The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice Page 9

by Andrew Hess

  “We’ll take care of everything. You just get to Texas safely.”

  We entered the car and sped off; hearing Agent Fields barking orders at his men.

  Chapter 38

  There was panic in the streets. A frenzy of people searched for shelter; seeking safety from the gunfire. No one knew where the shots came from or who was hit; in fact no one seemed to be injured at all.

  Everyone stayed hidden until the area was surrounded by police cars and SWAT trucks; pulling civilians out of harm’s way.

  SWAT entered the nearby buildings for the shooter while police combed the trees for any evidence. A few officers accompanied the medics into the Governor’s Mansion; finding hysterical employees crying into tissues while security kept everyone away from the Governor’s office.

  He was found on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Two bullet holes tore the Governor’s flesh apart. The first blew apart his left knee; the other ripped open his forehead.

  The medic looked at the commanding officer. “How do you want to handle this?”

  “I’ll answer that,” a man shouted from the hallway.

  They looked back and saw several men dressed in black suits approaching. They held out their badges; showing they were with the FBI. The man leading the charge was taller than the rest; wearing a sharp black suit, red tie and sunglasses. He was clean shaven and had a buzz cut had ex-military written all over it.

  “Good afternoon gentlemen. I’m Special Agent Peterson with the FBI. I’ll be taking over this investigation.”

  “Who said?”

  Peterson pointed to the body on the floor. “You see that man? That’s the Governor of Florida. His death makes this a federal case which I have full jurisdiction over; which means you work for me now.”

  “I don’t care who you are. This is my town and…”

  Peterson bent down to get eye level with the officer. “We can sit around having a pissing contest; ending with you calling your superior, finding out I’m in charge and be responsible for the killer getting away, or you can follow my orders and help me hunt down the shooter.”

  The officer balled up his fists and gritted his teeth. “What would you like me to do?”

  “I want all the evidence you and your men have so far. I want the statements brought to me immediately.” Peterson turned to his agents. “I need two of you to interview the staff. Agent Michaels, get on the phone with the FAA and local airports. I want all flights grounded and a list of every passenger on any flights that left within the last half hour.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Agent Robins, I need you to coordinate with local police to set up search teams and roadblocks. I want every toll booth and major highway out of Florida blocked off until we find the shooter. I also need any footage from nearby traffic cameras within a mile of here.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Another officer pushed his way into the room. “Excuse me sir. We have an email from someone claiming responsibility for the Governor’s death.”

  “Let me see it,” Peterson snapped.

  It was dated December 28th, with the subject six murders.

  To whom it may concern. As you all may know, the Governor of Florida is dead. He was assassinated and rightfully so. We received evidence of his part in illegal activities; which will be presented at the right time. You will also find another three bodies inside a house in Florida that were killed earlier today. I won’t disclose their location. You’ll have to find it yourselves. But I’ll give you a clue. They’re within a half hour from where you’re standing. All three were guilty of numerous date rapes in the Florida area and possibly in New York as well.

  Speaking of New York, hello officers, I wanted to let you know we’re still out there. The double homicide was not a mere robbery or done out of pure revenge. It was the beginning of our quest; one to purge the world of evil. Mr. Lancaster conspired and killed his first wife with the woman whom he died with. He also corrupted the officer in charge of that investigation to help him with the cover-up.

  Hunt us if you must, but know that we will not be caught easily. We will strike down those guilty of heinous crimes and avoid prosecution.

  The Phoenix

  Peterson threw down the paper. “I want someone from the Suffolk County Police Department on the phone now. I need a trace on that email; find out who it belongs to and where it was sent from. This is bigger than we thought.”

  Chapter 39

  The hunt was on. Our body count totaled five civilians and the Governor of Florida, but they were no longer ordinary citizens. They were casualties of war. And with the Feds involved, we were wanted dead or alive.

  The radio remained low as we pulled into a local convenient store parking lot. Mike was sprawled out on the backseat, while Lilly ran in for some food.

  The DJ’s voice broke the silence. “We are still receiving info on our top story. As we reported earlier, the Governor of Florida, Robert Levi, was assassinated late this morning. Sources say he was found in his office with multiple gunshot wounds. No suspects have been named at this time.”

  A female DJ grabbed the microphone. “We are about to go live to the White House where President Mason is about to make a statement regarding Governor Levi’s death.”

  I turned the volume up as Lilly returned with three large packages. She placed them on the floor next to Mike.

  “What’s going on,” Lilly asked.

  “Quiet, I want to hear this,” Mike mumbled.

  There was silence over the radio as the President made his way to the podium. I could hear the dozens of reporters gathering together and muttering as the President prepared himself.

  “My fellow Americans, today is a very sad day. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Robert Levi, the Governor of Florida was assassinated today. Governor Levi has been an asset to Florida’s political system, to the community and to other government officials. He will be deeply missed.”

  In the distance a man could be heard shouting his question for the President to hear. “Have there been any suspects named in the Governor’s death?”

  “We do not have any suspects yet. However, local law enforcement is working closely with the FBI to track down those responsible for Governor Levi’s death. All we know is that they are a group calling themselves the Revolution and are also responsible for several deaths in New York and Florida. But mark my words, this group of terrorists will be caught and brought to justice.”

  “Is there any word on when the airports will open again,” another man asked in the distance.

  “All flights will remain grounded and roadblocks will stay in place until further notice. That is all thank you.”

  There was a roar from the reporters trying to ask questions as the President left the podium. The commotion was silenced as the DJ resumed control of the radio, but we heard all we needed to.

  Lilly turned the volume down. “They locked down Florida and imprisoned their citizens because of us.”

  “No, the government did this to them,” Mike snapped. “The Feds probably thought if they acted fast enough they could trap us there. Boy, are they going to look like idiots when we hit our next target.”

  I started to laugh with Mike. He was right. We were about to make fools out of the FBI. A part of me reveled in knowing that, but the other part of me said this was going to intensify their search for us.

  Chapter 40

  The Benefactor sat on the brown leather couch in his private office; watching the recap of the President’s speech on the nightly news. His secretary stood behind him; massaging his shoulders. He turns off the TV and puts the remote down.

  “Everything all right,” Joyce asked.

  “Never better.”

  Joyce pushes harder on his shoulders; making the Benefactor moan loudly. “Would you like me to stay late tonight?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. I have a few loose ends to tie up before I leave.”

  Joyce strai
ghtened herself up rigidly. “So I guess your wife will be happy to see you for a change.” She walked towards the door; swaying her hips with every step. She looked back and smiled before leaving the room.

  The Benefactor waited until he was alone before moving towards the desk; finding a video chat invite in a small box on the screen. After clicking the link, a square with a black shadow appeared on the screen.

  “Hello Militia. Have you been watching the news? Our plan is working perfectly.”

  “Yes, we’ve all been watching. But there’s a problem.”

  “What do you mean there’s a problem? Everything’s been running smoothly.”

  “Your team had contact with a civilian. We believe he might have disclosed information pertaining to our mission.”

  “Who was it?”

  “Her name is Faith Brant. She’s Mr. Lancaster’s ex girlfriend. The tracker on the car said they made a three hour stop at her house in Virginia the morning after the attack at the Lancaster house.”

  The Benefactor became enraged over this unauthorized stop. There was no way of knowing what was said and how much she knew.

  “I want wire taps on her phones and someone following her.”

  “We can’t spare any additional agents.”

  “Damn it! We need someone to tie up that loose end.”

  “Fine, one person; that’s all you get. Anymore and people might get suspicious.”

  “Fine, have someone tie up that loose end while I get the team ready for the next mission.”

  “Are you sure you want to go through with this? This is going to be very dangerous and might be too much for them to handle.”

  “They’ll be fine,” the Benefactor smirked. “They know their lives are at stake. Once they complete this mission, there’ll be no turning back.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing?”

  “I always do.”

  The screen went black and returned to a wallpaper picture of his wife holding his two daughters. He opened the desk cabinet and took out a black briefcase. He pulled out several files and made copies of them.

  “That should do it.” As he slid the final paper into the envelope, his phone rang.

  “Joyce, can you answer it,” he shouted. “Joyce! Oh damn she must have left already. ”He picked up the phone, “Yeah.”

  “Sir, it’s Agent Fields.”

  “Ah so good to hear from you son. What can I do for you?”

  “The rifle has been disposed of and the cleaning crew has demolished the car.”

  “What about the room?”

  “Not a trace of them was left. The owner won’t be an issue either.”

  “Are you in Texas yet?

  “Just landed ten minutes ago.”

  “Good, get the pickup truck from the ranch. Stock the house with food, supplies and video equipment.”

  “Are we making a movie or something?”

  “Let’s just say I have something special in mind for our group.”

  Chapter 41

  It was three in the morning when we arrived at a twenty four hour diner in Austin. Lilly and I stumbled in; collapsing into a large booth with pumpkin orange pleather seat cushions. Her head leaned to the right until it fell on my shoulder; allowing her to feel comfortable and secure enough to finally rest.

  “Wake up guys,” Mike shouted as he snapped his fingers in our faces. It brought us out of our near comatose state long enough to look at the menu. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving.”

  “What else is new,” I mumbled. “You’re always hungry.”

  Mike glared at me from over his menu. “Let’s just get some food and figure out where we gotta go.”

  Mike looked over as a heavy set red headed waitress walked up to our table. “Well, you folks look like you’ve been thru the ringer. Rough night?”

  Mike stared at me; wondering how much she heard or if she recognized us. “Something like that. Can I get a bacon cheeseburger, rare, and a sweetened iced tea?”

  “Sure thing Hun. What about the sleepy couple?”

  Lilly’s eyes remained locked shut, but mine surprisingly opened when the waitress called us a couple.

  “We’ll have a grilled chicken wrap with honey mustard,” I said with a slight smile.

  “Anything to drink?”

  “We’re good with water.”

  The waitress walked away and welcomed the man that entered through the glass doors out front. He hustled up to the counter in his blue denim jeans and jacket. His blonde mustache seemed like it was glued on.

  I tapped the table gently in front of Mike. “Doesn’t that guy look familiar?”

  Mike turned around instantly. Talk about a stereotypical Texan. I mean does every guy here where a black cowboy hat?”

  “It’s a little too noticeable if you ask me.” We kept our heads low so the man wouldn’t see us and waited patiently for the waitress to return.

  It took her several minutes before she walked out of the back with a circular tray in hand; carrying three glasses and two plates.

  “Here yall go,” the woman said; placing the food in front of us. I gently woke Lilly up as Mike dove into his bacon cheeseburger. The waitress looked on while I grabbed a few fries. “I guess you folks were hungry. By the way you’re chowing down; I’d say you haven’t eaten in days. Where yall from?”

  The food hung in our mouths like a kid who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. We never came up with a cover story. It was a stupid mistake that we overlooked.

  “Chicago,” Mike finally said. We were decided to road trip it down here for a Rocket’s game.”

  “What are ya doing out here? Houston is three hours east.”

  “We have friends who live in Austin and are staying with them,” I quickly replied. “We got in late and didn’t want to wake them.”

  The waitress eyed us up suspiciously, but saw the man at the counter waive her over. “I’ll be right back. Let me know if yall need anything else.”

  I waited for her to move out of earshot and glanced at the stranger at the counter.

  “I think the guy at the counter is watching us.”

  “What do you mean?” Mike pushed himself up in the booth.

  “Don’t turn around,” I whispered. “He keeps looking over at us. You think he knows who we are?”

  “You really wanna stay and find out?” Mike waived the waitress over and signaled for the check.

  She placed the bill on the table and walked back to the cash register; keeping her eyes on us.

  “Let me handle this,” Mike said as he pulled the check away from me. “Start the car and get ready to go.”

  Lilly and I slipped out the front doors while Mike kept the waitress busy.

  “What’s going on,” Lilly mumbled as we reached the Sonata.

  I handed Lilly the keys. “Pull the car around. I’m going to wait for Mike; just in case.”

  Lilly’s face went pale as she took the keys from me. The man with the black cowboy hat and fake blond mustache appeared behind me.

  “It’s time to go,” the man said; dipping his hat.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  The man pulled off his hat and mustache. It was Agent Fields; cleverly disguised to fit in. “I’m taking you to the safe house.”

  “When’s our next mission,” I asked.

  “All the info is at the house along with some extras.”

  “Please tell me we’re not staying in a motel again,” Lilly muttered under her breath.

  “The Benefactor has set you up at a friend’s ranch not too far from here. He wanted to ensure your safety and make sure there were no loose ends.”

  Mike exited the diner and found us talking to Agent Fields.

  “What’s going on guys?”

  “Everything’s cool,” I replied. “Let’s hit the road.”

  Lilly handed Mike the car keys and stumbled back as if she was playing a zombie in some horror m

  “Keep up and take everything with you when we get there. I don’t plan on staying long.”

  Chapter 42

  It was nearly noon when I woke; finding my body sprawled out on bearskin rug on the living room floor. The room was blurry, but I could make out the lining of a brown leather couch, a few animal heads hung on the wall as well as several hunting rifles. I knew the others had to be somewhere around the house and needed to gather them to find out our mission.

  I found Lilly in one of the two large bedrooms. She looked peaceful as she slept with the peach colored blanket curled around her. I wanted to lay next to her, but decided it was best to let her sleep. I continued to walk the hall and found an office with black leather chairs in front of a cherry wood stained desk. Mike was asleep in a pile of folders; most likely getting a start on our mission.

  Despite wanting to know why the Benefactor brought us to Texas, I wanted a home cooked meal even more and I figured the others would as well. I found the kitchen just down the hall from the office and prepared a breakfast medley of French toast, bacon, eggs, and sausages. The aroma filled the house; waking the others with an intoxicating smell that we had been craving since leaving New York.

  Mike entered the kitchen with a stack of folders. “I see you found your way around the house.”

  “I see you found some good reading material; anything good?”

  “I never got started. I snooped around outside and found some video equipment in a white van out back by the shed. I found the folders right before I passed out, but I did find one interesting item. There was a set of blueprints for a large ranch house with the files.”

  “Do we know where this ranch house is?”

  “From what I read, it’s about five miles from here.”

  “What’s going on,” Lilly asked as she entered the room. Her short brown hair was a mess and her clothes were wrinkled, but I still thought she was beautiful.

  “We’re about to read up on our next mission.”

  “Great,” she yawned. “But can we have breakfast first?”

  Mike separated the files on the table as I put out three plates of food. He looked at me with concern. “I don’t know if I’m more scared to eat your cooking or see who we’re here to kill.”

  “I guess you’re a comedian now. Well, don’t quit your day job.” Lilly laughed at my comment through a forkful of eggs. “If you don’t want it, I’m sure we can make room for more.”


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