All the Powers of Earth

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All the Powers of Earth Page 96

by Sidney Blumenthal

  Fire-Eater strategy for secession and, 552

  Fitzhugh on Lincoln and, 381

  The Impending Crisis of the South and, 504

  Lincoln and, 381, 383, 384, 390, 391, 394, 396, 460, 532, 533, 560

  secession threats and, 238

  slave revolts blamed on, 533–34

  threats against in Congress, 337

  Blaine, James G., 585

  Blair, Elizabeth, 242

  Blair, Francis P., Jr., xvi, 96, 226, 241, 242, 277, 335, 528, 579, 590

  Blair, Francis Preston, xxi, 93, 93, 95–98, 100, 107, 173, 206, 229, 241–42, 277, 501, 523

  Christmas summit, Republican Party founded, xi, 98–99

  Frémont’s candidacy and, 231, 243, 244, 249

  The Impending Crisis of the South and, 500

  Republican national convention, 1856, 229–30

  A Voice from the Grave of Jackson! and, 100

  Blair, Montgomery, xxii, 95, 96, 242, 277, 278, 487

  Blood, James, 157

  Bloomington, Ill., 197, 249, 254, 370, 423

  bolters’ convention in, 253–54

  Lincoln’s “Lost Speech,” 50, 201–3, 356, 358

  Republican convention, 50, 186–87, 191–92, 196–204

  Republican meeting, 433

  Bloomington Pantagraph, xvii, 202, 253, 254

  Blow, Peter, 274

  Blow, Taylor, xxii, 286

  Bocock, Thomas, 154

  Boerley, Thomas, xx, 480

  Bonham, James Butler, 126

  Bonham, Jeriah, 422

  Bonham, Milledge Luke, 128, 505

  Booth, John Wilkes, 490, 613

  Boston, Mass., 54–55, 61, 62, 63, 67, 118

  Anti-Slavery Society, 73

  John Brown’s benefactors, 175–78, 466, 468–77, 479, 484, 493–95

  Boston, Mass. (cont.)

  fugitive slave guard’s death in, 87–88

  fugitive slaves and, 59, 73, 75, 76, 87, 469

  Jefferson birthday celebration, 431–32

  Parker House Hotel, 175, 476, 507

  school segregation and, 73, 107

  Sumner and, 57, 59, 64, 66–68, 174–75

  Boston Athenaeum, 68

  Boston Atlas, 69, 71

  Boston Courier, 151

  Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, 62

  Boston Post, 67

  Boston Prison Discipline Society, 66–67

  Boston Traveller, 178

  Boston Vigilance Committee, 59, 73, 76, 87, 90, 147, 469

  Boteler, Alexander R., 484

  Botts, John Minor, xix, 90, 245–46, 618

  Botts, Mary Mildred, xix, 90–91, 91, 92

  Bowen, Henry C., 528

  Boyle, Cornelius, 137–38

  Bradford, William, 60

  Brady, Mathew, xiv, 515, 529–30, 575, 615

  Brainard, Daniel, 415

  Breckinridge, John C., 214, 281, 292, 540–41, 560, 604–6, 606, 628

  as presidential candidate, xiv, 604–9, 613, 616

  Breckinridge, Joseph, 605

  Breckinridge, Robert J., 605

  Briggs, James A., 463

  Bright, Jesse, xv, 144, 207, 213, 290, 293, 343, 444, 447, 546

  Brinkerhoff, Jacob, 95

  British Anti-Slavery Society, 62

  Broderick, David C., xiv, xv, 344, 446, 454–56, 560

  Bromley, Isaac Hill, 581

  Brooklyn Eagle, xix, 246

  Brooks, Erastus, 239

  Brooks, Noah, 258–59, 530–31, 537

  Brooks, Preston S., xvi, 125, 125–31, 133, 139–40, 149, 151–55, 543

  slavery, sex, and, 140, 141

  slaves sold, 155

  Sumner attacked by, xii, 125, 132–41, 143, 145, 148–53, 174, 337, 470, 505

  Brooks, Whitfield, Jr., 128

  Brooks, Whitfield, Sr., 126, 127, 128, 139, 141

  Brown, Aaron V., 209, 452

  Brown, Albert Gallatin, 448, 553

  Brown, Captain John, 161

  Brown, Frederick, 169, 171

  Brown, George T., 202

  Brown, George W., xviii, 167

  Brown, Jason, 168–69, 170, 171

  Brown, John, xx, 157, 157–71, 175–78, 465, 465–90, 525, 575, 620

  appearance, 160, 471, 473, 476

  Battle of Black Jack, 170

  Beecher and, 528

  Bible and, 160, 161, 166, 169, 475

  Boston benefactors, 175–78, 466, 468–77, 479, 484, 493–95

  capture of, 482–83

  Chatham, Canada, convention, 470–71

  Concord speech, 476

  “A Declaration of Liberty” by, 477

  Douglass and, 159, 163–64, 167, 468, 478, 493

  execution of, xiv, 488–90, 489

  followers, 159, 468, 471–73, 477–82

  Forbes and, 465–66, 467, 468, 471, 472

  funding for, 466, 478–79

  Harpers Ferry and, xiv, 159, 166, 464, 466, 473, 474, 477–84

  incriminating documents left by, 491, 494

  in Kansas, xi, 157–58, 166, 167–71, 473, 474

  last note by, 490, 490

  League of Gileadites, 166, 168

  Lincoln on, 516

  martyrdom of, 483, 488, 495, 498

  Missouri raids by, 474, 476

  names for and aliases, 171, 473, 477

  at North Elba colony, 165, 177

  oath to end slavery, 161–62

  photographs of, 163

  Pottawatomie massacre, xii, 168–69, 176, 308, 466, 476

  as prisoner, questioning and trial, 484–88

  Provisional Constitution of, 468, 470, 471, 479

  Republican Party and, 498, 508, 533

  reward for capture of, 474

  Gerrit Smith and, 165, 166, 167, 171, 177, 466, 468, 471, 475–76

  Spartacus and vision of slave revolt, 475

  in Springfield, Mass., 162–66

  statement, 1859, xxiv

  Stearns’s fund for his widow and family, 495

  Subterranean Pass Way of, 163, 164, 166, 466

  Sumner and, 166, 178

  sword stolen from Washington, 480, 482, 483

  in Tabor, Iowa, 466

  violence advocated by, 159, 164, 167, 169

  Brown, John, Jr., 166, 168, 170

  Brown, Oliver, xx, 482

  Brown, Owen, xx, 161, 466, 478

  Brown, Salmon, 158, 162

  Brown, Watson, xx, 481, 482

  Browning, Orville Hickman, xvii, 191–92, 200, 228–29, 249, 305, 596

  Lincoln presidential run and, 523, 524, 569–70, 586, 590–91, 615

  Brown v. Board of Education, 74

  Bryant, John Howard, 527

  Bryant, William Cullen, xix, 68, 524, 526, 527–28, 530, 616–17

  Buchanan, James, xv, 22, 101, 103, 104, 155, 205, 206–11, 215, 229, 231, 243–45, 267, 271, 289, 289, 291, 307–28, 336, 545

  appointments, 271, 293, 309, 310, 319, 323, 330

  as bachelor, 208–9, 291

  Breckinridge as vice president, xxii, 604, 606

  John Brown’s raids and, 464, 474, 481

  character of, 208, 210–11, 268, 310, 330, 331, 452

  Cincinnati Platform, 540

  Congressional opposition, 452–53

  corruption charges, 548, 615

  Democratic midterm defeats and, 443, 445

  Douglas and, 215, 289–93, 329–47, 381, 427, 444–46, 450, 451, 453, 508, 545, 555, 606

  Dred Scott decision and, 279–81, 453

  Forney debacle, 268–70, 278

  Fugitive Slave Act and, 210

  Illinois Democrats and, 344–45

  inauguration, 279, 281–82, 282

  Kansas and, xii, xiii, 310, 314–28, 331–33, 336, 338, 339

  Kansas territorial governors and, xiii, 310–11, 313–28, 335, 343

  King and, 208–9, 291

  “National Hotel disease,” 279, 281

  Northern Democrats defect from, 327

  Ostend Mani
festo and, 212, 231, 267

  Panic of 1857 and, 324–26

  patronage jobs and, 267–70, 290, 292–93, 330

  Pennsylvania and, 207, 232, 267–70

  pre-inaugural Washington trip, 278–79, 290

  presidential election, 1856, xii, 211–13, 222, 238, 249, 255–56, 261, 267–69, 313, 544

  presidential nomination of 1860 and, 560

  as pro-slavery, 210, 339–40

  Republican 1859 sweep and, 462

  as the Sage of Wheatland, 210, 215, 267

  slavery extension and, 509

  Slidell and, 211–12

  Southern backers, 206–7, 213, 262

  Southern Directorate and, 323, 324, 327, 332, 338, 454, 604

  Stevens and, 232, 269

  summer White House, 381, 453

  Taney collusion, 282, 287, 339, 359

  Walker and, xii, 307, 310, 313, 314–28, 446

  Bucyrus Journal, 457

  Buford, Jefferson, 104

  Bulfinch, Charles, 67

  Bunn, Jacob, xvii, 435, 523

  Bunn, John Whitfield, xvii, 523, 573, 576

  Burlingame, Anson, xvi, 121, 151, 154, 272, 333, 335

  Burns, Anthony, xix, 87, 469

  Burton, Orville Burton, 126

  Bushnell, Horace, 21

  Bushnell, Nehemiah, 523

  Butler, Andrew, xv, 23, 38, 77, 78, 81, 105, 120, 132, 587

  lascivious slavery analogy of, 83–85, 110, 114

  Sumner and, 82–87, 89, 109–11, 114–16, 135, 138, 139, 141, 149, 150, 151, 154

  Butler, Benjamin F., 215

  Butler, Pierce Mason, 128

  Butler, William, 577, 583, 585

  Byron, Lady Anne Isabella Noel, 472

  Byron, Lord, 193, 469

  Cagger, Peter, 540

  Calhoun, John (of Kansas), 48, 308–9, 316, 319, 322, 323, 328, 330, 337–38

  Calhoun, John C., xviii, 4, 5, 23–24, 24, 26, 73, 77–78, 96, 128, 271, 272, 341, 342, 407, 547, 561

  Lincoln and, 48–49

  nullification and, 5, 23, 26, 97, 98, 100, 126, 287, 311, 319–20

  slavery and, 23–24, 380

  slavery as the “peculiar institution,” 27, 277

  “state equality” and, 264

  tomb inscription, 554

  California, 3, 5, 6, 455

  Bear Flag Revolt, 230, 242

  Democratic Party, Chivalry faction, 455

  Cameron, Simon, xv, 269–70, 424, 433, 453, 572, 585, 626

  as favorite son, 518, 583, 587, 590, 591, 592

  Campbell, Lewis D., 131, 132, 151


  John Brown’s Chatham convention, 470–71

  fugitive slaves and, 437, 467, 469, 474, 482

  Secret Six flee to, 493, 494–95, 498

  Canisius, Theodore, xvii, 434, 435

  Carmody, John, 597

  Carson, Kit, 230, 241, 242

  Cartter, David, 594

  Casey, Joseph, 591

  Cass, Lewis, xxii, 26, 70, 103–4, 118, 119, 178, 207, 271, 310, 311, 318, 349

  Catholicism, 239, 273

  Cato, Sterling G., 309, 319

  Catron, John, xxii, 279–81, 284, 287

  Central Illinois Gazette, “Party Principles,” 433

  Cervantes, 110, 111, 116

  Chaffee, Calvin C., 276, 286

  Channing, William Ellery, 59, 63, 64, 65, 469

  Charles I, King of England, 473, 483

  Charleston, Ill., 394–95

  Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 394–98

  Charleston, S.C., 547, 556

  bolters convention in, 558–59

  secession and, 625

  Secession Hall, 628

  Charleston, S.C., Democratic convention, 1860, 446, 452, 539, 539–58, 599

  Alabama Platform, 542–43, 549, 552, 553, 561

  bolters and, 549, 558, 602

  Buchanan and, 545–46, 548–49, 555

  Cincinnati Platform and, 550, 551

  Cushing as chair, 550, 558

  Jefferson Davis and, 545–46

  deadlock of, 558

  delegates, 541

  Douglas campaign biography, 539, 542, 547

  Douglas camp offers federal jobs, 555

  Douglas headquarters, 547

  Douglas nominated, 541–42

  Douglas opponents, 543, 545–46, 549, 554–55

  Douglas stratagem, 552, 557

  Douglas supporters, 547–48, 550–52, 557, 562

  Kansas fight metaphor for, 551

  local hostility and, 547

  Louisiana delegation, 546

  New York delegation, 557–58

  New York Times editorial on, 561–62

  North-South split, 550, 556

  Pennsylvania delegation, 543, 545–46

  platform fight, 550–51, 552, 555, 556, 561, 599

  site chosen for party unity, 546–47

  slave code platform, 542, 545, 550–51

  Southern voting bloc, 541

  Southern walkout, 552, 556–57

  venue for, 539, 549, 562

  Yancey’s speech, 554–55

  Charleston Mercury, xix, 129, 145, 262, 448, 547, 554, 557

  “The Union Is Dissolved!,” 628

  Charleston Standard, 51

  Chase, Philander, 250

  Chase, Salmon P., xv, 63, 75, 81, 94, 95, 99, 226, 229, 233, 250, 271, 335, 423–24, 463, 500, 528

  campaigning for Lincoln, 615

  cases on behalf of fugitive slaves, 95

  Lincoln correspondence, 435–36, 441, 462

  presidential run, 1860, 433, 435–36, 441, 524, 525, 571–72, 585, 594

  Republican Party emergence and, 95, 98–99

  Chassériau, Théodore, 173

  Chesnut, James, 114

  Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 114

  Chester County Times, 518


  antislavery sentiment in, 573

  Cameron Hotel, 589

  Deutsches Haus, German Conference, 579, 580, 622, 623

  Douglas moves to, 223–24

  Douglas reception, 1860 in, 610

  Douglas’s Senate campaign launch, 363–64

  The Drake hotel, 576

  explosive growth, 223, 572, 573

  Free Soil Party and, 573

  Great Union Depot, 576

  Lincoln and, 572–74

  Lincoln’s “Sandbar” case, 574–75, 576

  Lincoln’s victory speech, 1856, 263–65

  political power and, 223

  protection of fugitive slaves, 573

  Republican celebration banquet, 1856, and Lincoln speech, 262–63

  Republican Party and, 224

  Richmond House, 589

  River and Harbor Convention, 573

  Tremont House, 262, 364, 574, 576, 586, 589, 590, 591, 592, 594

  Chicago, Republican national convention, 1860, xiv, 524, 527, 572, 576–96

  anti-nativist resolution, 588

  balloting, 593–94, 596

  Bates and, 578–81, 586, 589, 590–91, 594, 596, 622

  bribery and, 585

  chair for, 587

  Committee of Twelve, 589, 591

  Connecticut delegation, 585

  Fillmore men at, 578

  German Americans and, 579–80

  Illinois delegation, 576–78, 585, 586, 589–90, 592–93

  Indiana delegation, 582–83, 585, 588, 589–93

  Judd and choice of city, 576

  Judd and seating arrangement, 587–88

  Lincoln supporters, 576–79, 582–83, 586, 587, 590–93

  Lincoln vs. Seward, 578–79, 585, 587, 589–90, 593–94

  Lincoln wins nomination, 594–95

  New Jersey delegation, 583, 588, 589, 591

  New York delegation, 583, 584–85, 592, 593

  Ohio delegation, 594

  patronage jobs and deals, 583–84, 590, 591

  Pennsylvania delegation, 583, 585–88, 590–94

  platform, 588

  “Republican Wigwam,” 587, 588, 592

  Seward and, 578, 581, 583–90, 592, 593, 594

  size of crowds, 576

  vice presidential nomination, 591, 594

  Wisconsin delegation, 584

  Chicago Academy of Design, 575

  Chicago Congregational Herald, 370

  Chicago Democrat, 519–20

  Chicago Democratic Press, xvii, 200, 257, 392

  Chicago Journal, 352, 358–59, 388, 398, 576

  Lincoln’s “House Divided” text, 361

  Chicago Press and Tribune, 422, 428–29, 446, 458, 559, 569, 578, 583, 594, 619

  book of Lincoln-Douglas debates and, 522

  Cooper Union address published by, 563

  “Every Body for Lincoln,” 569

  Lincoln letter to Canisius in, 434

  Lincoln’s anonymous letter in, 621

  Lincoln’s presidential nomination and, 538, 563–64, 570, 577, 578, 591, 592

  “The Presidency–Abraham Lincoln,” 525

  the “Republican Wigwam,” 587

  “The Winning Man–Abraham Lincoln,” 578

  Chicago Times, xvii, 22, 215, 327, 344, 370, 371

  as Douglas paper, 22, 327, 330, 344–45, 366, 415, 437

  Douglas Senate race and, 366, 370, 371

  Hossack trial and, 437

  Lincoln-Douglas debates, 387, 417

  Sheahan and, xvii, 22, 330, 370, 415, 451, 539

  Chicago Tribune, xvii, 28, 197, 201, 235, 331, 334, 336, 351, 354, 363–64, 366, 380, 382

  aligned with Judd, 520

  exposé of Douglas’s plantation, 414–15, 447

  Lincoln article in, as “A Republican,” 354–55

  Lincoln-Douglas debates advocated by, 371

  Lincoln-Douglas debate transcripts in, 387, 417

  Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech and, 361

  Lincoln support by, 388

  “Negro Equality,” 394

  “Poor Little Dug,” 398–99

  Ray as editor, xvii, 329, 334–35, 417

  Child, Lydia Maria, xx, 63, 68, 243, 272, 469

  Childe Harold (Byron), 193

  Choate, Rufus, 511

  Christiana Riot, 210, 232, 280, 518

  Cicero, 70, 72, 116

  Cincinnati Commercial, 103, 547

  Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 461

  Cincinnati Enquirer, 103

  Cincinnati Gazette, 103

  Civil War

  John Brown’s prediction, 474

  collapse of the Charleston convention and, 562

  Jefferson Davis on blame for, 288

  Douglas charges Lincoln with advocating, 364

  firing on Fort Sumter, 618

  Lincoln’s election and, 614

  Meriam in, 479

  mobilization of the Wide-Awakes and, 617–18

  Seward’s prediction, 340

  South Carolina Colored Volunteers, 479

  Tocqueville’s prediction, 179

  Clark, John B., 500–501

  Clark, Myron, 146

  Clark, William, 241

  Clay, Cassius M., 499, 505, 528, 571, 594, 615


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