The Chosen One

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The Chosen One Page 11

by Davis, Siobhan

“I’m fine. It was only a drop.” I shrug off his concern with a smile.

  “At least that explains why I couldn’t hear a word either of you were speaking.”

  He looks funny at me, and I feel a little awkward. “I needed to talk to Mom. Girl stuff.” I attempt to deflect.

  “Oh, gotcha.” He rubs a hand along the back of his neck, and it’s amusing to see the unflappable Coop out of his comfort zone. “I was a little worried when I couldn’t hear you and Dane couldn’t see you, but it’s cool.”

  “I’m well protected here. Relax. And Denzil and the guys are outside guarding the grounds. I’m safe.”

  “Tor.” Jensen appears in the doorway, and Coop scowls.

  “Hey.” I smile at my ex. “How are things at school?”

  “Boring without you, but there’s only a couple months left, so I’ll survive.” It’s hard to believe that not that long ago I was focused on graduation and college, and now, my day is filled with arduous training sessions and strategy discussions.

  “Did you get your college applications in on time?”

  “I did.” A big smile spreads across his face. “I got into Purdue.”

  I rush toward him without thinking, yanking him into a hug. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you’d do it.” Jensen’s arms encircle my waist, and he squeezes me tight, but I release him the second Coop’s frustration blasts through our connection, stepping back to lean into my boyfriend. Coop tucks me in under his shoulder, his irritation slipping away at my show of affection. Jensen shoves his hands in his pockets, looking at the floor, and I don’t need a line between us to know he’s still hurting. Remnants of guilt chip away at me, and I ease out of Coop’s arm, rubbing a tense spot between my brows.

  “Tori, why don’t you stay with your friends in the living room while I help your mom with dinner,” Aunt May says, walking into the kitchen and defusing the awkward tension.

  “You’re sure you don’t need my help?” I glance over my shoulder at Mom.

  “You go relax.” She kisses the top of my head. “We’ve got this under control.”

  Coop takes my hand, and we trail Jensen into the living room. Maddox and Beck are seated on the couch, looking relaxed, while Daniel and Dane glare at one another from opposite sides of the room.

  “Tori.” Daniel rises, pulling me into a hug. “Good to see you.”

  “You too. Thanks for coming.”

  Coop sits in my dad’s favorite armchair, pulling me onto his lap without invitation. I know what he’s doing, and it aggravates me a little but not enough to make a drama out of it. “I wanted to talk to you both about something,” I say, my gaze bouncing between Jensen and Daniel. “I need to locate the capsule I traveled to Earth in. All we know is that Dad buried it somewhere on the farm. It holds the key I need to unlock important information, so it’s imperative I find it fast.”

  “But you don’t have time,” Daniel interjects. “So, you’d like us to look for it?”

  I nod. “If you could start searching for it, I’d be very grateful. There’s a lot of ground to cover.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Jensen says, perching on the corner of the armchair Daniel is sitting in. “Needle and haystack spring to mind.”

  “I know it’s a big ask, but I thought maybe you might have invented something that could help? Like a metal detector or something?” I’m grasping at straws, but Jensen did create an alien-proof vest that saved his life back on Xzanthar.

  A proud smile tugs his lips up. “I’m sure I could come up with something.”

  “I know you can.” Enthusiasm mixes with hope, and I know I sound like his biggest cheerleader, but the guys can just suck it up. Jensen has been my closest friend for years, and I’m not going to change how I am with him. It’s not like I see him that often, and the guys will just have to deal.

  Dane snorts, but I ignore him.

  “Thanks, Jensen. I really appreciate that.”

  “Anything for you, Tor,” he bravely says. “You know that.”

  Coop rolls his eyes, and I subtly dig my elbow into his ribs.

  After Dan and Jensen leave, I remove items from the backpack I brought with me, throwing shorts and a tank at Maddox.

  “What’s this?” he asks, frowning.

  “Come running with me?” I take my pink and gray shorts and running top from the bag, holding them to my chest.

  “Sure, sweetheart.” He takes my hand, and we race upstairs to my bedroom to get changed.

  We watch one another as we strip down to our undies, and the air shifts with electrifying tension filling the space between us. His eyes darken as he flits to my side, gripping my hips and throwing us both down on the bed. “We can’t do this here,” I mumble, biting back a moan as his hand moves to my breast and his mouth suctions on my neck.

  “Why not?” he murmurs against my skin, pushing his hard-on into me.

  “Because my mother and my aunt are downstairs,” I admit, reluctantly shoving him off me. “While Mom seems okay with our group relationship, hearing me having sex with you would push her limits to extremes.”

  He peels himself off me, extending his hand to help me up. “That’s a fair point, and I never want to do anything to upset your mom. I adore that woman.”

  I fling my arms around him, tears welling in my eyes. “I love that you do, and I love that she’s comfortable with all of you. I worried she’d find it hard because she was always fond of Jensen, but she’s handled everything way better than I expected.”

  Maddox’s arms come around me. “She loves you, and that means she supports you even if she doesn’t always understand or agree.” He pecks my nose before gently pushing me away. “Now put some clothes on while I try to get rid of my boner. Running with a stiffy is no fun.” He waggles his brows, and I giggle as I pull on my shorts and top, tie my hair back into a ponytail and lace up my sneakers.

  By the time we’re ready to go, Maddox has himself under control, and we wave goodbye to the others as we head out the door. Denzil insists on trailing us, and we raise no complaints.

  “This reminds me of school,” Maddox says as we start off running at a leisurely pace.

  “Me too. Gosh, that feels like a lifetime ago.”

  “Yeah. So much has happened since then.”

  “I used to want to beat your ass so bad,” I admit, grinning as we speed up.

  “I know you did. You weren’t very good at concealing it.”

  “I didn’t even try, and you encouraged it.”

  “Because I always want to see you fulfill your potential. Even then, I was looking for ways to assess what you could do and how far I could push you without you realizing.”

  I throw back my head, laughing. “Spoken like a true trainer,” I tease.

  “I know what it’s like to feel like you’re falling short, and I never wanted you to feel like that.”

  I slam to a halt, pushing him into the back of the fence that rims this part of the farm. “Please tell me you don’t still feel like that?” I cup one side of his face, hurting at the thought he might feel inadequate.

  “To be honest, I haven’t had much time to think like that recently, but it’s always there in the back of my mind.”

  I reach up and kiss him. “You never fall short in my eyes, Maddox. Never.”

  “You’re most likely biased,” he says, lowering his hands to cup my ass.

  “It doesn’t mean it’s untrue,” I protest, placing my hands on his shoulders. “And everyone has flaws and strengths, but together, we’re whole. That’s the only thing that counts.”

  He crashes his lips to mine, devouring my mouth in a searing-hot kiss that curls my toes. “I love you, and I can’t wait for all this shit to be done with so we can get on with planning our lives. It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for that.”

  “Because you have.” I run my fingers over his cropped hair. “And things are going to come to a head soon. It’s only a couple of months until my birthday, and I imagine
the shit will hit the fan real quick after that.”

  “I think you’re right.” His lips move to the exposed skin between my neck and my shoulder, and he places the softest kiss there. A delicious shiver cascades over me, and his devilish smile tells me he knows exactly what his touch does to me.

  Reluctantly, I shuck out of his embrace. “I usually am,” I tease, poking my tongue out at him. “And it’s why we need to get our butts moving again.”

  My mood has improved after the run, and there’s a new spring in my step as I shower and get dressed in one of my old dresses. Mom hasn’t changed anything in my room, and it’s nostalgic being back here. Maddox showers in the main bathroom, and he’s back downstairs before me. I skip down the stairs just as Mom hollers that dinner is ready.

  “You look pretty,” Beck says as I step foot in the kitchen. He blushes, sending a worried look in Mom’s direction as he realizes how that sounds.

  “It’s okay. She knows about all of us.” I project to my four guys so we’re all on the same page.

  “How did she take the news?” Coop asks.

  “Better than expected. She likes all of you, so she’s handling it.”

  “This smells delicious, Mrs. King,” Maddox says, almost burying his nose in the steaming-hot plate of food she sets down in front of him.

  “I made my roast beef especially for you, Maddox. I remember how much you liked it last time.” She pats his shoulder, smiling.

  I swear his eyes glass over, just for a couple seconds. “I love anything you cook,” he admits. “And it all tastes divine.”

  “Suck-up,” Coop mutters under his breath, earning him a smirk from Aunt May.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” my aunt says, smiling as she cuts up her beef. “And anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar.”

  I giggle as I sit down between Coop and Dane. “Listen to Aunt May. She’s full of wisdom,” I joke, tucking into the dinner with gusto.

  The conversation is lively as dinner progresses, but I’m mostly on the sidelines, enjoying listening to the guys bantering with my mom and my aunt, and the normalcy is comforting. Dane doesn’t say much. Unless he’s asked a direct question, and then he’s polite in his response, but it’s all for show. I also notice he doesn’t eat much, and his face is starting to look a little thin.

  Without warning, Dane jumps up, his eyes glazing over as he extends his supersight. I place my silverware down, sharing a concerned look with the guys as we wait for him to tell us what he’s seen. “Someone is coming,” he confirms, darting out of the room.

  We run after him, following him outside.

  The rumble of an approaching engine from the far side of the farm eases my stress levels considerably. “Relax. That’s Jensen’s dad’s truck.”

  The rusted old truck screeches to a halt in front of our house, and Jensen and his father scramble out. “You need to turn on the TV,” Jensen hollers, rushing toward me with a palpable sense of urgency. He takes my hand, pulling me toward the house. “This isn’t good, Tor.” His frightened expression prickles the back of my neck. “This isn’t good at all.”


  We’re all clustered around the TV in the living room watching the drama unfold with bated breath. General Arantu’s face looks more severe on the screen, and with his long silver hair, gray eyes, and strange accent, it’s clear he’s not human.

  “What the fuck is he up to?” Coop questions, shaking his head.

  “How the hell is he doing this?” I ask.

  “He’s most likely hacked into one of Earth’s satellite feeds. It’s not that difficult to do,” Beck confirms.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Dane snaps. “Can we hear what he has to say?!”

  We instantly mute, listening as the general starts to speak. “Citizens of the Galactic Empire and Earth. I address you this evening out of concern for the safety and wellbeing of all our nations. Rumblings of discontent have reached me from the far corners of the galaxy following the recent broadcast from the Chosen One. It appears loyalties are waning, and races are lining up to support Alinthia in her quest. While I admire her tenaciousness, and her validity is not called into question, it would be remiss of me not to highlight exactly who she is, so you know who you are blindly pledging allegiance to.”

  I clasp my hands in my lap, forcing bile back down my throat as I wonder why he’s sharing the communication with Earth. People must be confused watching this, so I’m not sure what he hopes to gain, other than terrifying them with the reality that humans are most definitely not alone in the universe.

  On the screen, the general leans forward with an earnest expression. “Alinthia wants you to believe she intends to restore peace and grant personal freedoms, but the truth is, she is on a quest for ultimate control, and she isn’t opposed to using her powers—powers bestowed by ancient magic—to fulfill that goal. She invaded Xzanthar recently for no reason other than personal gain.”

  “Fucking liar.” I curse under my breath, and my hands ball into tight fists.

  “What transpired can only be described as a massive abuse of the trust and faith bestowed in her and a terrifying display of dark magic we should all fear.”

  “Bullshit,” Dane growls, crossing his arms as he glares at the TV.

  “I know most of you will not take my word for it, so allow me to share some footage with you captured during her invasion of my home,” Arantu continues.

  “Oh no.” I clasp a hand over my mouth as the image alters, and scenes from my daring rescue light up the screen.

  He’s chosen to come in at height of the battle in the chamber, and I relive events with fresh anxiety, watching as Zorc crawls toward Alandra with flames encasing his body. Mom slides in closer to me on the couch, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Don’t watch, Mom. Please,” I whisper, as the battle rages on. I know what’s coming, and it’s not going to be pleasant.

  “I’m not ashamed of you who are, Victoria, and you shouldn’t be either.” She places her hand over my heart. “I know the goodness that exists in you, and nothing that horrible general says, or anything I see, will alter my opinion.”

  I kiss her cheek, hugging her close as we watch it all play out in deathly silence. Of course, it’s been edited to show me in the worst possible light. Hatred spirals through me as I’m forced to contend with Alandra’s image again. Dane has his shields up, hiding his feelings, but his back is a lump of rigid stone as he stares impassively at the screen.

  I scarcely breathe as I watch myself at the end, with my eyes burning, a halo of danger surrounding me, and a steady stream of black smoke flowing from my mouth. I squirm uncomfortably as I listen to my distorted voice, and it’s no wonder some of the guards with us that day have given me a wide berth since we returned to Earth.

  I’m even scared of myself, and watching it like a neutral bystander has only added to my concerns. Concerns I’ve tried hard to bury, but watching this now makes me realize how much I have to fear from that dark element that slithers and slides inside my veins.

  “That is who you are throwing your support behind,” Arantu continues as the images from the chamber cut out. “A girl who risked countless lives to come here on a foolhardy venture to rescue her protectors. Do you really want to support someone so selfish? Someone who will use her powers for personal gain? Someone who is capable of wielding that kind of dark power?”

  Maddox snorts. “Does he take us all for idiots? He may as well be speaking about himself.”

  “That may be the case, but this could prove very damaging,” Dane says, not removing his eyes from the screen.

  “She must be stopped,” Arantu continues. “Which is why I’ve come to Earth, aided by my supporters. Humans, if you hand her over to me, I will leave you in peace. If you continue to shield her, I will obliterate your planet until all that’s left are tiny specks floating through outer space. Mr. President, you have twenty-four hours to deliberate. Decide wisely.”

  The feed cuts out,
and Dane powers off the TV, turning around with his arms crossed and a perplexed expression on his face. “I’m not buying it,” he adds after a minute. “He didn’t come here to take you. After what happened on Xzanthar, he knows that’s too risky. That he won’t be able to contain you.”

  “He was fucking terrified in the chamber after he saw what you did to Alandra,” Maddox agrees.

  “He is here because he wants revenge for her death. It’s as simple as that,” I state.

  “So why do this? What does he have to gain?”

  “He wants the humans to hand her over so there is nothing or no one to stop him when he wipes the planet from existence,” Dane says, drawing the same conclusion I have.

  “And he wants me by his side so he can witness my suffering up close as he destroys everyone and everything precious to me,” I add.

  “It’s not going to happen,” Beck says. “The director must know it’s a trap.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Coop argues. “The humans are a selfish bunch of twats. They’ll do anything to save their own necks.”

  “Wow. You really don’t give us any credit, do you,” Jensen says, scowling at Coop.

  “I’d love to be mistaken, but I don’t think I am.” Coop glares back at him. “Even if the director and the president believe us, they’ll bow to people pressure. Arantu just outed Alinthia and us as aliens residing on your planet. That fact alone will have them freaking out. Fear will replace common sense, and if they discover the authorities have known all along, there’ll be mass uproar.”

  “And either way, Arantu will win because he’ll have distracted us enough to make a move,” I confirm. “People will focus on me not the fact that asshole just admitted he’s waiting for an excuse to attack.”

  “Shit.” Dane scrubs a hand over the five o’clock shadow on his chin. “We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.”

  “You need to get to safety, Tori,” Jensen’s father says, speaking up for the first time. I’d almost forgotten he was here.

  I inspect his face, expecting to see revulsion or fear or shock splayed on his features, but all I see is compassion and concern. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” I ask, suspicion underscoring my tone.


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