”

  I couldn’t help but run my fingers through his hair. “You tell me not to regret saying things as long as I’m honest. That should apply to you and your reactions. No need to ‘keep in check’ if those reactions are honest. And, I’m right about the world needing more of you. You’re hard-working. I don’t need proof because I meet small business owners every day. That shit’s hard. You’ve been in business for yourself for years, so I know you don’t shy away from hard work. You’re loyal as all get-out since you’re part of your motorcycle club. Both of those traits are important when raising little boys. And if your father is an indicator of your future looks... well, sign me up—”

  My lips clamped shut since that wasn’t what I meant to say. Brute’s eyes had held mine through my diatribe, but at the end a twinkle hit his eyes and he burst into laughter. He planted his face in my pillow, still laughing.

  “This isn’t funny, and I didn’t mean to—”

  He jerked up. “Oh no. You said it. No taking it back, Zee. You think my dad is hot and you want to have my baby because of it.”

  My lips pursed while my hands went to his shoulders and I tried to shove him off me. “I didn’t say any of that.”

  His thumb stroked my cheekbone. “I’m joking.”

  “You’re not funny, then.”

  He grinned. “If you were the mother-to-be, I’d be all over having babies,” he said, shifting. Since we were both still naked, his morning erection shifted deliciously between my legs. A rush of wetness hit my pussy and I reflexively wrapped my legs around his waist. My movement aligned his cock with me and surprisingly, Brute pushed inside. It felt so good, heat curled up from my groin through my torso making me hiss.

  He withdrew and thrust back in. Then he stilled and I looked up at him.

  “Shit,” he hissed.


  “Need a condom, Kenzie.”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  From the look on his face I knew he wanted to continue, but his eyes said he wanted to rebuff me. “Told you I’d get tested. But if you’re trusting me...”

  I ran my fingernails down his thick biceps. “I should get tested, too.”

  He surged inside me, chuckling. “Baby, I doubt you’ve got anything.”

  I thought about it. “You might be right, but you’re being trusting, too.”

  After another withdraw and re-entry, he rested his forehead on mine. “No, baby. I’m addicted to the feel of you. Just you.”

  “Goes both ways, Sam,” I whispered.

  His eyes widened with a smoldering heat. He kissed me so hard my lips stung. I wedged my hands between his arms to touch his torso. On an upward stroke, my thumbs found his nipples and rubbed. He groaned and locked an arm behind me. Then he threw himself to his back, taking me with him and breaking the kiss.

  His voice was gruffer and huskier than I’d ever heard it. “Ride me, Kenzie. Hard as you can.”

  Something emotionally heavy was passing between us, and I made sure I did exactly as he asked because I wanted him, heaviness and all. As I found my groove, he palmed my breasts and squeezed. Hard. It got my attention. Then, unexpectedly, electricity shot straight to my pussy.

  This had to be the hottest sex I’d had in my life.

  My hands on his shoulders moved to his neck and I leaned toward him. He shifted his hands to my hips, forcing me up and down faster. Our mouths met for a scorching kiss. His cock kept stroking just the right way, and I felt my orgasm building.

  I tore my lips from his. “Oh, God! Sam, I’m—”

  “Harder, Zee.”

  My eyes blazed at him. I grabbed the wooden headboard and rode him harder.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” he groaned.

  His hips came off the bed, just when my orgasm washed over me. In some recess of my mind I remembered his upstairs neighbor and I kept my volume down. He jerked upward with a hoarse yell, and I felt him orgasm.

  His eyes were closed, his breathing labored like mine. I kept hold on the headboard, unwilling to break the moment. As his eyes opened, I girded my loins, not knowing what to expect.

  I’d thought his eyes were sultry when I first met him, but now they were the epitome of sultry.

  He gently pried my fingers from the headboard, then gathered me to him.

  “That was intense,” I blurted.

  His fingers tipped my face up toward him. “Yeah, it fuckin’ was. You’re a double whammy. A shit-hot banker and the sex with you is fucking on-fire.”

  I bit back my laughter. “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure you bring it out of me.”

  “Whatever works, Zee. You goin’ to clean up, or you want me to b
ring you a washcloth?”

  I blinked. That was incredibly considerate. “I’ll take care of it but thank you.”

  He withdrew slow and easy, but before I moved, he spoke. “I’m takin’ you to the clubhouse. You can shower here or there. It’s up to you. But I’m conserving water no matter where you shower.”

  Confusion washed over my face.

  He grinned. “I’m showering with you no matter where you do it, babe.”

  I shook my head. “Got it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Takes Two


  Rather than take his bike, we rode in his truck to the clubhouse. According to Brute when we arrived, it was a slow day, since not many brothers’ bikes were around. He parked well behind the huge brick building. I noticed at least seven motorcycles as he brought the truck to a halt, so I couldn’t imagine what this place would be like if it were busy.

  After he removed the keys from the ignition, he looked at me. “Was hoping Stephie would be here, but I only see Har’s bike. If she’s here, I think you’ll get along with her. If not, don’t let any of the sweet-butts get under your skin.”

  My brows drew down. “I’m sorry, ‘sweet-butts?’”

  He gave me a closed-lip smile. “Sorry, babe. We got easy women who hang around. It’s what they’re called in our culture.”

  I nodded. Then I remembered his insistence on getting tested. Seemed I’d be getting tested after all. Then I realized that must be part of how he had such prowess and expertise in bed.

  My reverie was broken when he called, “Hey.”

  I looked at him. “Yeah?”

  His brown eyes were sincere. “I never go in ungloved, Zee. I know this morning with you I did, but—”

  I mirrored his closed-lip smile. “I trust that, Brute. It’s just there’s a lot about this culture of yours I don’t know. Though, this explains why you’re so good—”

  His hand shot to my neck, and he tugged me close. “Woman, you’ve heard the cliché ‘takes two to tango?’ Well, it ain’t just me who’s so good in bed. Not a chance in hell I want to know why you’re good, but I’m more than happy to chalk it up to you and me being good together.”


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