LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1

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LUCAS BLADE: Radical Rock Stars: Next Generation Duet Book 1 Page 20

by Jenna Galicki

  Nerves had Sindy’s heart racing. Watching Immortal Angel from the side of the stage, alongside the Immortal Angel wives, left Sindy awestruck. She’d seen the legendary punk rock band live only once before. It was about four years ago at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, only back then she’d sat one level up from the floor. She hadn’t dared to venture into the mosh pit of wild punk rockers thrashing around violently. That show had been phenomenal, but it was like watching a different concert at this close proximity. The electricity that filled the air around her practically had her hair standing on end. She couldn’t take her eyes off Angel. The man owned the stage and strutted across it like it was his own personal catwalk. He jumped onto the amp and swiveled his hips in the tightest leather pants she’d ever seen. They were like black liquid painted over his lower half, accentuating a body that belonged to someone half his age. His vocals projected through the arena with power and staunch. Tommy climbed on top of the amp with Angel. The two barely fit in the small space they shared and were forced to stand smashed against one another. With their backs pressed together, they grinded into each other, sharing an intimate connection in front of 20,000 people. They suddenly turned toward one another, their faces an inch apart. They fed off each other’s talent, both filled with unstoppable energy. Angel sang with a growl that was more intense than it was a minute ago, and Tommy wailed on his Les Paul like a maniac.

  A crash from the cymbal diverted Sindy’s attention to Jimmy Wilder behind the drums. Mason’s father was practically aerodynamic as he swiveled on his stool, arms flying to hit the side toms on his left and then his right. His shirtless upper half displayed colorful tattoos and the well-muscled arms and chest of a drummer. Without warning, he kicked the stool out from underneath him, sending it scurrying backwards, and played standing up behind his kit. There was so much power behind his beats it was a wonder he hadn’t broken a dozen sticks by now. Realistically, he’d split three in half so far, but Sindy wasn’t really counting.

  Her attention was pulled back to the front of the stage by an insane guitar solo delivered by Tommy Blade. The man was on his knees at the apron, causing a near riot from female fans of all ages as they pressed against the railing. His long blond hair continually whipped the stage as he rocked his head back and forth, lost in the spellbinding sounds he produced on his iconic Les Paul. The fusion of hard rock into the fast-paced punk rock song was mind blowing, proving why Tommy Blade was still unsurpassed in the industry.

  Angel suddenly came running toward the side of the stage, directly at Sindy, causing her heart to quicken. At first, she wasn’t sure what was going on, but then she saw Jessi holding a studded leather harness. Angel stripped off the leather jacket he wore and dropped it to the floor to reveal his naked torso. Sindy’s jaw dropped. These middle-aged men were gorgeous! She watched, mouth still agape, as Jessi fastened the studded harness around Angel’s magnificent chest and attached a rhinestone cod piece to Angel’s crotch.

  Jessi stood back and admired her husband. “The family jewels never sparkled so brightly.”

  Angel let out a short laugh, gave Jessi an overly dramatic kiss, then sauntered on stage, his crotch leading the way. The crowd hollered and roared at the sight of Immortal Angel’s flamboyant lead singer. Tommy turned to see what the fans were screaming about, and the lusty hue in Tommy’s eyes, the moment he spotted Angel, could be seen clear across the stage. A heavy pull on the whammy bar caused a long twang to accentuate his reaction to Angel’s appearance. Meanwhile, the infectious energy of Cyanide Sensation lit up the venue with heart-pounding beats and a righteous rhythm.

  There was so much going on that Sindy didn’t know where to look. Tommy was kneeling at the front of the stage again, leaning back this time so his long blond hair fell down his back and dusted the floor. Angel was vamping across the stage, taunting the crowd with his sexual energy. Jimmy was mesmerizing as his arms flew across his drum kit. As if by some sort of magnetic pull, Sindy’s gaze drifted to Damien Diamond. The man stood almost motionless as he thumped on his bass, oblivious to the mayhem around him. His eyes were closed, seemingly in some kind of trance. His gravity-defying bright blue Mohawk glowed amidst the fog and smoke that filtered through the stage lights. Activity soared around him, yet he was lost in the music, connected to his instrument without distraction. He was captivating as he plucked on his bass, filling the room with a deep pulse. Sindy was hypnotized by him, and she couldn’t look away. Damien’s eyes suddenly flipped open, pinning Sindy with a hard gaze, and she jumped. It unnerved her, until she saw the edge of his mouth curl up and he jutted his chin at her in greeting.

  “Amazing, aren’t they?” It was Kira, Mason’s aunt – his mom’s sister – who she’d met back stage before the show. They both had the same effervescent personalities and youthful appearance, only Kira had light brown hair while Audra was blonde. “There’s nothing like watching Immortal Angel live.” Kira pointed to the front apron. “Me and Audra used to be dead center in the pit at every show, way before Immortal Angel became famous.” A smile nearly split her face in half as she beamed at the band. “Now we watch from the side stage.” She turned to look for Audra, who was speaking to the light tech, earpiece firmly attached to her head and a clipboard under her arm. “I hope my sister gets to enjoy the show before it’s over. We’re still Immortal Angel’s number one fans.”

  “They really are incredible,” Sindy agreed. “And they’re all so nice. Not what you’d expect from world-famous rock stars who’ve been at it for as long as they have.” Sindy removed her eyes from the stage long enough to glance at Kira. She was edgy and cool, with studded boots and a fringed vest. “Do you work for Falcon Records, too?”

  Kira nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. I’m an A&R rep, which means I give input on the artists’ new music. It’s very exciting.” Kira put her arm around Sindy’s shoulder and gave her an excited squeeze. “We’re going to be working together, as well. I’m assisting Prodigy with the album.”

  “You are?” Sindy had no idea what went into making an album. The entire process was foreign to her. Tessa, Lucas and Mason had light years of experience and knowledge over her.

  Kira nodded again. “Uh-huh. You kids have so much talent. It astounds me. I always knew Prodigy was destined for greatness. We all did. You’ve really added something special to the songs, though. You’re a gifted guitarist.”

  “Thank you.” Sindy was overwhelmed by the compliment from someone like Kira who’d spent her life in the record business.

  “Where are your bandmates?” Kira looked down the corridor. “I think Prodigy is taking the stage after this song.”

  Fear paralyzed Sindy for several seconds. She had been too nervous to wait in the dressing room with Lucas, Tessa and Mason, so she decided to wait for them at the side of the stage. That was a half hour ago. She had no idea time had flown by so quickly and now wished she would have waited with her bandmates. Maybe there was a last minute change that she needed to know about.

  “There they are!” Kira waved at Mason, Lucas and Tessa who were several yards away headed toward the stage. Mason kissed his aunt on the cheek and wore a wide smile as she fawned over him.

  Tessa and Lucas flanked Sindy for support. “It’ll be over before you know it,” Lucas said, soothingly. “So make sure you enjoy yourself out there.”

  “Just have fun,” Tessa added. “You know the music. Just play it.”

  This was so easy for them. They’d grown up in the limelight, traveling with an entourage and a security team.

  “We have some special guests here tonight,” Angel Garcia said into the mic, causing the fans to let out a wild round of cheers. “Tommy, would you like to do the honors?”

  Sindy froze. They’d be heading onto the stage in seconds.

  Tommy was at Angel’s side in an instant, pride and elation dripping from his smile, and yelled into the mic, “Give it up for our son, Lucas Blade!” The crowd responded with a riotous uproar. They seemed to stand talle
r, in unison, and raise their fists higher. Lucas sauntered on stage, bright blue eyes on the audience, wearing a smile that lit up his face, and unleashed a searing array of notes from his guitar that howled through the arena. His chest plumped and his features became animated as he took in the applause. He was at home on the stage as if he’d been doing this his entire life, and Sindy envied the ease in his demeanor.

  “I love you, Lucas Blade!” a female voice screamed from the audience. Then a leopard-print bra landed at his feet.

  “Thank you!” he said into the mic after he picked up the bra and placed it on the amp. “I love you, too!”

  Lucas and Tommy faced one another as the band began to play Master of Puppets. Sindy had originally thought they picked a Metallica cover because it was a song she already knew how to play, but it turned out that both Lucas and Tommy were insatiable fans and playing Metallica was their thing. She thought that Lucas would play rhythm, but both he and his father played lead. They were twin titans on stage, dueling axes in an amazing display of showmanship and talent. They played perfectly, note for note, never faltering. A cone of light shone down on them, encasing the duo in a haze of white light as they did battle with their instruments. They were mirror images of the other, wearing carefree smiles and enjoying the rapport of father and son.

  The crowd rallied their excitement by cheering and stomping their feet on the floor so hard the stage shook. A second before the chorus started, Angel turned his head to the side of the stage and extended his arm. Tessa picked up with the chorus as she sauntered onto the stage delivering the lyrics with as much power as Angel Garcia had a moment ago. When the fans saw her, they screamed so loud they actually drowned out her insane voice for several seconds.

  Without her bass guitar, Tessa wasn’t rooted to one spot and used the length of the stage to taunt the fans. She was born to entertain, as at home in front of 20,000 people as she was in the recording studio in her basement. Sindy watched, in awe, as father and daughter and father and son rivaled one another with their talent. The combination was something Sindy never witnessed nor imagined, and she was left with her mouth agape as she stared in a hypnotic stupor at this incredibly gifted family.

  Midway through the song, the band stalled on a note, giving Angel a moment to speak. He kissed Tessa’s hand and bowed to her greatness. Of course, she feigned modesty for the sake of the audience and pretended to be embarrassed as she waved her hand at Angel. He put his arm around her shoulder and spoke into the mic. “Let’s hear it for my beautiful and talented daughter, Tessa Blade Garcia!” Shouts filled the arena, and Angel needed to wait for the crowd to quiet down before he could continue. “You know my kids, together with Mason Wilder, are in their own band, Prodigy. But, what you don’t know is that Prodigy has a new face. Help me welcome the fourth member of Prodigy, rhythm guitarist Sindy Cavanaugh!”

  Sindy’s heart stopped for a quick second before Mason gave her a little shove to get her feet moving. She didn’t know what she expected when she walked on stage, but the dead silence at a punk rock concert left her shaken, until a loud whistle pierced the air and someone yelled, “She’s hot!” A rumble of laughter followed, along with applause and a few more whistles.

  Lucas came to her side for support and her nerves disappeared. She let loose with a crazy guitar solo, allowing her fingers to fly freely up and down the fret board. There was silence again for several seconds while the fans took in her ability, then the arena erupted into a melee of shouts and cheers, signifying their approval with horns raised high. When she finished her solo, Lucas turned toward her and rattled off a piece that challenged her. She countered with a barrage of notes. They went back and forth a few times, entertaining the audience. Her heart was beating at an incredible rate, high with adrenaline.

  As if this experience wasn’t surreal enough, the great Tommy Blade came from behind and stepped between them. A blast of power chords exploded from his instrument. His fingers moved at lightning speed. Sindy and Lucas stepped back in awe while a single purple spotlight encased the master, giving him his due. Tommy dropped to his knees, and the crowd went crazy with loud cheers and screams. This man was truly amazing to watch.

  When Tommy got to his feet, Lucas and Sindy joined him. The three of them stood shoulder to shoulder, all at different skill sets but harmonizing perfectly.

  Tessa and Angel threw lyrics at one another like seasoned professionals. The affection they shared at doing what they loved most, together, almost outshined the stage lights and the power of their combined voices practically blew the roof off. They sang the last lyric as one, then they both threw their microphones down to the floor of the stage with a dramatic thump. The lights went out, covering the stage in blackness while the crowd roared, cheered and whistled loudly.

  “Oh my God,” Sindy put her hand to her chest and felt her heart beating. “That was the most incredible experience of my life!” She stood on the darkened stage and listened to the crowd still screaming. Her hands were shaking. Her heart was racing. And she couldn’t tone down her smile.

  “You did great,” Lucas said.

  She threw her arms around him in an excited hug. Just when she thought her body couldn’t be more alive or her head couldn’t get any higher, her excitement catapulted to the next level at the closeness of their bodies. She pulled back and gazed at him in the shadowed darkness. His golden hair glowed in the sliver of light surrounding the stage and his gorgeous eyes caught the reflection. The angles of his jaw and cheekbones accentuated the handsome features of his face, as well as the taut muscles straining under his Metallica T-shirt. They stared at one another, forgetting that they were surrounded by a half dozen people. He smiled back at her, softly, without saying anything, but she could read his eyes, and heat filled her cheeks and invaded her chest.

  “That was wonderful!” Angel Garcia put his arm around their shoulders, breaking the spell, and guided them off stage. “I’m going to introduce Prodigy. Get ready to make an entrance.”

  She made eye contact with Lucas. The moment may have been broken, but the sentiment lingered and it consumed her with an array of emotions. But, she couldn’t think about that now, because Prodigy was making their debut on stage in a matter of seconds.

  Everyone except Angel vacated the stage and the lights came up. The audience roared when they saw him, but quieted at the empty stage. “Get ready to rock, because tonight we have a special treat,” he said into the mic. “Throw your fists in the air! Raise your horns and rock the fuck out for Prodigy’s first appearance on the big stage!” He extended his arm to the side of the stage as he introduced each member of the band. “On lead guitar, the brilliant Lucas Blade.” Lucas played a few chords while he walked to the left side of the stage as the crowd cheered. “On rhythm guitar, we have the unrivaled Sindy Cavanaugh!” Sindy didn’t have anything to announce her entrance like Lucas, so she simply waved at the crowd as they hollered for her while she took her spot. “On vocals and bass guitar, with a voice that rivals my own, the incredible Tessa Blade Garcia!” Tessa was a ham and practically danced across the stage while she thumped on her bass and rocked her head, hands-free mic clipped to her ear. It incited the crowd and they shouted loudly as they welcomed her. “On the drums, someone who needs no introduction.” The fans roared for Mason even before Angel said his name. “World renowned drummer! The original child prodigy! The incomparable Mason Wilder!” Deafening screams sliced through Sindy’s eardrums at the reception the fans gave Mason. He smiled brighter than the stage lights, his dimples proudly on display, as he jumped onto his father’s kit and raised his sticks over his head in greeting.

  “THIS IS PRODIGY!” Angel yelled into the mic.

  “One. Two. Three. Four,” Mason chanted, and the arena came alive with the high-powered beats of Driven. Tessa delivered the vocals like a powerhouse, guiding the rhythm with her baseline. Sindy followed Lucas’ lead, playing each note perfectly. She didn’t overpower him or throw in any spur-of-the-moment effects
. She was so nervous she didn’t dare deviate from the song and played it exactly like they had at rehearsal. She looked up at Lucas for reassurance, and he returned a confident smile. He nodded once, the overhead light brightening his eyes. She watched him as he played. He was bold and assertive, never wavering or doubting himself or his ability, and it bolstered her self-confidence. She started to relax and forgot that she was in front of an audience, and began to have fun, just like Lucas and Tessa had both said, and it fueled her performance. When Lucas strutted over to her, they had a little face off with their guitars. Although it was rehearsed, it made her giddy, and an excited laugh bubbled from her throat. Lucas smiled in return, before they pressed their backs together and played in harmony.

  Tessa jumped on the amp and jutted her hips provocatively while plucking her instrument. The crowd screamed for her. A minute later, she jumped down, ran across the stage and hopped onto the drum riser. She sang to Mason, snarling her lip and growling like a tigress. His grin stretched the width of his face and he watched her with bright eyes as his hands moved of their own accord across the drums.

  Tessa commanded the crowd from the moment she set foot on stage to the very end of the song. “Thank you! That was our debut single Driven available next month!” She opened her arms for her bandmates, and they joined her at the apron. The cheers were incredible. Everyone was shouting their names. Sindy couldn’t believe she heard her name being called alongside someone as famous as Mason Wilder! Her life was truly a dream come true.

  Her head was still reeling as she walked off stage, a little dazed at the euphoric high that engulfed her. Tessa suddenly yanked her out of the way just as a rolling drum riser, which held Mason’s Tama kit, almost collided with her. She’d forgotten that Mason and Jimmy were having a drum off, and the excitement about Prodigy’s performance was instantly overshadowed by the anticipation of watching this father/son duo. Tonight was truly one euphoric high after the next.


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