The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice Page 6

by Andrew Hess

  “The only thing people could tell me was the guy she went up there with had short messy hair and wore a leather jacket. The only person matching that description was Tom.”

  “But it could’ve been anyone,” Lilly said.

  Mike stood up in frustration and slammed the papers on the bed. “I confronted him about it, but he denied ever seeing Jess that night. But I could tell in the tone of his voice how defensive he was. He was hiding something; I just couldn’t prove it.”

  I thought about how quickly Tom and Anthony left town after graduation. They didn’t even wait till August when college would start. They were gone two weeks after summer began.

  “So why go after them now,” Lilly asked. “Why does the Benefactor want you to kill someone that may or may not have slept with your ex and another that you argued with?”

  Mike composed himself and picked up the file. “The file contains reported date rapes over the last ten years. There were quite a few back in the late nineties and early two thousands, but over the last three years there have been a steady increase that has doubled the amount of date rapes.”

  “And the Benefactor believes Tom and Anthony are behind them? With what evidence?”

  Mike turned the page. “Most of the women interviewed don’t remember much of the night in question, but recall being at a bar in Tallahassee and getting hit on by some guys with New York accents. One of them had long hair and the other had short spiky hair. No other concrete evidence has been obtained at this time.”

  “So what,” Lilly retorted. “That doesn’t mean it was them.”

  “That just means we need to find evidence that it is,” I replied while looking over the third and final file. My jaw dropped as I found our main target.

  “You shouldn’t be surprised Drew. We’ve had this conversation about them before. You never trusted them in the first place.”

  “That’s not it.” I handed Mike the file to look over. “We’re here to assassinate the Governor of Florida.”

  Chapter 23

  “What,” Lilly shouted. “Tell me you’re joking.

  Mike clapped a hand to her mouth. “Keep your voice down. We don’t need anyone getting nosey around here.”

  We looked over the file that incriminated Governor Levi. There were pictures that seemed innocent at first. Governor Levi was a man of average height with black and a tint of silver hair. He was sitting at a table having lunch with a Hispanic male in a white suit. The man’s hair was slicked back; reminding us of a used car salesman. They were surrounded by armed security, but they weren’t wearing suits or appeared to be Secret Service either.

  “Let me see that picture again,” Mike demanded as he reached for the photo in front of me. He examined the picture carefully; squinting his eyes to focus solely on the Hispanic man. “I think that’s a Cartel representative.”

  “How would you know,” Lilly retorted.

  “Mike handed her a page from a small stack of papers. “Look for yourself.” Lilly took the page from Mike and read it. “Those are calls to and from the same number every other day for the last year and a half.”

  “So what?”

  “So, that’s the area code for Mexico.”

  I looked up from my papers and shook my head. “How do you know these things?”

  “I paid a lot of attention in school.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh; knowing Mike was the class clown in several classes we shared in high school.

  “How? You were too busy making other kids do your work for you so you could make fun of the teacher.”

  “That doesn’t mean I didn’t pay attention.”

  “Can we focus,” Lilly snapped. “What else did you find?”

  “Here is a list off the record meetings the Governor had in the last three years and a list of money transfers that took place twenty four hours after each meeting.” Mike showed us the documents; making me think there was something more disturbing going on at these meetings.

  I looked over the pictures again and found one with two armed men standing next to a plain white van. The van was parked by itself on the side of the restaurant the Governor was having his lunch meeting at. There were shadows of several people in back of the van; looking like their hands were shackled together.

  This was what the Benefactor meant for us to see. “He’s importing Mexican immigrants for profit.”

  “But why,” Lilly asked.

  Mike cleared his throat as if he was about to teach a history class in high school. “Governor Levi has been known as one of the worst governors in the history of Florida. Drug trafficking has been at an all-time high during his time in office. The crime rate has gone up ten percent in the last few years and obviously there has been an increase in illegal immigrants entering the country without going through the proper channels.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean,” I asked.

  “He’s setting up a retirement fund for himself. These transfers are for some hefty amounts.” Lilly and I shook our heads at Mike as he continued. “He’s selling people for money and securing his financial future.”

  My hand skimmed the pages finding a note stuck to the back of the last page. “Guys, we don’t have a lot of time to do this. It says here the Governor is leaving town on December thirtieth.

  “How the hell are we supposed to get both missions done in such a short time without being suspicious,” Lilly asked hopelessly.

  I thought about how quickly the police and even the Feds would be all over us once we took out the Governor and how hard it would be to escape even with the Benefactor’s help.

  “We need to eliminate Tom and Anthony first.”

  “But we need evidence,” Lilly exclaimed.

  Mike cracked his knuckles. “I’ll handle them. You guys just need to find a way for us to take out the Governor.”

  “What are you gonna do?”

  “It’s time for some old friends to have a reunion.”

  Chapter 24

  Mike and I had agreed to work in shifts. The day shift would be devoted to finding a way to get close to the Governor without being seen and the nights would be set for him to get evidence on Tom and Anthony.

  I took Lilly and exited the motel parking lot with the Malibu; searching for a route that would take us to the Governor’s Mansion.

  “We’re not that far from his office,” Lilly said while checking the directions.

  She was right. The Benefactor made us stay at the motel on North Monroe because it was a straight shot to the Governor’s Mansion; a mere ten minute drive without traffic.

  She tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the large building just off to the left of us. “Maybe we should find something there to help us blend in.”

  I looked down and saw my blue jeans and black t-shirt thinking it wasn’t really Florida attire. My clothes screamed I was from the north and if that wasn’t a dead giveaway, my New York accent would.

  “We can’t be seen in public.”

  “No, you can’t be seen in public,” Lilly said reminding me that it was most likely my picture plastered all over the news by now; not hers.

  I reached into my pocket, but only had a twenty dollar bill which wouldn’t get us much.

  “Don’t worry, I came prepared.” Lilly took a wad of cash which looked to be close to five hundred dollars out of her purse.

  “Where’d you get that?”

  “I grabbed some cash from the bag while you were getting ready. I figured it couldn’t hurt to keep some on us just in case.”

  I smiled; knowing she planned on stopping by the mall and constructing her plan to make me go along with it.

  “Fine, I’ll wait in the car for you but be quick.”

  “Do you realize who you’re talking to?”

  “Shit, we’ll be here for the next five hours,” I laughed. “Just do me one favor. Pick up a really good camera; one with a detachable lens.”

  “Sure thing, but why?”

  “I have
an idea.”

  Chapter 25

  Lilly and I returned to the motel around six that night with a smile on our faces and our hands were full of shopping bags.

  “What’s gotten into you guys,” Mike asked as we entered our room. He was lying on the bed watching TV. He looked at our hands and smacked himself in the forehand with his right hand. “What the hell? I thought you guys were supposed to be scouting our target not going on a shopping spree.”

  Lilly took the bags to the closet and began filling our bags with a few pairs of shorts and t-shirts that would help us blend in.

  “Ease up,” I said while taking off the camera from around my neck. “We did both; take a look.”

  I showed Mike several pictures of us walking around large buildings; taking snapshots of rooftops and seeing a long brick building with white posts and roof in the distance. He could see the black iron gate twenty yards away from the front door; doing its job and keeping trespassers away.

  “How did you get these,” Mike asked.

  Lilly stood up holding a long telescopic lens. “I bought it when I went on my shopping spree.”

  “Any way we can access any closer buildings?”

  “Not that we could find. The closest we can get is about two or three blocks from his office.”

  “That’ll have to do. When you’re out tomorrow, find me the best view into his office from one of the roof tops.”


  Mike opened up the long black duffle bag and took out pieces of the sniper rifle. “Because I don’t want anything getting in the way when I take the shot.” He quickly packed up the rifle before Lilly spoke against it and jumped off the bed and headed for the door.

  “Where are you going,” I asked.

  “I wanna grab some food and get ready before the stakeout.”

  “You’re not going alone are you,” Lilly asked.

  “Of course I am. I can’t try to get friendly with them with mom and dad looking over my shoulder and chaperoning my trip.” Mike laughed as Lilly’s face contorted with anger at being called his mom.

  “I don’t care. You’re not going by yourself.”

  I cleared my throat; forcing both of them to stop arguing and turn their attention to me. “I’m coming with you tonight. If they see me we can just say we’re there on vacation.”

  “I don’t need you to watch my back.”

  “I’m not there to watch your back. I’m going to make sure you don’t kill them before we get evidence on them.”

  Chapter 26

  Mike hovered over the file containing Tom and Anthony’s information while I drove to the address listed. “Are you sure they live together?”

  “It was the only address in the file.” I craned my neck and saw a green house with a white porch. “Hey, I think this is it.” Mike looked up from the papers and saw the house number in the distance.

  Tom and Anthony lived in a cozy looking house with two cars parked in the driveway; facing the garage. A red hot Cobalt sat next to slick black Cobalt.

  I snapped my fingers drawing Mike’s attention from the house. “I’ve got a plan.”

  “Why don’t I like the sound of that?”

  “I’m coming back here tomorrow with Lilly. I wanna see if we can find any evidence before we put a plan into action.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “And I’m supposed to sit back and wonder if you guys got busted for breaking and entering?”

  “No, you’re supposed to sleep through it like you do everything else.” I laughed, but Mike didn’t seem to think it was very funny. “I know it’s not a great plan, but we can’t risk you getting caught snooping around. We need you to gain their trust so we can plan out our attack.”

  “Just the thought of being near them makes me wanna puke.”

  “Too bad; they’re leaving now.”

  The porch light turned on; illuminating the olive green front door as it opened. Two men exited the house. We could see Tom’s short messy hair, his navy blue jeans and black leather jacket; looking the same as he did the last time we saw him. But it was Anthony that looked much different. His long black hair was tied back; touching the middle of his black t-shirt and black dress pants. They entered the black Cobalt and sped off.

  Mike slapped my arm with excitement. “Let’s go; we can’t lose them.” The engine roared to life as we pulled away after them.

  It took us only twenty minutes to get there. A perfect time frame for Tom and Anthony to bring a victim back to their house without anyone noticing they were gone.

  Tom and Anthony pulled into a large parking lot next to a long beige and brown building with palm trees sitting at the front entrance with multi-colored lights highlighting the trees.

  Mike’s eyes were locked onto Tom and Anthony as they entered the front door with the blue neon light shaped like a moon hovering above it.

  Mike slipped his gun from his waistband; hiding it under the passenger seat. “We should leave our gun in the car.”

  “What the hell man? This is a stakeout. You weren’t supposed to be packing tonight.”

  “We’re on a mission and are wanted men.”

  “I don’t want you going anywhere near them with any weapons until we’re ready.”

  Mike’s eyes told me he had other ideas, but reluctantly agreed to leave the guns behind. “Fine, I’ll lock in the glove compartment.” He reached for the handle and popped the box open. “Maybe this can keep you two out of trouble tomorrow.” Mike pulled out a small grey scanner.

  Maybe he was right, but it also might be what we needed to finish the missions without getting caught.

  Chapter 27

  We entered the crowded bar; pushing our way through until we reached the dance floor. The soft blue lights kept the room well lit; allowing us to see the few wooden tables and chairs that clung to the wall. A massive stage completed the dance floor. The magenta lights flickered over the live band that was ending their set.

  “Let’s split up,” I shouted over the blaring music. “It’ll be easier to find them.”

  Mike nodded and walked around the dance floor; surveying the women bouncing up and down in front of the stage; cheering the band and singing along. I followed along the walls; hiding in the shadows of the room.

  As the band finished their last song, the DJ started up the first of many songs; letting the girls dance to the beat. There was one group in particular Mike kept his eye on. It was a group of three girls in short dresses. Two were drinking beers and the third was drinking from a rocks glass. But what caught his attention was the short man in a leather jacket tried dancing behind the group; eyeing them up as if he was a tiger about to attack his prey.

  He continued to dance and attempted to hit on the tall brunette with the rocks glass. But she quickly moved her friends away from him. Tom moved closer and she hurried away from the dance floor towards the bar at the back of the room. Tom signaled to her, but the man he signaled to was not some random bartender; it was Anthony.

  The tall brunette put her glass on the bar and ordered another drink. Anthony quickly fixed another vodka cranberry; placing it in front of her. As she turned her attention to her friends, Anthony placed two drops from a thin vile into her glass.

  Mike saw the same thing I did and hurried towards the brunette as she took a small sip. He purposely bumped into her; spilling the drink all over the floor and a little on her hands.

  “Watch it asshole,” the woman yelled.

  “I’m sorry. Are you okay? Did any get on you?”

  “Does it look like I’m all right?”

  Mike looks her over. “You look hot.” He waited for the woman to respond; instead she smiled and blushed. “Let me get you another drink.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I insist. The drink must’ve cost you at least ten dollars.”

  “You’re not from around here are you?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “For starters, no d
rink costs that much here, and your accent is a dead giveaway. What part of New York are you from?”

  “How’d you know I’m from New York?”

  “We get a lot of people from Jersey and New York down here during the spring and winter. I know the accent when I hear it.”

  “I was born in Brooklyn, but moved to Long Island when I was five.” Mike cringed when he told her this; forgetting his cover and hitting on the girl as if he was back home. “The name’s Mike by the way.”

  She smiled and swirled around the last of her drink. “I’m Anna.”

  Mike stopped Anna as she brought the glass to her lips. “I’ll take care of that for you.

  “Vodka cranberry.”

  Anna took Mike’s hand as he led her back to the bar and was greeted by a tan woman with lip and eyebrow piercings.

  “Can I get a vodka cranberry and a bud?”

  The woman began filling a glass with ice and poured the vodka over the large cubes while splashing it with cranberry juice.

  Mike felt a finger tap him on the shoulder repeatedly; getting more annoying and irritated with every passing second.

  “Hey buddy,” Tom began as Mike turned around. “Um hi Mike, what are you doing here?”

  “Just passing through on vacation.”

  Anna stares at Tom with repulsion in her eyes and whispers in Mike’s ear. “Do you know this guy?”

  Mike weighed his options and knew the mission was more important than getting some girl’s number. “It’s a long story, but he’s one of the reasons why I’m here.”

  “Too bad. We could’ve had a lot of fun tonight.” Anna took her drink from the bar. “Can I see your phone for a second?”

  Mike hesitated and pulled the phone from his pocket. Anna took it; placing her number in his contacts list and handed it back.

  “Give me a call if you decide to ditch the creep.” Anna walked back to her friends; glancing at Mike one last time before disappearing into the crowd.

  Mike turned his attention to Tom; trying to keep his disdain for him hidden. “So, what brings you down here?”

  “I live here; actually Anthony and I both do.”

  Anthony slid over from his customers and smile. “Did someone say my name?” He took a sip from a brown beer bottle and nearly spit it out as he saw Mike.

  “Mike Santangelo, how the hell are you?”

  “I’m good.”

  “I just want to say…”

  “Forget it,” Mike interrupted. He knew what was coming and didn’t want to hear a fake apology. “Whatever happened in the past is water under the bridge.” They nodded their approval. “Listen, I’m only in town for the next two days. Maybe we can get together tomorrow night and catch up.”


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