Crowns and Curses

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Crowns and Curses Page 9

by V. B. Marlowe

  "Gretchen and I had a meeting tonight, and we were wondering where you were. You never miss a meeting."

  Jolie gasped. “Oh, was that tonight? It totally slipped my mind.”

  Lily didn't buy that for a second, and she resented the fact that Jolie was lying to her as if she were stupid. "Jolie, what's going on? You bailed on us tonight, and Gretchen said you had been acting strangely earlier."

  Jolie bowed her head. “Acting strange? Gretchen must be imagining things. I’m acting the way I always do.”

  Lily took a seat on the edge of Jolie’s bed. “Honestly, you’re acting strange right now. Jolie, just tell me the truth. Is there something going on that I should know about?”

  Jolie was quiet for a long time, and Lily prepared herself for what she might say. Jolie took a deep breath. "I've been thinking about our alliance . . ."

  That was the last thing Lily wanted to hear. That meant Jolie was having second thoughts. “Okay. And?”

  “I’ve been thinking about the numbers. There are only four elixirs left, yet there are six people in this alliance. How is that going to work? How are we going to decide who gets the elixirs?”

  Lily tried not to be impatient, but it was difficult. “Jolie, this is something we’ve talked about before. We always agreed that we would cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  Jolie nodded. “Oh, we are at that bridge now.”

  Lily balled a fist of Jolie’s down comforter in her hand. “Okay. What does that mean?”

  "It means I've done some rethinking. Although our alliance is very strong and we have the most girls, I realize that I'm the low man on the totem pole. You are Allison are a pair and so are Scarlett and Ori. That leaves Gretchen and me, and when it comes to someone not getting an elixir, I'm guessing it will be the two of us."

  Lily stood, moving closer to Jolie, but making sure she didn’t get too close. “That’s not true! There are no teams within our alliance. You know that. Everyone is on the same level. When it comes down to making a decision about who gets an elixir, we’ll discuss it and put it to a vote. That’s what we’ve always said we’d do. Jolie, why are you questioning this now?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean,” Jolie replied. “When it comes to votes, I know I won’t get any. I don’t even have a chance of getting out of Everly as things stand now.”

  Lily was quiet for a moment. "Jolie, you know me. You know all of us. We're not going to let anyone die or stay under their curse forever. I don't care how many elixirs there are—we'll figure out a way to save everyone. The only reason we even started alliances is because of Izzy. She's gotten to you. I can't believe you let that psychopath get into your head."

  Jolie shrugged but said nothing.

  Lily moved closer. “Jolie, you know what Izzy is. We all know. She's poison. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She doesn't even care about Tress, her so-called best friend. Do you really think she's going to care about you? All she wants is another number for her side. That's all you are to her—a number. She wants an elixir for herself, and she doesn't care what happens to the rest of you."

  Jolie rose slowly from her chair and turned to Lily. It was too dark for Lily to make out any of her features. Jolie stepped closer to her. "Of course, she doesn't. I'm not that naive, Lily. But at least in her alliance, the numbers work in my favor. I'm sorry. I love you all, and I don't want us to stop being friends, but at this point, I have to start looking out for myself. We all do."

  Lily shook her head. "No. That's what Izzy wants us to think. That being selfish is the way to go, but it's not. Jolie, if we start turning on each other like she wants us to, we'll never be successful."

  Jolie stepped even closer to Lily, so close she could feel her breath on her face. “Why do you think that? Think about it. Who were the first girls to get elixirs? Snow White and Cinderella. Were they working with a group? No, they were all on their own. Izzy is right about that. Facts are facts.”

  Lily ran her fingers over her long braid. “Jolie, will you at least think about this. Once you cross over to Izzy’s side, we won’t be able to let you back in. We won’t be able to trust you with secrets or information.”

  Jolie placed a cold hand on Lily’s cheek. “So be it. My mind is made up. I won’t be changing it.”

  Lily didn’t know what else to say so she headed for the door. As she gripped the knob, Jolie spoke. “Lily, does this mean we can’t be friends anymore.”

  Lily squeezed the knob. She certainly felt differently about Jolie after having this conversation, but she understood. Jolie was scared and desperate like they all were and when people felt that way, they made poor decisions. Lily smiled in the darkness. "We've been friends for over two hundred years. That's not about to change now." She opened the door slightly and then closed it back. "Jolie, promise me you'll be careful with Izzy. Keep a good eye on her. With that speech, she gave in class the other day, and what she's trying to pull with Allison, I really feel like she's up to something, so be careful."

  “I will,” Jolie said.

  Lily gave one more glance over her shoulder even though she could see nothing in the blackness, then she let herself out.



  ISLEEN STORMED UP AND down the deserted hallway. Anger burned in her. Everyone was asleep or getting as much sleep in as they could despite their curses, but she could never rest. Her eyes burned and watered from tiredness. Dr. Meyer had given her special eye drops to deal with that, but now that he was locked away, her supply had dried up. Ms. Bea probably could have made a remedy for her, but Isleen would let her eyes fall out before she asked that woman for anything. She rubbed her eyes but that only made them feel worse. Her shoulders were sore from exhaustion, and her neck ached.

  She had been standing at the end of the hallway when Lily slipped out of Jolie’s bedroom and headed back to her own. Isleen didn’t have to be a brain surgeon to know what had happened. Lily realized that Jolie had switched alliances and she had gone to talk her out of it. Of course, Lily had probably been successful. She always got her way. She could talk the girls into doing whatever she wanted. That was one thing about her that Isleen envied.

  “Who am I kidding?” she thought to herself. “These girls would never choose me over Lily.”

  Just then something came over her that she couldn't control. She often didn't think straight due to a lack of sleep, which caused her to make bad choices, but she was sure that what had popped into her mind was the right thing to do. She had to take matters into her own hands. She couldn't wait for Ms. Bea or the girls, who all hated her to decide whether or not she would receive an elixir.

  “Fortune favors the bold,” she said to herself. She’d read that in a book. There was one way she could get herself an elixir right then and there, and finally be free of Everly before the sun rose.

  She hurried to the kitchen before she lost her nerve, praying that Gretchen wasn’t there scrounging around for a midnight snack. Isleen opened a drawer filled with cutlery and pulled out the biggest knife she could find. She held it up to her lantern. It was about eighteen inches long with a cherry wood handle. The shiny blade glistened in the eerie yellow light. Isleen smiled at it, her face looking strange and contorted in the blade. She was disappointed with herself for not having the courage to do this sooner.

  Leaving the kitchen with her weapon, she headed back to her hallway. Her task would be so much easier if she could use her sleeping powder, but Ms. Bea had it under lock and key in the War Room along with the other girls' weapons.

  Isleen stood at the end of the hallway with her lantern in one hand and the knife dangling at her side as she explored her options. She didn't have to think long. The witches had added a stipulation to their curse. Anyone who killed another cursed girl would automatically receive an elixir. The elixir would be hers, and no one would be able to do anything about it. It wouldn't come down to a stupid vote and popularity contest. Isleen could kill two birds with one stone�
��she could free herself and get rid of the girl she hated the most. Everyone in the house would be heart-broken and devastated by the loss of their precious Lily. It was what they all deserved.

  She approached Lily’s door taking deep breaths and knocked gently. There was no answer at first. Isleen thought Lily might finally be getting a good night’s sleep. Unlike the others, the vines were actually beneficial to her. They prevented Peter and Wendy from coming to her balcony to torment her with their undying love. Isleen smirked at how pathetic it was to love a boy for so long who was in love with another girl. She would never be so desperate.

  Isleen knocked again.

  “Who is it?” Lily’s voice sounded tired. Isleen didn’t answer.

  "Who is it?' Lily called again after a few moments. A loud sigh came from the other side of the door. "Allison, is that you? Ms. Dillinger locked you in. How did you get out?"

  There was a click, and the doorknob rattled. As soon as the door opened a crack, Isleen threw all of her weight against, sending a stunned Lily to the floor. She had been too startled to make a sound. Isleen kicked the door closed with her foot and leapt onto Lily. She pressed the blade of the knife into Lily's neck. "I swear on everything if you scream or make any noise I will slit your scrawny little throat.” She held the lantern over Lily’s head so that she could observe every sign if fear.

  Lily trembled, nodding slightly. The only sound that came from her was heavy breathing. Lily’s body quivered with fear underneath Isleen, and she enjoyed every second of it.

  Isleen used all of her weight to keep Lily pinned to the ground. "You've earned this, Tigerlily. You have been a thorn in my side since the day we were brought to this place. I even offered to be in an alliance with you. The princesses could have ruled this house, but no. What do you do instead? You turn everyone against me, make fun of me, and get everyone to call me that horrible name."

  “Izzy—Isleen, please,” Lily whispered. “Don’t do this.”

  Isleen cocked her head to the side. “Oh, now you know my name. Why shouldn’t I do this? Give me one reason.”

  “You will never get away with it. The other girls will make sure you pay. Ms. Bea will make sure you pay. You saw what happened to Dr. Meyer for what he did to Allison. What they’ll do to you will be much, much worse.”

  Isleen thought this over for a moment. “Maybe. But I’ll be long gone before they can lay a hand on me. Any last words?”

  Lily froze for a moment like she was thinking of what to say. Then she jerked her body forward, sending her forehead crashing into Isleen’s. Isleen yelped in pain as she flew back while Lily hopped up and made for the door. Isleen grabbed for her foot, but Lily was too quick.

  Swearing loudly, Isleen groped the wood floor searching for the knife. Once her fingers were on the handle, she hurried into the hallway, leaving the lantern behind. It was eerily dark, even darker than before it seemed. The silence was ghostly. Where had Lily gone that quickly? Isleen went back for her lantern and took it to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. "There's always tomorrow night, Lil,” she muttered to herself. “You can’t hide from me forever.”

  She was searching for a place to hide the knife when the sounds of frantic voices and rushing footsteps came from the hallway. Isleen pulled her door open slowly and poked her head out. The door of Gretchen’s bedroom opened and closed. Isleen slunk into the hall and headed for Gretchen's room. Each door had a tiny window for the adults to look through when they checked on the girls at night. Isleen slid the window of Gretchen’s door open and was surprised at what she saw. Gretchen, Jolie, Lily, Allison, and Tress were gathered inside. Everyone except for the Marina, Scarlett, and Oriana.

  They screamed when they saw her. Isleen was afraid they would wake Ms. Dillinger, whose bedroom was the closest to theirs. “Hey, guys. What’s going on?”

  Gretchen held up a lantern with a pudgy, shaking hand. "What's going on? You just tried to kill Lily, that's what's going on? Izzy, you've really lost it."

  “Yeah,” Jolie agreed. “You’ve done some really messed up things, but this takes the cake.”

  Isleen seethed. She knew Jolie had turned against her.

  Tress stepped forward. In the glow of the lantern, Isleen could make out the disappointment in Tress's ocean-blue eyes. She was the only person who was always on Isleen’s side no matter what and she couldn’t lose that. “Isleen, is that true?” Tress asked. “Did you really try to kill Lily?”

  Isleen held the lantern up to her face and smiled. “Of course not. Lily totally misunderstood. I know I may not be an angel, but I would never hurt any of you. We’re sisters.”

  “Save it, Izzy,” Lily snapped. “No one believes your lies. You wait until I tell Ms. Bea what you’ve done.”

  Isleen couldn’t have that. Ms. Bea already hated her. She grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. “Let me in.”

  The girls all took a step back. “No one’s going to let you in,” Gretchen said. “You might as well just go away.”

  Isleen gritted her teeth. “Open this door right now.”

  No one moved. Isleen made eye-contact with Tress. “Tress, open the door. Please. I’m not going to hurt anyone. I just want to talk.”

  Tress faltered, and Isleen smiled at her friend. “Come on. There’s one of me and five of you. What am I going to do?”

  Tress took a small step forward, but Lily placed a firm hand on her shoulder. “Don’t fall for it, Tress. I know you think she’s your friend, but she’s not.”

  “Tress, open this door right now,” Isleen said firmly. She felt the anger taking over her again. She tried to suppress it, but she didn’t know how.

  Tress took another step forward and then paused. “Why? Why do you need to come in?”

  Isleen laughed. "I just want to talk, that's all. I just wanted to talk to Lily, but she totally freaked out for no reason. Now she's telling you lies about me, and as usual, you believe her. Open the door, Tress."

  Tress took a step back, and Isleen swelled with anger. Tress had never disobeyed her before. Isleen banged her fist against the door. “You open this door right now!”

  Tress made a sobbing sound, and Allison ran to Gretchen's bed. "Izzy, stop it!" Jolie cried. "You're scaring everyone."

  Isleen realized that her tactic wasn’t working. She was going to have to take a different approach, so she held the lantern to her face so they could see her smile.

  “Now you just look creepy,” Gretchen said. “Like a twisted jack-o-lantern.”

  Isleen dropped her smile. "Listen, this is simple. Just do one thing, and I'll leave you all alone. Give me Lily."

  “What?” Tress asked.

  “Open the door and give me Lily. She’s the one I really want. I don’t want to hurt any of you so let’s not make things complicated.”

  Jolie shook her head. “What’s wrong with you? There’s no way we’re doing that.”

  Isleen narrowed her eyes. “Hey! Whose side are you on? Remember you’re on my team now.”

  Jolie stepped in front of Lily. "I was, but I don't condone this, not at all. Izzy, we promised Ms. Bea that we would never ever hurt each other. Everly Academy is supposed to be a safe place for us, not the Battle Royale."

  Isleen growled. “Who cares what that old bat wants? You think she really has our best interests at heart? Look at what she’s done for us so far. Two hundred freaking years and we’re still stuck in this same place. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. If we want to be free, we have to take matters into our own hands. That’s what I’m doing now. This doesn’t concern anyone else but me and the Iroquois princess. Open the door and give me Lily.”

  No one moved. “Give it up,” Lily said. “No one is going to do that.”

  Isleen thought she had been angry before, but that was nothing compared to the way she felt then. She was sick of Lily always getting her way and no one listening to her side of the story. Isleen released a rage-filled scream and pounded her fist against the door. “Open th
is door right now. Tress! I swear I’m never going to speak to you again you damn traitor.”

  Everyone in the room remained still, but a voice sounded from down the hall. “Isleen, what’s going on?”

  Ms. Dillinger. Isleen hung her head trying to think of a way to explain what was happening.

  Ms. Dillinger held up her lantern, illuminating herself. “What are you doing out of your room? Why are you screaming? Everyone is to be in their rooms until morning. You know that.”

  Isleen lowered her lantern to her side and stepped away from Gretchen’s door. “I heard a noise, so I came out to investigate." She wasn't sure what to make of the look on Ms. Dillinger’s face, but it was safe to say that she didn’t believe her. Isleen groaned on the inside as Ms. Dillinger made her way over. She looked tired and confused.

  Frowning, Ms. Dillinger took a peek into Gretchen’s room. “What are you all doing in there? Seriously! Did you all just say ‘screw the rules tonight’?”

  She dug into the pocket of her robe and removed a key. She opened the door and stepped inside. “What’s going on?”

  Isleen’s throat tightened. That was it. The girls were going to tell Ms. Dillinger what happened and then Isleen would be deemed too unsafe for the house and locked away or worse. How would she ever get an elixir for herself then? She had to figure out something, but she was at the mercy of the other girls who would surely tell their teacher everything that had just happened.

  No one said anything until Lily stepped forward. “Of course,” Isleen thought to herself. “She would have to be the one to tell everything.”

  “We apologize, Ms. Dillinger. None of us could sleep so we were just hanging out and talking. We’re very sorry.”

  Isleen’s jaw dropped, and so did the jaws of the other girls. What did Lily think she was doing? Why was she lying? The girls looked at Lily wide-eyed.


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