Back for Good

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Back for Good Page 10

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  “Fuck me.” I whispered to him, “I know you’re knackered and all, but I really need to feel you inside me.”

  Eduard looked up at me, my cock still in his mouth and still sucking me down his throat as far as he could. He winked at me and slid off my length, “If you want to feel my cock inside you, baby – who am I to argue?”

  He knelt up, pushing my legs up to expose my hole. “God,” he breathed, “Look at you – absolutely fucking gorgeous.”

  I grinned at him, “I took the liberty of prepping myself for you after my shower earlier.” I said.

  He grinned, “Such a fucking turn-on.” He murmured, “Did you play with the dildo, too?”

  I chuckled, “I might have.” I said with a wink. The truth was that yes. I’d played with the dildo and wanked myself off in the shower while he was out surfing. It was the reason he’d bought me the dildo, so why not?

  “Dirty boy.” He joked, “Where is it?”

  I nodded to the chest of drawers, “I cleaned it after.” I said.

  He climbed off the bed and fetched the dildo. “Show me what you did.” He said, his voice low and gravelly.

  I grinned and took it off him, “I did this.” I slid the dildo inside myself, never breaking eye contact with him, “Oh, God, that feels good.” I said, closing my eyes and working the dildo in and out of myself, totally showing off for him.

  He growled as he crawled back towards me, “Okay, baby.” He said, “Before I come just from watching you, let me take over.”

  I smiled up at him, “Fuck me hard,” I whispered, “just the way I like it.”

  And I really did like it. It hadn’t taken long once we’d gotten started having sex with each other for me to want to try being the bottom but I was surprised by how much I really loved it and it was more often than not that I was the bottom for Eduard – who was a very capable top and I loved the feel of him sliding inside me, his balls slapping against my arse as he fucked into me. There was nothing else quite like it for pure pleasure…

  He smiled back at me, “Of course.” He said.

  Eduard lined himself up and slid his cock straight inside me in one easy movement. He closed his eyes and bit back a moan as his balls brushed against me. He was all the way home…

  “Oh, God.” I groaned as I felt his hard heat filling me up, “That feels so much better than the dildo.”

  He nodded, “Yeah,” he breathed, “You’re so hot and so tight, baby.”

  He started to move, grazing my prostate with each thrust.

  I reached for my cock and started to work it, keeping our rhythm going perfectly.

  “Gonna come.” He panted, “I’m gonna fill you up, baby.”

  I nodded, “Gonna come, too.” I warned him. He was going to be covered in my come in a second.

  “Do it.” He shouted, “Come for me, baby.”

  We both let go at the same time. His hot seed filling me as I came all over his chest and stomach.

  He collapsed on top of me, his cock still buried in my arse and our chests both now smeared with my cooling semen.

  “We’re a bit sticky.” I whispered in his ear.

  He nodded and then licked my neck, “I like being sticky with you.” He said.

  I laughed, “Well, it’s a good job you do – since we end up like this most days – and at least twice.”

  He chuckled. Sliding his cock back out of me, he reached down and slid his fingers inside me, stroking my sensitive, flexing hole and swirling come all around it. “I’ve changed my mind,” he said, “I fucking love getting sticky with you.” He said. “Because I fucking love you.”

  I nodded, pulling his head down so I could kiss him; I licked into his mouth, tasting him and sucking on his tongue before breaking the kiss to say what I knew he was well aware of, “I fucking love you, too.”

  The End

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  Coming Soon

  What If… This was Real…?

  When I thought about us being ‘just mates’, it occurred to me how we must have looked like boyfriends to the outside world for a while anyway… I wondered why that didn’t bother me more.

  We used to share milkshakes with two straws, looking into each other’s faces and laughing like little kids when he blew down the straw and the bubbles splashed up into my face.

  I’d also always put my arms around him from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder when we were alone at the end of the pier, looking out over the sea… For chrissakes, we’d been in a relationship half our life. Why hadn’t I ever noticed?



  Having finished my three-year degree, I’d been back home for two months already and I was bored shitless waiting for my best friend to finally join me. Don’t get me wrong. I was delighted that I’d landed a job almost immediately after I’d graduated but I was kicking my heels in the evenings and wondering when my partner in crime, Jonas, was gonna be back.

  My heart sank every time I thought about him having another year left to go. He was doing a four-year course with a year abroad. Well, it totally made sense – he was much better at languages than I’d ever been and to be fair he had a genuine interest in learning. He also had an Italian mother, which totally gave him a head start and had decided to study French and Italian at uni with his third year abroad, and then he had to finish his last year back in Leicester.

  Like I said, I’d walked straight into a job and okay, accountancy wasn’t everyone’s idea of a great career and I’m not gonna lie – it wasn’t mine either but it was the first job I’d ever been offered and I was still totally buzzing about it. Not as much as I was buzzing about seeing Jonas again... He was my BFF and I absolutely fucking adored him.

  He was due back today from Italy today and I honestly could not wait to see him.

  Let me explain... I was gay, and on the quiet, I’d always had a bit of a thing for my best friend, Jonas. I’d always known that he was off-limits as anything other than being my best mate. I guessed that he just didn’t feel that way about me – because if he did, surely, he’d have told me back then?

  Well, anyway. It was clearly just wishful thinking on my part that he would ever fall for me. Sometimes we just seemed to have a moment – fleetingly, of course.

  He’d likely never want me anyway. From the moment I realised what my dick was for, I’d totally embraced having as much sex as possible with as many guys as possible. There was no way Jonas would want a guy like me as a boyfriend even if he did miraculously turn out to be gay.

  I seriously wasn’t boyfriend material – and he was totally into having someone to love, someone that would look after him, be there for him through thick and thin. I’d never been cut out for that sort of commitment – well, not with anyone other than him, anyway. For Jonas, I would do anything…

  For now, I was just happy that he was my best friend and that he loved me as a mate.

  And what did I have to complain about really? My best friend was the best man in the world. I honestly couldn’t love him more and I knew he loved me in pretty much the same, albeit straight, way.

  I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed a great sex life with numerous guys and I tried to tell myself that I had it all... The fact that I craved a more intimate relationship – one that meant spending quality time with one special person – was something I’d never really thought I could have –because I wanted that relationship with Jonas. Hell, I already had that with Jonas – minus the hot sex – but I was damned sure it would be hot because Jonas was objectively, exceedingly hot in a straight as a die kind of way...

  I’d never really wanted anything more than a casual thing with the guys I met in the pubs and clubs I frequented and mos
t of them were of a similar ilk – happy with a one-night-stand – nothing too regular or it became complicated and I didn’t want complicated in my life. It was difficult trying to explain to a guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my time with my best friend Jonas – they immediately started to get jealous and that was when I totally backed off. Any guy that wanted to be with me, had to accept that I couldn’t live without Jonas...

  Jonas really was the love of my life. It just really sucked that he was straight...

  Chapter I


  I was counting the minutes now before I saw Dante again. It had been so hard being away from him this time. We’d been best friends since we’d met at primary school and had always had a real connection with each other. He came out at fourteen which had surprised me a little – not that I was shocked that he was gay or anything – no. What was horrifying was the fact he fancied someone that I thought was a right wanker...

  Anyway. That was years ago, but not a lot had changed since – particularly my opinion of his boyfriends – if you could call any of them that. Mostly he had one-night-stands but occasionally they hung around for a couple of weeks. Some even managed a couple of months and they were really frightening. What if he actually decided that one of those were the one? They were still all wankers as far as I could see...

  We’d gone to different uni’s to each other and it had been a total wrench being apart from each other – made worse by the fact that none of his boyfriends ever liked me, so visiting him was always really awkward.

  I’d been to France for the first half of my third year and when I came back last December we’d spent almost every waking moment with each other and had partied hard.

  Our friendship was totally tested at Christmas when we’d gone out to a nightclub with a load of our other mates. Dante was just being Dante and was putting it about just like he always did, while I concentrated on getting steadily more and more drunk – and more and more annoyed at his antics. I called him out for getting off with one particular guy (mainly because he was really attractive and I was pissed off that he wanted to get it on with some guy when he’d come out with me. Yes, I do have a tendency towards getting jealous and territorial) and he got all stupid and defensive about it...

  “What the fuck, man?” he yelled in my face, “It’s not like I can have what I really want, is it?”

  He was breathing hard and I’m not gonna lie, with all the alcohol coursing through my veins, he’d never looked sexier. I was breathing kind of hard myself. I looked at his mouth. It had kissed a thousand guys – hell, it had probably sucked a thousand dicks, but in that moment, I could think about nothing else other than kissing him. What? Where the hell had that thought come from? I forced the idea right to the back of my mind where it belonged. Getting ideas about kissing my best friend was possibly the most stupid idea I’d ever had in my life. For starters I was certain he’d have totally freaked and secondly, I was still reasonably sure (or at least I was still trying my best to convince myself) that I was straight...

  As it was, we talked it out and wound up just dancing with each other – in each other’s arms actually and probably looking more like a couple than most of the couples there...

  The next morning, I was relieved that I hadn’t acted on my drunken feelings and totally brushed them off to myself as being drunk... Of course, believing myself straight, I was totally in denial of it being real attraction and I blamed all the twinkly lights and the mistletoe... Oh, yeah – and the numerous shots of vodka – can’t deny their involvement...

  It might have been a total fluke but I couldn’t deny that my attraction to him was real – and neither could I deny that I’d thought of little else in the last four months, while I was away from him in Italy. I just needed to know if it was something worth pursuing now that I was back for the rest of the summer before I had to return to Leicester. It of course meant being away from him again, yes – but not nearly as far away as France and Italy had been...

  You see, the more I thought about it, the more obvious it became. I wasn’t straight at all. I’d just never had the balls to come out like Dante had...

  When Dante came out, there was the initial mickey-taking and then everyone settled down again. Being his best friend, I came in for quite a lot of the stick – a kind of ‘guilt by association’ sort of thing – and I’d hotly denied having those sorts of feelings for any guys.

  I’d been secretly in awe of the way Dante, who was totally out and proud, had handled himself over the whole thing.

  In total contrast I was firmly wedged in the closet and not at all sure I really wanted to come out of it – ever. I’d been in denial of my feelings for so long, it was second nature to play the straight card. The only person I’d ever had any real feelings toward was Dante and I couldn’t work out if I loved him as my best friend – or if I just loved him, full stop...

  I’d kind of left it a little late at twenty-one (well okay, so I totally hadn’t but it was my excuse to myself). Dante had come out when he was only fourteen – and in hindsight, I totally should have come out with him. Imagine all the fun we could have had exploring our sexuality together...?

  But maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe now was finally the time I emerged from my closeted state and told him how I felt about him – but only if he was single, which was unlikely. Dante always seemed to have a boyfriend on the go and why wouldn’t he? He was beautiful, fun to be around – not to mention hung like a donkey... He just couldn’t choose a decent guy as a boyfriend for love nor money.

  Chapter II


  One of the main reasons I was desperate to see Jonas again was Kade... Not only was he the total ex-boyfriend from hell – he was back in my life for a whole new reason these days. He was the son of the boss of our rival company that my boss wanted to merge with...

  Being new to the company I honestly had no idea such things existed as going out for business lunches with the opposition. Call me naïve by all means...

  Anyway, things had long ago turned sour between Kade and I and I had absolutely no desire to re-kindle anything – but that was before I was offered a substantial pay rise once my boss found out that I’d once dated Kade Sanders...

  It was a huge mistake and once again it was well over... but having had a second bite of the Dante cherry, Kade just wouldn’t leave me alone – and he was horribly jealous to realise that I was still in contact with Jonas.

  I’d first met Kade in a club more than a year ago and we’d casually dated before I went to uni for my last year. He’d gotten progressively clingier as the year went on and we’d finally broken up after a messy weekend visiting Jonas – which I’ll tell you about later...

  Since I’d been back home and gotten my job, we’d met up twice for business lunches (which roughly translates as a meal, a drink and then a blowjob in the bathroom) and he’d been texting me ever since, begging for another chance until I’d sent a text to him telling him I was seeing someone. It was a total lie of course – I was well out of the dating game following that experience...

  He’d totally jumped to the wrong conclusion that the guy was Jonas – and I hadn’t actually put him straight about his assumption...

  I checked my watch and jumped up. It was time to go and meet Jonas from the station. Grabbing my wallet, keys and phone I rushed out to my beautiful little car – a black Citroën C1 in case you were interested – and headed off with butterflies taking off en masse in my stomach at the thought of seeing him again...

  I pulled up in the car park with minutes to spare. Checking my hair in the rear-view mirror I hopped out and ran to the station platform.

  I got there just in time. His train had just pulled in.

  I scanned the carriages for him but I couldn’t see him. I was just beginning to panic that I’d turned up at the wrong time when I spotted him. He was sauntering along, looking as if nothing on the planet could ever ruffle his feathers, his bag slung over his shoulder in a rea
lly sexy way. Wow. A wave of happiness crashed over me as I just watched him for a moment. He was so gorgeous and it might have been only in an entirely platonic way – but he was mine. Finally, he spotted me. He lifted his hand in a wave and the grin that spread across his face made me feel almost dizzy. He picked up his pace. I grinned and waved back like a crazy person. He was striding towards me purposefully. I walked towards him, suddenly feeling a little awkward but I needn’t have worried. He flung his bag on the floor, picked me up, twirled me around and finally kissed me heartily on the mouth. Wow! Pulling away he set me back down on my feet and grinned at me, “I’ve been dying to do that.” He said with a laugh, “and I’ve been counting the days down – I’ve missed you so much!”

  I nodded shyly, wondering if he meant more than what he was saying. It was all so confusing... “Missed you too.” I finally said, completely honestly. “So much.”

  We started walking back to the car. “So, what’s been going on around here?” Jonas asked.

  I shrugged, “Not much – Kade’s been hanging around again.” I bit my lip wondering what he’d say if I admitted that I’d pretty much been thrown at him by my boss and that I felt more like a whore than I’d ever felt in my whole life over the whole episode.

  He pulled a face, “Oh, God – please tell me you’re not going there again?” he groaned.

  I shook my head, “Not bloody likely.’ I said, “I like having friends, thanks.”

  He rolled his eyes and nodded, “Yeah, probably best. He really didn’t like me much, did he?”

  I smiled and shook my head, “No – because he could see what you meant to me and he couldn’t handle the competition.”


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