Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2

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Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2 Page 2

by Lisa Blackwood

  “You are correct. Our beloved is called Gregory in this life, isn’t he? It will take some adjustment, as it always does when we are first reborn, but I will learn and adapt to this life.” And I will always give comfort and guidance to my other half during the coming days which will be both emotionally trying as well as physically dangerous.

  And above all else, I will protect my children. Both that tiny, bright soul nestled in my firstborn body’s womb, as well as our full-grown son.

  Although, she realized Gryton was likely to be much more temperamental, having been raised by a hate-filled demigoddess.

  That was just another one of many injustices Daryna planned to rectify in this life. When she was done, the Battle Goddess would regret ever interfering with the Avatars.

  “This way. Before your teeth start chattering,” Lillian snapped, drawing Daryna from her thoughts.

  When Lillian turned swiftly on her heels and started back down the path, Gregory stiffened. His concern that he had hurt his mate’s feelings washed over Daryna a moment later. It was followed by his inability to leave Daryna when she was still so obviously weak.

  Ah, yes, if she needed to distract her gargoyle protector from her plans, Lillian would be an excellent distraction.

  “It’s all right my love,” Daryna said. “Go to her. She doesn’t understand what’s happened. She thinks I’m her replacement.”

  “But that’s ridiculous.”

  “No. It’s not. She’s young. And your previous behavior didn’t help any either.”

  “I did not mean...” His ears dropped to half-mast, and his muzzle wrinkled as his eyes narrowed unhappily.

  “Yes. I know that, but she doesn’t.”

  “I cannot leave you here in this state.” Even his tail lashed in agitation and indecision. “But I must go to Lillian.”

  “Well, then carry me. But we should hurry. You’re both still wearing those collars. In case you’ve forgotten.”

  With a huffing sound that was the equivalent of gargoyle embarrassment, Gregory scooped her up in his arms and broke into long, ground-eating strides. He quickly caught up to his shorter-legged mate. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Daryna rested her cheek on Gregory’s shoulder, enjoying the warmth and scent of her other half.

  It was nice to hold her beloved close again. She would allow herself to be weak this once. But after tonight she would have to be strong; this life had already proven to be one of her most difficult. Their enemy had already landed too many blows.

  Daryna would have to execute her plans as soon as possible to counteract some of what the Battle Goddess had already put into motion.

  Gregory might not condone some of her choices, Daryna knew. He might even hate her for a short time.

  But once all was said and done with this life, for either good or ill, she could always ask forgiveness when they were reunited again as one being in the Spirit Realm. Until then, she would do what she must to save them all.

  If Gregory and Lillian saw her choices as a betrayal? Then so be it.

  Chapter 1

  Lillian stomped down the gravel path headed back towards the stone cottage. She wasn’t running away. Or leaving in a huff. ‘Damnit. Even I don’t believe that’ Lillian thought to herself. But it didn’t matter. She wasn’t going back to apologize. There was only so many times she could forgive fate for tossing unimaginable horror into her life. She’d already used her quota of forgiveness. She wasn’t going to feel sorry for slighting her replacement. And she’d be damned if she were going to stand there and watch Gregory with his beloved Sorceress for one more minute.

  Neither one of them would see her cry. Embracing her anger, she marched back towards the cottage. Somewhere behind, she knew her family and the other Fae followed like some curious parade of bystanders and paparazzi.

  At least there were no camera lenses in this crowd.

  The only ones were the type found in the scopes sitting atop rifles.

  The dark glower of the military was never far. At the moment, she had no desire whatsoever to explain this new…development to the officers or the scientists that had been trailing her earlier in the day.

  The present lack of scientists was likely due to her little brother and his pet human. Later she’d thank Shadowlight and Corporal Mackenzie for distracting them. Gran had also been acting as an intermediary, but Anna and the gargoyle child had made the greatest sacrifice as far as Lillian was concerned.

  Both had agreed to become the scientists’ pincushions, undergoing a myriad of tests. Willingly. Other Fae would always stand guard to ensure that Shadowlight and Anna weren’t harmed in the process.

  Those stipulations were part of the treaty Gran had managed to hammer out with the military. Personally, Lillian thought it might have had more to do with Gran’s persuasive magic than common sense among the humans. Though, no one would tell the military that.

  For now, there was an uneasy alliance. Lillian had hoped that hammering out the details of the collaboration would be the greatest stress in the immediate days to come. But no. Fate—that vindictive bitch—had other ideas.

  Again, tears threatened to come. Lillian rubbed them savagely away while putting a slightly heavier stomp in each step.

  She was nearly back to the stone cottage when Gregory caught up with her. She side-eyed him. Of course, he was carrying his Sorceress in his arms.

  Seeing his easy, natural love for her still twisted like a knife in Lillian’s heart. Swinging her eyes forward again she locked them on her target. The back-patio door.

  “Lillian, please.” Gregory’s voice reached across the distance, his tones the familiar velvet darkness she’d come to crave. “I am sorry.”

  Well, I’m damned sorry too. Sorry I wasn’t good enough and had to be replaced.

  She didn’t say it aloud, but by the way his ears wilted back into his mane, she was pretty confident it had shot across their mental link like an arrow from a bow.

  Continuing into the stone cottage, she stalked through the kitchen and on into the living room. Behind her, Gregory followed with his Sorceress held in his arms. After that Lillian kept her gaze focused forward as she made her way up the stairs and then down the short hall to her master bedroom.

  It was so freaking tempting to simply slam the door in Gregory’s face, but she wouldn’t be that petty. This entire…. situation…seemed to have come as a surprise to him as well.

  Once inside her suite, she went straight to her closet and pulled together a few items for Daryna to wear.

  “Take her into the bathroom and show her how to use the shower.” Lillian didn’t turn from her task. She wasn’t ready to see Gregory with her replacement in his arms again. In time she would come to terms with this new nastiness fate had tossed in her path. Lillian drew in a deep breath and silently acknowledged that it would likely take more than a few days. A lot more.

  “I do not need help,” Daryna said in Lillian’s own voice. “I have your memories as well as my own. I know the way of things in this world.”

  Well, good for you.

  Then something else occurred to Lillian. Daryna would have all her memories, not just the small things like how to work a shower or drive a car. Everything.

  Daryna would have memories of the few times Lillian and Gregory had been intimate.

  She’d be able to experience them like she’d been there.

  Lillian glanced at Daryna. If she thought to do more than relive those memories… she’d…she’d…rip the hair from her head and gouge out—

  Gregory interrupted Lillian’s line of thought. “Daryna, you have much to tell us. You might as well start now while I help you clean up.”

  “Yes. But it will have to wait. Lillian isn’t adjusting well to my sudden appearance in your lives.” Pity now marked Daryna’s words. “Gregory, she needs you.”

  Now feeling far too exposed, Lillian steeled her spine and plastered a mask of calm onto her face as she continued to gather a few things for Daryna.
“I’m fine. Really. Gregory, of course, you need to help Daryna adjust. She couldn’t even walk on her own. You attend to your Sorceress while I see if I can round up something for her to eat.

  Gregory shifted from foot to foot, and his tail flicked with agitation. He was clearly unhappy or profoundly uncomfortable with the situation. It might have been comical if it wasn’t happening to her.

  “As Daryna pointed out to me earlier, we are still wearing Commander Gryton’s tattoo collars. We can’t part for long.”

  Crap, he was right. Damnit.

  “No worries. I imagine if I stick my head out the door there’ll be a dozen people within shouting distance. I’ll get whoever answers to bring us something. I’ll be back before the collar has so much as a chance to twitch.”

  Gregory still seemed reluctant. Maybe she wasn’t quite as forgettable or as replaceable as she thought.

  Lillian sighed, already tired of the situation. “Go help Daryna.”

  To end any resistance on his part, she walked out into the hall. It was worse than she’d expected. The hallway was lined with people.

  Good God.

  She wanted to flee back into her bedroom, but she had a task, so asked for some broth or other light foods. Then she waited with her arms crossed over her chest and locked her gaze on a window at the end of the hall. The window was open, and the night breeze carried the scent of evening blooming flowers.

  She fisted her hands and fought against the foolish urge to shift into her gargoyle form and escape out the window. Whatever pain the collars might inflict couldn’t be any harsher than seeing Gregory doting over Daryna.

  When Gran returned a short time later with a tray of food, Lillian thanked her and then returned to her room. The lock slid into place with a soft click. She didn’t need to turn around. Her ears told her Gregory and Daryna were in the shower. Her eyes slid back to the chair where she had left the change of clothes for the Sorceress. They were still there.

  Of course, the gargoyle would have forgotten them.

  Stomping over to the chair, she scooped them up and then started for the bathroom. The door was ajar, so she took that as permission to enter. Modesty didn’t really have a foothold in her mind. The Sorceress wore an exact copy of Lillian’s own body. And she’d seen Gregory enough times to be comfortable with him. But once inside the scene still caused a small twist of pain in her heart.

  Even though she’d expected it, Gregory stood in the large shower with Daryna supported in his arms. He was helping her scrub the sticky tree sap from her skin. The only reason Lillian didn’t turn and flee was because he was all business.

  The least she could do was match his brisk, businesslike manner. Continuing into the room, she sat the clothing down on the vanity, and then pulled out a few items that Gregory tended to overlook. Like conditioner. She handed the bottle to Daryna who took it with a slight nod.

  Turning away from them both, she left before the shower shut off.

  Lillian sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for the other two to finish up. While she waited, she splayed her fingers wide across her stomach. The Sorceress might be able to mimic her to perfection, but there was one thing she couldn’t give Gregory.

  After what seemed like forever, Gregory exited the bathroom with Daryna. Lillian’s clone was now dressed in a pair of her pajamas and had a towel wrapped around her still-wet hair.

  Gregory grabbed two chairs and brought them toward the bed. He stood next to the armchair until Daryna settled into it. Once she was comfortable, she began working loose the tangles in her hair. Gregory took the other chair, the one lacking arms, and turned it backward to straddle the seat. Then he looked at Daryna expectantly. “You have much to explain, my Sorceress. Start talking.”

  Lillian was surprised by his tone. She’d thought he was delirious with happiness to have his Sorceress fully functioning and back at his side. Yet, by his tone, that wasn’t the case.

  “Indeed, I do have much to tell you and much to accomplish,” Daryna said with a slight nod of agreement. “Tomorrow, once I’ve recovered sufficiently from leaving my hamadryad, I will remove your slave collars. I don’t dare wait any longer. If Commander Gryton manages to make it back to the Magic Realm, he will inform the Lady of Battles what has happened. Obviously, we can’t allow that.”

  “Gryton is on the loose again?” Lillian narrowed her eyes. While the battle was a bit of a blur, she remembered one thing in detail. “When you were still in the hamadryad, and I had Gryton under my sword’s tip, you saved his miserable life. You said he was needed. Why? What possible reason could you have for wanting him alive? And more importantly—how the hell did he escape you?”

  There was a large dose of accusation in Lillian’s tone, but given the circumstances, she thought it reasonable. She might not be trained in her magic, but she knew the hamadryad had captured and then transported Gryton somewhere.

  “I did save him.” Daryna’s words were accompanied by a nod, her expression devoid of any guilt. “I am still learning what Gryton is, but already I am confident he is needed, that he has a part to play in the war with the Battle Goddess. The knowledge he has of our enemy and her plans are also something we dearly need.”

  “But that isn’t the full reason.” It wasn’t. While she could no longer read the Sorceress, Lillian knew it in her gut.

  “No. There is also the unfortunate fact that when one of her Commanders is killed, the Battle Goddess senses it immediately. It is better for all if she thinks Gryton still has a chance to capture and return us to her as his slaves. But there is one other reason I did not allow you to end his life.”

  Daryna paused in her hair brushing and glanced sidelong at Gregory. “Gryton is a fire elemental. He possesses a strength of power that I have never seen. But he is young and lacks full control over that power. If he had died here, there was a chance that he might have burned a huge portion of this world in his death throws.”

  Lillian’s stomach dropped, and her heart did a little skip in her chest. How close had she been to killing everyone in the glade that day?

  Gregory jerked to attention with a soft start. “None of the Battle Goddess’s minions are that strong.”

  “One is now.”

  Gregory grunted unhappily.

  Lillian glanced between them. She did not really know what she could add to the conversation but was suddenly very thankful she hadn’t killed Gryton. “But you said earlier that you had to capture Gryton before he escaped to the Magic Realm. What happened?”

  “He is a cunning opponent. When I was transferring my soul and power to this new body, he used that distraction to escape. He’s since disappeared completely. Perhaps Gregory will be able to track him after I remove the collars.”

  “Doubtful,” Gregory said unhappily. “I’ve been hunting Gryton since I first learned he had come to this realm, but I have been unable to successfully track him. And I do not believe it was the collars that prevented it. Darkness and Shadowlight also failed to find his trail. Which is unheard of for something to be able to hide its intent from a gargoyle. But this new life seems full of impossibilities.”

  Lillian watched Daryna and tried to read her, but the earlier connection between them seemed to have faded. Perhaps it was only temporary. Which was regrettable since Lillian would have liked to confirm the truth of Daryna’s words.

  For now, she would have to take the Sorceress’s word in this. Although, that didn’t sit well with Lillian since she wasn’t at all certain if she could trust Daryna.

  That small nagging worry wouldn’t leave her.

  “What is your purpose?” Lillian asked as she narrowed her eyes. It was all well and good that the hamadryad thought they needed help, but just what was this clone’s plan?

  “To borrow one of your phrases, I exist to even the playing field. I’ll begin tomorrow by removing your slave collars. After that, we will seek to again hunt down Gryton. And as time allows, I will help Gregory create more weapons with whi
ch to fight the Battle Goddess’s armies that are sure to arrive far too soon for our liking.”

  Daryna stood and began braiding her hair. “After that, I will have one other task to perform. Since you are carrying Gregory’s child, you will need a hamadryad to gestate our little one. And it is better that the soul and essence of the Sorceress are not residing within the same tree as Gregory’s child. Our vows aside, having both Avatars’ powers come together in one child would not be beneficial to this world.”

  Daryna’s words might be true, but there was still something…off.

  “What else?”

  “A selfish want. I have loved Gregory for an eternity, and finally, we have been given a chance to have a child together. I could not pass up the opportunity to help raise our child.”

  Hold up! The Sorceress wants to raise my baby?

  That particular issue hadn’t even occurred to Lillian. Well, there was no way in hell. Screaming it at the top of her lungs wouldn’t help the situation, so Lillian tried for polite. “You wish to raise my child?”

  “Yes. I want to help protect and raise our child for as long as this body endures.” Daryna tilted her head. “I see in your mind that you still view me with distrust. When I created this…clone, I did it to aid you and our beloved. I have no wish to usurp your place.”

  “I…,” Lillian really wished she could read Daryna at this exact moment.

  “Lillian, know that I am not your replacement. The way my hamadryad grew this body has severely limited my lifespan. A few seasons at most. That’s all I have. Less, if I’m required to call on greater works of magic. So, do you see? You have no need to fear me. When this form dies, your soul and powers as the Mother’s Avatar will return to you and you shall once again be as you were always intended to be.”

  Some of the tension eased from Lillian’s muscles. This time she detected no hesitation in Daryna’s words.

  But was it the entire truth?

  Maybe. Maybe not.

  There was a more important question.

  Did she trust the Sorceress with all she held dear?


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