Her To-Do List- Complete Series

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Her To-Do List- Complete Series Page 3

by Holly Ardent

  Yeah, I definitely want him. I like a man who keeps himself in shape, and he certainly does, she thought.

  “Jeremy said you might be able to get an app working for me? I just downloaded it, and it looks like it's running, but it doesn't do anything.”

  “Let me see.”

  Laura handed the phone to Owen. He tapped the screen a few times and handed it back.

  “Try it now,” he said.

  She looked at the phone, wondering why he thought he had it working so quickly. To her surprise, the screen had a message on it, it said something about updating.

  “It's doing something now, it wasn't before.”

  “That app needs access to your connection, but it comes with access turned off by default. I just needed to turn it on. It's going to use up bandwidth any time you run the app though.”

  “That's fine, I never max out my data anyhow,” Laura said.

  “Was that all you needed?” Owen asked.

  Jeremy turned and started up the stairs. He called back over his shoulder.

  “Super Geek to the rescue!”

  “I'm no super geek,” Owen called back. “I did track team and swim team, you can't be a super geek and be on sports teams.”

  “Thank you,” Laura said. “You took care of that problem for me. I guess I owe you one.”

  A quick glance showed her that Jeremy's back was to them. She caught Owen's eye and licked her lips. His gaze dropped to the floor.

  “Um, ah...,” Owen stammered. “It was no problem at all.”

  He didn't turn and follow Jeremy right away, so Laura decided to be bold.

  “Well, I'm still grateful. I'd love to express my gratitude to you, if you'd like. I'm sure you can think of something I can do to... I mean, do for you?”

  Now Owen beat a hasty retreat to the stairs, racing to catch up to Jeremy.

  Laura grinned.

  Now I think I have an idea how to set this up.

  She typed a text on her phone, but saved it instead of sending it. Then she went back to her new app. It was done updating, so she settled in to learn how to use it.

  * * *

  Jeremy and Owen were still playing their game when it was time for her to start dinner. She knocked on the door, loudly. The sounds of video game violence were audible even in the hallway.

  “Yes?” Jeremy called.

  “I was just wondering if Owen wanted to stay for dinner. I'm about to start cooking and wanted to know how many people I should cook for.”

  The sounds from the room died out, Then the door opened. She could see the word 'PAUSED' on both their screens. Jeremy looked at Owen.

  “My folks are out of town for a couple of days,” Owen said. “I was just gonna grab a burger or something.”

  “You should stay,” Jeremy said. “My mom's an awesome cook.”

  Owen looked at Laura.

  “If it's no trouble?” he said.

  “It's no trouble at all,” she replied. “Three for dinner it is.”

  She called them after cooking the steaks, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. It sounded as though they were racing as they pounded down the stairs and into the dining room.

  “Steak!” Jeremy exclaimed.

  Owen's eyes widened.

  “I figured it would be something good for you,” he said “That's what my mom always makes. No offense, I'm sure this is good for you too, I'm just used to...”

  He trailed off as he realized he had his foot in his mouth and was shooting for his knee. After a moment, he tried again.

  “It looks great. A lot more to my liking than what I was expecting.”

  “Nice recovery,” Jeremy said, elbowing Owen in the ribs.

  “Well, I think young men who are still growing should probably get a lot of carbohydrates,” Laura said.

  She locked eyes with Owen for a moment. Jeremy was eyeing the steaks and missed it.

  “And protein,” she said, “can't forget the protein. The corn's there because I like it.”

  Jeremy and Owen sat down as Laura set plates full of food in front of them. They two boys tore into their food like they were starving. Knowing Jeremy's appetite, Laura had served them large portions.

  She ate her own, smaller, portion of steak first and then nibbled at her corn, waiting. When she found Owen looking in her direction and Jeremy looking away, she slid the tapered end of the ear of corn into her mouth, deep into her mouth. Then she slid it back out and licked her lips.

  Owen tried to swallow, but he hadn't chewed the food in his mouth yet. He coughed and choked until Jeremy swatted him on the back a couple of times.

  “Chew first, then swallow,” Owen said under his breath.

  Laura stopped eating for a moment. She tried to make her voice sound sweet and innocent, but she knew she probably wasn't succeeding. She was having far too much fun to not make the attempt though.

  “Owen? Could you look at my phone again after you're done eating? There's something else on it that I need your help with.”

  He carefully chewed and swallowed before answering.

  “Sure Mrs. Werner, I can do that.”

  “Please, call me Laura. You're an adult now and hearing Mrs. Werner makes me think of my mother in law.”

  “Um, okay Laura,” Owen said.

  Laura went back to eating. Jeremy was the first one finished and he looked at her expectantly.

  “Yes, there's dessert,” she said, “it's in the kitchen. If you want to be a dear you can go cut three slices of the Boston Creme cake and bring them back out. Make mine a small piece.”

  Jeremy was out of his chair in a flash, headed for the kitchen. Laura pulled out her phone and made sure the text she'd typed earlier was displayed. She scanned it quickly before sliding the phone over to Owen.

  'I heard a rumor that you think I'm a MILF. If that's true, I'd love to do something about it. Interested?'

  Owen picked up her phone, glanced at the message, and did a double take. He started to open his mouth but Laura put her index finger to her lips, shushing him. She made typing motions with her hands and Owen got the idea. He started typing on her phone.

  Jeremy came in with the first two plates while Owen was still typing. He set them down and went back for the third. By the time he got in with the last plate, Owen was done and sliding her phone across the table to her. Laura took possession of it and tucked it back in her pocket.

  I'll have to read it after they go back upstairs. Damn it, I hate waiting.

  The boys finished their cake quickly.

  “See, I told you she was a good cook,” Jeremy said.

  The two of them headed back for Jeremy's room, but Laura caught Owen looking back at her a couple of times.

  She cleaned the table off and got everything into the dishwasher. In the relative safety of the kitchen, she pulled her phone out and read what Owen had typed.

  'YES!!! I'll text you at your number, you can reply and it will go to my laptop. We can text while Jer and I are playing the game.'

  Laura's smile split her face.

  Good, she thought, that's the second one from my list. Hopefully it'll be soon. I need a young cock inside of me again.

  A few minutes later, her phone buzzed. She answered it and read the text from Owen.

  'So, when, where? I'm up for it.'

  She sent back.

  'Ur parents out of town? Ur place? Tonite maybe? Have 2 be late though.'

  As they exchanged texts she found out that he was normally up until two or three in the morning anyhow. They arranged it so after he went home tonight, she'd wait until her husband got home and he and Jeremy fell asleep, then she'd join Owen at his house.

  The rest of the evening passed painfully slowly for Laura. Owen stayed until well after her husband got home and she'd made him dinner. When Owen left, he gave her a wink on his way out the door and that picked her spirits up a bit.

  As she assumed, her husband just wanted dinner, beer, and his bed. He didn't want her compa
ny in bed just like he hadn't wanted it for a long time now. His snores told her that he was asleep shortly after lying down.

  Jeremy, on the other hand, looked like he was planning on pulling an all-nighter. Finally, she gave up and got ready. Jeremy was glued to his computer playing one game or another so she was sure he'd never even notice that she wasn't in bed.

  The first thing she did was stop in the bathroom and shave herself. She was pretty sure Owen would like it and she preferred herself clean shaven anyhow. When she finished, she got dressed again and made sure Jeremy was still engrossed in his computer. When she discovered that he was still glued to it, she slipped out of the house.

  Laura let the car roll down the driveway in reverse, then came to a stop and started the engine at the edge of the road. It was a short drive to Owen's house, less than five minutes. She pulled into his driveway and shut the car off.

  * * *

  She knocked on the door and wasn't too surprised when it opened quickly.

  “Come on in,” Owen said.

  She stepped into the house.

  “Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the couch.

  “You want to stay down here?”

  He nodded.

  “I'll be right back. Just sit down and make yourself comfortable.”

  Laura sat down on the couch and looked around the room. The décor was not at all what she would have chosen, but from the little she knew about Owen's mom, she thought they wouldn't agree on much of anything.

  Owen came back in carrying two glasses of wine. He set them on the table and then sat down next to her.

  “Have a drink, relax. Put your feet up on the couch between us,” he said.

  “What are you doing Owen?”

  He blinked at her.

  “Humor me?” he asked.

  She picked up the wine and took a sip. Her legs curled up onto the couch and Owen slid her shoes off. As she sat and sipped her wine, he rubbed her feet.

  “You don't have to do that, you know?” she said.

  “I don't have to, but I want to. Why break a good habit?”

  “A good habit?” Laura asked.

  “Yeah, this is how I've seduced a few women. Okay, girls really, but I thought I should give it a try.”

  “I can see where this would make a good impression, but I thought I was seducing you,” she said.

  “No reason it can't go both ways, right?”

  “You're way too smart for a kid who just graduated high school.”

  He beamed at her, and continued rubbing her feet. When she finished her wine and set the glass down, he picked up his own and started sipping. His eyes wandered all over her body, pausing here and there.

  For her part, she kept her legs on the couch and made sure the short skirt she was wearing hiked up a bit so he could get a good look. After all, she'd come here without panties and was pretty sure he'd enjoy the view.

  Owen interspersed sips of his wine with rubbing her feet. As the level of his wine went down, his hands moved up. He rubbed her calves and then her thighs. When his hands slid under her dress, he glanced up at her face. Laura's eyes were half closed, but she caught his glance, smiled, and nodded gently. Owen sent his hands the last few inches to her pussy.

  One of his hands rubbed her inner thighs while the other stroked up and down her slit. He wasn't trying to get inside her yet, he was just touching. The smooth skin of her freshly shaved pussy delighted him. A grin broke out on his face when he first felt it.

  “Very nice,” he said. “Smooth as can be, I like that.”

  “I did it just for you after you left my place. I thought you might like it,” Laura murmured.

  “Very much so,” he said.

  Owen proceeded to demonstrate just how much he liked it. He ran his fingers over all the bare skin she'd recently shaved. Then he moved back to her slit and slid one finger into her. As her slit parted to admit his finger her body showed him just how eager it was. Her juices surrounded his finger, a thin stream of them running out and down her pussy. She shivered as the moisture cooled quickly in the air.

  Laura caught a whiff of her own scent, also released when he penetrated her. She smelled of musk and desire. That whiff of herself turned her on even more than she already was. Owen's finger was slowly sliding in and out of her now, adding to her arousal.

  I need more than just his finger, she thought. This is nice and all, but I want more.

  Owen's head was a couple of feet away from her pussy, watching it as his finger slid in and out. Laura leaned forward and grabbed the back of his head. She dragged it down until it was right alongside the hand at her pussy.

  “Eat me,” she demanded.

  At the last moment she thought that perhaps insisting wasn't the best idea, at least not yet, so she continued.


  Owen was more than happy to oblige. He slid his finger out of her and before the moisture stopped running out of her slit, his tongue was there lapping it up.

  “You taste yummy,” he said.

  Laura rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.

  Owen stopped lapping at her juices and started running his tongue up and down her cleft. He alternated between running it gently along the top and pushing his tongue inside of her. Laura felt herself getting wetter and hotter, but his tongue on her pussy was enough to keep her from insisting he drive his cock inside of her immediately.

  He continued licking and tongue-fucking her slit for several minutes. While he did that, Laura's hand slipped down to her clit and started playing with it. She was surprised when he nuzzled her hand out of the way and his tongue started flicking her clit. She'd let herself drift on her pleasure and hadn't noticed him moving.

  He'd been watching her, and after flicking her clit a few times he slid his hand in and drew back her clit hood, the same way she'd done a few minutes earlier. Then his tongue went to work on the bare flesh from under her hood and she started squirming. Her pussy began dripping again and she felt soaking wet.

  He slid a finger into her pussy and started fucking her with it while he ate her out. Then he slid a second finger in and a moment later, a third. Laura exhaled sharply as she felt her cunt filling up.

  “Oh yeah, fuck me like that,” she said.

  Owen started pounding her with his fingers. At the same time he sucked her clit into his mouth. Once he'd gotten it there he held it in place and started playing with it, using his tongue.

  Laura's eyes squeezed shut and her back arched as she came. She was bucking against the couch and her motion pulled her clit away from his lips and didn't allow him to keep finger fucking her as he had been so it was a short orgasm. When she was done, she looked down at him.

  “How about you stick something else in there instead?” she asked. “Maybe if you're on top of me, you can use your weight to keep me from thrashing around so much that we have to stop. Would you like to hold me down and have your way with me?”

  Owen gulped audibly.

  “Want me to get a condom?” he asked.

  “No, I want you to throw me on the floor and fuck me, as soon as possible.”

  He stood up and stripped down. Laura stood also, and let her skirt drop to her ankles. She pulled her shirt off and the bra followed a moment later. Her head spun lightly.

  “What was in that wine? I feel drunk instead of lightly tipsy,” she said.

  “Nothing, but it was fortified wine. Have you ever had it before?”

  She shook her head and instantly regretted it.

  “It's got a higher alcohol content than regular wine does. Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned it, but it's what I'm used to so I didn't even think of it.”

  “No, that's fine. I was just wondering why my head was spinning and why I asked for you to do what I did. I must be a little drunk, that's all. We're good.”

  Laura stared at his cock. It was hard, and standing straight up. It was almost long enough to reach his belly button and, to her eyes, it looked thick eno
ugh to easily fill her up.

  She stared at it long enough that Owen took a step forward. He put his arms around her and then shifted a leg behind her and pushed. He caught her weight as she fell and lowered her gently to the floor. Then he knelt between her legs.

  “Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to actually throw you down. I hope that was close enough,” he said.

  She nodded and reached for his cock. When she touched it he shivered and bit his lip.

  “Are you sure you want this? Want me to just have my way with you?” he asked.

  She bent the head of his cock over so it was aimed at her cunt and tugged on it. Owen shifted forward and she felt the head of his cock slide into her slit. She was so wet that there was barely any friction at all, but he was thick enough that she definitely felt it. She felt her pussy stretching slightly to accommodate him.

  “Well, if you insist,” he said.

  He pushed and slid in easily, but it was still slow. His cock thickened towards his body and her pussy had to keep stretching more and more to allow him in. Even with minimal friction it was still slowing him down.

  He made it almost all the way into her pussy before he stopped and paused. She tried to thrust herself down, to get more of him inside of her, but she didn't have the leverage. Owen leaned over her, his chest pressing her tits against her body. He grabbed her wrists and pushed them over her head. He wrapped one large hand around them and held them in place.

  Owen's other hand moved down to one of her tits. He traced his fingertips along its soft white flesh, slowly moving closer and closer to the areola and nipple. When he reached the raised ridge of the areola, he angled his finger so the fingernail was lightly scratching it. Laura felt her areola thicken, her nipples lengthen and harden. She thrust her chest up towards his hand, wanting firmer contact. Owen drew his finger back just enough that he was barely touching her. His nail slowly spiraled in around her areola, until it reached the nipple. He drew it up and lightly drew his fingernail across the very top of it.

  Laura couldn't force her chest up any farther, she knew because she was trying to. When Owen removed his fingernail and firmly reached down to pinch her nipple, she sagged in relief. Then she immediately arched her back again when Owen kept hold of the nipple and didn't allow it to sag along with the rest of her.


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