Rogue Affair

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Rogue Affair Page 40

by Tamsen Parker

  “What?” She glanced over her shoulder and the woman mouthed the word “okay” at her. To Rafe’s relief, Frankie gave the woman the okay sign and turned back to him. “Talk.”

  “I’m not at work right now. I had no idea they were cutting grants. I’m really sorry about that. Things have been crazy in the office and there’s been a lot happening.”

  The bitter edge to her laugh sliced him. “I wouldn’t want to imagine working there.”

  “It’s better if you don’t.”

  She scrubbed her hands across her face.

  The server chose that moment to come up. “Do you need more time?”

  Frankie shook her head. “No.” She picked up her menu and ordered patatas bravas and a steak dish. When the server asked if she wanted a refill, she nodded.

  Rafe ordered his usual and the server left with the menus. He took a long drag of the beer and watched Frankie. Her focus was on the little light in the middle of the table, and she seemed to be debating with herself over something.

  When the server returned with the new glass of wine, she murmured her thanks and sipped.

  Figuring he’d find out soon enough what she was thinking, he let the silence stretch. It wasn’t uncomfortable or annoying. Finding out his office had been responsible for her soon-to-be unemployment wasn’t the best way to start out a date or whatever it was they were doing.

  He should have asked her out before. She’d caught his eye with the short dark hair, with streaks of purple and blue. Her questions in the lectures they’d both attended had been incisive and to the point. The only problem was they’d barely crossed paths when they were on campus, and when they had, he’d been distracted by questions from colleagues and she was gone by the time he’d extracted himself.

  Finally, she let out a sigh. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath and let it back out. When she opened her eyes again, he wondered if this was what the deer his dad hunted must have felt when they realized a hunter was staring them down.

  The decision to take him home—his, hers, it didn’t matter—settled into Frankie’s bones. He didn’t have to know she was extracting a little revenge even if he’d been completely unaware of what was going on in his office. She’d seen the remorse on his face and it rang true.

  She could imagine what Rose would say. Find the closest drug store and stock up on condoms. Springing that on him right now might not be the best idea, though.

  “You okay?”

  The same words he’d said to her earlier, but so different now that she knew what she did.

  “I will be. Eventually.” He frowned, but before he could say anything, their first dishes arrived. He must have realized she didn’t particularly want to talk about his revelations, so he asked about research going on in her department he’d heard about. The topic wasn’t completely neutral, but it was better than her accusing him of ruining her career. Not the sexiest talk when she was trying to seduce someone.

  As she ate her dinner, she watched him. His movements were economical, but he seemed to savor his food. She enjoyed watching the muscles in his hands work as he cut through his food and lifted it to his mouth. He was lean as if he ran on a regular basis. Dark hair and eyes completed the package.

  Red stained his cheeks. She realized she’d been staring at his mouth for the last few minutes.



  He grabbed his bottle of beer and finished it. The curl of power in her stomach gave her a sense of satisfaction she hadn’t had before. If she’d been wearing any shoes other than her Chucks, she would have toed them off and played with him. But she was wearing her Chucks, and they’d be a bitch to get off in a discreet manner. Besides, the tables didn’t have tablecloths to hide what might be happening between couples.

  When they were done and the server asked if they wanted dessert, Rafe looked at her, but she shook her head and just said, “Not here.”

  He swallowed as he broke eye contact with her and asked for the check. As soon as he signed the slip and had his card back in his wallet, she was standing, waiting for him.

  She wanted to pout when he didn’t put his arm around her to lead her out, but she enjoyed the view of his very nice ass as she followed him. When they were outside, he paused by the door and looked up at the clear sky.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at her. “Where would you like to have dessert?”

  She grinned at him, enjoying the licks of heat coursing through her. “Your place. It’s closer.”

  His laugh was scratchy, but he nodded. “A few blocks away.”

  She held out her hand to him, and he took it. “Do we need to stop for supplies?”

  He shook his head. “I try to keep a fresh box just in case.”

  There was a brief tug of war between annoyance and appreciation, but she decided to give the win to appreciation. It wasn’t as if she were a virgin or expecting to get one.

  She leaned into his arm as they walked. It had gotten busier on the street while they were at dinner. Many of the people out and about were around her and Rafe’s age. She wondered what they were feeling with what was going on only a mile or so away from where they were partying in the bars and eating sumptuous dinners. Did they care? Did they work for the new administration? Were they plotting what they could do to undermine it? To counter the gross abuse of power?

  DC was a town where power shifted on a regular basis. Even more so when you had a leader who thrived on creating a chaotic environment. She’d never considered staying in the area after she got her degree, but now she wondered. She didn’t think she could work for the feds, not now, but maybe for a nonprofit. What she could do for a nonprofit with engineering degrees, she had no idea, but she could find out.

  She shook her head. These were non-sexy thoughts to have later. After she’d had her way with Rafe. As she thought ahead to what she wanted to do with him, she let the power she’d felt earlier build. She had never considered herself to be a kinky person, but everyone probably was with the right person in the right circumstances.

  He led her into one of the newer buildings in the area. While they were in the elevator, he looked down at her. “You sure?”

  She let the heat she felt fill her eyes and smile. “Very.”


  They walked into the apartment and as the door closed behind them, Frankie found herself pushed up against the wall. He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her close until their lips were breaths apart.

  “You still with me?”

  She nodded and closed the distance. She drank greedily from his lips, tasting the beer still on them. Sex. That’s all she wanted from him. Right?

  The edge of his teeth grazed her lips and the bite of pain had her moaning. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “You like that, do you?”


  His grin came out more as a grimace, and she looked down. His jeans were tight across his hips, and his very hard cock was clearly outlined. She reached down and massaged him, feeling him harden even further.

  She glanced around the apartment. Despite the very nice fixtures, it was sparsely furnished. She barely had time to take in the single recliner and tv in the living room before his hands were in her hair and he was kissing her again.

  She undid the fastenings of his jacket and pushed it down his shoulders. He shrugged it off and shoved a thick thigh between hers. She moaned and ground down on him. Their hands went for the other’s jeans and she had her hand on his cock before his fingers met her very wet pussy.

  “God, Frankie.”


  One finger, then two, speared up into her. She let her head fall back as she rode the first male flesh to penetrate her in months. His cock pulsed in her hand and she gripped it in response.

  “You feel so good.”

  “Give it to me. Fuck me with your fingers.” She’d never been one for coarse talk during sex before, but the energy of being w
ith him brought it out.

  He did as she requested and added a third to the others. Hunger for the orgasm she felt building in her center clawed at her. Needing the rush of power, she embraced the blooming pleasure.

  She rubbed her thumb against the head of his cock and spread the pre-come she found around the crown. The heft of him in her hand helped to anchor her even as her body attempted to fly.

  Her breath hitched as he found the spot inside of her at the same time his thumb brushed against her clit.

  “Give it to me. Get me off.”

  “Yes. You’re gonna come for me.”

  She ground down and a heated flash washed over her. Then another. Let out a little scream as the climax hit.

  She closed her eyes. I should leave. Now.

  Lifting her hand, she sucked on the thumb with his pre-come on it. Earthy saltiness covered her tongue.

  She’d leave him later.

  She wanted to feel him in her.

  He was hers to use tonight.

  She pushed her jeans and panties down until she was naked from the waist down. Realized that in the heat of having his hand in her body, her jacket had remained on. The flush she’d seen earlier on his cheeks now streaked down his neck to below his shirt. “Get a condom. Come back here.”

  There was power in her voice. Power she hadn’t tapped into before. Power she needed.

  He lifted a hand to her cheek and brushed it up and down her jaw.


  She reached out and cupped her hand around his erection and squeezed. His eyes half closed. “You’re only seeing the beginning. Get the condom.”

  He didn’t run, but he wasn’t slow in heading to where she assumed he kept the condoms.

  She shucked off her shirt and bra, dumping them on top of her other clothes. He was back with the condom. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him over to the recliner.

  With one hand, she backed him up against it. She lifted one knee until she had it up on the armrest. He plopped down the seat, his cock spearing up from his gaping fly. She made a circling motion in the direction of his shirt. “Take that off.”

  His brows raised, but he followed her orders. Once again, she felt the rush of power. A brief thought yanking on his jeans to get them out of her way flitted through her mind, but she wanted him to work for it.

  “Pants next.”

  “I need to undo my boots first.”

  “Don’t bother. Push the pants down far enough so I can see my cock.”

  “Your cock?”

  “Mine for tonight.”

  “I might have something to say about that.”

  She slid her hand between her legs and watched him as he watched her. Played with herself until her fingers were coated. His chest had begun to bellow as he drew in air. The movement drew her attention to the tattoo he had on his shoulder and upper arm. She held her fingers to his lips and his tongue darted out, licking them clean.



  “Remove your pants.”

  He lifted his hips and shoved his pants down to his knees. She opened the condom and sheathed his cock with it. It was so engorged, it curved up toward his stomach from a thatch of dark brown hair. His balls were tight against his body and she hummed. If she stayed, she’d give him a blow job later. Providing he satisfied her.

  She climbed up so her knees were snug between his thighs and the armrest. “Put the seat back.”

  He reached down to the side and she was surprised to discover that it was electric. He slowly reclined beneath her, a sacrifice to the altar of her femininity. She’d been missing out on this sensation with previous lovers.

  But, then, she’d never thought to take the reins like this. I should vengeance fuck more often.

  With her fingers, she traced the outline of the tattoo. “I recognize the Tree of Life, but what’s this veiny stuff below it?”

  “Upper Green Watershed.”


  “Watershed by where I grew up. It covers part of the southeastern corner of Yellowstone.”

  Even as he spoke, he rolled up against her. She reached between them and positioned him at her center. Sinking down on him, one inch at a time, she let her body adjust to his invasion. She thought the three fingers he’d had in her should have prepared her body, but after a few deep breaths, her skin and muscles stretched even further.

  Rocking, she engulfed the last of him until her clit rested against the hardness of his pubic bone. His hands came up and gripped her hips. He lifted against her, and she moaned.

  She leaned back until her hands rested on his thighs. “Fuck me. Worship me.”


  His body worked against hers, slow and steady. The pull and push of his cock against her inner flesh had her heating up once again. She didn’t want to rush, but she clenched her inner muscles, enjoying the extra drag.

  He grunted and his fingers dug deeper into her skin. She licked her lips and let her head fall back. Closing her eyes, she turned her focus inward, letting the steady penetration and retreat of his cock dictate her attention.

  One of his hands left her hips and the next thing she knew the recliner was straightening into a flat bed. She pushed up so she was perfectly perpendicular to him.

  His gaze was screened by his lashes, but it was focused on where their bodies merged. She lifted up until the tip of his cock rested against her entrance, and slowly fell back down, sheathing him. Red streaked his cheeks, and both of his hands returned to her hips. She reached down and brought them up to her breasts, molding his palms against them.

  “Stroke me.”

  He nodded. His hands cupped and lifted. She placed her hands on his hard abs and began to ride. She should have felt more exposed in the near-empty room, but all she felt was power. She controlled the man below her. The contraction of muscles below her hands was due to her work. The hairy thighs below her ass were her cradle. The cock steadily stroking in and out of her pussy was for her use.

  Keeping her eyes open and on his, she reveled in the pleasure filling her body and mind.

  Soon, his fingers were pinching her nipples and she chased after the orgasm that sat beyond her fingertips, waiting to be claimed. She grabbed one of his hands from her hip and moved it between them, guiding his fingers to rub her clit until she peaked.

  She slammed into him, drawing it out. Biting her lip, she fought back a moan. Her muscles shivered. Briefly worried she wouldn’t be able to hold herself upright.

  “You done?”

  Barely recognizing his voice, because who else’s would it be, she let her head fall forward. “Yes.”

  He didn’t say anything more, just grabbed her hips and pounded up into her. Using her, her body, for his own pleasure.

  Being used like that had tremors quaking through her once again. She fell forward onto him and bit his shoulder. His shout echoed through the apartment and she felt him pulse inside of her.

  Time drifted as they both worked to catch their breath. She closed her eyes and must have fallen asleep, at least a little bit, as she only woke as he slipped from her body. He twisted until she was laying on her side on the recliner.

  Her body missed the warmth of his, the possession. She curled into a ball, and he threw a blanket over her. What was going on with her brain? Endorphin high? He wasn’t supposed to be anything more than a one-time, no more than one-night, bang.

  He bent down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes and felt moisture leak from one of them.

  In the distance, she heard a toilet flushing and water running. He came back in and handed her a glass of water. She untangled her hand from the folds of the blanket and reached for it. To avoid accidentally drowning herself, she pushed up and drank until the glass was empty.

  “Do you want more?” His voice was gritty, striking sparks inside her which should have been impossible considering how used up she felt.

  She looked down and saw his cock was partially
erect. The sparks exploded.

  Reaching out, she wrapped her hand around him and stroked until he stood at attention once again.

  “I meant the water.”

  “Later. I’m hungry now.”

  He moved closer, and she bent her head, wrapping her lips around the crown of his very delicious cock.


  Frankie heard Rafe groan as he threaded his fingers through her hair. His thrusts were shallow, but had her lips meeting her fingers. If the angle had been better, she would have positioned herself to deep throat him. Maybe next time.


  The thought had her pausing for a moment, and he bumped the back of her throat with the head of his cock. She broke away and coughed, fighting back the urge to throw up.

  He continued thrusting in her hand for a moment before he realized what had happened. He tugged her hair until she looked up at him. “You okay?”

  She swallowed, and took a few breaths. Her dinner managed to stay down.

  “Yeah. Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

  He reached down and she took his hand as she scrambled off the recliner. He led the way down the hall to where his bedroom was. Like the living room, the furnishings were sparse, but this felt a little more lived in with clothes hanging out of a hamper and disheveled blankets on the bed.

  Rafe pulled the covers and top sheet from the bed. As she had earlier, Frankie took command and pushed him from behind, directing him to sit down. Once he was seated, she kicked his legs open and sank to her knees in front of him.

  She didn’t bother with preliminaries. Relaxing her throat muscles, she didn’t stop until her nose hit the hardness of his abs. He fell back on the bed, giving her even more access to him. She rested her hands on his inner thighs and fucked him with her mouth. Fluttering her tongue, she sucked on him. Salty drops of pre-come hit her tastebuds. She scraped her fingers along the gorgeous delineation of muscle on his hairy thighs.

  Sighing even as she continued her ministrations, she gave herself over to the feeling of the moment. He was hers to do with as she wished. She controlled him. Moving her one hand between his legs, she cupped his balls and massaged them. He tried to pull out, but she followed him with her mouth. He was going to give everything to her. Every last drop.


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