Thomas Cromwell

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by Diarmaid MacCulloch

  Courtenay, Edward, 20th Earl of Devon, 478

  Courtenay, Henry, Marquess of Exeter, 229, 236, 238, 401, 428, 473–5, 478–80, 513

  Courtenay, William, 114, 186, 322

  courts of law: see Chancery; Common Pleas; Exchequer; King’s Bench; Requests; Star Chamber

  courts, ecclesiastical, 160–62, 483; see also Canterbury, archdiocese

  Coventry, 187, 396

  Coventry and Lichfield (Chester), diocese, 197–9, 458

  Bishops, 423–4; see also Blythe; Lee

  Coverdale, Miles, Bishop of Exeter, 7, 69, 71, 89, 129, 139, 230, 343, 380n, 455, 469, 492, 506, 551

  Coverham Abbey, 196, 379–80, 388

  Cowley, Robert, 254–6, 405–6, 481

  cramp-rings, 337

  Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, Plate 16; 34, 65–7, 105, 195, 198, 214, 228, 237, 249, 271, 281, 287, 331, 376, 411–12, 414, 446, 455–6, 460–62, 465, 473, 475, 493, 496, 528–9, 538, 617, 633, 692

  and annulment of Aragon marriage, 104, 110, 220–22

  and diplomacy, 104, 135, 137, 205–6

  papal grants, 110

  Boleyn client, 113–14, 169, 314

  marriage to Margarete, 206, 222–3, 443, 476, 500, 546

  chosen as Archbishop, 168–9, 177, 205–6

  consecration, 209–10, 217–18

  and Elizabeth Barton, 234–5

  first consecrates bishops, 252

  failed metropolitical visitation, 263–5, 273, 293–5

  and fall of Anne Boleyn, 332, 338, 340, 354–7, 527–8

  and Pilgrimage of Grace, 383, 385, 391–4

  and Zürich, 365–6, 369

  godfather to Edward VI, 436

  discussions with Lutherans, 448–50

  and Six Articles, 499–501, 504–5, 508

  and Anne of Cleves marriage and annulment, 443, 514

  and fall of Cromwell, 523, 525, 527–8

  ‘Prebendaries Plot’, 315, 528

  abuse of, 27, 384, 400

  assessment and character, 443, 451

  and Bible translation, 416

  books, 227

  and Cromwell, 9, 71, 76, 136–7, 209–12, 260, 361, 494–5, 504–5

  heraldry, 428, 493, 535–6

  and Parliament, 240, 243

  preaching, 237, 264, 523

  religious outlook, 21, 288–9, 363–4, 369–70, 412, 476–7, 542

  writings, 188–9

  Craven, 372–3, 378, 381

  Creeds, Apostles’ and Nicene, 362, 413, 481

  Creke, John, 28, 50–52, 131–2, 147, 150

  Cresswell, Percival, 393

  Crofts, George, 471, 483

  Croke, John, 88, 602

  Cromwell (Williams), Anna, 550–51

  Cromwell, Anne (daughter of Thomas), 36, 87

  Cromwell, Edward, 4th Baron Cromwell, 550

  Cromwell, Elizabeth (wife of Thomas), 35–7, 87, 102

  Cromwell, Grace (daughter of Thomas), 36, 87, 102

  Cromwell, Gregory (son of Thomas), 36–8, 65, 70, 88, 103, 195, 204, 209, 249, 252–4, 259, 274, 296, 316–17, 322, 326, 356, 359, 385, 396, 415, 471, 491, 497, 529–30, 534, 696

  estates, 39, 368, 431–4, 439–41, 484–5, 538–41

  marriage, 351, Ch. 18

  children, 352, 425–7, 426, 440, 514, 529–30

  at Lewes, 368, 431, 439–41, 474, 483–4

  scandal around, 482–6, 492, 514

  and Launde Priory, 64, 538–40

  portraits, Plates 24, 26, 28; 254, 426

  public duties, 438, 441, 453, 485–6, 496, 503, 513–14, 540–41

  Baron Cromwell, 538–41

  death and tomb, Plate 28; 540, 543

  see also Seymour

  Cromwell, Henry, 3d Baron Cromwell, 426, 440, 550

  Cromwell (Hough), Jane (daughter of Thomas), 102–3

  Cromwell, ?Katherine (mother of Thomas), 17

  Cromwell, Oliver, 175, 550

  Cromwell, Ralph, 3rd Baron Cromwell, 38

  Cromwell, Richard, alias Williams, 19–20, 39, 47–9, 114, 309, 389, 434, 438, 445, 466, 475, 480, 507, 537, 550

  and Gregory Cromwell, 19, 38, 427, 482–3

  in Gardiner’s service, 178

  estates, 383, 503, 534

  and Pilgrimage of Grace, 385–6, 391

  knighted, 520

  Cromwell, Robert, 54

  Cromwell, Thomas I, 16th Earl of Essex

  early years, Ch. 1

  travels in Europe, Ch. 2

  marriage, 35–6

  employed by Boston, 31–5

  and Stafford family, 44–6

  and Grey family, 46–50

  in 1523 Parliament, 49–53, 98

  in Wolsey’s service, Chs. 3–5, 149, 154, 173, 180, 183–4, 203, 211, 259, 396–7, 411, 428, 505, 546–7

  of Wolsey’s Council, 56, 62, 173

  makes will, 87–8, 121

  enters 1529 Parliament, 90–93

  illegitimate daughter: see Cromwell, Jane

  enters royal service, 104–10, 117

  and annulment of Aragon marriage, 104, 110, 113, 116, 121, 139, 151–2

  manages Wolsey’s former estates 110–13, 156, 193, 534

  danger on Wolsey’s fall, 126

  made royal councillor, 126–8, 131–4, 156, 164, 169

  and break with Rome, Chs. 7–10

  royal representative to Convocation, 146, 149

  Master of the Jewels, 168, 170, 172, 174, 205, 208

  Clerk of the Hanaper, 168, 170

  Chancellor of the Exchequer, 169, 223–6

  first chosen JP, 175–6

  Royal Secretary, 177, 237, 248

  organizes Calais summit, 184–5, 206–9

  and Elizabeth Barton, 234–7

  Master of the Rolls, 30, 105, 271–2, 325

  Vice-Gerent in Spirituals and Vicar-General, 64, 81, 169, 269–70, 273–5; see also Vice-Gerency

  Chancellor of Cambridge University, 276, 306

  Westminster Abbey offices, 318

  and fall of Anne Boleyn, Chs. 13–14

  made Baron and Lord Privy Seal, 14, 270, 352–6

  and Pilgrimage of Grace, Chs. 16–17

  narrow escape, 392–4, 396–8, 407, 445

  son’s marriage, Ch. 18

  Knight of the Garter, 427–9

  and ‘Exeter Conspiracy’, 109, Ch. 20

  Chief Nobleman of the Privy Chamber, 478

  and Six Articles, 496, 499–501, 508

  Earl of Essex and Lord Great Chamberlain, 520

  fall and death, 5, 27, 40, 44, 180, 468, 493, Ch. 22, 532–9

  abuse of, 5, 27, 332, 373, 379–80, 384, 391, 400

  archive, 1–3, 334, 520, 526; see also letters

  armoury, 503, 526–7

  assessment and character, 1–4, 52, 93–4, 173, 181, Ch. 8, 213, 224, 274, 479, 486, 519, 531, 543–50

  and Bible translation

  books, 27, 138, 141, 143

  bribery, 194

  building, 171, 205

  and Church reform, 72–4, 188–204, Ch. 11: see also Bible; monasteries; Vice-Gerency

  and commerce, 25–7, 30, 119

  and Cranmer, 9, 71, 76, 136–7, 209–12

  dedications to, 366

  and drama, 192, 416–20, 440

  enemies, 541; see also Anne Boleyn; Gardiner; Howard, Thomas; Pole; Stokesley; Wallop

  estates, 39, 46, 165–6, 354–7, 383, 437, 484–6, 538–9, 613, 625

  family: see ap Rhys; Carbot; Gough; Hales, Christopher; Meverell; Prior; Seymour; Wellifed; Williams; Wykes

  and foreign policy, 26, 115, 134–6, 141–3, 260–63, 310, 315, 333–
4, 442–52, 526

  friends, 213, 427, 541; see also Alvard; Bardi; Buonvisi; Courtenay, William; Cranmer; Creke; Edgar; Edgecombe; Elyot; Gage; Godolphin; Hales, Christopher; Hall; Jennings; Lawson; Lee, Roland; Littleprow; Page; Palmer; Parr; Penizon; Popley; Rush; Russell; Seymour; Vaughan; Vaux; Withipoll; Wingfield

  health, 272, 439, 498

  heraldry, Plates 5, 7, 8; 38–9, 172–4, 208, 427–8, 493, 535–6, 546

  hospitality, 105, 152–3, 208, 220, 223

  and humanist culture, 28, 351

  income, 6, 30, 60, 62–4, 120, 194, 200, 208, 276, 434–5, 509

  and the law, 30

  letters from, 1–2, 50–52, 84–5, 118–26, 140, 199, 213, 235, 391–2, 395, 405, 408–9, 428, 446, 450, 496, 523, 529

  linguistic ability, 26–8, 69

  literary and publication patronage, 120, 148–9, 188–92, 236–7, 460–61, 506

  and monasteries, Ch. 3, 202–3, 281–4, 308–10, 319–20, 430–35, 488–92, 501, 509–12; see also monasteries: dissolution

  and Parliament, 52–3, 58, 109–10, 134, 143, 156–8, 182–3, 185, 202, 217–19, 244–5, 266; see also Parliament

  portraits, Plates, 3, 4, 7, 25; 174–5, 426

  recreations, 154, 427; see also books; hunting

  and religious conservatives, 60, 107–9

  religious outlook, 33–7, 64–74, 88–90, 96–7, 108–9, 119–21, 139, 161, 185, 193, 211–12, 227, 239, 260–63, 288–9, 298, 363–71, 399, 412, 414–15, 492–3, 515–16, 524–5, 542–3

  ‘remembrances’, 2, 187, 253, 268, 280, 287, 424, 495, 498–9, 510

  residences: see Hackney; London: Austin Friars, St Gabriel Fenchurch, The Rolls; Mortlake; St James’s Palace; Stepney

  servants and clients: see Agard; ap Rhys; Aucher; Audley; Barlow; Bedell; Bellow; Bigod; Billingford; Blythman; Body; Brabazon; Budgegood; Caunton; Cavendish; Collins; Dowes; Freeman; Gifford; Gostwick; Hotoft; Hubberdine; Lee; Milsent; Mont; Morison; Palmer; Parker, George; Pollard; Polstead; Popley; Ryther; Sadler; Scudamore; Soulemont; Tomyou; Tyndale alias Clifton; Vaughan; Wellifed; Whalley; Williamson; Worsley; Wyatt

  and social policy, 183–8, 304–5, 322–3, 487, 549–50

  surname pronunciation, 5

  and widows, 47–9, 220, 300, 302, 467–8

  and wild young men, 126, 294, 326, 652; see also Cromwell, Gregory

  see also Calais; Cambridge; Ireland; Italy; Oxford; ‘Tudor Revolution in Government’

  Cromwell, Thomas II, 5th Baron Cromwell, 584

  Cromwell, Vere Essex, Lord Cromwell, 4th Earl of Ardglass, 550

  Cromwell, Walter, 10, 15–17, 22–3, 37–8

  Cross: see Rood

  Crowle, 376–7

  Croydon Palace, 228

  Crusades, 477, 480

  Cumberland, 389

  Curatt, John, 83, 161

  Curzon, Robert, Lord Curzon, 457–8

  Cusack, Thomas, 155, 481

  customs duties, 134

  Dacre of the South, Lord: see Fiennes

  Dacre, William, 3rd Baron Dacre of Gisland, 256

  Dakyn, John, 388, 390

  Damplip, Adam, 450–51, 500

  Darcy, Arthur, 402, 423–5, 480

  Darcy, Thomas, Baron Darcy of Darcy or Templehurst, 56, 83–4, 95, 390, 394, 402–4, 423–4, 427, 473

  Dario, Silvestro, 234

  Darrell family, 61

  Daubeney, Henry, 2nd Baron Daubeney, 1st Earl of Bridgewater, 302, 484

  David, King of Israel, 418

  Dderfel Gardarn, Plates 43–4; 459–60

  de Augustinis: see Augustine

  de’ Bardi; de’ Medici: see Bardi; Medici

  De La Warr, Thomas, 9th Baron De La Warr, 473

  debasement: see coinage

  deer: see hunting

  defence, national, 171, 334n, 433, 491, 495–7, 503, 517–18, 522, 537, 550

  Denmark, 261

  Denny, Anthony, 478, 541–2

  Dent and Dentdale, 378–82, 384, 401

  Denys, Thomas, 114, 438, 475

  Derby, Thomas, 487–8

  Derbyshire, 17, 147–8, 437

  Derick, John, 308

  Desmond, Earl of: see Fitzthomas

  Determinations of the Universities 188–9, 191; see also Academiarum Censurae

  Devereux, Robert, 19th Earl of Essex, 550

  Devon, 474–5, 549, 628

  Dingley, Thomas, 167

  diplomacy: see Barnes; Bonner; Chapuys; Clerk, John; Cranmer; Elyot; Foxe, Edward; France; Gardiner; Hacket; Hawkins; Heath; Henry VIII; Holy Roman Empire; Howard, Thomas II; Lee; Paget; Pate; Sampson; Tunstall; Vatican; Vaux; Wyatt

  dispensations, papal, 218; see also Canterbury Archdiocese: Faculty Office

  Disputatio inter Clericum et Militem, 138, 149

  Dominican Friars, 283, 460, 464; see also London: Blackfriars

  Doncaster, 387, 391, 417

  Donington, 377–8

  Donington, Thomas, 119

  Dorset, 259, 358

  Marquesses of: see Grey

  Douglas (Stewart), Margaret, Countess of Lennox, 357, 439, 550

  Dove, John, 451

  Dover, 185, 209, 322, 334–5, 337, 361, 368–9, 491, 514, 544

  Bishops of: see Ingworth; Thornden

  Priory, 25

  Dowes, Henry, 253–4, 316–17, 441, 513–14, 516, 658

  Doyley, Thomas, 68: see also Hidden

  drama, 192, 416–20, 440

  Dublin, 11, 256–8, 328, 331, 404–5

  Archbishops of: see Allen; Browne

  Christ Church Cathedral, 481–2

  Pale of, 254, 454

  St Patrick’s Cathedral, 256, 482

  Dudley, Edward, 4th Baron Dudley alias Sutton, 47, 181

  Dudley, Guildford, 48

  Dudley, John I, 3rd Baron Dudley alias Sutton, 47; see also Grey

  Dudley, John II, 7th Baron and Viscount Lisle, 19th Earl of Warwick, 1st Duke of Northumberland, 48, 226, 303, 370, 485–6, 521, 537, 541–2, 551

  Dudley, Robert, 14th Earl of Leicester, 542

  Dunsford, 520

  Dunstable Priory, 220

  Duodo family, 31


  Cathedral, 691

  Bishops of: see Tunstall; Wolsey

  County, 252, 547

  diocese, 81, 100, 318

  Durtford Priory, 432

  East Anglia, 294, 308, 355, 385, 387, 419–20, 430–31, 435, 456, 548–9; see also Essex; Norfolk; Suffolk

  Eastern Christianity: see Orthodox Churches

  Eden, John: see Hidden

  Edgar, Thomas, 427

  Edgecombe, Piers, 157

  Edward III, King of England, 394

  Edward IV, King of England, 12, 207, 226

  Edward VI, King of England and Ireland, 435–6, 438, 473, 486, 531

  marriage proposals, 444

  accession and coronation, 540

  as King, 303, 323, 357, 375, 420, 501, 537, 540–43, 549

  illness and death, 211–12

  Egmont, Françoise, Countess of, 494

  Eisenach, 365

  elections, parliamentary, 159, 225: see also Commons, House of

  Eliot, Nicholas, 367–8

  Elizabeth of York, Queen, 12

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England and Ireland, 185, 210, 245, 311, 337, 351, 357, 436

  birth and baptism, 229–30, 236

  marriage proposals, 444

  as Queen, 313–14, 323, 332, 335, 371, 421, 498, 537, 542–3, 550

  Ellerker, Ralph, 392–4

  Elmham, North, 355–6, 359, 431–2, 484, 538–9

  Elmham, South, 293–4

  Elton, Geoffrey, 3, 52, 170–71, 322, 398, 51
8, 543, 547, 583, 612, 658–9, 699; see also ‘Tudor Revolution in Government’


  Cathedral, 194

  Bishops of: see Goodricke; West

  Elyot, George, 25

  Elyot, Thomas, 65, 157

  enclosures, agricultural, 73, 183, 185, 187–8, 323, 372–3, 549

  England, 10–14, 160, 177, 216, 543–4

  Church: see Church, Western; Church of England

  Economy, 24

  foreign relations: see Cromwell; diplomacy; Henry VIII; France; Holy Roman Empire

  Kings: see Charles I; Charles II; Edward III; Edward IV; Edward VI; Henry II; Henry V; Henry VI; Henry VII; Henry VIII; James VI and I; John; Richard II; Richard III

  Queens: see Anne Boleyn; Anne of Cleves; Elizabeth of York; Elizabeth I; Jane Grey; Jane Seymour; Katherine of Aragon; Katherine Howard; Katherine Parr; Mary I

  see also Convocations; imperial status; Parliament; Plantagenet dynasty; Reformation; taxation; Tudor dynasty

  Englefield, Francis, 103

  Englefield, William, 70

  English language, 10–11; see also vernacular

  Erasmus, Desiderius, 34, 69, 120, 136, 152, 176–7, 227, 291, 297, 368, 415–16, 464

  escheat, 198–9, 391

  Esher, 56, 87, 89–94, 98–100, 107, 121, 244, 259, 627

  espionage, 23, 126, 133, 142, 207, 446, 477

  Essex, 176, 437, 445

  Earls of: see Bourchier; Cromwell; Devereux

  Esther, Queen, 331

  Eton College, 55, 369, 473–4

  eucharist, 245, 361, 412–13, 417, 477

  in both kinds, 447, 499, 516

  mass, 234, 238, 288–9, 300, 364, 482–3

  private masses and requiems, 447, 454–5, 463, 487, 499, 516

  memorialism or spiritual presence, 364, 369–70, 476, 500, 543

  real or corporal presence, 243, 364, 476, 499–500

  ‘sacramentaries’, 243, 487, 500, 525, 530, 541

  see also Six Articles

  evangelicalism, 18–19, 116, 160, 394, 400, 402, 428, 475–80, 488–501, 516–17, 524–5, 532–3, 535–6, 541–2, 548; see also iconoclasm; iconophobia; justification; Protestantism; Reformation

  Evesham Abbey, 63, 510, 691

  Exchequer, 223–6, 325, 636

  executions: see London: Tower, Smithfield; York

  Exeter, 161

  Bishops of: see Coverdale; Veysey

  Cathedral, 157

  diocese, 305

  Marchioness of: see Blount

  Marquess of: see Courtenay

  ‘Exeter Conspiracy’ (1538), 109, 361, 468, Ch. 20, 487, 490, 495, 497, 509, 513

  Exmew, William, 282

  Eyer, Richard, 473–4

  Falier, Lodovico, 133


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