The Way of Two Paths: M/M Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Moonstone Legacy Book 2)

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The Way of Two Paths: M/M Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Moonstone Legacy Book 2) Page 3

by Apollo Surge

  “I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I'm angry with him,” she said. Tyler didn't say anything so that she could continue talking. “And I'm angry with myself. I let myself get so caught up in life that I neglected him. I put it down to him being a little eccentric and wanting to be alone, that I never put in the effort to remind him that there was more to his life than just him. I should have gone out there to see him more. I should have done more than send letters.”

  “He did show me some of the letters you wrote. He liked receiving them. He said that it gave him a window into the outside world. I think sometimes he wanted to reach out to you, but he was afraid. I suppose it's my fault really. If I hadn't come along then he wouldn't have worried about anyone finding out about us.”

  “No, you shouldn't take this on yourself Tyler. I'm sure that he was proud to call you his son, and from what I've seen so far I know that you're a good person.”

  “Really?” Tyler asked, unable to hide his shock. After everything that had passed between them so far Tyler was sure that Rita hated him, and that she was only putting on these airs for Johnny's sake.

  “Of course. I know we got off on the wrong foot, and there are many reasons for that, but I trust my son's judgment, and Christopher's. If the two of them are willing to vouch for you then that is good enough for me. I'm glad that he shared the letters with you. It's good that he wasn't hiding us. I'm sorry that I didn't make more of an effort. It probably would have been good for you and Johnny to be friends for all these years,” she said.

  “I suppose. But you shouldn't be too hard on yourself either. You weren't to know what was going on, and you had your own family to think about. As far as I can tell you've done right by them. Johnny is amazing. He's so caring and understanding, and I know he wouldn't be like that if it wasn't for his parents.”

  Rita offered him a smile.

  “I'm glad that he's found someone he cares about.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Tyler said, unsure if he was getting into territory that was too personal, but since he had never had a family like this he wasn't sure which boundaries were safe to cross and which weren't.

  “Of course, you can ask me anything. I might not answer, but you can ask,” Rita said with a slanted smile.

  “Did you know about Johnny?”

  Rita sighed again and looked down at her drink. The honey swirled with the milk and clung to the bottom of the glass.

  “I suppose deep down I knew something was different about him. I always thought he was awkward and shy and that he'd just grow out of it. I have to admit that I thought he was eventually going to end up with Mel, but now I can see why they were so close. It's funny isn't it, you raise a child, but there are still things they hide from you. Sometimes I wonder why he told Mel before he told us.”

  “I'm sure it's nothing personal. It took me a long time before I showed Father my drawings. I know it's not the same thing...”

  “I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable before. I suppose I just feel some responsibility for you since you are technically my nephew, but don't worry, I don't expect you to start calling me auntie. That might make things a little weird between you and Johnny. I just wanted you to know that the life you enjoyed with Christopher isn't the only type of life there is. There are a lot of possibilities out there for you, especially when you're so young, and you're at the right age where you can make the most of them.”

  “I appreciate that Rita, I do, but it's just overwhelming at the moment. I'm still trying to come to terms with not having Father in my life. We spent so much time together.”

  “It must be lonely in that house.”

  “It is. It's strange really. The house was so big that sometimes there were days when we didn't see each other. I'd be drawing in my room or outside, and he'd be working in his study. But it was comforting to know that he was still there. Now when I sit there alone it's different. I feel his absence.”

  Rita came over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “You're welcome to come over any time you like. I'm not going to make the same mistake with you that I made with Christopher. It may not be the most conventional situation in the world, but you are family Tyler, and we'll do everything we can to help you.”

  Tyler smiled. It was good to know that their first interactions hadn't set the template for the rest of their relationship.

  “I do appreciate that Rita.”

  “So what's troubling you? Why can't you sleep? Bad dream?”

  “Something like that. It's a recurring one actually.”

  “Tell me about it. It's not often that I have company at these hours.”

  Tyler looked at her and thought about how to phrase the dream so that he wouldn't give his secret away. At the moment Johnny was the only one he trusted with that.

  “I was in a crowd of people. They seemed to come out of nowhere, and then when I tried to speak with them I couldn't. I was silent. They looked at me, but none of them came to help. They just talked among themselves, and when it became clear that I couldn't say anything they turned and left. I chased after them, but they were gone.”

  “That is rather interesting isn't it? I suppose it could be that you're just afraid to be a part of the wider world. I mean, Christopher did keep you sheltered. I know he had his reasons, but I would have thought he would have tried to help you to get used to the wider world.”

  “I'm sure it'll go once you start getting used to being around people, and getting used to the city. It's not going to do you any good to stay in that house all alone!” she said. “You're seeing Mel and her new boyfriend tomorrow, aren't you?”

  “Yeah,” Tyler said, unsure how much of a good job he was making of hiding his nerves.

  “That will be fun. Mel is a lovely girl and she'll make you feel welcome. I'm sure Todd is nice as well. He would have to be if she decided to go out with him. Just take things slowly. I know that Johnny won't make you do anything that you're not comfortable with, and you always have a safe space here,” Rita said, smiling at him. “Now, finish your milk and get back to bed. You should at least try to get some sleep.”

  Tyler thanked her as she placed her glass in the sink and left the kitchen. She had spoken to him like a mother, and he wondered what it would have been like to have a mom. His father had tried to do his best, but he couldn't do everything. He finished up his drink and then placed his glass in the sink beside Rita's. He felt warm inside, comforted, and it felt as though even Christopher had died, parts of him lived on. It helped that he had shared this with Rita as well. It made him feel like he was really a part of things here.

  Chapter Four

  Johnny awoke with a stretch and jumped out of bed, excited for the day. It was the first time Mel was going to meet Tyler, and he hoped dearly that the two of them would get along. Fear seized his mind when he considered the possibility that the two of them wouldn't see eye to eye. He didn't know how he was going to cope if his best friend and his boyfriend didn't get on, so he tried not to think about it.

  Everything was going to be fine.

  Everything was going to be fine.

  That's what he told himself anyway. He went downstairs to grab some breakfast. His dad was reading a book in the lounge, while his mom was busy tidying things up. There was no sign of Tyler yet. Johnny decided that he was going to make him some cereal and take it up to the room.

  He carried a bowl of cereal on a tray and knocked on the door. When there was no response, he opened the door slowly and saw Tyler sprawled over the bed, mouth hanging open, head pressing into the pillow. Johnny stifled a giggle as he placed the tray on the bedside table and sat down next to Tyler, who hadn't yet noticed his presence. He ran his hands along Tyler's hair, and this was enough for Tyler to stir. He looked a little shocked when he opened his eyes, but then reoriented himself and smiled when he saw Johnny.

  “Morning,” Johnny said, leaning down to kiss Tyler on the head.

  “Morning, how long have you
been sitting there?” Tyler asked.

  “Not long, I brought you breakfast,” Johnny said, and grabbed the tray. Tyler pushed himself into a sitting position. “It's not exactly gourmet.”

  “It's sweet nonetheless, thank you,” Tyler said gratefully.

  “You look cute when you sleep by the way,” Johnny added sheepishly. Tyler blushed. “Did you sleep well?” Johnny added.

  “Mostly, although I woke up in the middle of the night. Your mom was awake too. We had a little chat.”

  “Oh yeah?” Johnny asked warily. The thought of all the embarrassing stories she could tell Tyler filled him with dread.

  “I think we're actually starting to get along. For the first time I felt like she was talking to me as an actual human, not as some kid who doesn't know what's going on.”

  “Like I said, it might take some time to warm up to her, but she's a good person.”

  “She cares about you a lot,” Tyler said.

  “I know,” Johnny said, casting his gaze to the floor.

  “What's wrong?” Tyler asked, bringing a spoonful of cereal up to his mouth. He slurped at the milk, and the cereal crunched between his teeth.

  “I guess I feel guilty about not telling them sooner. They've always done right by me, and I knew they wouldn't be upset or angry with me. Sometimes I think I kept the secret for the sake of keeping it.”

  “I don't know about that. I think that you were trying to figure things out for yourself. What were you supposed to tell them when you didn't know for sure what was going on yourself?” Tyler said. It made Johnny feel a little better, but he still felt he should have handled things differently.

  “Just promise me one thing,” Johnny said.

  “What's that?”

  “If you have any more late night chats with my mom, please don't ask her about any secrets or childhood stories.”

  A wicked smile came across Tyler's face.

  “Well now I'm definitely going to do that,” he said. Johnny prodded him in the stomach. Tyler jerked, almost spilling the cereal over the tray, but he managed to keep his hands on it. “Watch out!” he cried. The two of them laughed heartily.

  They spent time together while Tyler was finishing breakfast, talking about everything and nothing, then Johnny took the tray back downstairs as Tyler got himself ready for the day. His mom asked him the usual questions, like what time he was going to be back. Johnny didn't know for sure, so he gave his mom the standard answers. Everything seemed to have slipped into a normal routine, and although the relationship with Tyler was new, it felt normal.

  Frank gave them a ride into town. They listened to the radio on the way there.

  “Give me a call when you're ready to be picked up. Don't worry about mom, take as long as you like,” he said as the boys got out of the car. Frank drove away and the two of them were left alone in the big city. Johnny wore an amused smile as Tyler looked up at all the towering skyscrapers, gazed at the steady stream of traffic, and was alarmed by the crowd of people.

  Johnny took a deep breath, then slipped his hand into Tyler's. This was the first time he had ever displayed his affection publicly, and a calm feeling washed over him. It didn't feel as much of a big deal as he had built it up in his head to be, more important was that he offered Tyler some comfort.

  “I never expected it to be so loud,” Tyler said. His eyes flickered back and forth between the flashing billboards, the stores lined up in a row, and the buses and cars honking at each other.

  “You get used to it eventually. Believe me, it's just as jarring for me to go to where you live where it's so peaceful.”

  “But how does anyone get anything done?” Tyler asked with astonishment.

  Johnny shrugged. “I guess they just find a way. It's going to be quieter in the buildings of course, but yeah I guess there is a lot to grab your attention. It's okay though, we're just going to grab a milkshake. We'll be out of the crowd before too long.”

  It surprised Johnny that someone like Tyler, who could transform into a fearsome predator, could be so cowed by something as simple as a large crowd. But Johnny had been raised in this way of life. To him, there was nothing more normal than losing himself in a sea of people, using the currents of movement to make his way through the crowd and reach his destination. Tyler was looking at everyone around them with great interest, while Johnny barely gave them a second look. All he was concerned about was getting to the diner on time.

  Johnny kept a tight hold of Tyler's hand, and there were some points when he had to literally drag Tyler along. Tyler was getting distracted by buskers and street artists, finding it amazing that they were allowed to do that.

  “I could always do that, draw on the street,” he said.

  “I don't think it pays that well,” Johnny replied, not wanting to explain to Tyler about the stigma that came with working on the streets. It quickly became clear to Johnny that although his uncle had taken good care of Tyler and done well in the circumstances, there was much that he had neglected to do. There were many basic things of which Tyler didn't have a clue about, and it was now going to be Johnny's job to introduce him to everything that he missed.

  “I'm going to give you a crash course in life,” Johnny said, “I'm going to make a list of everything you've missed out on and we're going to work through it together.”

  “Okay,” Tyler said enthusiastically.

  The two of them battled their way through the crowd in the mall, making their way to the diner. Johnny breathed a sigh of relief when he found a booth empty. He sat down, Tyler beside him. Tyler took the menu and Johnny looked out of the window, craning his neck to try and see Mel and Todd.

  “I hope they're not going to be too late,” Johnny said.

  “I have no idea what to choose. It all looks so good,” Tyler said. He was engrossed in the menu, so much so that Johnny had to shake him free when Mel and Todd entered the diner. Johnny was glad to see his friend, but he would have preferred to meet with her alone. He was already on edge because it was the first time she was meeting Tyler, he didn't need to feel any more nervous because Todd was there.

  Mel and Todd looked an odd pair. She was radiant, with a warm smile, wearing colorful clothes. Todd was tall and lean, pale skin, with a white shirt and black pants. He wore a ring on a finger on his right hand. He had a strange aura about him, as though he didn't really belong here. Johnny still wasn't sure what Mel saw in him, but she seemed happy enough.

  She embraced Johnny warmly when she came in, and also gave Tyler a hug, saying that she was excited to meet him. She then introduced Todd, who was much more reserved. When Johnny took his hand he found it to be cold, and Johnny noticed that Todd looked at Tyler strangely. Jealously flared within his heart before he told himself that he was being silly. There was much about being in a relationship that he would have to learn.

  Mel and Todd took their seats opposite Johnny and Tyler.

  “Have you guys decided what to order?” Mel asked.

  “I think I'm going to get my usual. Tyler has never been anywhere like this before, so he's having a little more trouble deciding,” Johnny explained.

  “What's a waffle?” Tyler asked.

  “I guess living out in the sticks isn't always a good thing,” Mel said. She leaned over the table and twisted her neck so that she could look at Tyler's menu the right way up. She pointed to a few things and told him to get those. Tyler looked at Johnny for confirmation, who nodded, and then smiled.

  A few moments later a waitress came over to take their order. She seemed amused at how excited Tyler was. Todd was quite the opposite. The only thing he asked for was a glass of cold milk. His voice was crisp and he spoke in a demanding tone. Johnny wasn't sure what to make of him.

  “So what do you think of the big city so far?” Mel asked Tyler.

  “It's loud,” he said.

  “I've decided I'm going to give him a crash course in life. There are a lot of things he's missed out on,” Johnny explained.
  “I hope you know what you're doing. If you need any help let me know. Johnny here isn't the best guide to life,” Mel said with a knowing smile.

  “Hey!” Johnny protested.

  “Come on, how many parties have you refused to go to over the years? I've pretty much had to drag you out sometimes for your own good,” Mel said.

  “Well, I guess that's true, but there's more to life than parties. Besides, I didn't come here so that you could make fun of me,” Johnny said.

  “Really? I thought for sure that's what the point of this date was?” Mel said. She turned to Tyler. “Don't worry, if there's anything you want to know just come to me. I know all his secrets.” She wore a wicked smile.

  “Like? He's already forbidden me from asking Rita about them, but he didn't say anything about not asking you,” Tyler said, sharing a conspiratorial glance with Johnny. Johnny wasn't sure whether he should be happy that the two of them were getting on well, or if he should be extremely worried.

  “I'm saying it now!” Johnny said.

  “Too late,” Mel replied. “There was this one time when he was younger when I convinced him that I'd found a dinosaur egg.”

  Tyler's eyebrows arched while Johnny sighed and buried his head in his arms.

  “What happened was that Mom had a massive egg from the grocery so I took it and I told him that it was a dinosaur's egg I'd found in the garden. It looked just like one in his magazine, and he was always digging around trying to find fossils. Really I just wanted to make him jealous that I found something and he didn't, but then it went a little too far...”

  “What happened?” Tyler asked, relishing this moment. Johnny popped his head up and explained.

  “I was going to take it to show and tell before Mom and Dad sat me down and told me what happened. I was too ashamed to be angry with Mel, I'm just glad they stopped me before I went up to class and declared that I had a dinosaur egg. I was so excited and all ready to watch it hatch, then my hopes were dashed!” he said, shaking his fist in the air. Mel, Johnny, and Tyler were all laughing. Todd was the only one who remained stoic.


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