MILF Money for College- Complete Set

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MILF Money for College- Complete Set Page 9

by Holly Ardent

  I can do that, Jim thought.

  He sped up his pace, slamming his cock in and out of her ass. Jeannie flushed and her body tensed. Jim felt her ass clenching his cock as she started to cum again.

  Jim drew his legs up underneath him until he was kneeling again. It changed the angle his cock was penetrating her at, and Jeannie gasped at the result. He pulled his hands back and slid one under her ass. With a little bit of effort, he lifted her ass off the bed until it was at a more comfortable angle for both of them. Then his other hand moved to her pussy and started finger fucking her.

  Jeannie took off like a rocket, squealing all the way. It took her a minute or two before she could speak.

  “Oh god, no, please? Don't do that.”

  “Okay,” Jim said.

  He moved his fingers to her clit and started rubbing it. She squealed again.

  “Please, please?” she started to say, then her voice trailed off into an unintelligible scream. When she tightened up enough that Jim was afraid she'd hurt herself, he pulled his hand away.

  Well shit, what can I do now? I could just pound her until I cum, but...

  A thought struck him and grabbed her forearms. She was still all tense so when he tugged on them, her upper body lifted. He wrapped his arms around her torso and held her firmly against his chest, enjoying the twin stabs from her hard nipples.

  Jim shifted around a little until he could move some. His cock was buried deep inside her ass when he started thrusting with short, hard jabs. Jeannie murmured something he couldn't make out, but he could tell it wasn't a complaint.

  The new angle and the fast pace of his thrusts was enough stimulation that he knew he would cum soon. He kept it up until he couldn't stop himself from cumming even if he wanted to, then thrust himself as deeply inside of her as he could. He clutched her to him, savoring the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest as he came, filling her ass with his cum.

  His arms tightened as he came. He was worried about letting go by accident and dropping her to the bed. When he finished cumming, he slid out of her, loosened his grip, and slowly lowered her back down. Lowering her down was harder than picking her up had been. Now she was as limp as a rag doll and he was careful to lay her down gently.

  Her eyes fluttered as he let her down. She looked up at him and grinned, then closed her eyes and sprawled on the bed.

  Jim knew he'd overexerted himself some and he felt it. He curled up beside her, pressing as much of his skin to hers as he could manage and trying to ignore the twinges from his stomach muscles.

  Jeannie mumbled something that Jim couldn't make out.

  “What was that?” he asked.

  “I said that was worth a hell of a lot more than just my time.”

  Jim smiled, satisfied, and just leaned into her side.

  It was a few minutes before either of them moved, and it was Jeannie that got up first. She slid off the bed and made her way out of the room on unstable legs. When she came back she was holding two large bottles of water.

  “Here, drink this,” she said. “You'll need it twice over. Once to flush the toxins I released from your muscles with the massage and the second to replace some fluids.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and guzzled her own bottle. Jim swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. He started to take just a sip, but when the water hit his throat he realized just how thirsty he was and drained half the bottle.

  Jeannie stared at him for a moment and bit her lip.

  “So, I was thinking I might want to expand my garden even more this year. Would you be interested in helping me out again like you did today later in the summer?”

  * * *

  Kelly's Attic

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  Milf Money for College #5

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Jim Riley was having the summer of his life. With the help of the MILF next door, Lisa, he had a steady income, most of which he was saving for the upcoming year of college, and more sex than he'd ever dreamed of.

  His work consisted of doing odd jobs for Lisa's large network of friends, mostly women in their thirties and forties. Most of the sex came from Lisa, along with a few of her carefully vetted friends. With the exception of the week Lisa was out of town on vacation, he'd had sex nearly every day this summer. She'd even arranged for him to fuck one of her friends while she was gone so he wouldn't go a whole week without.

  Jim felt sorry that the summer was almost over. He'd miss the sex, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about spending money when he was back at college. Since his entertainment for the summer had been mostly sex and he was living at his parents' house, he hadn't spent very much of the cash he'd made.

  He'd just come back from Lisa's house. Even after doing her nearly every day over the summer, the sex was still mind-blowing for him. And now she'd told him that she had another friend that wanted work done and playtime when he finished the work. She'd also promised him a special surprise this time.

  Kelly was younger than Lisa. Her kids were still living at home, but her husband had taken them fishing and camping for a week. From what Lisa told him, Kelly had stayed home to start on some remodeling. Their attic was being converted into another bedroom and she needed help moving everything out of it. That was Jim's job for tomorrow.

  * * *

  Jim got up before his parents left for work. He used to sleep in whenever he could, but over this summer he'd changed his habits. A lot of the work he did was better done before it got too hot out, so mornings it was. He still wasn't a morning person, but with a couple of cups of coffee in him he could fake it pretty well.

  After a quick breakfast, he checked Kelly's address.

  About a ten minute drive. She wants me there at nine, so I've got some time to kill.

  He booted his computer, hopped online, and checked his email. After visiting a few other sites, he shut it back down and checked his phone. He hadn't gotten many texts this summer since most of the people he'd been dealing with were older, and far more likely to call and talk to him than send texts back and forth.

  I suppose I can head out now. I'll gas up and maybe treat myself to a fancy coffee before heading to Kelly's place.

  Jim started up his pickup truck and headed out. Even with his errand and his treat, he got there about twenty minutes early. He debated waiting a few minutes in his truck, but finally just got out and walked up to the door. When he rang the bell, it was several minutes before the door opened. When it did, he was greeted by a moderately attractive brunette.

  “Hi,” Jim said, “You must be Kelly?”

  She stared at him for a moment, then broke into a smile. The expression turned her face from moderately attractive to beautiful.

  “Are you Jim? You're early.”

  “Sorry, I finished my errands quicker than I thought I would. I didn't want to just hang out in my truck and maybe scare some of the neighbors.”

  “Oh no, that's fine. It just took me a moment since I hadn't expected you yet. Come on in.”

  Jim walked into the house. Kelly showed him to the living room and asked him to take a seat. Then she disappeared for a few minutes.

  When she returned she'd obviously changed into work clothes. She wore slacks that had seen better days and a t-shirt that had been worn so much it was going bare in some interesting places.

  “So, shall we start? I don't think clearing the attic will take more than a few hours with both of us. Thanks for coming, by the way, it would have taken me more than a day by myself.”

  “You're welcome. It's my pleasure.”

  Or at least it will be, he thought as she turned around and headed for the staircase. He followed her shapely, swaying ass up two flights of stairs and into the attic.

  They started right in on cleaning the attic, but within five minutes it was obvious that it wasn't working. Dust filled the air and the two of them b
urst back down the stairs, coughing and sneezing.

  “I guess I didn't think that out very well,” Kelly said.

  “I didn't know things could get that dusty around here.”

  “Well, give me fifteen minutes. I'll bring the vacuum cleaner up and get the worst of the dust out of there.”

  Jim carried the vacuum cleaner up to the attic for her. In the end it took more like half an hour than fifteen minutes, but he didn't mind. He helped her move things to get into areas she couldn't reach otherwise and the rest of the time he watched her ass. She spent a lot of time bending over and even more down on all fours trying to get into remote cracks and crevices.

  By the time she was done, it was hard for him to hide his erection. A quick gleam from her eyes and a fleeting smile made him think she'd noticed, but she didn't say anything about it. They got back to moving everything downstairs again and this time the air stayed clear.

  They hadn't finished by lunch time. When Jim said he was going to head out for fast food, Kelly asked to join him.

  “A burger, fries, and a shake sounds about right to me,” she said.

  Jim mentally shook his head.

  If she eats like that, how does she look as good as she does? She must not do it often, or something.

  They chatted over lunch and Jim found out he was right. Kelly loved fast food, but avoided it most of the time. She saved it as a reward for when she'd been doing something difficult or out of the ordinary.

  “My husband, on the other hand, takes the kids out to places like this all the time. The kids love it,” she said. “If I went with them all the time I'd weight two hundred pounds and wouldn't even be able to make it up the stairs to the attic.”

  “I eat more of it than I should,” Jim said. “But mostly that's when I'm working all day someplace. I guess I manage to work most of it back off.”

  They finished lunch and headed back for Kelly's. The attic took about another hour to finish clearing.

  “So, that's all you needed?” Jim asked.

  Kelly smiled at him and her twinkling eyes enhanced the beauty of her smiling face.

  “That's all the work I wanted you for,” she said. “I won't say it's everything I need done though.”

  * * *

  “I do recall Lisa mentioning something about playtime? And a special surprise?” Jim said.

  Kelly nodded.

  “You'll have to wait for your surprise though. I should've known she'd mention something. She loves dropping hints about things that aren't a big secret. I do suppose she has the right to do that this time. It's her surprise really, I'm just the one lucky enough to deliver it.”

  Jim's curiosity was piqued. He had no idea what she was talking about, although he was pretty certain it related to sex somehow.

  “Come on downstairs,” she said. “Just the first flight though, not down to the ground floor.”

  He followed Kelly as she walked down to the landing and turned. The room she led him into was done in pale blues and creams, even down to the cream colored comforter on the bed. She flopped down on the bed and a small cloud of dust puffed up off of her clothes.

  “Damn it, I thought I got all of that,” she said.

  Jim shrugged.

  “So,” he asked, “is it playtime now?”

  Kelly's smile lit up her face.

  “Do you feel like playing? I know I do.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and tentatively reached for her. She shifted towards him to shorten his stretch.

  “I think I'd like that,” Jim said.

  “Good, I'll make you a nice grilled steak dinner later on if you want to play until dinner time. Then I can give you your surprise this evening. You can even stay the night if things work out okay.”

  Jim's eyebrows shot up.

  “That's a pretty open ended offer there, isn't it? I mean, you just met me today.”

  “Oh yes, but I've heard a lot about you from Lisa. I feel like I almost know you already. And I know firsthand that you're willing to work and not shirk. That tells me a lot about you also.”

  She slid down the bed so her torso was right next to him.

  “From what Lisa told me, I'm pretty sure that this will interest you,” she said.

  Kelly grasped Jim's hand and placed it on one of her tits. She pushed on his hand so he was cupping her it and then pulled her own away. Jim's hand stayed in place like it had been glued there.

  What is it with these older women throwing themselves at me? he wondered. I never thought I'd like an aggressive woman, but I may have to reconsider. There's no doubt at all what they're after and I could get to used to that.

  He squeezed her breast lightly with his hand and Kelly leaned forward, pressing it firmly into his grip.

  “No need to be gentle or tentative with me,” she said. “We both know what we want and I like things firm and strong. If you get too rough I'll say something. Otherwise, don't worry about it.”

  Jim tightened his grip on her breast, but was irritated by the shirt and bra in his way. He let go and reached for the hem of her shirt. By the time he had it over her head, Kelly had released her bra strap, letting her heavy breasts spill down onto her rib cage.

  She stared pointedly at Jim's chest until he got the message and shucked his own shirt off. Her hands went to his chest, seeking out his nipples. Jim realized it was a little cool in the room when her fingers reached his nipples and he realized they were hard. He glanced down and saw that hers were as well: long, hard, and dark pink. As she pinched his nipple lightly, he reached for one of hers.

  She tugged on his nipple lightly then leaned in and licked it. Jim's sharp intake of breath interrupted his reach for her.

  “I guess no-one's ever paid much attention to you that way?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  “Then it's about time someone did,” Kelly said, leaning her head back in and sucking his nipple into her mouth.

  Jim was no longer thinking about reaching for her nipple. He was exhilarating in the feel of her silken soft, warm, most lips on his skin. Her tongue danced lightly around his nipple, stroking the surrounding flesh and he just let himself drift on the feeling for a moment. When her teeth closed gently on him, he tensed for a moment. The feel of her tugging on his nipple with her teeth was almost too much for him to bear. When she let go and kissed her way across his chest to his other nipple, he collapsed back on the bed, disrupting her plans.

  Kelly pounced on him. She straddled his waist as she leaned forward to catch his other nipple. Jim was sure she could feel his erection pressing against her and his suspicions were confirmed a moment later. She pinched his nipple between her lips and then ground her crotch against his, sliding it up and down his length.

  When she finished playing with his nipple, she let her weight down on him, her breasts pressing against his chest. Her lips went to his and when he tried to slip his tongue into her mouth, she held her lips pressed tight. Once he stopped trying, she started kissing him in earnest again. She built the kiss slowly, nearly chaste at the start, to blazing hot when she was pressing her lips against his hard enough that he worried that one of them would bruise.

  When she slipped her tongue into his mouth between their tightly pressed lips, Jim felt his cock surge. Kelly noticed it also and gave him another grind. She slid her tongue out of his mouth and he chased it back into hers. When she tried to deny it to him again, he pushed forward. Once the tip of his tongue made it through her lips, she let him the rest of the way in without resistance.

  She drew back from the kiss and Jim found that he was panting a touch. His cock was complaining about being trapped inside his clothing and he'd finally noticed how fetchingly her breasts bobbed as she moved. His eyes narrowed on her nipples and he leaned forward and slipped one into his mouth.

  Kelly pushed him away gently.

  “I think we've got too many clothes on still. You can do that, but give me a minute first, would you?”

  Jim sagged i
n temporary defeat, but he agreed that there were far too many clothes in the way. He quickly stripped off his jeans and underwear while Kelly did the same. Kelly had removed all the hair on her pussy recently and when he saw that, his anticipation grew.

  You know, I don't see any stubble at all. I wonder if she waxed it. I've heard that hurts, but from what I know of her so far, I don't think that would make any difference to her.

  Kelly laid down on the bed and looked over at him. He slid in beside her and reached for her breasts. When she made no move to stop him, he started exploring, running his fingers over the smooth flesh of her breasts and contrasting it with the rough, rippled, areolae surrounding her nipples. He leaned in and touched his tongue tentatively to the rippled flesh, flicking it gently and savoring the texture with his tongue. After a few moments of that he moved his attention to her long nipples.

  Kelly's nipples were still hard in the cool air of the room. They were large, like those of the other older women he'd had recently. He slid his tongue up and down its length slowly before leaning over the top of it and flicking it gently with the tip of his tongue. Kelly's hand came down on the back of his head and gently pushed him down. He opened his mouth and took her nipple in, his tongue caressing it as he closed his lips together on its base.

  Jim sucked for a while and was certain her nipple grew larger in his mouth. Then he drew his mouth up and tightened his lips on the tip of her nipple. He tugged, as she had done to him, only he tugged harder and longer, stretching her nipple out. Kelly gasped when he let go and her nipple snapped back down to her breast. Jim moved to her other nipple and started giving it an equal share of attention. His hand crept down towards her pussy, but ran into her arm. She was idly stroking her own pussy while he sucked on her nipples.

  He changed direction with his hand and sent it up to the breast he'd already been playing with and sucking on. His fingers took her nipple and played. Tugging, pinching, pushing it down into her breast. She made no complaint about any of it and seemed to enjoy herself.


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