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Page 19

by Madden, A. M.

  I almost laughed at his stunned expression, until he ran one fingertip over the swell of my breast before circling the hardened nipple beneath the lace… and in the process erasing any trace of humor.

  His mouth replaced his touch, but he then thought better of it by hooking the cup with a finger and dragging it down to release my breast. He then continued my torment by pulling its pebbled peak between his lips.

  “Trey,” I said, his name encased in a heavy breath. His response was to wrap his free hand around my other breast and squeeze. I seriously couldn’t take any more… and resorted to pleading.


  “Trey, please.”

  “Please what?” I asked against her sweet flesh. Christ, I could suck on her all day. And if my cock hadn’t been painfully begging to be let out, I might have. She didn’t respond, but I really didn’t need her to.

  I twisted her body in my arms and stood to carry her toward her room. If this was going to happen, on a worn linoleum floor wasn’t where it would. And as visions of thrusting into her stole my thoughts, a flash of regret tried to steal my nerve.

  This was Camilla, the mother of my child, no longer the star-crazed fan who’d embarked on an adventure seven years ago by using me. Nor was she like all the females I’d mindlessly fucked to fill the loneliness in my core.

  Not wanting to hurt her gave me pause long enough to halt as she searched my face. I needed to slow my roll and not come off as a horny fucker. Especially since I was a horny fucker.

  “Are you okay?” she asked nervously.

  “Yes. I worry about you.”

  “I’m fine, Trey.” She cupped my jaw to keep my eyes on hers. “I’m more than fine.”

  “I don’t want to rush you into anything that you—” Her hand clapped against my mouth.

  “Trey. You’re not rushing me. I’ve been wanting you since that kiss on the beach.” Well, damn. “Besides… it’s still your birthday,” she added before dotting my jaw and neck with her soft lips. With each kiss, she managed to tug me back into the good visions, the one where we finally came together after all these weeks of push and pull.

  The last place she kissed was my mouth. Slowly, we caught up to where I had left off… together, each taking a turn to raise the bar. But touches and kisses quickly became inadequate.

  We hastily stripped off our clothes, because our patience had run out. Beneath the denim shorts, beneath the lace bra and cotton panties, was a gorgeous woman. That night we conceived Alivia may have been crude and tawdry, but what unfolded between us now was the complete opposite.

  She ended up kneeling beside me with her hands on my abs. “Trey, don’t stop me,” she said, waiting for an argument. “Please.”

  “I can’t stop you, Camilla.”

  Her full lips lifted into a sexy smile. She tucked her fingers into the waistband of my black briefs and peeled them down my body, and I knew there was no turning back.

  When her eyes caught on my piercing, they widened. And when she glanced at my face before fingering it in awe, she made me crazy with desire.

  I reached for my jeans, which had landed on the edge of the bed, and pulled out my wallet, then a condom. Wordlessly, I twisted off the silver bead and removed the piercing from the tip of my cock.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, still staring at my fingers as I rolled on the condom.

  “It can rip through latex,” I explained. The act interrupting our passion could have been a mood killer, but fuck if the entire exchange wasn’t hot as hell.

  Once I was sheathed, I laid her back, now searching her face for any signs that meant she wasn’t still with me. All I received was a confident stare-down just before she nodded.

  When I skimmed my fingers over her, she opened herself up and raised her hips. Her mouth gaped when I slid a finger inside her. She felt so warm, so tight. I needed to feel her wrapped around my cock.

  I withdrew my finger and slid it into my mouth. “Sweet as sugar,” I announced while watching her chest rise and fall. “Addicting, but I’ll save that for later, because I need to take you, Camilla.”

  I took a moment to memorize her expression. She met my rapt attention and then nodded a second time for my benefit, prompting me to shift so my cock was poised at her entrance. While mesmerized by the glimmering in her irises, I eased into her pussy one slow inch at a time. An unexpected hiss escaped me as she sucked me in.

  Once my balls met her ass, I wasn’t prepared for the instant surge of pleasure that shot straight through me. Her moans served as an accelerant to an already molten connection. With each flex of my hips, I fucked myself over because I knew fucking Camilla had just become a new addiction.

  Chapter 28


  I really didn’t sleep well. It wasn’t because of the sexy rock star in my bed… although I haven’t had a man in my bed, well, ever. Victor and I were more of a sneak-around kind of couple.

  The lack of sleep was because my mind wouldn’t stop visualizing my time with Trey. Although we made love only once, it’d been perfect. The limit of my expertise in the subject was minuscule. After all these years, Trey still remained the second man I’d ever slept with.

  Sure, my time with Victor had been sexually satisfying, but compared to the two times I’d slept with Trey, being with Victor would be like comparing a hamburger dinner to filet mignon. Not because of any sort of kinkiness… although I suspected Trey had many tricks in his back pocket regarding kink.

  Last night had merely been two people coming together in an unsophisticated kind of way. Yet it meant so much more. The connection I’d had with Victor didn’t compare to the one that had developed with Trey in such a short amount of time.

  In fact, afterward, he seemed shy as he held me with our naked bodies flush up against each other, casually chatting until his breathing evened out. The sweet cuddling was such a contradiction to the heavily tatted man bold enough to get his penis pierced.

  I tried not to let disappointment take hold by not taking advantage of all the opportunities to have sex again. I also tried not to let my insecurities peck their way into my thoughts, mainly tainted with concern that he regretted what we did. But the man tracing soothing circles over my back and occasionally kissing my forehead showed no signs of wanting to run.

  Needing to get to the Lairs’ for breakfast, showering together should’ve saved some time, but, knowing Trey, that would’ve been counterproductive. So instead, we showered and dressed separately before Alec came by to drive us into the city. During the ride, Trey held my hand while we talked about his music and how over the years it had served as a healing agent for his battered heart. He admitted he hated the fame but felt like a prick complaining about it when it had given him so many spoils in life.

  I confessed I had most of DL’s songs on a playlist that I loved listening to. Of course, I kept to myself that of late I often watched video clips of Trey performing live while alone in my bed.

  When Alec pulled up in front of the Lairs’ building, I wasn’t sure what had my heart bucking in my chest. Maybe, now that we were away from the little bubble we’d spent our time together in, I was worried about how this new thing between us would play out in public. And just before he opened the door, it occurred to me we hadn’t discussed how we would act, not only in front of his friends, but also in front of our daughter.

  “Wait…” I said when he tugged on my hand to follow him. “I know we decided to take it slow, but I think we need to keep things platonic in front of Alivia.”

  He considered my words and then nodded. “I agree.” Again, I chose to ignore the pinch of disappointment over how quickly he had conceded. Now wasn’t the time to stroke my ego.

  And in a way only Trey could, he kissed my hand before tugging me into the building. A few seconds later, he punched in the required access code on the elevator keypad, and we climbed to the penthouse. Although the great room was empty, the first thing we heard when the doors opened was someone playing a s
ong I recognized as DL’s on the guitar.

  When I subtly pulled my hand from his, he looked down at me. “Is that Jack playing?” I asked.

  “Probably Shane.”

  “Shane?” I said in shock. “He’s amazing.”

  “Yeah, the kid took to it immediately. In just over two years, he can practically keep up with me.” Assuming everyone was in the den listening to Shane, Trey placed a hand on the center of my back to lead the way. Sure enough, Shane was sitting on a chair playing his black electric guitar with his parents, siblings, and Alivia looking on with starred eyes.

  Leila was the first to spot us. “Good morning,” she said with a brilliant smile, coming toward where we hovered in the doorway. In a tad lower voice, she asked, “How are you two doing?”

  Trey narrowed his eyes and smirked. “We’re fine. When’s breakfast? I’m starving.”

  “Trey.” He glanced at me with a What? expression.

  “It’s fine, Camilla. I’m used to his rudeness.” Leila patted his face as a mother would a child. “Now that you’re here, you can come help me get started.” She snatched his hand while smiling victoriously. “Camilla, go sit and relax. We’ve got this.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle over the dread written on his face as Leila tugged him toward the kitchen. With her back to me, Alivia had yet to realize I was there. I watched while she continued to stare at Shane in awe, swaying her little body to the music. Adorably, Siarra sat on the floor beside her, holding my daughter’s hand. Even Madden was captivated by his big brother’s performance.

  “Next generation of DL,” Jack said when he came to stand beside me.

  “He’s really good.” The pride on Jack’s face was unmistakable. “I can’t believe he’s only been playing for a few years.”

  “He’s an amazing little boy. We’re blessed to have him in our family.”

  With that, Shane strummed the final few chords, and the kids applauded. When Jack and I followed suit, Alivia twisted her head, saw me across the room, and came running over.

  “Hi, Mommy.”

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I said, squatting to accept a tight squeeze. “Did you have fun?”

  She nodded eagerly. “So much fun.”

  “What do you say to Mr. Jack?” I prompted.

  Her gaze landed on the handsome man beside me. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Jack mimicked my stance just as Siarra came over and squeezed between his spread knees. “Thank you for playing with Siarra.”

  “Daddy, is it pancake time?”

  Gathering his daughter into his arms, he stood and smiled. “Let’s go see if Mommy and Uncle Trey are ready for us.”

  “I see, I see,” Madden called out, scurrying right past us out the door.

  Shane was next to saunter over, whispering something to Alivia and prompting her to giggle.

  “Daddy, let me down,” Siarra said. We then watched Alivia take Siarra’s hand, and the three of them followed after Madden.

  “She’s a doll,” Jack said once we were alone. “Siarra adores her.”

  “Well, I’m so glad she got to spend time with you guys.”

  “Ready for a chaotic breakfast? Between us, Trey is about to get a good dose of humiliation.”

  “Oh boy… I look forward to that,” I admitted with a grin.

  “Oh, me too. Hunter and Scott will be pissed they missed it.” He returned a dimpled smile of his own while waving a hand toward the doorway. “After you.”

  Breakfast was disguised as a party for Trey. Everyone was forced to wear birthday hats while we feasted on pancakes. Most were perfectly shaped Mickey Mouse faces, and then there were a few that mimicked giant blobs with eyes—pancakes Trey claimed were planned to look like that.

  After a birthday cake, Trey was presented with a homemade card that read, To the best Daddy.

  I watched the expression on his face alter as he read the inside. With Leila’s help, Alivia had made a butterfly from painted imprints of her hands, and she’d spelled out her name with a bunch of heart stickers. I swear he teared up when she squeezed his neck and kissed his cheek.

  Jack was sure to take a ton of pictures to share with the rest of their band. And when Trey thought no one was looking, he flipped his friend off with a scowl.

  We decided to get Alivia home. Although she protested, the glassiness in her eyes, along with a series of yawns, had us sticking to our guns.

  Sure enough, we were ten minutes into the ride to Queens when she conked out. Leila had apologized, because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get their middle-of-the-night giggles to stop. A part of me was eager to get her back into a routine. As wonderful as her new life had suddenly become, the need to keep her grounded overwhelmed me.

  Trey admitted he was eager to have her sleep in her room at his place but understood she had summer camp the next day and activities to resume. We agreed to go back to normal on weekdays and keep playdates and sleepovers for weekends.

  “Summer is winding down. When is her camp over?” he asked quietly.

  “She has two more weeks before she’s out of camp, and then school starts the week after Labor Day.”

  He thought about the information. “Usually, Jack and Leila have us all out for Labor Day weekend, but this year they’re taking the kids to Disney World before school starts.” Wondering what he was getting at, I waited for him to add, “They offered us the house.” When my mouth gaped, he nodded. “Yeah. They thought it would be a nice way to have privacy while enjoying the last bit of summer.”

  “I don’t know.”

  But when I didn’t elaborate, he asked, “What don’t you know?”

  My attention briefly cut to Alivia between us. “Is it too soon?”

  He stared back for a beat. “Well, the offer stands, and we have two weeks to think about it.”

  “Okay.” I turned my head toward the window, but the visuals that came were of Trey, Alivia, and me acting as a family in that paradise at the Jersey Shore.

  Wanting it more than anything didn’t mean it was the right thing to do. Since day one, it was scary how Trey seemed to be running into newfound fatherhood instead of walking. Throwing our relationship into the mix made it even scarier.

  But just as he was working on breaking patterns, I guessed I needed to as well. Trust wasn’t something that I doled out easily. Maybe it was time I did.

  Once we got to my apartment, Alivia woke as Trey carried her in. Having skipped lunch, she used her charm to convince her father to stay for an early dinner. We brought in a pizza and then sang “Happy Birthday” yet again after placing a candle in one of the cupcakes left from the day before.

  As she ate the last bite, I reminded her she needed to take a bath and get to bed on time because of camp the next day, and she then convinced Trey to stay to read her a story.

  While she squatted before her bookcase, carefully choosing the perfect book, I whispered, “I bet she could get you to jump off a bridge.”

  He regarded me with that damn smirk. “Your point?”

  “You can say no to her. She’ll survive.”

  “Nah… I plan on letting you be the bad guy.” When I scowled at him, he twisted his head to be sure Alivia was still preoccupied before planting a hard kiss on my lips. “You’re good at it.”

  “Okay, this one,” Alivia announced before I could argue. She waved her favorite hardcover read in the air, promptly slipped under her covers, and patted the spot beside her. “Come on, Daddy. You’ll love this one.”

  And I had no doubt Trey would love learning all about her favorite princess just because his little girl said so.

  Chapter 29


  It’d been only one week since we were last in the studio recording, but it felt like months. So much had happened, from telling my daughter the truth to turning a corner with her mother. Alivia was now part of my world, and that was both exhilarating and terrifying.

  I tr
uly couldn’t believe how different my life had become in such a short amount of time. One summer had changed everything I thought I knew, everything I thought I wanted. So completely different that it was hard to remember how lonely my life had been before this past June.

  When I wasn’t with Alivia, I ached to be. Now that I’d had Camilla, I wanted her every day. Fucking crazy how much I’d changed.

  Even as I stood strumming my bass and playing my part to perfection, my mind was on the two girls who had effectively rocked my world.

  But last night, while lying in my bed, my mind had been strictly on Camilla. The way she felt as I slid into her warmth. The way she clung to me as she came. I know it’d been a while for me, yet she’d sparked something much deeper than just desire. She’d managed to awaken an ache within me that had been long buried… a good ache. Not the kind I was used to that pulsed in my cock.

  This ache was smack in the middle of my chest… a place that hadn’t felt anything other than pain since Tara’s death two years ago. The ache was better than the pain.

  Before last night it was kissing her that pulled me in. Now every part of me, from head to toe, was involved. My mind hadn’t stopped remembering the way she felt in my arms. My lips burned to taste more of her. My cock screamed from behind the zipper of my jeans for a repeat. And my heart, well, it just wanted to hold her.

  The emotions that ripped through me were so powerful I felt like a fish that had been out of water for too long. Aimlessly thrashing around on the cold, hard sand, trying to remember how to act once it rejoined with the sea. And then the moment that wave of cold seawater picked it up and carried it away, it was as if it hadn’t been separated at all.

  Feeling something other than resentment should have been foreign to me, yet I eased right back into where I’d been in the past when I dared to be happy.


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