Can't Just Be His Friend

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Can't Just Be His Friend Page 5

by Tina Martin

  “Yeah, I remember that,” I said smiling, thinking about graduation day. “His speech was very empowering.”

  “It was, but those words…they made me think of you…of how we didn’t choose our route per se. We grew up together only because our parents are best friends…so our relationship during our younger years was forced because we didn’t make the decision to be friends. Our parents made that decision for us. But now, as adults, we’ve made the choice to be friends. We’ve followed our hearts and therefore I have no regrets and I’m grateful to you for feeling the same about me.”

  “Aw, Reggie. That’s so sweet.”

  He kissed my back again and asked, “If I didn’t have you, who would I talk to about my problems?”

  “Your Mother,” I said, then giggled.

  “Nah. There is no way I could tell my Mother stuff I tell you. That’s what I’m saying. If I didn’t have you in my life, I probably wouldn’t be the successful man I am today. You are my evergreen truth, Tiffany,” Reggie said, using a piece of graduation speech to get his point across.

  I laughed again and said, “Thanks for the compliment, Reggie, but you need to give yourself a lil’ credit too.”

  “I know, but you kept me straight. Remember when I was thinking about dropping out of college. Who fussed at me…no I take that back…who threatened my life with a pink eyebrow razor…made me stay?” He chuckled.

  “I did.”

  “Exactly. And Moms didn’t even know I was considering dropping out, or that you were about to kill me,” he chuckled. “But you kept me in line…made me see the bigger picture.”

  “I guess I did, huh?”

  “Mmm hmm,” Reggie said, pressing his lips against my back. “That’s what I love about you. You’re always there when I need you, and I love you for that.”

  I sat up and turned over to look at him. “I love you too, Reggie.”

  He kissed me on the cheek and I chose to use his chest for my resting place. It felt good to be close to him, skin-to-skin and alone. The feeling was perfect…almost too perfect.

  “How much love are we talkin’ here?” Reggie asked me as he streamed strokes up and down my back with his fingertips.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You always say you love me but how much do you actually love me? Or do you mechanically say that because we grew up together and you feel obligated to…to love me?”

  I sat up in the bed and looked at him to see if he was serious. He was. His insinuation caught me off guard. To say I spewed out I love yous like a drone was a slap in the face.

  I told him, “I love you because you’re my best friend and you’ve always been there for me. Why is it that you think I don’t love you?”

  “I’m not saying that, Tiffany. What I was getting at was, if you love me—” he sat up to join my sitting position, staring me in the face. “—if you love me, why haven’t we tried to get together? Why have we been friends but nothing more than that?”

  “Reggie, you’ve had girlfriends. You have a girlfriend right now. There was never any room for me to be your girlfriend back then and there isn’t any room now,” I said, thinking about Reggie’s relationship with Shontay.

  “What if I made room?” Reggie asked pointedly, glancing at my lips at the same time.

  I caught his glimpse and could feel the energy pulling us together. His lips were calling me. Begging. Wanting. Waiting. He wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him, and while the magnetism was strong as its electric currents reeled us towards each other, my cell phone vibrated on the night stand. Who could be calling me this late? I broke the force field between myself and Reggie to answer, angry when I saw who the caller was on the display.

  “Hello Mother.”

  Reggie laid back down.

  “Hi there. How was your little hotel getaway?”

  “It was fine. Reggie and I had a nice time.”

  “Good. The reason I’m calling is because I met the most wonderful guy today and I want you to meet him. Tiffany, he is perfect for you.”

  Here we go – Mom obviously went husband hunting for me again. Little did she know the husband I wanted was lying right next to me.

  “Mom, I told you I didn’t want to be set up with some random guy. Can’t you let me find a man on my own? I don’t need your help in that department.”

  “Honey if you didn’t need any help, you would be married by now.”

  “Mom, I’m twenty-three! I have plenty of time to get married.”

  “What is she talking about?” Reggie asked from behind me.

  “Who was that? Is Reggie over there?”

  “Yeah, Ma. Reggie’s here.”

  “Tell him I said hi.”

  “Reggie, Mom says hi.”

  “Hey Ma!” Reggie yelled so my Mother could hear him.

  “Did you hear him?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I heard him. Tell him I said hi.”

  “She said hi,” I whispered to Reggie.

  “Anyway, like I was saying,” Mom continued, “Tiffany, if you meet this guy you will love him. Trust me. Would your Mama lie to you? Hunh? Hunh? Would your Mama lie to you?”

  “No Ma,” I said, rolling my eyes. Sometimes, conversations with my Mother were mentally draining. This was one of those conversations.

  “Okay, so just meet him. If you don’t like him, I’ll forget the whole thing.”

  “Ma, I’ma go to bed now.”

  “Wait…I set up the date for Monday at seven-thirty. He’s going to come by and pick you up. Okay?”

  “You gave him my address!”

  “Yeah. Look, Tiffany. He’s a good guy. Just trust me. I wouldn’t have given him your address if I thought you were going to be in danger.”

  I told my Mom good night, hung up the phone and slammed my head against my pillow, grunting in angst.

  “What was that about?” Reggie queried.

  “My Mom is bent on setting me up. She wants me to meet some guy she met and she already gave this man my address and set up a date for Monday.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe she did that.”

  “Yeah…well, she did.” I threaded my fingers in my hair and sighed again.

  “Come back over here so we can finish talking,” Reggie said from behind me.

  I scooted back over near him only this time, I kept my back towards him while he put his arms around me.

  “So like I was saying, what if something is supposed to happen between us? What if we were meant to be together, Tiffany? We’re always together anyway, right?”


  “So why haven’t we tried?” he asked and kissed me just below my neck.

  “Um…I don’t know, Reggie.”

  “You don’t know?” he asked, still fishing for a concrete answer.

  “Just because we love each other doesn’t mean we’re meant to be together, right?” I could’ve slapped myself for saying that. Tiffany, what’s wrong with you!

  “Yeah. You’re right. Besides, I wouldn’t want anything jeopardizing our friendship.”

  “Me either.”

  “But I do worry sometimes…”

  “About what?”

  “About the same thing you were worried about earlier today…about us drifting apart. I mean, you’re bound to fall in love and get married, have kids and so am I. What’s going to happen to us then, or will there no longer be an us? Will our friendship vanish? I don’t want that to happen. I never want that to happen.”

  “I don’t want that to happen either.”

  Reggie squeezed me tighter and placed a few more kisses on my back before I went to sleep.

  A FEW DAYS later, Friday to be exact, I was having lunch with Brenda, a colleague and friend of mine. She was dark-skinned with medium length black hair – the type of woman to keep her hair and nails done and just by observing her actions, you could tell she was a cool person to hang around. To me, she was more of a colleague than a friend, especially since all of my non-busines
s hours were dedicated to Reggie. She was cool to kick it with at work though.

  I watched her take a sip of Sprite then ask, “So you got any plans for the weekend?”

  “Not really. Me and Jennifer are supposed to go shopping, but that’s about it.” Jennifer was one of my girls from college. She had graduated the same year Shontay did and she was so busy with her career (Vice President of some huge manufacturing company based in Richmond) that she only was able to hang out with me once a year. “What about you?” I asked Brenda.

  “I’m watching my sister’s kids while her and her husband go on a second honeymoon so if I look half dead come Monday morning, that’s why.”

  We laughed together.

  “Oh, how could I forget to tell you this – my Mother, bless her heart, set me up on a blind date for Monday night. I mean, it’s bad enough she had to fix me up with some strange guy, but you mean to tell me his only availability is a Monday night? Who goes on a date on a Monday?”

  “Apparently you,” Brenda said, then laughed.

  “Guess you’re right,” I chuckled. “I’ve never been on a blind date so I’m pretty nervous about it.”

  “I been on a blind date once and trust me, I will never make that mistake again. When the guy showed up at my house to pick me up he had an acne problem and a strange lisp.”

  “Okay. You’re scaring me.”

  I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I took it out and looked at the screen. It was Reggie. Reggie had called me every night this week to talk about the big project he was working on. He talked about it so much, I could walk into his place of business and do the job myself.

  “Excuse me one second, Brenda,” I told her. Then answering my phone, I said, “Hello.”

  “Yo, yo, yo. What’s up, girl?”

  “Hey Reggie,” I said cheerfully, always happy to hear from him. “You sound like you’re in a good mood.”

  “I am. I aced it Tiff…got a promotion and everything.”

  “Wow! That’s great.”

  “Yeah. We gotta go celebrate.”



  “Oh…okay. So it’ll be me, you, and Shontay?” I asked just to confirm who was joining this celebration tonight.

  “Nah…just me and you.”

  “But you did tell her about the promotion?”

  “No. Not yet. I just want to celebrate with my best friend tonight. Is that okay with you?”


  “Ah’ight then. Let’s get it poppin’! Meet me at our spot tonight at ten. Don’t be late.”

  Our spot was Peabody’s on 21st and Atlantic Avenue. We’ve been going there for years now. It was one of the popular hangouts for college students and Reggie and I would go there at least once a week during our college years.

  “Okay Reg. I’ll be there.”

  “Ah’ight. Later.”

  I dropped my phone back into my purse.

  “What is Reggie up to these days?” Brenda asked. “I haven’t seen him by the office this week.”

  Reggie would usually stop by my office at least once a week under normal circumstances. But this week he was so bogged down, he didn’t come by once.

  “He’s been busy at work, working on an important project. As a matter of fact, he was just calling to tell me he just got a promotion and he wants to go out and celebrate tonight. The crazy part is, he didn’t even tell Shontay yet.”

  “Uh huh. See, that’s what I’m talking about. That man is feeling you, girl.”

  “No he ain’t.”

  “Oh yes he is. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. How can you not see it? It’s so obvious.”

  I smiled. “Trust me – Reginald Howard has no romantic feelings for me. If he did, we would’ve gotten together a long time ago. He likes us being friends.” I say those words, but I don’t believe them. I know Reggie must have some feelings for me, though I’m not sure if they run as deep as the feelings I have for him.

  “But you’re in love with him.”

  “Now why would you say something like that?” I asked Brenda since I’ve never told her about my feelings for Reggie.

  “Because I see how happy you are when he’s around. There’s a glow about you whenever you mention his name, and even talking to him on the phone just now, I could see your feelings for him.”

  “Okay, okay. I love him, but along with that love comes responsibility,” I said, then took a sip of water. “I had an epiphany a few days ago. I can’t fall for Reggie. He needs to concentrate on his life right now, his career, his woman. He needs to concern himself with things that will make him grow and have a successful and meaningful life. That’s why I have to stop him from coming over to my apartment and staying anytime he likes. And how is he going to tell me about his promotion before he tells his girlfriend? That ain’t right.”

  “Nah it ain’t. If I was her, I would hate you.”

  “She does hate me, and it’s not even my fault.”

  “Maybe it is…you know men and women can’t be just friends. It’s not possible.”

  “But me and Reggie have been friends all of our lives.”

  “Yeah, and you admit you’re in love with him.”

  “Well, maybe you’re right.” I sat there and thought about what Brenda was saying. I had to slowly wean myself from Reggie’s grasp – especially being in love with the man knowing he already had somebody in his life. If I didn’t back off, how was I ever going to find happiness with someone?

  That was some deep stuff to think about. I had to let Reggie go, and it wasn’t for my own personal reasons. I wanted him to find the perfect woman, settle down and have a couple of kids. I wanted him to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me.


  I didn’t want to, but I met up with Reggie later that night as we had planned. When I walked in our spot, I noticed him right away wearing a red Polo shirt and some blue jeans.

  “Hey Reg,” I said, walking towards him with my arms wide open waiting for him to receive my hug.

  “Hey girl,” Reggie said, hugging me tight. He even picked me up off of the floor and spun me around in circles. People were staring at us.

  I giggled. “Reggie, put me down.”

  When my feet were safely on the floor, I sat down on a stool at the bar table. Reggie had already ordered an Appletini for me, my favorite drink.

  “Congratulations,” I spoke loudly to him so he could hear me over the blaring music. “I am so proud of you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Did you tell your Mom?”

  “Yeah. I called her right after I called you. She was excited.”

  “I know she was,” I said, then took a sip of my drink. The bartender made it strong tonight. “And why didn’t you tell Shontay?”

  “Because she likes to compete with me. If I tell her, she’ll be envious, then feel like she has to do something to top my promotion.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep. That’s why I called you. I needed someone to be happy for me.”

  We locked eyes for a moment. I took another sip of my drink to get myself out of a daze and thought about the conversation I had with Brenda earlier in the day. What if Reggie was feeling me? What if he wanted a relationship with me?

  “Well you best believe I’m very happy for you. You deserve the best of everything, Reggie.”

  “Thank you,” Reggie said smiling. “Ay, you wanna dance?” Reggie asked me when I Wanna Love You by Akon blasted through the speakers.

  “Yeah. Come on.” I took him by the hand and led him out to the dance floor.

  Reggie was grinding me hard. I was getting hot in more ways than one. It was crowded in there and every inch of the floor was occupied mostly with college students. A few minutes into dancing, Reggie was already working up a sweat and when the DJ played a slow song, he put his arms around me and gently pulled me to his chest.

  “You all right?” Reggie inquired on my status.

ah. I’m cool.” I was right where I wanted to be, slow dancing, his arms around me like I was his girl. I was definitely feeling this.

  “Ah’ight, don’t go to sleep on me now, like you did on prom night.”

  I laughed at him. “I didn’t go to sleep on prom night. I only closed my eyes so tight to keep from crying.”

  “Crying? Why did you feel like crying?”

  “Because I was there with you and I wanted to go with you anyway, but I was too afraid to ask you. I thought you would’ve turned me down. I mean, I wasn’t popular like you were in high school.”

  “I would never turn you down,” he stated to me while we slow-danced. “Don’t ever be afraid to come to me with anything, Tiffany. I mean that.”

  I smiled against his chest and closed my eyes, enjoying this moment.

  “Tiff, you hear me?”

  “Yeah. I heard you, but anyway forget all of that. It’s all about you tonight. I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished so far in life.”

  I looked at him to get his reaction and he gave me one of those quiet stares again.

  “What?” I asked him to take the heat off of me.

  He didn’t respond immediately but I knew something was on his mind. I could read him well, so I said, “Let’s sit down. My toes are almost numb in these heels.”

  “Ah’ight,” Reggie said.

  I followed him to the same bar table we were at before and finished the remainder of my Martini in one gulp.

  “So what’s on your mind?” I asked him.

  He smiled and shook his head wordlessly.

  “What is it, Reggie?” I said smiling now, staring in his adorable eyes. He had fully peaked my curiosity.

  He finally said, “So I was sitting in my office this morning, just like any ol’ normal day when my manager walks in, tells me I got a promotion and everything…so I’m all excited, I thank him for recognizing my hard work, then after he congratulates me for the third or fourth time, he walks out of my office and shuts the door behind him. I’m so thrilled, even more so now that I’m alone and I want to call somebody. I want to share all this pent-up excitement I have. I want someone to be excited for me, the same way I’m excited for myself. So I reach for my phone, hold my receiver to my ear and before I even know it, I’m dialing your number. And it makes me think…because I could’ve called my Mother…could’ve called Shontay, but I didn’t. I called you,” he said, smiling again, laying his right hand on my left.


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