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Page 23

by Madden, A. M.

  While my mouth worked on her breasts, my hand moved down her body to land on her panties. The dampness I discovered led me to slip inside them and feel skin instead of cotton. I continued to manipulate her with my touch while holding her firm with my other hand, gripping the back of her head. It didn’t take long for my cock to remind me that his patience hung by a thread. The throbbing that took hold bordered on being painful.

  Her gorgeous lips parted when I caressed her clit with a whisper of a touch. But by then coaxing her with a firm circular motion caused the whimpers to turn into groans.

  With our eyes fixed, I slid in a finger, now taking my turn to groan over the way she instantly tightened around it. The sensation felt amazing, and I could only imagine the pleasure my cock would feel when I buried myself inside her. Tonight, I really wanted to do so bare so she could experience my piercing, and I could experience her.

  A sexy moan and her hips moving faster meant she was getting closer. And damn if I would have her coming tonight for the first time anywhere other than on my tongue or cock. At first her mouth fell open in a silent protest when I pulled my hand away. But when I moved to lay between her legs, she was unable to hide or mask the raw desire coursing through her.

  Her panties were gone next as I visually gorged on the sight of her naked and bare. My hand cupped the warm flesh between her legs before I slid it under her ass. The single kiss I placed on her caused a sharp inhale. Covering her sweet pussy with my mouth caused her to buck on impact.

  She was so smooth, so soft, so sweet. Part of me wanted to consume her savagely, while another wanted to savor her for hours. Hearing her heavy panting and feeling her fingers tangle in my hair forced my decision to move my tongue over her in slow, long drags. Besides savoring, I wanted to pleasure her for hours.

  She was riding my mouth, working my efforts to her satisfaction. Her hips rose and fell with each lap I made, and fuck if that wasn’t hot as all hell. I palmed my imprisoned cock to placate him for a few more minutes. He wasn’t having it. He wanted her and not my poor substitution of a hand.

  Lick after lick, I quickened my pace before sucking hard on her clit. Her one hand moved away to grip the comforter while her legs quivered on each side of my head. I abandoned my pajama-encased rigid flesh to put a firm hold on each thigh. A few moments longer were all it took to bring her to the edge. The other hand twisted my hair, holding my head against her during her climax. As her muscles flexed and her back arched, she came all over my mouth.

  Slowly she relaxed, her hand falling back as I sat on my haunches with the evidence of her orgasm coating my lips. Nowhere was the regret that often plagued me after being with a woman. Gone. In its place was a hunger I hadn’t felt in a long damn time.

  With the foreplay out of our way, I quickly stripped off my bottoms before tossing them somewhere behind me. I was on fucking fire for her, and she was the only thing that could extinguish the flames.

  She opened her eyes and met my gaze. “Camilla, are you on birth control?”

  “Yes… since Alivia was born.” Her expression went on to say it was to prevent another unplanned pregnancy.

  “Good. No condom tonight.” It wasn’t a request. “You need to trust me.”

  “I do,” she responded without delay.

  As I lay beside her on my back, her eyes focused on my hand stroking the length of my cock. “Ride me.” On my command, she straddled my thighs, maintained eye contact, and shifted forward, allowing me to feed my cock into her pussy.

  The warm, throbbing pressure around my piercing stole my breath.

  Fuck. Me.

  She felt it, too, as was proven when the only noise came from her own exaggerated inhale. The need to move forced my hands on her hips to guide her. Lunge after lunge had me feeling like I was running a marathon. The buildup in my balls became unbearable. But until I knew she was anywhere near where I was, I gritted my teeth and continued to piston my cock, going as deep as her body permitted.

  Determined to feel her pulse around my dick, I allowed her to experience the real reason for that small silver hoop with a twist here and a slide there. In a desperate attempt, I pushed her limit by licking my thumb and pressing it on her clit. Her gorgeous lips parted, the apples of her cheeks flushed, and her hands clamped on my thighs as her body bowed backward while she spasmed around my cock.

  The joke was on me when her hair tickled my legs, causing me to come so hard I saw stars. Through my own chaos, I watched in awe as she continued to come apart right before my eyes.

  It took a long while for us both to calm down. Once her breathing evened, and my cock stopped pulsing, I shifted us slightly until we lay on our sides while still connected. Her eyes remained closed, and I stole the moment to stare at her and drink in her beauty. When her eyes fluttered open and connected with mine, she leaned closer to place a kiss over my new tattoo. Instantly, a renewed desire rumbled through my exhausted body.

  We had time for more. Lots of time.

  And in a very un-Trey-like move after a mind-blowing fuck, all I wanted was to hold her. Because it wasn’t a fuck. It was a unification.

  I pulled her tighter against me, needing to feel her heart beat in tune with mine. During my firm hold, I kissed the tip of her nose and said, “I love you, Camilla.”

  “I love you, Trey.” And as if she knew exactly what the beast in me had been denied, what he’d always needed, she smiled salaciously and asked, “How long before you’re ready to go again?”

  Chapter 34


  Two months later

  “Hey, Cam. I am so happy for you guys… all three of you.” Debbie voiced those exact words to me at least once a day. And I couldn’t agree with her more. Alivia and I had a new life. And so did Trey, for that matter.

  “I love you, Deb. Always. You’ve been my sister, Carson my brother, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate having you both in my life.”

  “I know.” Again, this was her typical response. “Gotta go. Us normal folk need to work,” she teased. She knew that was a bone of contention for me. “Enjoy your charmed life.”

  “Smart-ass. Love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  She hung up, leaving me staring into space while smiling like a fool. Was it normal to be this happy? Trey said he wasn’t one to say, until now. And every time I would use the word happy, he’d knock any wooden surface superstitiously.

  After spending two remarkable weeks at Jack and Leila’s beach house, we ended the summer among Trey’s band and their families, very much like we’d started it.

  My daughter not only had a new nuclear family in Trey and me, but she had a fabulous extended family in Devil’s Lair. They accepted us with open arms and open hearts. I felt blessed.

  Trey has been nothing short of amazing to Alivia, to me. The man had so much love bottled up and ready to give that it resulted in an over-affectionate “sappy doof”—or “SD,” for short, as his bandmate Hunter nicknamed him. The ribbing my guy received was constant… especially after the night Alivia gave him a princess makeover complete with a blonde wig, crown, and sparkly pink nail polish.

  I had to agree with his friends—Trey did not make a pretty woman.

  We discussed what would happen once we returned to reality. The truth was, we really couldn’t ease back into our old lives. Besides the tiny issue of his fame, being together twenty-four-seven had catapulted our relationship into “serious” territory. It kind of just organically happened.

  That didn’t mean his constant concern of how I would handle that unfortunate baggage he carried wasn’t always hovering. That worry came after he caught me searching online for damaging articles resulting from our daughter being outed. What I found scared me but being apart from Trey scared me more. And I told him as much.

  Once back in Manhattan, the first thing Trey did was have our belongings moved out of the apartment in Queens and into his in the city, and then he paid the next six months of rent on my lease.<
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  After Labor Day, Alivia began first grade in her new school, the same private one that the Lair children attended. She was now part of a carpool driven by Oscar and chaperoned by Miss Beverly. Once a week she had a playdate with her new best friends.

  Wherever we went, we had our own driver / security guard. Outings involved full-blown security. Trey had no intention of hiding to avoid the press. He said his daughter deserved a life. Alec was now assigned to the three of us, with Ryan as his backup.

  We made it a point to visit Debbie and Carson as much as possible. She gushed when they finally got Trey over for dinner, forfeiting the salmon she’d originally planned for a big thick steak to make him happy.

  Debbie was right. That charmed life he gave us was quite something. Surreal, but more so, sensational. There were plenty of unknowns we hadn’t yet discussed, such as the band touring again and how Alivia and I fit into that crazy lifestyle. I’d worry about it when the time came, and I knew we’d discuss how to tackle such obstacles together.


  “In here.”

  I hit save on the progress made on my latest website file and closed my laptop until tomorrow. My boyfriend being home meant my workday was over.

  Continuing with my graphic design business was somewhat of a fight. Trey couldn’t understand why I wanted the aggravation. Even though we were living together, I wasn’t comfortable being dependent on him. He’d eventually backed off, converted part of his den into a home office, and gotten me the most expensive laptop money could buy.


  We rarely fought, except for when he squandered his money on us. He got that damn cat that our daughter wanted, and the thing hated me. Alivia was becoming dangerously spoiled. He adamantly disagreed, using Jack and Leila’s kids, and every one of his bandmates as well, to prove a little spoiling didn’t mean they were rotten. Like Leila, I hated when he was right.

  He appeared in the doorway of the den, looking as sexy as ever. “How was rehearsal?”

  “Uneventful.” His long legs swallowed the space before he kissed me hard and possessively. “But the SD thing is getting on my last nerve. I need to get that fucker back—and good.”

  I giggled over his claim. It was so much fun having a front-row seat to their shenanigans. “Well, while you were working, Mandi called to invite us over tonight for Lexi’s birthday.”

  “Yeah, Hunt made sure to remind me of that, saying he had a special birthday hat waiting for me. Probably a crown.”

  Even though her birthday was today, the party would be this coming weekend at the same place Trey had rented out for Alivia. But this time Jack made sure no photos would be leaked to the press. He bought the damn place. It seemed Trey wasn’t the first celebrity to rent PlayScapades out for a private party.

  Apparently one of the guys who worked there had kept an old cell phone hidden in his locker to grab that golden opportunity when it had presented itself. Our daughter’s party had given him that opportunity.

  The first thing Jack did was have him fired. He then personally interviewed every employee left on staff, had them sign nondisclosure agreements, and used the massive amusement facility for every spawn of Devil’s Lair to have a safe place to play, celebrate, and enjoy. Leila also planned to add a music center.

  The Lairs already ran a foundation funded by musicians who wanted music to be taught to the young. That same foundation would now fund a program to give those who couldn’t afford a birthday party for their children a place to do so free of charge.

  I was hired to create and maintain the website for that amazing program.

  “He should be nervous,” Trey said, continuing to plot. “My retaliations over the years have been legendary.”

  The way Trey raised a brow made me nervous. “Please behave.” And the quick frown made me laugh.

  “Fine, for you. But I will think of some way to shut him up.” Forgetting his nemesis drummer, he snatched my hand and yanked me up out of the chair. “It’s almost three.” Code for Alivia would be home in twenty minutes. “Are you ready for it, baby?”

  Dumb question.

  I was always ready for it.

  Having a child around all day long meant he needed to come up with a game plan for sex. Every afternoon between rehearsal ending and Alivia getting home, and every night once she was fast asleep, was our time. The timing may have been a bit routine, but he made sure to keep it exciting in the ways, places, and positions we engaged in. His creativity was impressive. He must have bought a book or something.

  “Why don’t you check to see if I’m ready for you yourself?” I countered, gave him a flirty wink, and ran out of the den.

  He’d catch me.

  He always did.



  Three years later

  The day was perfect. Blue skies, mild temperature. A perfect day in late May. Perfect for so many reasons. Three years ago, on this very day, Camilla stood outside my apartment building with news that would forever change my life.

  Therefore, it wasn’t a coincidence we chose this day to get married.


  Shit, I never thought I’d do that again.

  Hell, I never thought my life would be as it was now either.

  And I wouldn’t trade a detail of it. Not even all the horrible details from my past. They’d made me the man I was and got me to where I was now.

  A father who was about to be a husband.

  Me. Trey fucking Taylor.

  My eyes drifted over the small gathering of friends and family… correction, friends who were family, since neither I nor Camilla had blood relatives to speak of.

  I had asked her to marry me a month earlier. We’d never felt pressured to make that step. There was no need. A piece of paper wouldn’t change what we had. That didn’t mean it wasn’t something I’d thought of often. We’d discussed it enough. I think the only motive Camilla had was because of how badly I wanted to change Alivia’s last name from Deron to Taylor.

  Once we decided to do it, Jack and Leila immediately offered the beach house for the celebration.

  Leila took care of everything, from the perfect spot on the beach, where we would be exchanging our vows, to the party that would follow up on the decks. Food, drink, music, she even hired the photographer. I was positive it was her way to be sure that I didn’t pull what I had for my first wedding by eloping.

  I drew the line at the monkey suit, though. No fucking way. I had never worn one in my life and didn’t plan to now. Black jeans, loafers, and a button-down shirt served its purpose just fine. My friends wore the exact same, and a single white rose pinned to my shirt was the only thing that distinguished me as the groom.

  Just as the ceremonial music began to play, Jack laid a heavy hand on my shoulder. “Here we go, man.”

  I turned my head away from the aisle I had been watching and smiled. “I’m ready.” At that moment, a tiny hand got a good hold of my nose and twisted hard. “Ow, dude.” He gave me a toothless grin before doing it again.

  My retaliation was to nibble on his chubby cheek.

  My son.

  Trestan Taylor, born eight months earlier after my relentless campaign to get Camilla pregnant. It took a lot for me to give him my birth name. It was Camilla who convinced me it served to rewrite my history in the most profound way. A fresh start. A fuck-off to all the demons haunting me.

  “Twist good and hard, kid,” Hunter piped in, standing next to Jack as Scott and Evan grinned beside him.

  “Don’t listen to the man holding the cat,” I said to my son, who wore the same outfit as the rest of us. And then Miss Kitty’s piping in by meowing loudly in Hunter’s arms had us all belly laughing.

  “Kaa,” Trestan said, pointing to his sister’s pet.

  “That’s right, bud. Cat.” I kissed his cheek while flipping Hunter the finger behind my back.

  When my daughter had asked if her precious Miss Kitty could be in the wedding, I’d imme
diately assigned Hunter to carry that big-ass white feline during the ceremony.


  There was always a point in time one of us was retaliating for a prank the other played. They worsened whenever we went on tour, especially after Camilla, Alivia, and I had our own tour bus while he had to once again share with Scott. In our defense, we were one unit, never to be separated again, where Scott’s and Hunter’s wives and kids had remained home to keep the structure in their kids’ lives. Made sense that Bert and Ernie should room together.

  The battles between us have gone on for close to fifteen years. And I had no doubt he’d get me back somehow for assigning him pussy detail. I didn’t care.

  I refocused on the aisle while distractedly bouncing my son as he fiddled with buttons on my shirt.

  Leila appeared first in a summery pink dress, holding a single white rose, quickly followed by a very pregnant Debbie, who was wearing the same color in a different style. She and Carson had tried to have a baby for years, and if anyone deserved a family, it was those two. Not only had they been there for my girls all those years I wasn’t, they continued to be the family Camilla and Alivia needed even after I showed up.

  There was a pause in the music, and then there were my girls—Alivia looking so grown up in a pink version of Camilla’s simple white dress, holding her mom’s hand, each holding a white rose as well.

  They both stared at me and Trestan as their brilliant smiles fueled one of my own. The closer they got, the more my heart pounded in my chest. It wasn’t nerves or regret. It was the anticipation of all that lay ahead for us.

  At seeing his mommy, Trestan began calling for her with his gibberish talk and outstretched hands. “Soon, dude,” I whispered while instinctively swaying us.

  Mindlessly, I ran my thumb over the thick tattooed band on my ring finger. My wedding band. It wasn’t meant to cover Tara’s name, as she would always be a part of me. It was meant to blanket her within my new life. I had no doubt she saw it all and probably was smiling knowingly.


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