The Strong Family Romance Collection

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The Strong Family Romance Collection Page 59

by Cami Checketts

  “Thanks for coming.” She wiped at her tears. “How did you know to come?”

  “I thought Jed would get on that plane with you. When he showed up back at the house, I cussed him.” He gave Jed half a grin. “Then we both decided to come, so we chartered a plane.” He held on to her with his left hand, and his right hand passed over his face. “I can’t believe how you handled those men by yourself.”

  Brooks approached, apparently having waited as long as he could. He wrapped his arm around Cassie, replacing Gavin. “What say we have this conversation down in Camila’s office? I think the children are ready for some Christmas cheer and displacing all of this from their memories.”

  Cassie nodded quickly. Sydnee hurried over and gave her a hug, and then the five of them proceeded down the hallway, turning in to a room on the left.

  Brooks shut the door, but Sydnee spoke first. “Cassie, thank you, you beautiful soul. We had no idea the orphanage was being targeted. They got inside information that most of us would be gone and planned the attack. We would never have put you in this situation, but we’re so grateful. To think, you took down four traffickers by yourself.”

  Cassie was getting tired of being painted as the hero. “I just reacted,” she said.

  “Well, you reacted amazingly.” Sydnee cuddled into Brooks’s side, and he put his arm around her.

  “Anything you want, you three name it,” Brooks said. “My pilot, Barry, is standing by at the airport, as well as the chartered plane that Sydnee and I took when we got word there was trouble. Either of them can you take you back to America, or anywhere you want to go. Any reward money you want. Heck, I’ll fund your own orphanage if you want.” He grinned at her.

  Sydnee smiled up at her husband. She reached over and squeezed Cassie’s hand. “Truly, we owe you everything. We love these children like they’re our own. We’re deeply indebted to you.”

  Gavin and Jed hadn’t said anything, and Cassie realized they were both looking to her. What did she want? Only Jed. But how did she turn her back on her life plan? “Let us talk for a minute,” she said, “and we’ll let you know.”

  “Okay.” Brooks opened his arm. “One hug, though?”

  Cassie laughed. Only Brooks could get away with hugging everybody and thinking everyone was his friend. He gave her a bone-crushing hug, and then Sydnee gave her a much softer one. Brooks held the door for his wife, and they exited close together.

  Nobody said anything for a minute. Cassie’s legs were feeling weak. She sank onto the small love seat pressed against the wall. Jed sat next to her. He didn’t pull her close or take her hand, and she really wished he would.

  Gavin grabbed Camila’s desk chair and wheeled it over. He sat down close and said, “Are you okay?” His voice was thick with concern.

  Cassie was not crying again. She wasn’t. She bit her lip and shook her head. “Not really. Everybody’s acting like I’m some hero, but I just reacted to protect the children.”

  “You were amazing,” Jed said softly. “At the police station, they were all in awe that you would sacrifice yourself to protect all the others.”

  “Except for Izzy.” Cassie shuddered. “The guy threatened to cut her to get Camila to open the door.”

  Jed wrapped his arm around her and cuddled her close. The warmth and strength of his body helped more than anything could have. “He didn’t realize how good you are with that pepper spray.”

  Cassie actually laughed. It felt weird but oh so normal and nice. “Only you know that.”

  Jed grinned. “For sure.”

  “Thanks for keeping me supplied with them, Gav,” Cassie said.

  Gavin nodded and leaned forward. “Cass. Jed didn’t betray your trust—I want you to know that—but I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve been in a bad situation on one of your missions.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not.”

  “Heath and I have been concerned. I know he paid for your self-defense classes and I keep you stocked with pepper spray, but we thought we were just preparing you for an emergency. This …” He pushed a hand through his hair and gestured around. “I know you believe this is your life mission, but I really can’t handle you being in danger like this.”

  “This is above and beyond any of the other attacks,” she said quietly. “Most of the rest have been someone stealing my cash, or roughing me up a little bit, or trying to …” She swallowed hard and admitted, “Force themselves on me.”

  Gavin and Jed both pulled in quick breaths.

  “But no one has. I’ve been able to get free, or someone has been there to help me. Sometimes the missions are just in rough areas, but I’ve gotten a lot better over the years knowing which ones are better and safer. I make sure I’m never alone, I’m aware and smart, and of course I’m a master at the police-strength red pepper spray.” She tried to lighten the mood, but neither of them was ready for that.

  Jed’s grip on her tightened. “I know I told you I wouldn’t try to keep you from your purpose, but you said earlier you wanted to be with me, and you wanted to come home.” He didn’t remind her that she’d also said she loved him.

  Gavin watched her carefully.

  “But that doesn’t mean I can just up and quit,” she said stubbornly. Would they force her to? She almost wanted them to, but neither of them was that kind of man.

  “What if I came with you?” Jed asked.

  “What if you changed your plan?” Gavin said at the same time.

  “Excuse me?” She turned to Jed. “You came with me? What, like a hired bodyguard?”

  Jed nodded. “Gav and I talked about it on the way over.”

  But she didn’t want him to be her hired man. She wanted him to be her man. “You want to leave your career, your home?” she asked.

  Jed shrugged. “Not really, but I think you can tell that I’d do about anything to stay close to you, to protect you.”

  Gavin shifted uncomfortably.

  Cassie shook her head. “You barely know me.”

  Jed smiled at that. “Then let’s spend the next year together, getting to know each other while I watch over you and help you serve the children. I can take a leave of absence from the force. We can make it work.”

  Cassie had no clue what to say to that. She loved the idea of Jed by her side, getting to know each other, but she felt like it was asking too much of him, and her brothers, who she assumed would be paying his salary.

  “Or there’s another option,” Gavin piped in.

  “What’s that?” Cassie turned to him.

  “Heath and I have been talking about it for a while. You’ve done so much, given so much. I know you feel this is your life calling, but I also know you, Cassie. You were always the homebody, and I’ve watched you look more and more worn down and beat up. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to somewhat buy the rosy picture you painted, that I didn’t realize you have been and would be exposed to this kind of danger.”

  “It’s okay, Gav. I hid it on purpose.”

  “I know.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “What Heath and I have been thinking is that we both are happy to sponsor you on your missions, but what if you started your own?”

  “My own?” she repeated.

  “Yeah. Who knows all the different options there are to help better than you? Why don’t you come home, or maybe I’d even allow Park City—” He cast a sly glance at Jed. “—and start brainstorming what kind of charity or humanitarian mission you want to do? We can set up anything you want: an orphanage, building wells, teaching English, you name it. The family will help, it’d be great for Austin, and Nick will be home in two months—you know he’d want to help.” He sat back and splayed his hands. “You don’t have to decide right now. Just some options for you to think about.”

  Her brain was spinning, but she spit out the first question that came to mind. “Do you and Heath have the extra money to fund an orphanage or a charitable foundation?”

  Gavin chuckled.
“I believe so. If we don’t, we’ll call in a favor to old Brooks. See how guilty he really feels.”

  Cassie smiled at that.

  “The only thing you have to decide right now is if you want to stay here or fly home tonight.”

  “Home.” The word rushed out of her so fast that Gavin’s eyebrows rose.

  “Okay.” He stood and walked to the door. “I’ll give you two a few minutes; then we’ll have Brooks’s men take us to the airport.”

  Cassie stood and hurried to her brother. She gave him a fierce hug. “Thank you. Thank you for knowing to come for me.”

  Gavin held her close. “Thank you for inspiring us all, Cass.” He released her quickly and was out the door.

  She turned back to Jed, suddenly shy. He stood, the muscles in his legs flexing, and his entire bearing just shouted protection and shelter. He slowly crossed the distance to her, his blue eyes filled with meaning and depth.

  “You have some big decisions,” he said in a low voice.

  “Yeah.” She hated the thought of not going on the missions she had planned, but she felt relief at the thought of changing her plan. Her life mission was to serve. Maybe she could serve in a different way than she’d imagined. She loved Gavin’s offer, yet she loved Jed’s as well. How great was he to offer to give up his work and follow her around the world?

  “I want you to just think of one thing as you make them.” He didn’t put his arms around her, but he was close enough that his chest brushed her arm.

  “What’s that?” she asked, staring up into his handsome face.

  “Your family loves you and will support you in whatever you feel is right.”

  She knew that. “They always have,” she said.

  He brushed some hair away from her face and cupped her chin with his hand. “I also love you and will support you … no matter what.”

  Cassie’s heart thumped faster and her breath shortened.

  Jed’s eyes never left hers as he bent down low and grazed her lips with his. “You’re incredible, Cassandra Strong. You inspire me, you enlighten me, and I’m desperately in love with you.”

  He didn’t give Cassie time to say it back as his lips claimed hers, but she’d told him earlier and she would repeat it again soon. As she flung her arms around his neck and returned the kiss wholeheartedly, she figured now wasn’t the time for words.

  Chapter Twelve

  New Year’s Day

  Cassie shifted in her fitted teal-blue dress, facing her gorgeous sister. They were waiting in a small room off the back of the chapel.

  Ella was glowing in her lacy white dress. “It’s time, sis, it’s time!” Ella did a little dance. “Do me a favor and marry Jed immediately; don’t wait months like we did.”

  “Months.” Cassie laughed. Ella was always the dramatic one. “I’ll at least wait until Nick gets home and Hazel can be here.”

  Ella shrugged. “That’s what FaceTime is for. It was either get married now or announce the baby on the way.”

  Cassie gasped. “You are horrible.”

  “I know.” Ella kissed her cheek. “Love you. Head down that aisle, my gorgeous sis.”

  The wedding was at their picturesque Lonepeak church. Cassie straightened her shoulders and walked out into the foyer. Papa was waiting. He looked good; there was a lot more color in his cheeks today. She leaned down and kissed him.

  “Hey, my beauty,” he said, giving her a wink.

  A young man opened the chapel door, and Cassie steeled herself for all the attention and strode through the door, pasting a bright smile on. She walked slowly and purposefully. Close to the front, she could spot her family, all the dark eyes and mischievous grins, and then she spotted the blue eyes she’d been longing for. Her heart gave a little lurch, and her smile became more genuine. She focused solely on Jed as she walked down the aisle and stood to the right of the preacher, Trey, Gavin, Heath, Stetson, and Austin.

  Mama was seated next to Jed. She was all lit up and looked absolutely gorgeous, with a lacy off-white dress contrasting perfectly with her dark hair.

  “Looking good, sis,” Austin whispered too loudly, as most of the front few rows tittered with laughter.

  Jed nodded and pumped his eyebrows at her. “Looking good,” he mouthed.

  He was the one who looked good—he looked amazing, really. He’d had a friend ship some of his clothes down, and she loved seeing him in his navy-blue suit.

  The “Bridal Chorus” played, and everybody stood. Jed glanced at the bride, but his focus kept slipping back to Cassie. Ella pranced happily next to Papa down the aisle, and then she stood next to Trey and they exchanged the traditional vows.

  Cassie was so thrilled for her twin sister, but her mind drifted to the past week. After she’d kissed little Izzy and many of the children, Camila, and Sydnee goodbye, they’d flown home late Christmas night. She’d spent the entire flight and most of last week in Jed’s arms. They’d had a lot of fun together: skiing, skating, snowshoeing, playing sports and games with her family, and taking advantage of the amazing spa at Gavin’s resort. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this happy.

  Heath had returned, sadly without Hazel getting approval from the American government to return with him, but she should be joining them by next week. The timing could have been better. If Cassie’s plan worked out, she wouldn’t be here next week.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Trey swept Ella into his arms and kissed her good and long. They were such a fun-loving and ideal couple. Cassie glanced at Jed, who was still focused on her. Well, almost as ideal as her and Jed.

  Trey and Ella walked hand in hand down the aisle, then out into the brisk winter air. The entire party would continue at the lodge, where the restaurant personnel had been working overtime to create a huge buffet and the staff had decorated the two main floors of the lodge in Ella’s wedding colors of silver and red. It fit in perfectly with all the Christmas decorations that were still up. All of the staff and guests of the lodge were invited to the party, as was the entire town.

  Jed fell into step with Cassie, wrapping an arm around her. “Hi, beautiful,” he said by way of greeting.


  They followed everybody out the door, cheering with the crowd as Trey and Ella got in the back of a limousine, already kissing before the driver could shut the door.

  “I think I’ll keep the privacy glass up,” the driver said to the crowd.

  Everybody laughed and cheered some more.

  Jed and Cassie rode with Heath up to the party, getting more details about his past week with Hazel and her family. It sounded like they’d accepted the “American bloke.” Cassie was excited for Hazel to return and get to know their family better. She’d never officially met the woman of Heath’s dreams.

  The dinner was delicious. Jed was close by at all times, holding her hand, brushing her leg under the table, putting his arm around her waist, and pulling her close against his side. They listened to the toasts, and she soaked in this perfect day for her sister, but she knew, it was time to tell Jed her plans. He and Gavin had both put the ideas out there, and Heath had talked with her about some other thoughts when he came home, but none of the men in her life had pushed her or questioned her since.

  She was ready to get Jed alone and see what he thought.

  After the dinner finished, she and Jed were dancing along with the rest of the crowd when she felt like she was going to burst if she didn’t talk it out with him. The song finished, and she tugged on his hand and tilted her head to Gavin’s office. “I need to talk to you.”

  His blue eyes had been lit up and happy all day, but they grew serious. “Okay.”

  They walked together to the office, and she punched in the code. Settling into the leather couch, she turned to him. “I think I know what I want to do with my life.”

  He nodded and licked his lips. He loosened his tie and said quietly, “Please say it includes me.”r />
  She smiled and gave him a quick kiss. “No life plan would be complete without you.”

  “Oh, thank you,” he breathed out.

  “Were you worried I was going to ditch you?”

  “Well, you haven’t said anything all week, and ditching me was your original plan. Never settling down. Right?”

  “True, but I never wanted to ditch you. I think you’ll like the new plan.” But she was nervous. She didn’t want to direct his life. “But it can change. If you need it to.” He studied her, so she continued, “That’s what I worked out with the Lord. It doesn’t have to be some set plan. If I continue to serve and love, that’s what He wants me to do.”

  “You’ll always do that.”

  “I hope so.” She took a deep breath. “So I’ve talked with most of the missions I’m set to go with over the next few months. The ones that have an abundance of help, I’ve canceled on.”

  His eyebrows rose.

  “There are a few that really needed me, though, and I’m hoping …” She bit at her lip. “If you want to take the time off and go, that would be amazing, but if not, Gav, Heath, or Nick when he gets home could go with me.”

  Jed silenced her with a kiss. It wasn’t brief like the one she’d just given him. It was long, drawn out, thorough, and beautiful. She felt lit up from the inside out, and she knew he’d follow her around the world if she asked it of him. “You name the weeks and I’m there,” he said breathlessly.

  “Thank you.” She squeezed him tight and then drew back. “And I’m taking Gavin and Heath up on their idea of funding me. What I want to do is a house for those in need, whether it be for one night or a few months, in downtown Denver. The people will be expected to help out and earn their keep as much as possible, and there will be security to keep everyone safe and employment and education specialists to help them get back on their feet, and have a better future.”

  His eyes widened. “I didn’t even know … where’d you get the idea?”

  “I’m patterning it off a similar house in Ogden, Utah, run by Brody and Kaimbrey Jepson.”

  “I like it.” His voice lowered. “But you’re sure you don’t want to be traveling the world?”


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