The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice

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The Phoenix Blade: Project Justice Page 13

by Andrew Hess

  “Everything is fine,” I lied. The truth was I was scared. We were more than just a blip on the radar of a local police department or federal agency. The President wanted us brought in dead or alive for killing his family. If we were caught, we were as good as dead.

  “How can you say that? You almost died last night. We almost lost you. I almost lost you.”

  “It’s not like we were reckless.” I explained what happened to Lilly; giving her every detail from the moment we stepped foot on that second floor landing to the second I realized Mike shot the final Mason.

  Lilly paced around the room; processing everything I said. “I know it wasn’t a careless mistake, but that’s what worries me. Every time we do these missions our lives are at stake. One miss step could be our death or arrest.” Lilly stopped pacing and looked at me with her big brown eyes. “We need to end this. It’s getting too dangerous.”

  “It’s impossible; there’s no way out. We’re in too deep.”

  “Yeah, but we’re just kids. We’re not trained for this stuff.”

  “I’m open to any ideas on how to get out.”

  I knew there was only one possible way out, but it was risky and needed to find the right people to help us. I rehashed everything Mike found in the secret room. We didn’t get to go through every file, but it was enough to show the connection the Mason family had to possible terrorist activities.

  “Where’s the proof,” Lilly asked.

  “The hard copies are still at the Mason house in the room, but Mike took pictures of everything he found. We can download them onto the computer later.”

  “That’s great,” Lilly said as she flung her arms around me and planting a kiss on my cheek. “This could be our ticket out of this mess. We could take these in along with everything the Benefactor sent us and go to the police with it.”

  I was skeptical about her plan, but considered doing what was needed to resign from being some hired hitman.

  “I’ll look into it.”

  “Fine, but I still want to go tomorrow.”

  “No, you need to stay with the kids. Mike can handle being the lookout.” I could feel her arms loosen from around my neck and the joy in her eyes was quickly replaced with sadness. “We’ll be fine; I promise.” I placed my arms around her waist; pulling her in closer so there was barely any space between us. “I love you.”

  Lilly grabbed the back of my head gently and pressed her lips firmly on mine. It was intense and passionate. My lips were on fire, but lasted only a few seconds until Lilly pulled away.

  “Why don’t you hit the lights,” Lilly suggested.

  I moved to hit the switch, but Lilly had other ideas. Her hands traced my chest before shoving me against the wall forcefully; smothering my lips before I could respond.

  “Wait, hold that thought for one second,” I said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I replied while grabbing the do not disturb sign and placed it on the handle outside the room. I pushed the latch over; locking the door. “Now where were we?”

  Lilly seductively walked towards me; grabbing my hand and leading me to the bed. As we moved closer, everything from the last few weeks seemed to vanish. There weren’t any hostages, no Benefactor, no missions or manhunt. There was only Lilly and me. We were the only two that mattered. It felt like we were the only people left in the world.

  Lilly stood next to the bed; pulling my shirt up over my head and slowly kissed my chest up to my neck. I closed my eyes; leaned in for another kiss, but fell face first onto the bed. Lilly giggled as she watched from the foot of the bed.

  “Not nice,” I said.

  “Then let me make it up to you.”

  Lilly removed her wrinkled purple t-shirt; throwing it to the floor as she knelt on the bed and covered my body with hers. I could feel her silky smooth skin rub against mine. My hand slid from her back up to her neck; holding her closer as my lips explored her body.

  We pushed our bodies towards the head board; slipping out of our jeans as we fumbled with the covers. My heart was racing with every kiss; every touch. I wanted this for so long.

  Our bodies locked in a passionate embrace. Our hands were guides to the maps of our bodies. Lilly’s body flinched as I got on top, but she pulled me in closer. We had a perfect rhythm as Lilly’s legs wrapped around my waist. Each thrust was like pure ecstasy. I wanted more.

  “Hold on,” she said while putting a hand on my chest. She uncrossed her feet and planted them on the bed; pushing me backwards. She straddled me as I tried to sit up and forced me back down; banging my head on the frame. She cradled my head. “Oh baby, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  “Then let’s see if you like this?” She started to grind but kept rocking side to side. I wanted to take control again, but fell to the floor with a loud thud. Lilly landed on top of me; causing us to laugh.

  “I meant to do that. It was a little more painful than I thought.”

  Lilly pulled the blanket off the bed and covered us with it. Her body collapsed onto mine; feeling her heart beating faster by the moment.

  She pushed herself up enough to look me in the eyes. “I love you Hun.”

  Chapter 57

  It was the sound of the phone that woke me from my euphoric sleep. My eyes opened to the sight of Lilly lying serenely in my arms. I hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead.

  “Hmm, now that’s the way to wake up after an amazing night,” she moaned as she stretched her long legs until her toes pointed just beneath my feet.

  “Unfortunately, someone’s a little eager to get our attention.” I reached for my pants and pulled out my cell. “Hey Mike, what’d you need?”

  “Some sleep would be nice? Everyone’s out cold and I need a power nap.”

  “Give us a few minutes.”

  Lilly looked at me in disbelief and rested her head on my chest. “I don’t want to get up.”

  “Hey by all means, you could stay just like this. I think Mike would love the view.”

  She playfully smacked me in the face with a giggle before giving me another sensual kiss. “Fine, let’s get up.”

  As we reached our feet, I could see the disaster that became our room. The blood orange blanket covered the floor where we slept. Pillows were scattered, the white sheets were in a ball at the foot of the bed, and picture frames tilted to sides.

  “Do you think he’ll notice?”

  “Just a little,” I replied.

  It took us several minutes to rearrange the room; making it look like nothing happened. We clasped our hands together and walked across the hall.

  Mike opened the door the moment my hand raised to knock. His eyes were bloodshot and his short hair was standing on end. “It’s about time you guys got here. What took so long?”

  Lilly stared at me and smiled. “Sorry we uh just didn’t want to get up yet.” She squeezed my hand tightly as I returned her smile.

  Mike yawned and watched us curiously. “What was that?” Lilly quickly grabbed the key from him and entered the room.

  “What was what,” I said innocently. I opened the door for him to re-enter our room.

  “I know that look.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Okay, play it that way. But seriously, can you guys not let the entire hotel how much you two love each other.” He patted me on the back and looked around the room. “Good job by the way.”

  Part of me wanted to be embarrassed, but it didn’t bother me. I laughed along with him and decided it was best to change the subject. “How long did you want to rest for?”

  “I’m not sleeping here. After what happened last night, I don’t know what’s sterile. Let’s go to the truck. You’re driving while I sleep.”

  Chapter 58

  The glowing screen from the laptop sat open on Mike’s lap as we drove to the address listed in the file.

  “So, who is this A
rcana guy,” Mike asked as he scrolled through the documents.

  He’s an executive producer and station manager for NBC. According to his file, he’s been manager there for about three years and in the industry for the last fifteen.” We pulled up in front of a large bright white house. “I think this is it.”

  We waited patiently for Arcana to make his exit. I couldn’t risk confronting him at home. He would have to answer questions from his family and we would have to worry about neighbors seeing us walk inside his house.

  Mike closed the laptop and placed it back in the bag. “So, how was it last night?”

  “How was what?”

  “What do you think?” I shrugged my shoulders and stared at Mike; pretending not to understand what he was saying. “Do you really want me to say it or should I repeat the horrific sounds from last night?”

  My cheeks felt like they were on fire as they turned redder than a stop sign. “We’re not having this conversation.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s just…it’s not a good idea.”

  Mike stopped smiling and sat straight up in the passenger seat of the truck. “You mean us talking about it or you two being together?”

  I turned my head away. “I don’t know; maybe a little of both.”

  “But I thought you were madly in love with each other.” Mike made a goofy face with his tongue hanging out and trying to make circles with his eyes when he said madly in love.

  “I do love her, but we’re up to our necks in this mess and I don’t want her getting hurt.”

  “You mean you don’t want her to watch you get hurt.”

  “Yeah, that too. I can’t worry about her wanting to be a part of every mission. I’d be looking over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure she’s okay. And after the other night…”

  “I know, it was a close one. But you’re both safe now.”

  “Yeah for now. But what happens next time? You might not be there to save us. I can’t put her in that kind of danger.”

  “There’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “If I can find a way, I will get her out of this before the shit hits the fan.”

  “How about finding a way out for all of us? Then you two can go live happily ever after someplace where you won’t make me sick.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh along, but saw the red front door open across the street. There he was, the man the Benefactor wanted me to find. He was tall; maybe around six feet tall with short brown hair. He was wearing a neatly pressed navy blue suit as he exited the house. He bent down; kissed his wife who was a head shorter than he was and patted his son on the head before walking to the car.

  “That’s the kind of life I want one day. I want a wife and kids waiting for me to get home from work and spend the night with them.”

  Mike clapped his hand on my shoulder. “You will one day. You’ll have Lilly to come home to.”

  “Not by waiting around here I won’t. Let’s go.” I truck made a loud clunking noise as the engine started; making me wonder how much longer it would continue to run and followed Tino Arcana in his black convertible.

  “What’s the plan,” Mike asked.

  “I’ll find a way into the studio to talk to Arcana. You’re staying here and playing lookout.”

  “You were serious about that? Are you nuts? You can’t go in there by yourself. You’ll get caught.”

  “That’s why you’re staying put. If any police show up, you call me so I can find a way out.”

  “You need a better plan.”

  “Well it’s the only one we have. You got any better ideas?”

  Mike stared at the stoplight; trying to think of any way to prevent me from going in by myself, but couldn’t.

  “You know she’s going to kill both of us for this.”

  Chapter 59

  I stood in front of a large grey and white building with a multicolored logo sitting on top of the roof. I didn’t have a plan. I didn’t even know how to find Arcana without getting caught. But staring at the large glass doors wasn’t the answer.

  My hand shook as it reached for the handle as a group of people entered the building. It was perfect camouflage; concealing me as we walked past the guards and the first set of video cameras. I followed them as the continued down the hall to purchase studio tour passes.

  I didn’t know how extensive the tour would be or even if I would have the chance to make a break for the executive offices. But I knew the risk. This was a suicide mission. I just couldn’t figure out why the Benefactor wanted to risk everything on one meeting.

  “Excuse me,” a deep male voice said from behind. A large hand slapped my shoulder; nearly buckling my knees. “I need you to come with me.”

  I turned to find a tall heavyset black man with glasses. He towered over me to where I could barely see the gold plated name badge.

  “I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?”

  His mouth curved into a smile; displaying his yellowing teeth and stale cigarette breath. “We both know who you are and why you’re here. I suggest you come quietly with me and don’t cause a scene.”

  I stood on tip toes; craning my neck to read his name tag which the bright sun made harder to read. “Okay Wendell, I don’t know who you think I am, but I think you have me confused with someone else. I’m just here for the tour.”

  He leaned in close. His warm stale breath made my skin crawl as he whispered in my ear. “There’s no mistake. I know who you are Phoenix. But if you want to keep playing games, I won’t take you to see Mr. Arcana.”

  My eyes widened in panic. I didn’t know if I should be relieved and thankful for the help, or worried there were others that knew we were in town.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just follow me.” Wendell pulled me away from the crowd and escorted me to the elevator. He chuckled while it climbed to the fifth floor.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You thought you could get up here from the studio tour. It’s a good thing the Benefactor called me.”

  A sense of relief swept over me when Wendell told me he was paid off by the Benefactor to help me. But I knew Wendell could turn me into the police at any moment. I had to trust that he would keep his word.

  As the doors opened, I saw a large half circle desk sitting in front of cloudy glass doors. We stopped at the desk where a young brunette in her mid-twenties sat with her hair tied back in a ponytail; wearing a bright pink blouse.

  “Morning Sharon,” Wendell said.

  “Hi Wendell. Who’s your friend?” Her voice was soft and sweet, but I couldn’t help noticing her eyes were fixated on me.

  “This is uh my cousin.” Sharon looked at us quickly. “His mother had him before marrying into the family.” She nodded and continued to look me over. “Is Mr. Arcana in?”

  “Yeah, go right on in.”

  He whispered to me, “Stay right here. I’ll be back for you.” Wendell quickly walked away; leaving me to deal with the secretary. She seductively started biting her nails.

  “Hello,” I said in a friendly manner.

  “Hello yourself,” she winked. “Do you live around here?”

  “Sorry, no. I’m just in town visiting for the next few days.”

  “That’s a shame. I would have shown you the city and some other fun things too.” Sharon raised her eyebrows while tracing seductively running the tip of her tongue over her upper lip.

  I was feeling like I was her prey; ready to be pounced on. I stepped back on my heel; ready to bolt for the door and was relieved when Wendell opened the office door.

  “Sorry, I’ll have to take a rain check,” I shouted as I hurried towards the open door; meeting Wendell with sweat running down my face. “Couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  Chapter 60

  The door closed behind me as I entered the office; trapping me between the man I stalked this morning and the man claiming to be hired to help me. Wendell did what he was
paid to do. He brought me to Arcana, but my mind wondered what was said in private.

  Tino Arcana smiled from behind his glass desk while sitting back in his big leather chair.

  “Please have a seat,” Arcana said warmly as he gestured to the cozy chair in front of him. “Wendell told me who you are and why you’re here.”

  My heart pounded faster; feeling like it was about to burst out of my chest. I wanted to flee, but knew that wasn’t an option. I pulled the chair out and sat down; trying to remain calm.

  I turned my head to Wendell; staring at him suspiciously. “Oh yeah, what did my cousin tell you?”

  “For starters, he said you wanted a more extensive tour of the building; saying you were interested in a career in production.”

  My head shot back towards Arcana. “I’m sorry.”

  Arcana’s eyes flashed between from Wendell to me. “You mean you’re not here for a job?”

  I sat up straight in the chair; propping myself to be eye level with Arcana. “Oh I’m here for a job; just not one you’re offering.”

  Arcana stood up from his chair; placing his hands on his desk as he hovered over me. “Apparently there’s some confusion here. Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  I jumped to my feet; edging Arcana back towards his chair. I nodded to Wendell. “I think I can handle things from here.”

  “Are you sure,” Wendell asked.

  “Just give us a few minutes alone. I’m sure we can straighten everything out on our own.”

  Wendell clenched his fists and stormed out of the room; slamming the door behind him nearly breaking the glass.

  “You have two minutes before I call the police.”

  “Then I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Andrew Lancaster.” I watched Arcana reach for the phone. “Please, hear me out before making that call.”

  Arcana’s instinct was to call anyway. After all, he had a suspected serial killer in his office. But he was curious and wanted to know why I was there.

  Arcana pulled his chair closer and slowly sat back down. “Go on then; make it quick. What do you want?”

  “As you know I’ve been accused of murdering Kenneth and Mona Lancaster. There is also speculation that I am connected to the group known as the Revolution and accused of being the Phoenix.”


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