Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2

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Gargoyle and Sorceress Boxset 2 Page 8

by Lisa Blackwood

  Gregory tucked her against his side and curled a wing around her as he called on shadow magic to hide them. Lillian sighed happily. Without Daryna underfoot, it was like old times again. If she weren’t in danger of passing out with hunger, she might have suggested a long walk in the woods.


  “I’m starving. Let’s go find something to eat,” Lillian said as she urged Gregory in the direction of home.


  Gregory wasn’t fooled by Lillian’s outward calm. He’d felt her soul deep pain enough in the last twenty-four hours to know of her unhappiness. They were one being, after all. And it didn’t matter that she wasn’t presently the Sorceress.

  She was his mate. They were one in all ways that mattered.

  Besides, her scent would have been enough to signal her emotional distress. If he could have changed events and certain outcomes for her, he would have.

  What the hamadryad had done by cloning Lillian was beyond his range of experience. And that experience went back to the beginning of time, so surprising him was difficult under normal circumstances.

  Humph. Not that much about this life was normal. The most ancient part of his essence and soul whispered that there was a wrongness that needed to be corrected.

  Gregory’s mind shied away from that disturbing thought as his tail began flicking with newfound unease. He wanted to think he was just feeding upon Lillian’s tension but one thing his long existence had taught him was to trust his feelings and investigate the source of unease.

  They reached the large stone cottage Lillian called home and entered through the back door, into the kitchen.

  Inside they found two bowls of steaming stew with their names upon them. Literally. There was a folded paper propped against the large bowls that read ‘eat these’ signed with a J.

  Lillian laughed. “Jason made the stew. It’s his specialty.”

  She scooped up utensils, a still warm roll from a covered basket, her bowl of stew, and then started for the table. Gregory stopped her with a tap on the shoulder.

  Glancing at him, she arched an eyebrow in question.

  “I have spent enough time in the company of others. I would prefer to dine in our room,” he said with a sheepish shrug.

  It was true. He was also hoping to mend the growing divide between them as well as spend some time getting to know their unborn child. Lillian’s scent was already changing to carry the hint of their baby.

  It was a marvel he wanted to take time and enjoy. Never had he dreamed this moment would be real.

  He dragged in another deep breath and huffed it out a moment later. Something had changed. Lillian’s scent no longer was as sweet. There was now an underlying hint of distress.

  Small frown lines had appeared between her brows and at the corners of her mouth.

  “I would like to dine with you, too,” Lillian said and then tried to seem uninterested in the answer to her next question. “Where is Daryna? I haven’t seen her yet this evening?”

  Ah, so that was what bothered her.

  “She said she would meet with Gran and the Fae council. She’ll help to round up volunteers to work with the humans,” Gregory said as he urged Lillian out of the kitchen and up the stairs before anyone else had a chance to waylay them.

  “Shouldn’t we help?” Lillian asked, sounding even less enthusiastic than he felt at the prospect of joining in another meeting.


  Once within the sanctuary of their rooms, Gregory stomped over to the closet and pulled out three large blankets. Lillian watched perplexed as he spread two of them in front of the fireplace and set the other aside while he grabbed a few pieces of wood from the rack to build a fire.

  In a short amount of time, he had a fire going, the blankets arranged into a comfortable bed, and the food laying out near at hand. With only a slight hesitation, Lillian joined him.

  “What is it with you and fire?”

  It was still summer, but the night was already promising to be cold and rainy.

  “I like its smoky scent and warmth. It reminds me of home. Fire is the one primary element the never fails to comfort me.”

  Lillian smiled at him. “I like the sound of water, myself.”

  “I’m fond of water, too. But fire is my favorite element. It might have something to do with that massage you gave last time we reclined by this same fireplace.” He grinned, flashing white curving fangs. “I’d be open to a repeat of last time.”

  Lillian chuckled. “I thought it might be something like that.”

  He could scent when her earlier reserve melted away to be replaced by a warm, welcoming scent.

  When she knelt next to him and ran her hands over his chest, Gregory shuddered and decided dinner could wait until later.

  Much later.

  Chapter 12

  Daryna slipped away into the forest a few minutes after the meeting with Gran and the other council members adjourned for the night. They promised to meet the next night again to discuss how the day’s events had progressed.

  The purpose of the meeting held little interest for her. Although it did present an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. She needed some innocuous ways to escape the watchful eye of her gargoyle protector for short times to meet with her son.

  Once she was deep enough into the forest, she called her magic and created a portal to carry her to where Gryton waited.

  Moments later she emerged onto the stony, needle-covered ground with its pungent evergreen odor. Last year’s needles crunched softly under her feet as she made her way over to the cave entrance.

  Before she’d made it three steps, Gryton emerged from behind a clump of trees growing to the left of the cave’s dark maw. “You were able to escape your other half I see.”

  “He’s distracted for a bit. But I don’t dare stay away too long.”

  Gryton nodded his head and gestured for her to go into the cave.

  “Have you been practicing what I taught you?”

  “Yes, and I’ve mulled over more of your plan.” He followed close behind as they entered the cavern.

  The warm fire-scent she’d smelled earlier was stronger within. She should be focusing on their plans, but her curiosity won out. “I know you’re a fire elemental and if I were to guess, I’d say dragon.”

  Her son laughed. “Besides the Battle Goddess, you’re the only one to ever figure that out. There is much talk and many wagers among my soldiers, but I’ve never taken my true form. I can barely control my power as it is. Shifting to my true form is something I’d only do as a last resort. Both the Magic and Mortal Realm should consider themselves blessed to have never seen that form. Only Lord Death has ever seen it with his own eyes. I was born in dragon form but had to use every scrap of power I possessed to flee from what was hunting me.”

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Had Lord Death not attacked me, I might have retained too much power and lost the war to control it, effectively ending my life before it had begun. So, in a sense, I might have Death to thank for being alive.”

  “Truly?” Daryna hadn’t known that bit. She was still sorting through and making sense of his memories. But that just reinforced her belief that the Divine Ones had a purpose for Gryton to fulfill.

  “Yes, but that’s not what you came to talk about this night. And I have a few questions about your plans for Shadowlight.”

  “Ask them, my son. I will answer them all.”


  Gregory reclined in front of the fire, staring into the flames with his head propped against his hand. He was now in his human-gargoyle hybrid form. While Lillian was always welcoming of his varying forms, he knew she was partial to his human form mixed with that of his more primal gargoyle nature.

  A lazy grin spread across his lips. He was always happy to oblige.

  As lovers, they were very new to each other, and he was still learning what pleased her the most. Although, her soft snores that tickled
along his shoulder and neck reassured him that he had skills enough to satisfy his mate.

  While Lillian slept in his arms, he stayed awake marveling at his blessing. To finally be able to make love to the other half of his soul and not have the act lead to fiery destruction was something that would never get old.

  And there was an even greater blessing—a family.

  That silly grin was back full force and wouldn’t go away. He didn’t care.

  Oh, there would likely be repercussions in the Spirit Realm when they shed these mortal forms one day in some vague and future time. But for now, they lived, Lillian was with child, and the Divine Ones hadn’t destroyed them.

  Nothing should have dampened his joy at this time.

  But one thing still did, all the same.

  The awkwardness between Lillian and Daryna. He knew once Lillian became the Sorceress, these difficult times would be put behind them, and she would understand it was never a competition between them. He loved them as he always had.

  Still, he had to keep them from starting a war between themselves.

  Discovering how to go about that was the problem.

  But that was an issue for later. He huffed out a deep sigh and then nuzzled Lillian’s shoulder. Smiling, he pressed his lips to the soft skin and inhaled their mingled scents. Content, he watched the flickering light of the fire.

  Sleep was just creeping up on him when the soft sound of the door opening and closing drifted across his senses. Even before her scent reached him, he knew Daryna had returned.

  “How did the meeting go?” He asked without looking away from the fire.

  “It unfolded much the way you said it would.” The pads of Daryna’s fingers trailed over the curve of his arm and succeeded in dragging his attention from the mesmerizing firelight.

  Before he knew what she planned, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a kiss that bordered on dominance. Taken completely by surprise, he just laid passive under her. She changed locations, now nibbling along his jawline with softer brushes of her lips and the occasional flick of her tongue against his skin.

  Even as his blood surged with heat and another body part awoke eager to serve, a thread of unease was stirring in his mind. He would always love his lady, but this wasn’t right.

  “So controlled. Hmmm, I used to be able to shatter that iron control. I wonder if I still can?” Her breath caressed his throat a moment before she brought her mouth back to his. Her hands roamed lightly across his chest, making his muscles quiver at the ticklish touch.

  Not wanting to hurt Daryna’s feelings, he didn’t shove her away. Instead, he turned his head and broke the kiss. He wouldn’t fool himself, if things had been normal and there weren’t the awkward Lillian-Daryna dynamic, he might have been willing to toe the line and steal a few moments of passion as long as they didn’t take it so far as to endanger their sacred vows.

  But this lifetime was different.

  Lillian was different than any incarnation the Mother’s Sorceress had taken in previous lives. He had been seduced by her newness, her uncertainty. As much as he loved his sorceress of old, he loved his new, human-raised sorceress as well.

  “We can’t do this.” He sat up slowly. It wasn’t fast enough to disturb Lillian’s sleep, but it had the desired effect of displacing Daryna’s caressing fingers. He grasped her hands before she could distract him again.

  She blinked at him, surprise and confusion in her gaze.

  “My beloved gargoyle, I would never do anything to dishonor you or our vows. I was just going to play some of the games like we used to.” Daryna fell silent. “I see now that it was not well-planned on my part. Forgive me.”

  Gregory huffed softly. “It’s all right. I, too, have done things that have not been well-planned. We are one. Nothing can change that fact. I would just ask that you have a care about how Lillian will perceive things. She is young, innocent, never having known a mate until me.”

  “Perhaps you are correct. Already she is confused by her purpose and mine. I will do nothing to bring her or our child further stress.” Daryna shrugged. “And however self-serving it might sound, I do have her best interests at heart.”

  Standing beside him was the Sorceress of old. She did nothing they hadn’t done a great many times before. There was nothing nefarious in her actions. It was this world and all that had happened to him here that had him out of sorts.

  Never had there been secrets between them in their past lives. They were one being in two bodies. Daryna wasn’t intentionally trying to unsettle him or upset Lillian. Gregory huffed at his own silliness.

  To reassure his other half that all was well between them, he coiled his tail along her legs, the blade-tipped tail tapping playfully against her thigh.

  “Forgive me my insecurities, my Sorceress.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, my gargoyle.” Daryna smiled. “However, this body needs rest, and I have never been particular to sleeping on the ground. I’ll bid you good night and claim that big bed for myself.”

  Daryna unwound his tail and gave the end a hard stroke that had his body jerking to attention. “However, should Lillian wake in the middle of the night in the mood for,” she paused, the light of challenge in her look as she lazily took in his naked chest and farther down to where the blanket rested low on his hips, “Something only you can give, be assured I will enjoy watching you, my gargoyle.”

  With that parting verbal gauntlet toss, Daryna turned and made her way over to the bed while Gregory was too surprised to reply.

  Her words almost sounded like a challenge. And while Gregory loved a good challenge, this thing between Daryna, Lillian, and him was becoming a distraction none of them could afford.

  Inaction on his part wouldn’t work if Daryna acted contrary to her word and continued her attempts to enflame him. He hoped it wouldn’t come to it, but he would lay down some ground rules to protect Lillian’s feelings and his own honor if he had to.

  Gregory settled back and looked up at the ceiling. The position put pressure on his wing joints, but he liked how Lillian snuggled against his side and curved an arm around his waist.

  As if his manhood had a mind of its own, it reared to life again. But this time, it felt right. There was no awkwardness or uncertainty. Lillian was his mate. Desiring her was the most natural thing in the world.

  Gregory relaxed and shifted closer to her warmth.

  While some males might like being pursued by two females, he wasn’t one of them. He preferred his life without drama. Sadly, Fate and the Divine Ones delighted in enlivening his existence in such…creative ways.

  As sleep drifted closer, Gregory mulled over the worrisome idea that one day he might have to choose between his mate and the other half of his soul. He prayed it would never come to that.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning Gregory awoke feeling refreshed and content for the first time in three days. It likely had something to do with waking up with Lillian in his arms and Daryna still close enough to protect. And, all the better, neither female viewed him as a prize to be fought over this morning.

  He wondered if he’d missed a conversation between the two while he’d slept. That likely should have troubled him, but he couldn’t rally the concern at the moment.

  Even Resnick’s arrival before breakfast hadn’t encroached upon Gregory’s feelings of goodwill this morning. Resnick had come to ensure that they were going to keep their promises about doing a demonstration.

  Gregory was looking forward to this hunt. It didn’t matter that it was a game or training session. He was going to hunt himself down some humans and teach the other younglings the art of stalking prey. All in good fun of course.

  Now, a little over an hour after Resnick had come to collect him. Gregory stood in a clearing surrounded by forest just an hour north of the military camp. They had chosen this place because it was well away from any human civilians.

  Lillian stood at his shoulder and wat
ched Shadowlight with a bemused expression. The youngest gargoyle was presently trying to intimidate the other human soldiers gathered around Anna. Resnick and a few other senior officers were likely too close to Shadowlight’s ‘pet’ human for the youngling’s peace of mind.

  Gregory doubted the gargoyle child even knew he was being too possessive of his new ‘toy’ and was threatening to test the limits of even Anna’s tolerance. Luckily, up until this point, the human had proven very tolerant toward a gargoyle’s tendency toward overprotectiveness.

  “Should we call off Shadowlight?” Lillian asked with a grin in her tone. “Anna’s looking a little frazzled. She’s been doing the lion’s share of the babysitting.”

  The original simple plan to field test the new spell-warded weapons had grown into a more complicated affair. Glancing toward Anna, Gregory decided ‘frazzled’ wasn’t the word he would have picked for her darkening expression. Interestingly, it wasn’t directed at the gargoyle child. No, Anna’s death glare was for three scientists where they were hovering nearby, waiting next to some crates that soldiers were unpacking from the backs of trucks.

  One scientist was having an animated conversation with Resnick, while Anna’s expression turned even more sour. But the scientists were undaunted by Anna’s dark looks and began adhering what he’d learned were some kind of sensors used to record the wearer's life-signs.

  While he and Lillian watched the other group, the new, overly optimistic research team leader approached, holding out some of the same patches toward him. By the time the human reached Gregory, he had drudged up the mortal’s name. Fleming, or Doctor Fleming as the human insisted on being called.

  “If you would be willing to wear these,” the male began, “we’d appreciate the chance to collect some data on you to compare to the young one.”

  Gregory sniffed at the offered bits of metallic patches with their strong adhesive scent and curled his lips back from his sharp fangs. “No.”


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