The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 12

by Cami Checketts

  Trey was enjoying a piece of the bacon Austin had insisted on, while he flirted with Ella with his eyes from across the table, when Gavin suddenly rounded on him. “What’s up with your leg? You just took off running, and now it’s fine?”

  Trey wasn’t sure how much to reveal. None of them would rat out Doc, but he didn’t want to make Doc look bad when he knew Doc had been trying to help him. “Doc called earlier and told me it was fine. He said to put some pressure on it and see how it felt. If it didn’t hurt, I was fine without doing the MRI.”

  Gavin’s brows were raised. “He just up and changed his mind about it being fine where yesterday he had you hopping around like a goofy rabbit?”

  Trey’s neck got hot.

  “You looked like a sexy hopping rabbit,” Ella interjected.

  “What did you just say?” Gavin turned on her.

  “Sexy,” Austin drawled out. “Mama would wash your mouth out for that.”

  Ella’s naturally tanned skin darkened, but she jutted her chin out. “I’d say it in front of Mama. He didn’t look goofy at all. He looked athletic and amazing.”

  Trey smiled at her.

  “Anyway,” Gavin interrupted. “How does Doc know it’s fine?”

  “I guess he was just being overcautious. As I was talking to him, I saw Ella through the window coming down the trail, and I saw a man heading toward her. I thought it might be you, but it wasn’t. So I took off running and …” He shrugged. “The knee isn’t perfect, but it’s okay. Monday I’ll be back to full strength and do extra rides for the lodge.”

  “That’s great,” Gavin said.

  “It is,” Ella said. “I completely forgot about your leg.”

  Trey lowered his voice and leaned closer to her. “My kiss could make you forget your own name.”

  “Yes, it could.”

  Trey wanted to kiss her right then and there.

  “And Mama says I’m a woman magnet,” Austin said. Grabbing another piece of bacon, he started chanting, “Kiss her, Trey, kiss her!”

  “Not where I can watch,” Gavin protested before Trey could comply with the little man’s request.

  “Ahh.” Austin pushed out a breath of disgust. “I need to learn how this kissing stuff is done. I only see it on the TV.” He tilted his head to the side. “You know my Gav isn’t one to be kissing the ladies.”

  Trey couldn’t hold back the burst of laughter.

  Gavin probably would’ve pummeled anyone else for less, but he simply shook his head at Austin. “Eat your bacon.”

  “Yes, sir.” Austin saluted him and went back to his bacon, eggs, and orange juice.

  “So what’s the plan today?” Gavin asked.

  Trey looked to Ella, who was looking sweetly at him. “I think Trey still needs to rest up,” she said. “Austin and I will take care of him here while you go to work.”

  “Work, work, work, all the time,” Austin piped in. “That’s my brother.”

  Gavin’s dark eyes filled with concern. “Sorry I always have to leave you.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve got Mama and Papa, and school and football practice will be starting again soon.”

  “Do you like school?” Ella asked the little guy.

  “I love it. Then I get to see my friends, and every day after school I have football practice. Gav’s one of my coaches.” He beamed at his brother. “I wish I woulda had a game today so you could see me, El. Will you come next Saturday?”

  Ella’s face clouded. “Shoot, bud. I’ll be back in Salt Lake. I’ll get back here soon and see a game.”

  Austin looked disappointed. “You work, work, work all the time too?”

  Ella’s mouth drooped. “When you’re an adult, you kind of have to work.”

  “But you people seem like you like it or something.” He looked down and mumbled, “More than you like me.”

  Ella started to say something, but Gavin whirled to Austin with an almost fierce expression. He tugged the little boy off his chair and held him by the shoulders. “I’m so sorry that Mama and I are so busy running the resort and taking care of Papa, but please believe me when I tell you that nothing is more important than you and I can’t think of anyone in the world I’d rather be with than you.”

  Austin’s lower lip quivered. “Truly, bro?”

  “Yes. You’re the best, Austin.”

  Austin threw his arms around his neck and hugged him fiercely. “You are! Thanks for being my brother.”

  Gavin gave a soft chuckle as he returned the hug. “It’s my favorite job.”

  Austin drew back and said all maturely, “Okay, I know you need to go to work, but can we go do something this afternoon, just us bros?”

  Gavin looked slyly at Trey and Ella. “You think we can leave these two unsupervised?”

  “Yes,” all three of them said at once.

  Gavin laughed. “Okay. I’ll go deal with the fires and emails at the resort, I’ll bring lunch from the resort restaurant for everybody, and then you and I will go up to the lake and go fishing.”

  “Yes!” Austin’s eyes got big and he jumped into the air, pumping a fist. “Yes! I’m the best at fishing.” He turned to Ella and spread his arms as wide as he could. “I caught a fish this big last time … but it got away before we could get a pic.”

  “Wow.” Ella gave an exaggerated look of surprise. “You sound exactly like all the best fishermen I know.”

  Trey and Gavin hid their laughter.

  Austin pushed at Gavin’s side. “Go work, quick, so we can eat lunch and go fishing.”

  “I’ve got to clean up breakfast.”

  “Trey’s got it,” Austin insisted. “His leg isn’t hurt anymore.”

  Trey laughed. “For sure.”

  “You and I can help,” Ella said to Austin.

  “All right.” He sighed dramatically.

  Gavin smiled and hurried up the stairs.

  “I’ll help,” Austin said. “If you’ll promise to go swimming with me after we clean up.”

  Trey liked the idea of swimming with Ella.

  “I don’t want to go swimming again,” Ella protested. “Last night, I was frozen.”

  “Not in the lake, you silly. We only jump in there on a dare.” Austin picked up some dishes and started toward the sink. “Gav keeps our pool at ninety. It’s like swimming in a hot tub. It’s so much fun. Please, El, please.”

  Ella glanced at Trey. “What do you think?”

  “I get to swim in a hot tub and see you in a suit? I’m in.”

  “Watch it,” Gavin said, pumping back down the stairs.

  Trey wiggled his eyebrows at his friend. “Have fun at work.”

  “Be respectful of my sister,” he shot back.

  Trey saluted him, and Gavin gave him a fist bump. Gavin knew Trey would treat Ella right, but thankfully he wasn’t pulling them apart anymore. Trey got to spend the entire day with Ella? He couldn’t imagine anything he’d like more. Crazy mountain bike rides, photo shoots, and mingling with fans didn’t stand a chance against Ella.

  Ella rinsed off from her run and pulled her swimsuit out of her suitcase. It was a simple black one-piece, and in a flash she remembered one of Trey’s photo shoots in California a few weeks ago. Bikini-clad women had been lining the trails, cheering for him, then taking pictures with him after. So many different pictures of him filled her with jealousy that she’d finally had to close the app and considered deleting it.

  She shook the memory from her head. Trey wanted to be with her, and he wouldn’t care what her suit was like. She had to trust him and forget about all the stupid social media.

  She slipped into her suit and hurried from the room, almost running into Trey; he was waiting for her on the balcony, typing into his phone. He looked unreal in only his swim trunks. Ella sucked in a breath. Was this perfect man truly falling for her?

  He glanced up at her and dropped his phone. It clattered on the wood floor and she winced, but Trey didn’t even seem to notice. He took a step
closer, his gaze traveling over her. “El. Look at you … wow.”

  Ella blushed. “Are you kidding me? You have bikini girls hanging all over you all the time, and you act like I’m something special?”

  Trey’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. “I’ve never seen another woman who compares to how beautiful you are, Ella—not just outside, but in.”

  Ella had never been the emotional type—that was her twin, Cassandra—but she was fighting to keep her lip from trembling and tears from spilling out at his sweet words. “Thank you, Trey.”

  He took a step closer and his voice dropped lower. “Do you think Gav will curse me if we kiss in only swimsuits?”

  “I think I’ll curse you if you don’t.”

  Trey chuckled. Her breathing quickened as he gently grasped her upper arms and tugged her closer. Ella slid her hands along the firm muscles of his chest. Trey groaned and kissed her. This kiss was fierce, possessive, and made fire lick through her like an inferno. Trey’s hands moved around to the bare skin of her lower back, and he pulled her flush against him. Ella had never felt so close to a man, physically or emotionally. She wrapped her hands around his neck and clung to him, wanting the kiss to never end.

  “Whatcha guys doing?” Austin asked from much too close.

  “Holy crap!” Ella jerked away from Trey. He chuckled uneasily, and she fought to catch a full breath.

  “Gav said I was supposed to shap-rone you and not learn how to kiss from you. Is this what he means?”

  Trey reached out and took Ella’s hand, squeezing it gently. “This is exactly what he means,” Trey told Austin.

  “Oh, okay. Stop your kissing!” he yelled before laughing. “That’s what Gav said to say. Come on, let’s swim!” He dodged off down the stairs.

  It was all Ella could do to not grab Trey and start kissing again. She’d never felt anything as incredible as his kisses and his strong body holding her close.

  He leaned in and she thought he might have the same intention, but he said in a rough voice, “No kissing in swimsuits, ever again. That has to be a rule.”

  Ella wanted to kiss him right at this moment. Had that kiss affected him as much as it had her? Were they going to make rules together? That sounded like becoming a couple, which was exactly what she was hoping for.

  She wanted to ask him, but he tugged on her hand and pointed out the two-story rear windows where deep blue water sparkled, outlined by concrete and then a green grass border. “Little man knows how to open the pool cover, I take it?”

  “Yikes.” Ella hurried down the stairs with Trey. They rushed through the main level and out onto the rear patio.

  Austin stood on the diving board, bouncing slightly. He wore floral swim trunks, and his skinny body looked adorable. He flexed and yelled, “Like my anorexic six-pack?”

  Ella shook her head, laughing. “Where did you get that?”

  “Working out with my best bro.” He grinned impishly. “Gav has a real six-pack; I have an anorexic one. Can I jump in now?”

  “Go for it,” Ella called. “At least he waited,” she said to Trey.

  Trey nodded.

  Austin flipped off the diving board.

  “Nice job,” Trey called when he surfaced.

  “Thanks! Jump in!”

  “We’re coming.” Ella glanced over at Trey. “I really like your six-pack. It’s not anorexic at all.” His muscles were beautifully defined but lean. He looked perfect to her.

  Trey grinned and said, “I really like you.”

  Ella opened her mouth to respond, but Trey lifted her off her feet, pulled her against his chest, and ran at the pool. Ella’s stomach swooped and she giggled as she bounced in his arms. Austin was cheering and laughing as Trey leapt into the deep end. The warm water embraced Ella almost as effectively as Trey’s arms.

  They surfaced. He pulled her close again, then grabbed on to the side with one hand to keep them afloat. Leaning in, he softly kissed her, and the chlorine mingled with the peppermint taste of his delicious lips.

  “No kissing!” Austin yelled, splashing them as he swam to the side to go off the diving board again.

  Ella smiled, wrapping her arms around Trey’s broad shoulders. “I thought you said no more kissing in swimsuits.”

  “I figured we’d be all right with our little chaperone close by.”


  “No. I actually can’t resist you, and I completely forgot about the stupid rule. Can you help me remember?’

  Ella smiled and couldn’t resist as she kissed his bottom lip, then his top lip, then whispered against his mouth, “I’ll help you remember how good it feels to kiss me.”

  Trey’s arms tightened around her. “Yes, you will.”

  Austin screamed, “Cannonball!” and leapt almost on top of them. They were doused with water.

  Ella smiled wryly. “Yeah, I think he’s got the concept of chaperoning down.”

  Austin surfaced and laughed; then he asked, “Will you play sharks and minnows with me?”

  “Sure,” Trey said. He lowered his voice and said to Ella. “Our chaperone’s great, but this afternoon I get you all to myself.”

  Ella’s stomach filled with delicious warmth that surpassed the hot water. This afternoon. She was glad Gavin wasn’t still counseling her to guard her heart from Trey, because her heart was already a goner.

  Chapter Twelve

  Trey had a lot of fun playing with Ella and Austin in the pool throughout the morning. They showered, played some card games, and then ate lunch with Gavin. Around two, Gavin and Austin had their backpacks stuffed with gear and were finally ready to head to the lake.

  “You gonna be bored without us?” Austin asked as Trey and Ella walked across the backyard with them.

  It was a beautiful day, close to seventy, and Trey decided he would see if Ella was okay with staying out in the backyard. He wanted to just kiss her until the sun set tonight and rose again tomorrow, but the scare of how invested he’d become in the kisses while wearing only swimsuits so quickly told him he needed to tread carefully. He’d lost track of how many women he’d kissed, but he’d never felt his emotions and desires flare almost instantly, and he could easily lose the self-control he prided himself on. That wasn’t going to happen, especially not with pure, amazing Ella.

  “So bored,” Ella drawled, winking at Trey, “but take your time. I want you to fish until you run out of daylight, because I know how much you love it.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes at Ella and said to Austin, “We catch them, they have to clean them and fry them, right?”

  “Yes, sir, trout fried in lots of butter, yum!”

  “I don’t remember agreeing to that deal,” Ella protested.

  “Please, Ella, please. I love me some fried fish, but I hate their yucky guts until they’re cooked.”

  “I’ll help you clean them and fry them,” she conceded.

  “All right. I guess it’s the best we’re gonna get. Let’s go, bro.” Austin gave Ella and Trey impulsive hugs, then trotted up the trail.

  Gavin tilted his chin up to them. “Make good choices.”

  Trey chuckled. “I’m planning on it.”

  “Good.” Gavin waved and hurried after Austin.

  Trey turned to Ella. “Alone, finally.”

  She smiled sweetly up at him. “Now I want you to kiss me until you get tired of it.”

  Trey arched an eyebrow and traced his fingertips along her jawline. “I’ve got news for you, lady,” he said, quoting Austin, “kissing you is good for me.” His voice lowered. “And I will never get tired of it.”

  Ella ran her hands along his shoulders, making his stomach fill with warmth. “We’ll see.”

  Trey framed her face and bent down close. Tenderly, he kissed her soft lips. He tried to take it slow, but the passion he felt for her and from her quickly overwhelmed him. He ran his hands down her back and cradled her close against him, kissing her over and over again and losing track of time or rationa
l thought.

  Eventually, when his neck hurt from bending down and his knee hurt from standing so long, he had to pull back and catch his breath. Ella was also pulling in quick puffs of air. She was so beautiful, he wanted to keep kissing her, but he took her hand and walked around the pool, settling next to her in a comfortable outdoor couch.

  “Already tired of kissing?” Ella teased. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips looked swollen.

  It was all Trey could do to trace her lips with his finger, place a chaste kiss on them, and then pull back. “Never, but I promised Gavin I’d make good choices.”

  Ella bit at her lip and glanced up at him from beneath lowered lashes. “You’ve been with so many women. Am I really that tempting to you?”

  “Dated, not been with,” Trey corrected. “Big difference.”

  Ella’s eyes widened. “Good point.”

  Trey settled back against the cushion and held her hand; pulling her close right now would not be wise. “I’ve dated a lot, Ella, but you are definitely something special. Truly, I’ve never felt this way about anyone.” His voice got husky and he had to clear his throat before repeating, “Never.”

  Ella threw herself against him and hugged him fiercely. “Thank you, Trey.”

  “For?” He grinned at her impetuousness. Holding her close, he savored her peaches-and-cream scent and promised himself he’d stay in control, but he was still going to enjoy holding and kissing her.

  “For you.” She pulled back slightly and stared at him. “For being with me.”

  Trey grasped her hands and said earnestly, “I know we just reconnected yesterday, but we’ve known each other for so long and I just feel this so deep. I want to be with you, Ella. I want to date you, get to know everything about you.” She gave him a watery smile and he hoped he wouldn’t make her cry, but he had to say this. “I know we’ll have to be apart more than we can be together for at least the near future, but do you think we can make a relationship work?” When she bit at her lip, Trey got a little concerned. “Do you want to be together?”


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