by R.E. Hannay
* World Values Survey found that most conservatives believe that preparation and the work ethic cause success while most liberals believe it is merely luck. Pew Research found that 80 percent of Republicans believe people can get ahead by working hard but only 14 percent of Democrats do. Another survey found that three times as many conservatives said they were satisfied with their financial lot, while earning the same income as the liberals. A study by General Social Survey asked, “What is more important to you, work or leisure?” Liberals, 42 percent said leisure; conservatives, 15 percent said leisure. Liberals were found to be three times more likely to say they were dissatisfied with their jobs, and somewhat more likely to be dissatisfied with their marriages. Another study found liberals two and one-half times as likely to resent the success of others.
* Professor James Lindgren of Northwestern University School of Law said data showed those who are strongly in favor of “redistribution” of wealth are more unhappy and envious, more resentful, less tolerant of others and more likely to have racist views than those who oppose redistribution. He said the liberals are “A pretty miserable lot.”
* Garrison Keillor: "Liberalism often begins and ends with sympathy for the helpless. It’s more about feeling than action – just fine sentiments”, unless they can do it with other peoples’ money.
* A study by the University of Southern California and Southern Illinois University asked, “How much would you be willing to help people facing economic difficulties?” Liberals wanted to help everyone equally, drunks and loafers alike. Conservatives wanted to treat people differently, depending on whether they were willing or able to work. Liberals rejected the notion of individual responsibility.
* Schweizer said, “Liberals are notoriously stingy with charitable gifts. Al Gore, 1997: income $197,729; $3,377 donations. John Kerry, 1995: $126,179; zero donations. Ted Kennedy $461,444; donations 1%. Robert Reich: 0.2%. Wealthy FDR in the destitute 1930s: 2-3%.”
* On their 2004 IRS 990 PF form , the Jesse Jackson Foundation reported $964,000 in contributions received. Their only charitable activity was $46,000 donated to two colleges, but $84,172 was spent on a “gala celebration in honor of Jesse Jackson.”
* World Values Survey found that modern liberalism creates an atmosphere where lying, cheating and dishonesty become more acceptable. Bill Clinton‘s lies are well reported and several pages of Schweizer’s book discuss the outright lies in the personal biographies written by Joe Biden, Tom Harkin, San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, Al Gore and others.