The Medicine Man, Book 2

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The Medicine Man, Book 2 Page 12

by Beverly Cialone

  Ashwin took a deep breath and said, “I am requesting your permission to conduct a peyote ceremony for my girlfriend.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “For healing, Chief.”

  “Healing of what affliction?”

  “Physical and mental afflictions, Chief. I fear that without this healing ceremony, she may never fully recover, and will never be the same again.”

  The chief nodded as he considered what Ashwin had just told him, and moments later he nodded again in agreement. “When would you like to perform this peyote ceremony?”

  “Tomorrow evening, if possible.”

  “Do you have the peyote?”

  Ashwin nodded. “I can acquire it.”

  “Then it's settled. Are there any other members of the reservation whom you want to be present during this ceremony?”

  “You, of course, the elders, and the minister. Someone to play the music, and someone to act as the Roadman.”

  The chief nodded. “That won't be too hard to do, son.”

  Ashwin glanced at the chief and said, “You also need to partake, Chief. How have you been feeling?”

  “No more chest pain, no dizzy spells. I seem to be doing fine since you brought Sani back.”

  Ashwin smiled. “That's great, Chief, but I still say you need a good woman in your life.”

  “Perhaps I have heeded your advice.”

  Ashwin raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Really? Who's the lucky woman?”

  The chief smiled as he gently placed his hand on Ashwin's shoulder. “You know her very well. You call her A-lu-li.”

  Ashwin gasped in surprise at the chief's words before a slow smile spread across his face. “Well, that's quite the surprise, Chief. I had no idea.”

  “Your mother is a good woman, Ashwin.”

  Ashwin nodded. “Yes, she is. I'm happy for both of you. Congratulations.”

  “There's one more thing...”

  Ashwin gazed at the chief expectantly before the chief finally came clean. “Your mother and I are planning to get married.”

  Ashwin grinned. “You sly devil, you! When did all of this happen?”

  The chief chuckled and said, “A little mystery never hurt anything. Just rest assured that your mother and I have every intention of taking care of each other until our time on earth is up.”

  “That's great, Chief! Just tell me when and I'll be sure to be here.”

  “New Year's Day. I figure what better time than a time of new beginnings?”

  Ashwin and the chief both got to their feet at the same time, and as they embraced Ashwin said, “Thank you, Chief.”

  “You're quite welcome, son.”

  Ashwin smiled as he opened the door. “We'll see you tonight.”

  The chief smiled. “I'm looking forward to it.”


  Kasey was still asleep when Ashwin returned from his visit with the chief, but as soon as he shut the bedroom door, she slowly sat up in bed and gave him a sleepy smile. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

  Kasey nodded and slowly finger-combed her hair, and Ashwin didn't miss the fine tremor in her hand as she did so. Ashwin walked over to the bed and sat down beside her, then gently inquired, “Are you hungry?”

  Kasey shrugged as she smiled up at him. “It's too early for me to even think about food.”

  “Well, my mother is cooking breakfast as we speak, and you need to eat, so let's try this again. Are you hungry?”

  Kasey blinked up at him and replied, “I'm starving.”

  Ashwin nodded in satisfaction. “That's what I thought you'd say.”

  Kasey smiled up at him as she demurely held the bed sheet against her chest. “You know me SO well.”

  Ashwin smiled back and kissed the tip of her nose as he replied, “Yes, I do, and don't you ever forget it.”

  “So what are we going to do today?”

  Ashwin smiled and said, “Well, after breakfast, I have a little surprise for you, and then tonight, the chief is coming over for dinner. But tomorrow evening is the biggest surprise of all.”

  Kasey smiled as she replied, “I love surprises! What is it?”

  Ashwin laughed and said, “If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now, would it?”

  Kasey gave an exaggerated sigh and hung her head. “I guess not.”

  Ashwin laughed again and placed her clothes from the night before on the bed, then said, “Get dressed so we can eat breakfast. Then I'll give you the small surprise.”

  “OK.” She smiled and eagerly got dressed, then followed Ashwin into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother had prepared an enticing breakfast of grits, bacon, eggs, and toast, and Kasey was surprised to discover that she was ravenous. She ate half of what was on her plate and leaned back in her chair, stuffed to the gills and worried that she'd made a pig of herself. She demurely thanked Ashwin's mother for the delicious breakfast, which prompted Ashwin to seriously inquire, “You aren't going to eat the rest of that?”

  “I'm stuffed, Ashwin.”

  Ashwin eyed her too-slender frame and said, “Well, alright, if you insist. But plan on having a big lunch and dinner as well.”

  Kasey remained silent as he and his mother finished eating, and afterwards she insisted upon cleaning the kitchen. “It's the least I can do, considering that you cooked for us,” she said to Ashwin's mother as she carefully cleared the table and placed the dirty dishes into the sink. Ashwin got to his feet to help, and as they stood side by side at the sink, he murmured, “Do you know all of the secrets to winning my mother's heart, or what?”

  Kasey chuckled softly and replied, “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you're doing a great job of it,” he replied with a smile as he rolled his sleeves up and began rinsing the dishes. Kasey simply smiled and made sure to keep her body in contact with his while they finished the dishes, and when they were done Ashwin's mother smiled and said, “Thank you. Now I must start preparations for our dinner tonight.”

  Kasey smiled warmly at the woman and politely inquired, “What are you preparing for dinner?”

  “Venison stew.”

  Kasey nodded, unable to tell the woman that she didn't eat venison. Instead she smiled even brighter and said, “Sounds delicious!”

  Ashwin's mother smiled at her seeming enthusiasm, then walked over to the cabinets and began retrieving the items she'd need to begin cooking dinner. Ashwin gently placed his arm on Kasey's elbow and murmured, “If I remember correctly, I promised you a surprise. Are you ready for it?”

  Kasey smiled and nodded, then allowed Ashwin to lead her down the hall to the bedroom. He gently sat her down on the bed and instructed, “Stay here,” before he disappeared into the bathroom. Moments later Kasey heard water running in the tub, and when Ashwin returned, he extended his hand and said, “Come on. You can't take a shower, but I can let you take a bath. As long as I'm in the tub with you, of course.”

  Kasey smiled and shook her head. “Of course.” She got to her feet and followed Ashwin into the bathroom, then undressed and carefully sank into the steaming water before she leaned against the cool porcelain of the oversized, claw-footed tub. The fixtures and claw feet of the tub were all made of gold, and Kasey was impressed by the ornate and elegant simplicity of it all as she smiled up at Ashwin. He was standing beside the tub, still dressed as he smiled down at her, which prompted Kasey's smile to falter a bit before she inquired, “Well? What are you waiting for?”

  “Is the water warm enough? Or is it too hot?”

  “The water's perfect, Ashwin.”

  He nodded and slowly undressed, then carefully stepped into the tub and sat at the opposite end as the water continued to run. When the tub was half-full he turned the water off, then smiled at Kasey and murmured, “Turn around.”

  Kasey did as he requested, and moments later she gave a surprised squeal as Ashwin gently grasped her shoulders and effortlessly p
ulled her over to him. She leaned against his chest and closed her eyes in pure bliss, content at being with the man she loved and determined that they would never be apart again. She bit her lip as a deep, shuddering sigh involuntarily escaped her, which caused Ashwin to frown before he gently inquired, “Is something wrong, sweetheart?”

  Kasey quickly shook her head, but Ashwin wasn't easily fooled. “Are you sure about that?” he murmured as he leaned down and dropped a gentle kiss to the side of her damp neck. Kasey nodded and cleared her throat in an attempt to sound normal before she replied, “Yes, I'm sure.”

  Ashwin's frown deepened when he realized she was crying, and his voice was full of concern as he gently demanded, “Why are you crying?”

  Kasey shuddered again and replied, “I've missed you SO much, Ashwin...”

  Ashwin gently wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin atop her head as he replied, “I've missed you too, sweetheart. More than you'll ever know. But I'm here now, and there's no reason to get yourself all worked up. I'm not planning on going anywhere unless you're with me. Do you understand?”

  Kasey nodded, feeling relieved at his gentle, caring words, and her next statement caught him completely off-guard. “Your mom is going to hate me after tonight.”

  Ashwin frowned at her odd statement and hesitantly inquired, “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I don't eat venison.”

  Ashwin laughed and said, “It'll be alright, sweetheart. I'll think of something else for you to eat.”

  “If the way I stuffed myself at breakfast is any indication, I think I'll be able to skip on dinner tonight.”

  Ashwin frowned and shook his head as he said, “Oh no you don't. You're going to eat dinner, as well as lunch, and possibly even dessert...after both!”

  “Trying to make me fat, are you?”

  “No, sweetheart,” Ashwin replied as he turned her around so that she was facing him. “You've lost quite a bit of weight, and I just want you healthy again.”

  Kasey bit her lip as she glanced down at herself, then said, “Well, at least this didn't result from me not eating on purpose.”

  “I know that sweetheart, and I'm not blaming you. But there IS something I can do to help, and I have every intention of doing it.”

  “So why did this happen to me? What, exactly, happened to me?”

  Ashwin gently pressed his finger against her lips before he said, “I told you, everything will be revealed to you very soon.”

  “But you already know, don't you?”

  Ashwin's eyes darkened with emotion as he remembered the anguish of the past three weeks, as well as the wrenching grief he'd experienced when he'd thought she was dead. He quickly blinked away the tears that suddenly formed in his eyes before he replied, “Yes, sweetheart, I know, and soon you will know too. And no matter how frightening it may get, just know that I will be right there beside you to help you through it.”

  “Is something wrong with me? Is that why I can't remember?” she inquired as terror leaped into her eyes. Ashwin quickly shook his head and said, “No, sweetheart, nothing is wrong with you. Just be patient. You will have all the answers soon.”

  Kasey bit her lip and frowned, but she said nothing else about it as Ashwin grabbed the bottle of shampoo off the edge of the tub and smiled. “Right now I want you to lie back, relax, and let me wash your hair.”

  “Do I get to return the favor?”

  Ashwin's smile was positively devilish as he murmured, “I'm hoping you'll return the favor in more ways than one.”

  After their bath, Kasey watched in admiration as Ashwin brushed his long, jet-black hair. He smiled at her reflection in the mirror and inquired, “Is something on your mind, sweetheart?”

  “Well, it's just that...”

  Ashwin's hand stilled on the brush mid-stroke. “It's just that what?”

  “I've never seen you with your hair down.”

  Ashwin laughed and continued brushing his hair as he replied, “I have to wash it, sweetheart.”

  “Do you braid it yourself, too?”

  “No. I usually get my barber to do that.”

  “Is there a barber here?”

  Yes, but I've never asked him to braid my hair and I don't know if he's capable.”

  “May I braid it?” Kasey softly inquired as she took a tentative step forward and gently ran her fingers through his still-damp hair. Ashwin smiled and set the brush down before he turned around and gently slid his finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Do you know how?”

  Kasey nodded, that mesmerized look on her face as she continued to gently stroke her fingers through his hair. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then it's settled. After I change your bandage, you can braid my hair. Does that sound like a fair exchange to you?”

  Kasey laughed softly and shook her head. “No, because I doubt that changing my bandage offers you any excitement.”

  Ashwin smiled and gently drew her against his bare chest, then sighed deeply as he breathed in the scent of her still-damp, freshly washed hair. “Well, you'd be right about that, but I insist on being the one to take care of you.”

  “You insist, huh?” Kasey inquired as she leaned back in his arms to glance up at him.

  Ashwin's expression was serious as he replied, “Yes, I insist. Do you have a problem with that?”

  Kasey slowly shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear.”

  An hour later Kasey and Ashwin walked into the living room to find Ashwin's mother quickly pacing back and forth, her face flushed with anger as she nervously kneaded her hands in front of her. Ashwin frowned and gently placed his hands on her shoulders before he inquired, “What's wrong?”

  “Come, come,” she said as she headed for the front door. Ashwin and Kasey followed her onto the front porch, and Ashwin groaned when he saw why his mother was so worked up. She pointed to his car and said, “I came out here to collect some pine nuts, only to see this!”

  Kasey gasped when she saw what Ashwin's mother was pointing at. All four of his tires had been slashed, and he immediately knew that there was only one person who would have done something like that, and that person was Silver Moon. Knowing what she had done to Kasey, as well as Sani, made his stomach twist in a combination of anger and disgust. He suddenly feared for all of their safety, and he wasted no time in ushering them back inside and securely locking the door. His mother had an alarmed look on her face as she softly inquired, “Ashwin, who do you think--”

  “I have a pretty good idea, A-lu-li.”

  “Are we in danger?” Kasey suddenly inquired as she nervously chewed on her bottom lip. Ashwin sighed and finally sat down on the sofa, and Kasey followed suit when her heart threatened to beat right out of her chest. She shook her head and whispered, “Oh, no” when she felt the tell-tale beginnings of a panic attack, which prompted Ashwin to turn to her and gently inquire, “Are you alright?”

  Kasey shook her head but said nothing else as she felt her throat slowly closing up, and Ashwin's voice was gentle yet authoritative as he instructed, “Just relax, sweetheart...take slow, deep breaths...don't give in to it.”

  Kasey forced herself to follow his advice, and as she took slow, deep breaths, she was relieved to discover that the tightness in her chest had vanished. She slumped against the sofa cushions as a sudden lethargy overcame her, and for a few moments she could've sworn she was hearing voices in her head. She distinctly heard another woman call her a bitch, and she frowned as she glanced around the living room, trying to place the source of the voice. She slowly sat up a little straighter on the sofa, still glancing nervously around the living room as she waited to see if she was going to hear any more foul names directed her way. Ashwin and his mother were looking at her with concern etched on their faces, but she forced herself to give them a smile as she insisted, “I'm fine.”

  Ashwin's mother turned to look at him before she said, “She looks tired, son. I th
ink you should convince her to get some rest.”

  Ashwin nodded and slowly got to his feet. “I think you're right, A-lu-li.” He turned to Kasey and extended his hand before he added, “Come on, sweetie, I think you need to lie down for a while.”

  Kasey frowned up at him as she ignored his extended hand. “But I'm not tired.”

  “Yes, you are.” He gently grasped her hand and pulled her off the sofa, then put his arm around her shoulders and led her down the hallway despite her weak protests. Once they were inside the bedroom, he shut the door and gently placed his finger against her lips before he said, “Shh. Stop fighting me, sweetheart. You look exhausted. I want you to lie down and get some rest.”

  “But Ashwin, I feel fine!”

  “Do you want me to lie down with you?”

  Kasey sighed as she covertly eyed the bed, then slowly nodded. “Yes, that would be nice.”

  Ashwin gently sat her down on the bed and pointed to the pillow. “Lie down.”

  “But—what are you going to do about your car?”

  “I'll worry about that later. Right now I'm more worried about you.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you just had a panic attack in my mother's living room, that's why.”

  “Can you blame me? Someone slashed all four of your tires! That's nothing to take lightly!”

  “I know that, sweetheart, but I'll deal with it. Right now I want to make sure that you're taken care of.” He sat down and removed his boots, then stretched out on the bed before he rolled onto his side and gently stroked the side of her face. Her eyes fluttered open at his gentle touch, but before she could say or do anything else, she drifted off into the wonderful world of sleep.


  As soon as Kasey was deeply asleep, Ashwin carefully got up and quietly made his way into the kitchen, where his mother was busy preparing everything for the dinner they were having that evening. She turned and gave him a smile, but he could still see the concern for Kasey etched on her face as she inquired, “How is she? Did she fall asleep?”

  Ashwin smiled and embraced his mother in a gentle hug, then replied, “Yes, she's fine. I need to borrow your car for a couple of hours. Is that OK?”


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