The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 10

by Cami Checketts

  Gavin’s dark eyes became guarded but also sort of haunted. He glanced down, and a muscle worked in his jaw before he said quietly, “Guilt.”

  “Guilt?” Trey stared at his friend, forgetting to watch for Ella for a second. “Guilt about what? All I’ve seen you do your entire life is take care of everybody else. You’re the most selfless person I know. What could you ever feel guilty about?”

  Gavin rubbed at the growth on his jaw and stared at the unlit fireplace. Finally, he muttered, “Thanks, man. I appreciate that you think that of me, but I’ve done some things that are more selfish than you can imagine. Things that probably hurt Mama and Papa worse than Papa’s injury.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Gavin shrugged, but when he looked at Trey, his eyes were as expressive and warm as Trey had ever seen them. “Thanks for being such a loyal friend.”

  Trey nodded.

  “I’m sorry that I’ve been a dink about you dating Ella.”

  Trey recognized that first of all, Gavin was deflecting from telling him what selfish thing he’d supposedly done, but he couldn’t not respond. “Are you … okay with me dating her, then?”

  Gavin forced a smile. “I’ll figure it out. Just please be careful with her.”

  Trey nodded. He loved how loyal the Strong family were to each other, almost to a fault. Usually he was included in that circle of loyalty, but today Gavin had tried to shove him out. Of course, Trey would be careful with Ella in every which way. She was unique and special to him.

  The back door burst open and Austin raced in, wet from head to toe and yelling, “Gav! Bro! I fell in the lake. Ella rescued me. Come help her, please; she’s a Popsicle.”

  Mama tugged Ella into the house behind him. Gavin sprang to his feet. Trey tried to follow suit, grasping the edge of the couch so he didn’t hurt his leg. Ella was shivering uncontrollably and looked almost as wet as Austin, though only the ends of her hair were wet. She was pale and her lips had a blue tinge to them.

  Gavin rushed to her, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her toward the stairs. Trey had never been so ticked at his injury as he was at this moment. It should be him carrying her, not Gavin. She gave him a strained smile as Gavin stormed past him.

  Mama and Austin hurried after Gavin with Trey hopping behind them all. Austin chattered a mile a minute as they climbed the stairs. “And I was balancing on a log and I was rocking it, but then I fell and I couldn’t touch, and you know how good I can swim, right, Gav?”

  “Yeah,” Gavin grunted, reaching the top landing and hurrying toward Ella’s room.

  “But I couldn’t. It was like I was freezered, and I couldn’t even do anything but push off the bottom and then go under again. I thought I was gonna run out of air and be a goner, but then my Ella saved me!”

  Gavin carried Ella into the spacious bathroom attached to her room, and they all followed. Mama released Austin’s hand as Gavin set Ella on her feet, tugged open the shower door, and pulled the nozzle to hot.

  “You go with Gav, and he’ll get you in a warm shower,” Mama said to Austin.

  “Okay, Mama.” Austin took Gavin’s hand and happily skipped from the room telling him. “I’m not even that cold. Mama said if I got moving, I’d feel better, and it worked—but it didn’t work as well for El.”

  They disappeared out the door and Trey wanted to push past Mama and hold Ella, stop her from shivering, tell her how proud he was of her for rescuing Austin. He just wanted to right her every wrong, and do it while kissing her often.

  Mama raised her eyebrows at him. “You get on out of here.”

  “But Mama—” he began.

  “No ‘but Mama.’ She needs a warm shower, and you probably need a cold one.”

  “Mama!” Ella and Trey said at the same time.

  Mama gave Trey one of those looks that said he was treading on thin ice. “Shoo. You can hold her later.”

  “I’m planning on it,” Trey said. He caught Ella’s smile before he turned and hopped out of the room, Mama’s laughter following him.

  Trey shut the bathroom door behind him, then made his way through Ella’s bedroom. It smelled like her peaches-and-cream scent, and it was enough to make him mad with wanting to be close to her. She was okay. He knew that, but he didn’t like seeing her in any distress.

  Trey slowly went back downstairs and settled into Gavin’s comfortable leather recliner to wait for Ella. All of Gavin’s worries about Trey hurting her circled through his mind. He wouldn’t hurt her. There was no way. He wouldn’t let himself.

  Ella loved her mama so much, but she could not believe she’d made the quip about Trey and a cold shower. Mama was very loving but also very proper, and she didn’t allow “potty talk” from her children.

  After Mama made her strip from her wet clothes and got her in the shower, she told her she was going to check on Austin, and then she’d be right back. Ella rested her head against the shower wall, letting the hot water restore feeling to her feet and hands. It stung, but she’d take the pin-and-needles feeling over the frozen one any day.

  Trey’s face had been so filled with concern, she’d wanted to just comfort him and hold him. He’d said he was planning on holding her later. That sounded more heavenly than the warm water.

  She used some of the body wash and shampoo Gavin must’ve commandeered from the lodge. They both smelled good, like vanilla and peppermint. Finally shutting off the water, she dried off, noticing that night had crept over their canyon while she’d taken her long shower. A rush of excitement darted through her. Was this going to be the night? Maybe somehow, she could talk Gavin into putting Austin to bed and she could get some alone time with Trey.

  She slid into a T-shirt and some comfy yoga pants and was brushing her hair out when a soft tap came at the bathroom door. Trey? Her heart leapt. She hurried to the door and swung it wide. Mama. Not Trey. She shouldn’t feel so disappointed.

  “Hey, sweetheart. I sang Austin to sleep. Poor little man was exhausted.”

  Ella laughed. “He seemed to handle it better than me.”

  “His little body just heated up faster.” Mama stepped into the steamy bathroom and enfolded her in a hug. “Thank you so much for saving him.”

  Ella hugged her tight. “You could’ve done it. I just didn’t want to risk you getting sick.”

  “I appreciate that.” She pulled back and smiled. “I’d better get home. Papa’s been alone for a little while now.” The home health came in morning and night to keep her papa cleaned up and healthy and to give Mama a little break.

  “Will you let me know when I can come see him?”

  “The very minute.” She squeezed her again. “Be careful with that hunky Trey.”

  “Careful? Goodness, Mama, you act like we’re going to get all out of control.” The thought of that made her flushed. At least she finally wasn’t freezing any more.

  “I was young and in love once too.” Mama winked and hurried from the bathroom before Ella had to respond to that. She blushed as she thought about Mama’s implication. She did not want to think about her parents being all … passionate, but she had no problem letting her mind wander around some passionate kisses with Trey.

  Putting on minimal makeup, she pulled her long, wet hair back from her face. She eased out of her room, deciding she’d better check on her brother before seeing what the situation was with Gavin and Trey. If Gavin was persistently hanging around, maybe she could call the front desk and complain that she had to see the manager, so he’d be forced to go check out a nonexistent situation at the lodge. She smiled to herself.

  There were lights down low illuminating the staircase, and she could see some dim lights downstairs, but all was quiet and dark. Where were Gavin and Trey?

  As she crept into Austin’s room, her eyes adjusted to the dim light cast from subtle night-lights that shone softly down from each outlet. Gavin was pretty thoughtful to put discreet night-lights in Austin’s room. She knew there weren’t any in

  Austin was cuddled under his bedspread, with just his closed eyes, forehead, and tousled hair showing. He looked so cute and peaceful that it was all she could do to not kiss him. As always, she said a prayer of gratitude for whoever had given Austin to them. Mama had never revealed the story to any of them, and Ella couldn’t imagine their family without the little wild man.

  Ella eased back out of the room and softly shut the door. She headed for the stairs, and her anticipation ramped up again. Trey should be down there, waiting for her. He’d told Mama he would plan on holding her later. Ah, Trey. She walked down the stairs, not liking the eerie quiet of the house.

  Lights twinkled above and below the cabinets, and there was a lamp on in the living area, but that was it. The romantic appeal of the softly lit room and the fact that she could see Trey’s tall, strong form reclining in Gavin’s La-Z-Boy made her stomach swirl with delicious heat. He was waiting for her, and she was getting that kiss tonight.

  “Hey, sis,” Gavin whispered from much too close by.

  Ella tripped down the last stair and turned to tell him off for scaring her.

  He put a finger to his lips, and with his eyes glinting happily, he said, “Shh, our head injury boy is asleep.”

  “No,” she gasped out.

  “Sorry, sis.” Gavin didn’t sound too repentant.

  She crept around the chair to where she could see Trey’s face. Sure enough, his eyes were closed and he was breathing evenly. He looked so handsome that she simply stood and stared at him for a few seconds. Why did he have to be asleep? True, she’d only reconnected with him this morning, but it had been a very long day and a very long wait. She’d like some tender and passionate kisses before she called it a day. Yet he needed the rest, and she wanted him to recover completely.

  Gavin gently took her elbow and directed her back toward the stairs. They padded silently upstairs, and he paused just outside her room. “Thanks for rescuing Austin,” he said.

  Ella waved a hand. “It really wasn’t as bad as Mama and Austin claimed. I just didn’t want Mama getting chilled.”

  “That lake is freezing. It was brave of you to go in.”


  He tilted his head toward her room. “Get some rest. I’ll keep checking on Trey through the night. He’s not going anywhere, sis.”

  Ella didn’t know whether to thank him or demand that she be the one to check on Trey. Doc had said she should be the one. Forcing a smile at her brother, she walked back into her room and fell into a heap on the bed. She was tired, exhausted, but she would’ve stayed up all night if it meant being close to Trey. She feared Gavin was wrong. Trey was definitely going somewhere on Monday, and she didn’t want to miss out on a second of their time together. They would try to build a relationship before they went their separate ways, and she’d pray it would be enough to sustain them.

  Chapter Ten

  Ella woke early the next day, full of energy and excited for the day before her. Hopefully Trey would be feeling better from his head injury and they could spend the day together. She’d bet Austin would be close by, and that would be great, as long as she and Trey could sneak in those kisses she’d been longing for.

  It was still semi-dark outside; the sun hadn’t crested the mountains. She put on a long-sleeved running tee and tights and laced up her running shoes, which were only slightly wet from last night. She shivered again. The ice-cold water had been miserable, but getting home from the lake had been almost as bad.

  Trying not to squeak in her wet shoes, she tiptoed out of her room and down the stairs. Once she reached the ground floor, she walked around to stare at Trey sleeping in the leather recliner. She stopped and put a hand to her heart, wishing she was an accomplished photographer. Trey was still sleeping in the wide chair, sprawled out and obviously down for the count. Austin was cuddled against his left side, and a fleece blanket lay draped over Austin’s and Trey’s lower halves.

  Ella didn’t think she’d ever seen a more beautiful picture. Austin’s face looked so soft and kissable. Trey’s face looked manly, irresistible, and even more kissable. She wanted to wake them both up, but at the same time, she wanted to let them sleep as they’d both had big days yesterday.

  A door opened upstairs and she heard Gavin’s footsteps. He must’ve gone into Austin’s room, because he didn’t appear at the stairs for a minute, and then he rushed down them. “Austin?” he asked hurriedly.

  Ella pointed.

  Gavin stopped by her side and swallowed hard. “Sometimes he has trouble sleeping,” he murmured. “He’ll come down and get a snack or a drink; that’s why I have so many night-lights. Then he’ll come make a bed on my floor with pillows and blankets and have me sing him back to sleep.”

  Ella gaped at her brother. “You’ve gotten soft in your old age.”

  He gave her a chagrined smile. “Don’t let it get out.”

  “Afraid it would get even more women chasing after you?” She lifted her eyebrows. Women swooned over her older brother, but she’d never noticed him look at anyone twice.

  “Something like that. You going running?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to do the trails above the lake.”

  “Don’t fall in,” he said in a deadpan voice.

  Ella laughed.

  He looked her over. “Seriously, be careful.”

  She held up her pepper spray. “No worries, bro.”

  “Good.” He finally smiled. “I’ll head out to the garage and lift weights, then shower and start some breakfast.”

  “Sounds good. See you soon.” She gave one more longing look to Trey and Austin, then headed out the back door. The crisp morning air embraced her with the scents of pine and dirt. She breathed deeply and started walking up the trail. She’d run once she was warm, but for now she would savor the familiar trails and the beautiful new morning. Today was the day she was going to kiss Trey Nelson. She could feel it.

  Trey woke to a small, warm body cuddled up to his left side. It was much too small to be Ella, and the little person was like a furnace. Blinking open his eyes in the predawn-lit living room, he smiled when he realized who it was. When had Austin snuggled up next to him in the chair? The little man was such a cute kid. It made Trey feel like he really was part of the family, knowing that Austin had chosen to lie by him when he must’ve had a nightmare.

  The last thing Trey remembered was waiting for Ella to get out of the shower last night. He must’ve fallen asleep waiting. Dang. How had he slept like the dead when he could’ve been kissing Ella? Stupid head injury. He was feeling better, though, and today was a new day. Hopefully, today he and that perfect woman would get some much-needed time alone. Not that he didn’t want to be with Austin, Mama, or Gavin, but the need to kiss Ella was growing out of control, and not just because of how appealing she was. He had to show her that they had a future, and he hoped he could do it through his kiss and then by proving to her, and Gavin, that he was in this for the long haul and he would never hurt her.

  Trey shifted, and Austin yawned big, then opened his dark eyes. “Hey, Trey,” he said. “Thanks for letting me lie by you.”

  Trey smiled. “Did you have a nightmare?”

  “Naw. I just woke up and realized it was still actually Friday, so I came down for some treats. Then I couldn’t sleep, and I don’t have TV upstairs, so I turned it on, real quiet, and turned the timer thing on. You looked all cozy, so I lay down by you, and I must’ve fallen asleep again.” Austin jumped up and stretched. “What are we having for breakfast?” he asked.

  Shaking his head, Trey smiled. “I don’t know. What do you like?”

  “Sausage links, sausage rounds, and bacon.” He grinned. “Lots and lots of bacon.”

  “Mama always told me that bacon would kill me.”

  Austin screwed up his nose. “I tell her—” He pitched his voice higher. “—‘I got news for you, lady: bacon is good for me!’”

  Trey started laughing. “Where did you hear that

  He shrugged innocently. “On YouTube.”

  Austin was so funny and good-natured. Trey wondered why the little man never had friends over or went to play at someone’s house. Town was only ten minutes away. “You really dare say that to Mama?”

  “I make her laugh. She tells me that she would’ve grounded Gav for half the stuff I say.” He winked. “But I’m the baby.”

  Trey knew that was true. Gavin and his brothers had been loved, but they hadn’t gotten away with anything.

  The door leading into the garage opened. Trey pushed to his feet, straightening his shirt and wishing he had time to go brush his teeth. Footsteps came through the mudroom, and then … Gavin walked in. Disappointment came so quickly, Trey swore he could taste it.

  “Gav!” Austin ran to his brother.

  Gavin swung him up high above his head, then dropped him upside down. Austin’s fingertips brushed the wood floor as Gavin swung him like a pendulum. “What am I going to do with this sack of potatoes?” Gavin asked.

  Austin giggled. “Don’t throw it away!” he shrieked.

  Trey laughed and called out, “I think it’s moldy. Throw it away.”

  “No!” Austin hollered.

  “Trey, can you open the garbage drawer for me?” Gavin asked.

  Trey almost forgot about his hurt leg, but he remembered at the last minute. He hopped into the kitchen area and opened the wide drawer that had big containers for garbage and recycling.

  “No!” Austin squealed as Gavin carried him toward it. Gavin lifted him high above the drawer, and Austin begged, “Please, I’ll eat a banana with my breakfast, please!”


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