The Vampire's Prey

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The Vampire's Prey Page 4

by Vivian Murdoch

  I stand there, the water pelting down, allowing my tears to mingle with the flowing water. My mind recalls Green and her man and how he looked down at her with such love and devotion. It seems so real. It’s not, but it is a nice dream. How many times have I wished for someone to look at me like that?

  There’s no way that fanger actually cares for her. But it is nice to pretend. My mind shifts back to Adrian. His smile, his eyes. What harm would it be to pretend for tonight and repent tomorrow?

  His face fills my vision as I run my fingertips down my skin. I’m already wet as I slide my hand over my mound and tease my outer lips. Here, I can be free. No one will judge. As for God, I’ll make my penance in the morning. Tonight, it’s all about me and Adrian. Maybe if I work him out of my body and out of my mind, I can be free of him and go back to my mission.

  My thoughts feel hollow, but it’s what allows me to indulge in these secret moments. My body arches up as my finger breaches my opening. Arousal eases my passage, and I slide right in, my finger skimming up and down my core. I clench. Hard. I want more. So much more. It’s a pale comparison to what I’ve felt with another man, but there is so much less shame in this. Much less guilt. My dirty little secret.

  A moan builds up in my throat, but I hold it at bay. Silence is key. My breathing quickens as my finger slides in and out. I add another one, the stretch so delicious I bite my lower lip to keep silent. Almost there. I lean against the tile. Cold against my back and hot against my front. Not enough. Never enough. I curl my fingers up inside me, strumming that spot that always gets me there. The noises my body makes as I pound my fingers deep inside are obscene. So wet, so close.

  I gnaw at my bottom lip, the tiny sparks of pain heightening my arousal. I know what I need to orgasm. It’s the one thing that will always get me there. I suck in a deep breath before using my free hand to pinch my nipple. Hard. The pain almost makes me cry out. But I don’t. I can’t. Silence is key. I squeeze again, just as my core clamps down on my fingers. My body likes the pain. Craves it. Needs it. Perverse as it is, it’s what allows me to finally let go.

  The sounds of the shower drown out my ragged breathing. It’s the perfect cover for such a licentious action. Evil or not, I will come. I need this release like I need to breathe. The steam chokes me as I gasp, my core tightening even more. Almost there. My eyes close, so I can concentrate. Unbidden, Adrian’s face comes into view. I can’t help my moans now. They flow out of me, soft and breathless, hidden by the shower.

  It’s like he’s there with me. His fingers replace mine. His voice growls in my ear demanding my release. Owning my body. His hands grip me so roughly, so possessively. Mine. He growls in my mind. I look into his eyes as he looks down at me. There’s such an odd mixture of expressions on his face. But out of all of them, love comes shining through.

  It’s at that moment I come. So much harder than I ever have before when pleasuring myself. It leaves me breathless. I pause for a moment to catch my breath before sliding down the back wall of the shower and into the tub. Sobs rack my body as I wrap my arms around my knees. Oh, what I would give if all of this could be true.

  I turn my head to the side and rest it on my knees. A good cry. That’s all I need. Just one really good cry, and I’ll be good as new. My anger, shame, and guilt pour out of me as I sit there, rocking back and forth. As my tears slow, I feel the normal emptiness and numbness creep into my body. Everything is going to be okay. I’ll complete my mission, make Father proud, and establish myself as part of The Family. There’s no need to have the love of a monster when I can have the safety and camaraderie of The Family.

  A sigh leaves my parted lips as I sit there, letting the water turn cold. Now is the time for penance. I force myself to sit there, letting the ice pelt me until I’m shivering. Standing again, I take my sponge and scrub myself. Just like that damned spot that doesn’t ever come out, I rub and buff until my whole body is pink and raw. Every nerve is electrified. The cold water feels like needles piercing my skin. A cry chokes in my throat, but I don’t let myself cry. There’s no crying during repentance.

  After several more minutes, I turn off the shower and wrap myself in a big fluffy towel, the one luxury item I let myself bring from home. It’s a quick walk from the bathroom to my bed. As I sit on the bed and braid my hair, I look up at the ceiling. “Please forgive my indiscretion. Grant me mercy and eternal life. Please do not hold my lusts of the flesh against me.” I finish up the braid and remove my towel before slipping into the bed.

  The sheets are raw against my skin, but the burn helps me feel forgiven. I fall into a fitful sleep, my mind and dreams filled with the one thing I could never have.

  The next evening, an insistent buzz wakes me out of my sleep. For the first time since the shower, I was finally in a deeper, more restful state. And then the buzzing of my phone has to ruin it. I roll over and squint at the screen.

  “Wake up! Hello! Hello!”

  “What is it, Barbara?”

  I rub at my eyes, trying to force the sleep sand out. Sitting up in the bed, I try to focus on what she’s saying. Groggily, I make out the words.

  “You need to come in again tonight. We are down a server.”

  “On my way.”

  Groaning, I get out of bed and stretch. Today is a new day, and I’m going to take full advantage. Walking over to the closet, I pull out a new uniform. This one fits me so much better. I’m grateful because I’m already struggling with one handsome man...vampire...and I’m really not trying to draw attention to myself.

  Truth be told, I might have done better as a partier than a worker. At least then, I could slip in unnoticed without anyone demanding I split my focus. Then I remember the line that usually stretches around. That way there was no guarantee I’d even make it in the door. Yeah. Working is much better.

  Tonight is just as packed as it was yesterday. Luckily, I’m working more as a server instead of a bartender. This will give me more freedom to move about and scope the place. I’m pretty sure I won’t find out anything else since three vampires in one location is bad enough.

  I weave my way in between the bodies to deliver my drinks. It’s an act of God that none of them fall. How do normal waitresses do this? Weariness fills me all the way to the bone. My feet are already aching, and I miss the bar. At least there, I’m able to lean on things, and the floor has thick padding. I shouldn’t complain though. This is a small price to pay for the glory that is my work. Eternity is far more precious than my comfort.

  As my eyes scan the crowd, I realize that I’m not actually looking for vampires in general but one vampire in particular. How long have I let myself space out? I look at the clock. Two hours wasted. I set the drinks down with a happy couple and make my way over to the bar.

  “Hey Purple? Mind if I take a break?”

  She smiles and nods towards one of the other waiters. “Carl just got one. He can cover for now!”

  Perfect. I scope out the place before settling in. There’s a tall booth that lets me look out across the place without being obvious. Minutes go by and nothing. There is nothing weird going on at all! I pull out my phone and scan the news. No reports of dead bodies either. They just haven’t been found yet. Movement catches my eye, and I see a couple heading toward the coat room. It’s the happy couple from earlier. But with them are a few men in fine suits that I somehow missed.

  Weird. Why would bouncers be taking people to get their coats? Sure they’re a little toasted, but there are literally people more drunk than they are spilling out into the streets with no one stopping them. I sit there, eyes trained on the coat room. I’m not crazy. There’s got to be something going on over there. I glance at my phone. Five minutes. It does not take people five minutes to get their coats.

  The man guarding the door isn’t moving. No one is coming in or out. Interesting. With a sigh, I get up and go back to work. Luckily, the next several drink orders put me in full view. Fifteen more minutes go by and still no one. Now, I
’m pretty sure that room hasn’t been out of sight; however, just like yesterday, there’s a chance I missed something. My gut tells me no. Unfortunately, I’m so busy tonight that I can’t even get close. But this is now priority number one. I will find a way into that coat check and discover its secrets.



  It has been a week now since I’ve seen my Rapunzle. My trip should have been a vacation. Unfortunately, her face filled my every waking moment. I can’t rest, can’t eat, every face in the crowd turns into her. I have had enough. I will have her and get her out of my system.

  I push past the bouncer and completely ignore Tiberius as I make my way towards the bar. The throng of people writhing on the floor part before me. I must look more determined than I think.

  “Where is she?”

  Red looks up at me, a smirk slashing her face. Tonight is not the night.

  “Why Adrian. How have you been? I trust your trip was a delight?”

  My fangs pulse as I lean down. “Where. Is. She?”

  Red has the audacity to stand up and laugh at me. She is actually standing there laughing at me.

  “Care to let me in on the joke?”

  “No joke. I guess when you fall, you fall hard, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She rolls her eyes and leans back against the drink rack. “Really? Usually when you come back from a trip, you’re spouting some nonsense that no one really cares about. Artifact this, translation that. Now, you’re straight to business.” She leans towards me and squints her eyes. “Have you eaten?”

  “What type of question is that,” I growl, leaning in even closer. She doesn’t back down. Red never backs down. “Of course, I’ve eaten.”

  “Then why this desperation? Unless you’re willing to admit you’ve fallen for her.”

  “Fallen for whom?”

  Fuck. Lucius. Just what I need.

  Red gestures to me. “I think someone has a crush on our on-call bartender.”

  “Oh really?” His face lights up as he turns his smile onto me.

  I grind my teeth together. “No crush. We just have some unfinished business.”

  Lucius’ smile gets even bigger. “Is that why you were moping around the bar last week? Well come on man, invite her downstairs. What’s holding you back?”

  I run my fingers through my hair. “She was working.”

  “Don’t lie now, Adrian.” Red smirks as she leans in to talk to Lucius. “She shot him down flat.”

  I growl and push away from the bar. “I’ll be in the back if you need me.”

  “Japanese artifacts won’t keep you warm at night my friend,” Lucius calls out from behind me.

  I resist the urge to flip off the king of the vampires as I make my way to my usual booth.

  “Hey sexy! It’s been a bit!”

  Barbara. “My usual,” I bite out. Looking up, I see her face fall. “Please,” I add, trying to smooth her rumpled feathers. “Sorry love. It’s been a rough night.”

  “I feel you. I’ll be right back with your drink.”

  She winks, and I feel a touch better. I may be out of sorts, but that doesn’t give me the right to take it out on her. Food that she is, she still has feelings.

  “Here you go! Red told me she put a little something special in it.” Setting my drink down, she leans in and whispers. “Pretty sure she added another shot. Promise me you’ll eat before driving home.”

  Oh yes. I fully plan on eating before the night is over. “Sure thing, doll.” I grab her arm as she turns and walks away. “By the way, I haven’t seen your friend around, is she okay?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She looks over at the clock behind the bar. “I think she’s supposed to be here in about thirty minutes.”

  Excellent. My cock twitches at the thought of finally having my fix. My brain has been on fire since the moment I saw her. Tonight, I was finally going to put her behind me and finally live my life.

  “Ahhh. So she’s the one you dumped me for.”

  Her smirk tells me that she’s not actually hurt. For some reason, that makes me feel a little better. I guess I’m getting soft in my old age. “I’d never leave you doll.”

  She laughs and playfully pushes my shoulder with her hand. “Whatever, you flirt. Just tread carefully. I don’t think she likes anyone. You may have your work cut out for you.”

  Oh, I’m anticipating it.

  I keep downing drinks, waiting for my elusive princess to arrive. Anticipation keeps sliding its way up my spine and into my brain. I feel on fire. I feel alive. Now, I understand the desire and need for the hunt.

  Looking at the clock, my irritation grows with every passing minute. She should be here by now. Just as I get up to leave, I catch it. The scent that’s completely hers. I narrow my eyes and peer around the club. I smell her but can’t see her. If I didn’t know better, that little minx is playing hard to get. My fangs lengthen as I scope out the room. Where are you little minx? Oh yes, I’m definitely enjoying the hunt.

  There she is. Her hair sways along her back, drawing my eyes to her ample charms. My mouth begins to water as I take in her curves. Oh yes, a delicious dinner indeed.

  Using my speed, I catch up with her before she can disappear on me again. Her startled gasp as I grab her elbow goes straight to my groin, and I can’t wait to hear what other gasps she’ll make before I’m through with her.

  “Miss me?”

  Her eyes blink up at me before she tears her arm out of my hand.

  “Hardly. Who are you again? I don’t remember caring enough the last time to get your name.”

  Zing. She is going to pay for that one. I push up against her until she’s flat against the wall behind her. Slowly, I slide my hand up her arm and pause just a moment over her collarbone. Her heartbeat flutters fast under her skin, the beats as frantic as a butterfly trapped in glass. Is she frightened or aroused?

  Just one whiff tells me all I need to know. Growling, I encircle her neck with my fingers and squeeze. Not tight enough to cut off blood flow but tight enough that she knows she can’t escape me. Her lower lip trembles so adorably, drawing my attention to the small, lower bow. I allow myself to explore its softness with my thumb.

  Suddenly, her tongue snakes out to lick the tip. My already hard cock aches at that delicate brush. Her eyes widen in shock. Did she not mean to do that? Surely she can’t be so innocent to not know she’s playing with fire. I lean to brush my nose against her neck, and she freezes. Any flair of arousal disappears. Strange. There’s no way she can know what I am. Why the sudden fear?

  Pulling back, I stare into her eyes. I can’t read anything in those blue depths.

  “It’s Adrian.”

  “Very well, Adrian. Can you let me go back to work?”

  Frowning, I ease off of her. It’s still not enough for her to escape but enough that she should feel a little more at ease.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Of course, you won’t.”

  I search her eyes. Nothing. She’s a complete wall. “Then will you let me take you to dinner? Get to know you when you’re not working.”

  She laughs, the hollow sound bouncing against my ears.

  “You have your hand around my neck and now you’re asking about dinner? No, thank you. I’m not going to be your fuck toy. I’ve got a job to do.”

  Growling, I tighten my grip again.

  “Don’t worry about that princess. I don’t fuck where I eat.”

  I reach out with my other hand to smooth it down her braid before curling the silken strands about in my fist. Just as soft as I imagined.

  “But there’s something about you that I can’t get out of my mind.” With a swift move, I remove my hand from her throat and grab hers to lead it to the front of my pants. “Do you feel what you do to me?”

  Her hand flutters about in my grip, trying to get away. I release her.

  “You have me under a spel
l, and I need to break it. Trust me, all I’m asking for is a one- night stand. Untold pleasure for you and me both. After that, you won’t see me again.”

  She tugs her braid out of my hand and stands up to her full height.

  “Oh, I can assure you. I will see you again. Now, let me go or I’ll scream. Pretty sure that’s not the kind of attention you want. Especially when you go get your rocks off with someone else.”

  Startled, I pull back. “Am I not speaking English? Right now, there is no one else. I crave you and only you. I thought the desire was mutual on both accounts. Or am I wrong? Can you truly say you don’t want this as much as I do?” The heat of her body beckons me. Her scent is the most potent aphrodisiac. “Just one night. Just one exquisite night of pleasure. I promise you, you will not regret it.”

  A sniffle, barely audible pricks my ears. I look down and see Evangeline rubbing at her eyes. “Come now, love. I don’t know how bad it’s been for you before, but I promise you, no one will compare to me.”

  She scowls at me before shoving at me. “I will not be your one-night stand. Not now, not ever. I don’t know how easy it’s been for you before, but I promise you this, you will never have my body. So use your trickery on someone else. I will never, ever let you put your hands on me again. And that’s a promise.”

  “Ever? Oh, my dear. Ever is a long time.”


  He’s standing there, looking like half a god. My fingers itch to touch the place around my neck where he held my throat in his hand. Swoon worthy. That’s the only way to describe it. I’m trying so hard not to groan as I remember him fisting my hair. In fact, my scalp still tingles acutely, reminding me of the fact.

  My knees feel weak, but the strength of his body keeps me upright. What am I doing? I can’t let myself get swept away by what he’s doing to me. Play hard to get. That will be the best course of action right now.

  “Can you let me go back to work?”


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