The Palace (Chateau Book 4)

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The Palace (Chateau Book 4) Page 27

by Penelope Sky

  I nodded because I completely agreed. “I forgive you.”

  She inhaled a deep breath. “You do?”

  She hadn’t always been as compassionate toward me, but that didn’t matter anymore. “Always.”


  The Chateau


  An arch in front of the entrance was covered in white flowers, the only decoration they needed. The chateau showed its weathered age, the color of the walls faded, cracks in some places. It was ancient, hundreds of years old, but her bones were strong.

  Magnus stood in his tuxedo, his hands in his pockets, looking out at the landscape as he waited for his bride.

  “This place looks like shit.”

  His eyes shifted to me. “We’re spending our honeymoon here.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “Really?”


  I gave it another scan before I looked at him again. “Does it have AC?”

  He smiled. “No.”

  “Alright, then.”

  He chuckled. “We don’t need it.”


  He looked forward again, waiting for her.

  “She let you keep it.”

  “It was mine before the camp.” He turned around and looked at the ancient building behind him. “We’re going to restore it. It’ll take a long time, but we’ll get there. Maybe we’ll move here eventually.”

  My brother was clearly happy, so I was happy. “That’ll be nice.”

  He faced forward again, his eyes squinting slightly in the sun.

  When Raven escaped the camp, this had been where she’d disappeared. This had been her escape plan. While my men had combed the countryside in search of her, she was here, hidden from sight, right under my nose.

  I understood why it meant so much to him.

  “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Anything, brother.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote. “I wired the bells to this. When the priest announces we’re husband and wife, hit the button.”

  I grinned and took it from him then clapped him on the shoulder. “King of romance over here.”

  He grinned back.

  The priest walked up the path and joined us, the same one who married me. “She’s ready.”

  A harpist began the quiet music.

  Melanie came first. In a green gown with flowers in her hair, my wife was stunning, smiling at me like she was walking down the aisle to me all over again.

  I inhaled a slow breath, loving her from a distance.


  She stopped on the other side of Magnus, holding an arrangement of flowers. Her eyes were on me.

  Mine were on her.

  When Magnus inhaled a deep breath, I knew he’d seen her.

  I turned to watch Raven.

  She wasn’t alone. She pulled her chestnut horse by the reins, wearing a simple white gown with her eyes on Magnus.

  Magnus smiled and released a quiet chuckle because he’d had no idea about the horse. I’d arranged for her to be delivered without Magnus knowing—and it worked.

  I’d never doubted Raven’s love for my brother, but now I could really see it.

  She loved him the way Melanie loved me.

  She stopped in front of Magnus, and I took Rose by the reins, guiding her to the side so she wouldn’t step on anyone.

  Their hands came together. Eyes locked. And the priest began the ceremony.

  Her eyes were wet. His were too.

  It didn’t seem like they were listening to anything the priest said, so focused on each other.

  I remembered that was how I was on our day. Just wanted it to be over—so she would be my wife.

  “You take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

  Raven smiled. “I do.”

  “Do you take—”

  “I do.”

  She smiled wider.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  I hit the button in my pocket.

  The bells started to ring.

  They were just overhead, so they were loud.



  Raven’s entire expression changed when she heard that sound. Eyes watered, her face scrunched together, and she cupped her mouth as the tears spilled over. She completely lost it, succumbing to her tears.

  Magnus cupped her face and kissed her. “Ma petite amie…”

  The bells continued to toll. Rose petals were thrown into the air. Melanie and I clapped. The harpist continued the beautiful music even though it was barely audible over the bells.

  Lost as they were in each other, everything else faded away.

  Except the sound of the bells.

  Ring. Ring. Ring.


  The only sound was the wind.

  It howled in bursts before it turned quiet once again.

  The winter air was so cold that every window was frosted in the corners. A broken door creaked as it swung on its hinges. Snow was piled high between the cabins. Untouched by humanity, white powder was everywhere.

  Boots crunched against the snow.

  Vapor emerged from his nostrils.

  Eyes bluer than the sky took in the sight.

  A slow smile stretched across his lips. It turned into a full grin.

  Every tooth visible.

  Maniacal joy. Reckless excitement. Insanity.

  He looked over his shoulder to the men behind him. Then he raised his arms in the air and turned in a circle, his boots kicking the snow aside. He dropped his arms and marched in the lead, heading to the abandoned opening between the cabins. “Here it lies.”

  Also by Penelope Sky

  New York Times bestselling author Penelope Sky pens another dark and suspenseful masterpiece.

  Fender and Magnus have moved on from the camp. But someone else has moved in.

  The Cult.

  I see his wicked smile in the theatre. I see it in the apartment across from mine.

  I see it everywhere.

  Before I can run, I'm taken.

  And when I wake up...I'm in the middle of nowhere.

  The man who's taken me claims to be a demon.

  And claims I'm his angel.

  What happens when he finds out I don't have wings?

  I'm not the only prisoner in this forest. There's a little girl too. Her name is Claire. She's beautiful, happy, wonderful. It's my responsibility to protect her--and I will give my life to accomplish that.

  She says her father will save us both.

  She says he's powerful, formidable, that he'll burn this entire forest to get to her.

  I hope she's right.

  *** Claire is unharmed throughout this story. There is no violence against children of any kind. ***

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